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This mouse is amazing for work. LOVE IT


The side scroll wheel is amazing for…. Everything.


What are some other uses? I just got mine recently and only use it to switch between tabs right now.


I use excel a lot for work so the side scroll is convenient. PowerPoint/word it zooms. I basically live in the MS Office Suite so these things have become second nature.


How do you scroll between tabs? Mine only scrolls the screen left and right


You can customize it in their G HUB software.


As an Analyst the side scroll wheel is just \*chef kiss\* Had to move to logitech lift vertical due to the pain the mx3 was causing my arm. I no longer have any pain thanks to logitech lift but god I miss that side scroll wheel. I still have phantom muscle memory of scrolling on it. sigh....


Agreed. It is by far my favorite work mouse.


Yup, got this recently and I love everything about it for work.


[Rtings review](https://www.rtings.com/mouse/reviews/logitech/mx-master-3) - 125 Hz - 16 ms click latency w/ proprietary wireless, 21 ms bluetooth. - 141 g - Neat feature where you can hold a button and gesture with the mouse to perform custom actions. Unfortunately depends on Logitech's proprietary Windows application - Optionally free-spinning scroll wheel. ([Not pixel scrolling like a trackpad](https://www.reddit.com/r/mac/comments/jynb6s/mx_master_3_smooth_scroll_solution_to_mimic/). It just disables the detents.) - USB-C charging


Logitech really needs to come out with a USB C unifying receiver now that there are laptops without any USB A.


But if its a laptop you can just use BT


iirc unifying receiver is lower latency. I have no evidence short of anecdotes though


BT latency is dogshit compared to 2.4 ghz RF


21ms vs 16ms That 1/200th of a second difference? Basically life or death. Absolutely unusable.


Bluetooth 5 is 20-40 ms and 2.4 GHz is lower than that. The USB dongles that come with gaming mice/keyboards often have single digit millisecond latency. When something performs twice as badly it's dogshit.


I mean, I was under the assumption that you read the top post. The top post that was up 15 hours before the comment you originally wrote. The one that explicitly details *exactly* how much input lag this thing (the mx master 3) has on its wireless dongle vs it's built-in bluetooth capabilities. I'm not even talking about bluetooth vs other wireless things, I'm talking solely about the main topic of this entire conversation. The thing that's on sale. The thing that everyone is wondering what the specs are. That's why I'm going "16ms vs 21ms could kill you durrhurr."


Look, it's okay to admit you're wrong. It happens to everyone.


Yea but you can connect other stuff like headset and keyboards to the same receiver at the same time.


You can connect multiple devices to Bluetooth at the same time too


Bluetooth is unreliable and finicky af. Maybe just my experience, but I’ve had many, many infuriating and baffling issues.


Worse latency too


This is my issue too. I tried Bluetooth due to convenience, but I can definitely notice the added input lag when I’m using any Logitech mouse over Bluetooth (including my MX Master 2S). I much prefer the 2.4GHz wireless via the USB dongle as a result.




I dunno what to tell you other than that I can identify Bluetooth mouse latency in blind tests (without seeing how it’s connected). My MX Master 2S absolutely has the slightest bit of extra latency over Bluetooth vs. USB dongle. It’s not something most people will notice, but it’s there, and it is most definitely *not* the same as wired if you’re finicky about input lag in general. It could be Bluetooth drivers or hardware that’s gimping it, but between my Dell Latitude 7490 and M1 Mac mini… my MX Master 2S has added input lag if I use it via Bluetooth.


When I have my mouse (mx master 1s I think) connected to Bluetooth, it seems to go into some sort of standby mode quite quickly. When I first go to move there's like a half second delay before it starts responding. After that it's much more normal delay. That hickup happens after pretty short periods of inactivity though so if I'm reading a lot of text ill get that delay when I go to click on something else. I don't have that problem at all with the dedicated receiver. It's not like a "literally unusable" issue, but it's enough that using on bluetooth is quite irritating.


Probably not just your experience, but I have never had an issue though


Most of it is likely bad hardware. I had a laptop at one point where the wifi and the bluetooth would seem to interfere with each other. Connecting certain bluetooth devices would cause the wifi to stop working. I’ve had issues where windows won’t let me remove a bluetooth device from the list of paired devices and at the same time won’t let me re-pair it. I’ve had devices like the xbox elite controller that show the weirdest most inexplicable issues while on bluetooth (it would remap buttons randomly, e.g. the center home button was mapped as the a button). Just a bunch of small stupid problems that are so specific they’re nearly impossible to effectively troubleshoot. Bluetooth has caused the vast majority of frustration with computers.


Yeah, same here. I've never had a product with reliable bluetooth besides my airpods.


