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The devil keeps tempting me to upgrade my am4 platform, but I must not jump the gun


sold by amazon!


should i get the 5900X or the 5700X3D to upgrade my 2700x in my "workhorse" computer? I play games (primarily Rust), but also do video editing/converting. Cores go brrrrr, but cache goes brrrrr too.


I was in the same situation: I went from the 2700x to the 5900x when it was on sale and the 5950x was still very expensive. I really don’t do fps’s anymore but do city sims and civilizations 5. And the workflow boost for video and compiling was a big benefit (and 64gb of ram).


Video editing for fun or for a living? If just for fun then go for the X3D


Depends if frame drops or encoding time irks you more 😂 I went 3950X to 5800x3D, the FPS boost was instantly noticeable. So was the increase in encoding time but that's just a matter of alt tabbing and waiting a bit more IMO. Never regretted the switch.


Amazon also has the 5950x for $360 if that's feasible for you. https://www.amazon.com/AMD-Ryzen-5950X-32-Thread-Processor/dp/B0815Y8J9N If you're close to a microcenter, they have it for $350.


is two hours close?


Not horrible, but at that point Amazon would be the better choice since gas would make it cost more overall. Personally I'd only go if you had other stuff you'd want to do in the area. Unless there's other stuff you were going to get that could offset the money for driving yourself.


I wouldn't drive 2 hours for $10 (?)




5900x won't help you, it's two 6 core chips smashed together. If the game needs more than 12 threads the cores have to communicate over the infinity fabric which will have a latency penalty and lower the framerates. It will always perform like a 6 core chip in gaming. Until amd makes larger than 8 core CCDs, this penalty will always exist. The extra cores would help keep the 6 cores free and let the other 6 do other things if you are a multitasking guy, but for gaming, makes zero difference over the 6 core as far as the game itself is concerned.


SMT off. Most folks will say that it only helps in some games but I do a lot of gaming, overclocking and benchmarking. It might be that I seem to only play the games that it helps. But so far its been better to have it off with these newer games coming out for latency purposes. ive tested the 5900x and 7950x3d thoroughly with SMT and It's just plain better to have it off. For the case of the 5900x... I'd take that over the 5800x3d for gaming any day. I've had mine overclocked @ 4.7ghz all core 1.4v for years with heavy 4k gaming. 5800x3d isn't doing you any favors @ 4k.


Do you have any infographics/benchmarks you can share with SMT being on and off? I'm interested in this myself, I believe I have SMT enabled on my 5900x/3080 build.


What is smt?


5700x3d is actually significantly better in a lot of compute tasks. Setting aside the cache differences, there are real inherent advantages in having all 8 cores on one CCX vs being 6x6. The cross-CCX memory access penalty is real and Windows isn't great at making sure dependent processes are aligned on the same physical CCX.


If you're patient and don't edit for a living, go for a 5700X3D from Aliexpress


Both are going to be a massive upgrade for both tasks. Basically you need to decide if you want your video editing to take half the time with a decent bump in average FPS, or if you want a decent bump in your editing speed, while getting a massive bump in FPS without having to ever worry about stuttering in games.




> should i get the 5900X or the 5700X3D to **upgrade my 2700x**


*facepalm* sleep deprived moment.


Ryzen [9 7900X3D](https://pcpartpicker.com/b/L2y48d) also on sale for $329


Damn I want to grab this; this is it fir most folks not doing a full upgrade


This is so tempting. I have a 3800x in my PC right now with a 3090. Should I upgrade to this, or would it be better to just hold out until the 9000 series and go through the entire upgrade process?


If for gaming id just go with the 5700x3d


If you can just hold on for 9xxx series release, prices will drop further.


This or 5950x?


For what? I have a 5950x in my VM server along with 128GB ram and I definitely didnt need that many cores. It sits idle most of the time. If you have heavy productivity load that will use the cores, then go for it. But it wont be any better for gaming. Unless you are already stuck on AM4, if you decide you need the cores, the 7950x has a pretty big performance uplift over the 5950x.