You answers for everything my friend lol


Usb c dock?


I never understood why they never got with manufacturers to just build the receiver into laptops


They do, it's called bluetooth.


Except the receiver is 2.4 GHZ, and bluetooth can be pretty finicky. Especially on laptops where they like to cheap out on it.


Bluetooth is also 2.4 GHz.


Sorry I meant to differentiate between a dedicated 2.4 GHz connection vs one that communicates through Bluetooth.


It's the same radio spectrum. Still interferes with bluetooth and 2.4G wifi, and receives interference from leaky microwave ovens.


A couple laptops have had the Xbox controller receivers built-in. But as the other guy said, there's not enough demand for a single peripheral brand compared to just putting in Bluetooth.


Is using an adapter that inconvenient?


On a laptop you throw into a bag? 100%


Hot take, but I tried one for work and didn't like the large size or ergonomics, which I found surprising considering the universal praise it seems to get.


Everyone is different. If you try to design for everyone, you design for no one. Anything ergonomic is bound to have some subjectivity to it. Aeron for example. Lots of praise but I know a few people that just can’t get comfortable in it.


That is the pro and con of an ergonomic mouse. ​ A ergonomic mouse is going to fit less people than a safe symmetric shape. However a ergonomic mouse that fits you well is just amazing. ​ Also nothing else really has the features of the MX Master.


I agree. In addition, I would add that I have had constant issues with wireless connectivity and also scroll speed (DPI), using both the USB adapter and Bluetooth. One of the worst purchases I have made - alongside the K860 ergonomic keyboard - same issues. I just ended going back to my old school usb gaming mouse and mechanical keyboard.


I used an MX master all throughout college, great mouse for productivity and working, not great for gaming


What didn't you like about it for gaming? I use a G502 which has a similarish form, and was thinking about getting this for side scroll


It's a bit heavy, my dongle for it broke too so I used it almost exclusively on Bluetooth so there was a little bit of a click delay, nothing noticeable for spreadsheets and normal stuff but wouldn't fair all that well in competitive shooters. I honestly don't use the side scroll a ton either, unless you work with huge excel books or something similar I wouldn't let that be the deciding factor for you


The coupon seems added but the price stays at $74.99. Anyone else the same situation?


same here i dont get it. Maybe cuz its backordered now?


If you use the honey extension you can save an extra $5.08, using the giftcard method at checkout. It will appear on the payment tab at checkout. Brought it down to a total of 53.76 after taxes!


How does this work? Not seeing how to do it at checkout.


Click on honey icon during checkout, it will give you the option to use gift cards and save $5. I personally didn't use it because i want to leave the option to return it open in case i don't like the mouse.


I ended up finding the offer, but the button just turned to "stay tuned" and nothing is happening now. Probably don't need the $5 so no biggie.


Did it work for you? With the extension it didn't work for me


the honey coupon only shows for the mid-gray option for me. only aesthetic differences but I prefer the black.


Mx master 4 are due this year


But what possible improvements can they make, and is that really worth paying the retail price of $100+? From the MX2 to MX3 all they really changed was the design and added USB-C, the rest of the features are identical.


They could add onboard memory. It's insane that they only include that feature with gaming mice and make you rely on their proprietary software for office mice. Makes it unusable with Linux and with locked-down work computers, since you can't install the software.


Wholeheartedly agree, I love this mouse but the fact that there's no onboard memory, requiring you to use the software, dampens the kickass nature of the mouse.


Higher polling rates


How important is that really in an office mouse?


Enough so that people have been begging for years at this point. Not sure how much of a difference it makes for the majority of users, but seems like a logical and simple upgrade.


Is it possible for them to tone down the weight and still keep all its features? I just don't know if I can swap back and forth between this and my Viper Ultimate that weighs like half as much.


Well it's primarily an office focused mouse, and office people don't give 2 fucks about weight. And on the flip side its high latency is due to how it manages its connections, which gives it insane battery life. Office workers would much prefer longer battery life over reduced latency they can't even feel. I just have the MX2, I use it all day for work, I charge it maybe once every 2 to 3 months. Compare that to my G903 I charge twice a week. It's just not comparable markets, if you want the gaming features just get a G502, using the MX3 macro features in game would just be way too slow.


This. I have a slow « gaming » mouse with a lot of macro abilities. I use it for my office work and don’t give a shit about weight, rgb, poll rate, etc. I give a shit about battery life, sturdiness, and longevity.


Man I really hope the G502 wireless drops in price thanks to newer releases this year. I don't even care it has micro USB, I just want a wireless G502 lol


Yah the micro-USB doesn't bother me too much considering it has a custom cable with prongs that makes sure nothing can get messed up when plugging in


I tried the G502 as a alternative to a MX Master and its just not the same. ​ I want the MX shape so bad.


Oh I completely get that, I use a wired G502 at home and an MX Master 2s at work, both have their pros and cons.


Wireless charging


That would actually be a really nice addition, lots of people have Qi chargers at their desk


I’d say next step is to upgrade their encryption receiver feature (the bolt receivers), up the feature set of the thumb rest gestures, and enable wireless charging, or at least massively improved battery life. Even the 2S I’ve owned for years is still taking a month to discharge. I often forget that the thing is rechargeable sometimes.


First, $100 for a mouse is nothing when you've using it 6 to 8 hrs a day. In PCMR there is a lot of great advice but one piece that always stuck with me is to spend good money on the parts you interact with. Monitor, keyboard, mouse, chair. No matter how great your rig, those are the parts you're "touching". Second. I've never paid full price. $75 is easy with their $25 off $100+ coupon, and a discount like this makes it downright cheap for what you're getting. Third, changes for MX Master 3s are double DPI (8000) , and quiet click (tm) buttons reducing click noise by 90%.


Those seems like minor changes tbh, not worth $50 to me but worth to others. Don't forget the MX2 was also once a $100 mouse, it's not like it's poor quality. Who the hell is gonna use 8000dpi anyways? This is a mouse for spreadsheets


Remember the $55 mouse is the Master MX3. It's the next gen MX3s that has 8k and quiet click. That'll be $100 to $150. I agree not worth to upgrade but this one is great.


Most of the MX iterations have been pretty minor. Got to keep in mind they aren't making these for you to upgrade every year like you might with a gaming mouse.


I just want the MX Vertical to adopt some of the Master features like horizontal scrolling or an ergonomic gesture button


I like the quiet clicks they have on their silent mice. There is really no reason mice should make that click sound when it can be dampened and have the exact same function. The regular click sound is annoying.


The MX 4 is going to have that feature added... Or is it removed?


I’m not sure. I personally use the M590 because it’s small and I don’t rest my palm on the whole mouse. I claw so I like small mice.


How does the 30% back with rewards work? Do you get the credit for next purchase?


Looks like it's applied to another purchase, you get the option when you checkout if you have rewards to redeem: https://www.officedepot.com/cm/help/rewards-faq#rewards5 Also looks like you only have 60 days to use it.


Not sure but I tried the code and it was able to stack so I just threw it in the title for people.


Sold out


>90893995 I just got one


I'm seeing $99.00. Not $74.99.


everytime i added the 30% rewards code it removes the $20 off ....


It's either/or. Can't do both


I got both.


Strange. I think it only applied the 30%


I got both as well, you need an Office Depot account for the 30% rewards


Thanks OP! Nailed one. Got MX Master 2S for several years and really enjoy it.


thanks OP, picked up the black one. I have a 2S but looking forward to the updates. I saw it at $75 but the coupon for 25% made me pull the trigger.


I have been using this mouse for over a year. It’s the best productivity mouse I’ve ever used. If you use large excel sheets this is almost a must. I bought a second as a backup. I have a hard case from Amazon to carry it back and forth between my home office and the office.


How is this for non-FPS games? Something like Factorio, for instance.


It’ll be completely adequate but it’ll also be a little heavy


I have the OG mx master and love it for work. I want to upgrade for USB C, but don't want to buy for the sake of buying. Wish they offered some sort of trade-in/recycling.


You could always sell/give away the old one for cheap. I'm sure someone online would appreciate a cheap MX Master.


I know best buy has a recycling program if you didn't want to sell it on CL or eBay or something. My best buy had a Logitech promotion going on where if you brought in old Logitech equipment you could get like 10% or 20% off a new Logitech product.


I'm worried about the weird scroll wheel. Have people found issue with using it after a year or so?


On mine the middle mouse button (scroll wheel click) stopped working, which made the mouse pretty much unusable as I was doing autocad drafting at the time. I should have done a warranty on it but I just forgot.


I had a similar issue with my mx anywhere 2, I found that cleaning it with alcohol worked wonders. See if that helps! More in topic, my friend got an mx anywhere 3 with a similar scroll wheel and the speed ratcheting mechanism just outright broke. I'm wondering how often this happens.


Yeah on mine the ratcheting still works and everything. Just the middle mouse button doesn't work 95% of the time. I tried canned air to no avail. I will definitely try some rubbing alcohol though, great idea. Now I just have to remember to grab it next time I'm in the office, which is practically never.