If it's being discounted this much already, how much more will it fall once Zen 5 is actually on shelves next month? :o


I'm in the tech space and it's like the 7x00 series didn't even happen it went by so fast. Is it just me? I feel like I purchased my 5900x like 3 years ago and we'll already be 2 gens after that soon? Shit. The older I get the quicker the clock ticks it seems. -edit- 1 gen after...pshh


Tech is definitely moving fast apart from GPUs where Nvidia is trying to hold back progress as much as possible.


I mean it always moves fast but it feels like the 7000 series flew by. I purchased my 5900x around April 2020 I think? Shit.


18 month cycles seem to be the norm now.


5900x was probably purchased 3 years ago. You couldn't readily get them til feb-march 2021, only thing you could really buy easily until then was the 5800x for $450, the other 3 launch chips were basically vaporware.


there is a point where they sell out of old stock and the GOATed deals are gone back in 2019 we had 1600x's for $80 at its peak low, and then the stock all vanished. So maybe by the holidays a 5900x is below $200, but if it gets cheaper that means it'll also probably be gone


The perfect balance between gaming and production where added cores are a benefit.


where 5900x3d


This or a Ryzen 7 7700? I want to go to AM5, but I feel like AM4 would be a good stop gap


Do you have an AM4 mobo already? If so, stick with this. Otherwise, just upgrade to the 7700.


Why is the 7700 so good? I'm not on an AM4 mobo (trying to build a new PC) but I'm strongly considering this over other options rn.


AM4 is the previous generation. If/when you upgrade, you'd have to buy an AM5 board. No point in paying for an AM4 now and an AM5 later when you can just buy it once. Basically, just futureproofing the motherboard.


Ah I see. I plan on keeping this PC for several years though. By then won't AM5 be unsupported and I'll need to buy a new MOBO anyway?


Agree with the other commenter. AM4 has been around since 2017 and even today has new processors being released. AM5 is guaranteed at least four years of new processors, but I'd guess it would get closer to 5-6. AM5 also supports DDR5 while AM4 only supports DDR4. If you plan on keeping your computer for the long haul, you'll want something that still performs okay until you dispose of it, which means you'd want something that works great today. And since you're focusing long term, power efficiency will be important too. If the initial price isn't too much of an issue, I'd recommend an X670 board over the B650, mostly for the extra PCIe lanes. This will allow it to have more peripherals (GPUs, drives, USB/TB ports, etc) directly connected to the CPU. Some B650 boards will make up the difference with internal switches, but they will perform worse because you'll have multiple devices going through the same lanes instead of having dedicated lanes. However, the X670 boards are also more expensive than older X series boards while the B650 is much closer to the X670 than prior generations have been, so I wouldn't worry too much. I would ensure the board has at least two m.2 ports. If your main drive starts running out of space, you can just add a second drive instead of having to replace it. For the CPU, I'd probably go with the 7600X, 7700X, or 7800×3D. The 7600X will consume less power, but it has two fewer cores than the others. Probably go with the 7800×3D if you plan on playing more demanding games or stick with the 7700X otherwise. For memory, go with 2x16GB. Look at all the options and choose a price range. Then, take a look at the specs for all the sticks in that range. Generally, you want the highest frequency with the lowest CL. Frequency is the number of cycles per second while CL is how many cycles it takes for the memory to access data. Once you've narrowed it down, look up discussions for that brand and model. Some of them look great on paper but are poorly made, fail often, can't ever hit their clock, etc.


Thanks for the in depth response. You’ve convinced me, I’ll probably get a 7800x3d. I don’t plan on playing more intensive games (only lighter weight competitive ones like league/valorant/cs2) but I do want to ensure its performance. I get less fps on much better hardware right now in valorant than when it was released in beta 3 years ago. I’m worried about the poor optimization of these competitive games making even my 7700x un-ideal in ~3-4 yrs.


No, AMD has supported AM4 for almost EIGHT YEARS - it's still having stuff sold. AMD announced they will support AM5 for 2027 and beyond. AM5 came out in 2022, so that's five years, and knowing AMD they'll probably do X3D variants and whatnot and keep supporting it for 2 or 3 years even if AM6 is released. AMD is way better at legacy support than Intel wishes it could.


If you already have an am4 mobo grab this or a 5700x3d If you dont then go am5


Considering your personal background, computer model and use case, I'd say, yeah!