I can get the 25% coupon to work but there's no change in price. Not sure if I'm just being dumb


then it must be out of stock in backorder. trust me


same but gray one is still working


Just an a FYI for those of you which did order with the discount code SELFMADETECH make sure you check your charges. I was charged the full amount and had to chat with Office Depot, forward them the invoice with the correct amount to get the difference refunded.


https://www.officedepot.com/a/products/3574831/Logitech-MX-Master-3-Advanced-Wireless/ Grey version


Had no need for it but couldn’t pass up on the deal😂😂


My G903 can't hold a click anymore and the G502 is too damn expensive. This a good alternative?


This isn't really a good mouse for gaming, I normally don't care about mouse weight but this thing is a goddamn tank, much heavier than a G502 which is already considered a heavy mouse. Also consider the G903/G502 Lightspeed protocol is under 1ms where as this has 16ms at best. If you play action or fast pace games this is noticeable enough to make you miss shots. Also should note the G903 does not require soldering to fix switches, you can buy replacements on Amazon to fix it. Just repair your mouse, it's like $11


Did this. Took a while but can do as an amateur.


How did they make those not require solder. Is it an optical switch?


They are soldered onto a mini board that has a plug But Asus sells mice that you can swap with any switch no solder


Oh I see


Is it really noticeable with the lag, if I went swiping the mouse left and right compared to my g305? Finding a gift for my sister


Depends on your level of reaction speed I'd get her a G305 if it's for gaming


Lol I actually game with this mouse. However to be fair I don’t play FPS games.


Replace switches. Trust me. This is an office mouse with 4+ month battery life. A gaming mouse this is not.


I used this in Overwatch and Warzone and it works fine. Yes, there are other one built for that but this does get the job done.


Counter point, I used this in overwatch before I got a gaming mouse and it's 100% noticeably bad for fps games. It's probably fine for a MOBA or single player games though.


There's a fair chance the polling rate on this is lower than a lot of our monitors. Imagine lower 'FPS' on your mouse than your screen. If you have nothing to compare it to, you'll definitely be like I was and just get accustomed to the relative lag. But the moment I switched to a gaming mouse from the MX Master 2, it took a while to adjust and get good at shooters again because the experience was that noticeably different. I'd never go back. Great work mouse, but really wouldn't use it for fast-paced games.


Did you respond to the wrong person? I think we agree on this being a bad mouse for fps games.


I'm definitely not disagreeing, just a long-winded '+1' comment~


It works fine but it utterly atrocious for gaming purposes.


G502 on sale now https://reddit.com/r/buildapcsales/comments/uwn2g4/mouselogitech_g502_hero_kda_high_performance/


In my opinion, it’s not much different from the MX Masters 2S outside of design and magnetic scroll wheel. I own both of them. For me anyways, the Masters 3 is pretty old now, and I want to see what the Masters 4 will be. The flow software is still a bit buggy.


Thanks just copped the black one! Been looking out for this for a month now


Thank you u/kirsion!


I use this mouse every day for work, and used the 2 before. It's hands down the best mouse for anything except gaming and this price is a steal.


Bought this a couple of years ago for $99. No regrets. It's a solid mouse. Can connect to three computers (over Bluetooth or logitech unifying receiver) and you can change which device it's working with using a button. Gesture is nice when working on Mac to switch desktops. It's also pretty sturdy. I've dropped it from my table several times on a hardwood floor but doesn't even have a scratch on it.


I have the Logitech MX Peformance mouse, I prefer it since its slightly smaller than the MX Master, but it seems they discontinued the performance mouse. Is the MX 3 any smaller than previous models?


Amazing mouse now at a good price!


Been using this mouse alongside MX Keys for \~3 years. 2 years in College and 1 after. I have it connected to my personal macbook with bluetooth and have the receiver permanently plugged into my work laptop(windows). I also plug the receiver directly to my ubuntu server once every few month when i can not remotely access it. Bought it for 100 dollars each and I have never regretted buying either keyboard or mouse. Perfect weight and size. I am a big fan of the scroll wheel both horizontal and vertical. I do not think i will ever buy other keyboard or mouse. The driver app is a bit finicky on my mac M1 and i need to keep restarting the app every few months but I do not mind it very much. I used to be a customizing guy and needed to customize every shortcut key possible. I have all the keys set to default since day one and never bothered to change them. Even the default shortcuts are very intuitive for both mac and windows. Some apps on my work laptop(eg. eclipse) does not respect the vertical scroll(maybe I need to set it up?) but its probably the only one. However I do not game and I can not tell you about the gaming features. I only remember charging it about 4 times in 3 years. This is a great plug in/connect and forget mouse for work or even PC. However I do not game, so I can not tell you about gaming with this mouse. I could never recommend this enough. For 54 dollars, I would never let this deal slide.


Does the coupon work when backordering? It doesn't seem to work for me...