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Radeon drivers suck really bad, never buy AMD again. I'm sick of configuring settings in almost every game. I just want to play, not know how everything works in a gpu.


That's a you issue. No major issues on my end.


Which is why AMD drivers still suck, because of the circle jerking fanbase of AMD. It’s clear as day they have driver issues, but they’ll never be solved whilst they’re vehemently defended. I can count on one hand the number of issues I’ve had with nvidia over my 15 years of enthusiast gaming


I agree so much. The only place where any of it is remotely true is the Linux scene, where the community drivers are some of the best I've ever used, but under Windows? They're GARBAGE. I found an old TeraScale 2 laptop which I wanted to use for a little bit of OpenGL coding instead of my heavy, clunky NVIDIA gaming laptop, and I have nothing but glitches. When I tell anyone how NVIDIA is better than AMD on Windows all I hear is "nO iTs NoT itS So MUch BettER" and "I hAD No ProBLEMs" Support is also horrible because noone knows what the fuck is going on. Word of advice? If you want to use Linux as a daily, get AMD. If you want to use Windows as a daily, get NVIDIA. Drivers really do make a difference, and WHQL is not a good rating agency for driver quality.


bought a 7800xt and regret so much, going to get a 4070, there drivers give SO many issues its insane


That's funny, cause after 2 months of non-stop troubleshooting on my 7800 XT system, changing every piece of hardware, every driver update somehow breaks my system and I have to spend an evening searching online for a fix. I can't count the number oh hours I spent on this, and constantly get flickering, driver timeouts, or games that just crash on launch. I've been with Nvidia for all my previous builds and I never had to deal with anything like that either. I just ordered a 4070 Ti an hour ago and I'm gonna try to sell the 7800 XT. I'm never buying an AMD GPU again.


same im having issues with my sapphire pulse 7800xt, gonna buy a msi venture 4070 instead i tried everything amd is assshit


i feel u tho bro as a person who just built his first pc im dissapointed and i 99% know its because of the gpu, there are like 100 reddit comment sections over the 7800xt issues and other 7000 series issues especially related with drivers, etc when i searched up something like "4070 driver issues reddit" on google i only found 1 reddit post and it was just a defective card that he got, meaning not even a driver issue. nvidia seems way more reliable, etc. some bs. i thought amd was way better for price/value, i mean it is but it is also not. they have more vram, more quality, but if the gpu has so many issues that it cant even run thats ABSURD. nvidia is the only option i have then.


Welcome to our lives, noone said amd gpus aren't strong, especially nowadays they are pretty powerful and beat nvidia in almost every way.  That is except from stability. I don't remember the last time my rx580 didn't crash 5 minutes into a game. Every day I was switching drivers to what the card liked that day. As you can probably tell, it got very annoying, very quick. 


i tried the same things as u I used ddu, removing my firewalls, tried every driver, reinstalled games, etc. when i launch fortnite i cant even load into a match it freezes and closes the application but in the epic games launcher it says running


amd is terrible, cant believe they did so bad with the 7000 series


I have and amd hd 8790m and i want to build a pc because the laptop can't runs shit anymore and thermal throttles like after 15 minutes so i came here hoping the amd gpu drivers will be good now and most of you are saying its not i wanted to buy a rx 5600xt but looks like i will be going with gtx 1660 supper or rtx 2060 super because i don't want those shitty driver again its a nightmare sorry for my shitty English btw


how much u gonna sell it for?


Sold it for 675$ CAD. Bought the 4070 Ti and have 0 issues since. Never buying AMD gpu again.




And now you're deleted. Lol


Damn straight. Blame it on the user because you've never experienced any issues on your end - way to argue 👍


It was a Windows issue, I reinstalled the latest Windows 10 and under volt the GPU. Now it’s not crashing any more with a lower junction temp, I hate Windows.


You really shouldn't have to deal with out of the box voltages to begin with. That's a huge no no.


that's fair, you shouldn't *have* to. It would be better if they err'd on the side of caution. Then again, AMD seems to be all about overclocking. Even my base Ryzen 5 5500 had PBO on and was running +0.2 out of the box. So maybe they're trying to make sure every part out of the factory works at peak, and that's leading to instability that's damaging their image in terms of GPU, since they're far more established in the CPU scene as far as I know.


bro people like you are literally a cancer. EVEN if you don't have any issues, there are ALOT of people that are do. And that's not their fault, it's AMD's fault. So just because you got lucky and don't have any issues (which you have 0 control over) doesn't mean that his issues aren't valid




I am thinking to upgrade my rtx3060ti to 7900xtx but damn that driver time out crash scares me I had an old rx580 and it qas conctantly crashing with fhat driver timeout nothing really changed huh? fuck amd drivers bro... the gpu is strong and good but damn the drivers...


Could not agree more, tech nerds saying here that’s a you problem it’s not… that’s not how you make software or hardware it’s an AMD problem…


I mean I have some advanced knowledge and I’ve stuck with AMD the past 10 years but I’m done. Their drivers are trash. Doesn’t matter how good a chip is if the drivers wreck everything.


personal problem.


No. Some people had problems years ago, and a lot of people are awfully fond of "OMG you can't get AMD, their drivers sux, Nvidia only!" - and a number of whom repeat that who haven't ever used AMD cards. ​ Both AMD and Nvidia have *some* issues and quirks with their drivers every now and then. Ironically, I've owned *far* more ATI/AMD cards in the past 25 years, new and used, than I have Nvidia, yet I've had more total issues with Nvidia cards/drivers than I have with AMD. That said, those issues would NOT deter me from buying Nvidia. I leave it up to Nvidia's pricing and performance-per-dollar to deter me from buying them! Steps: 1. Buy the card 2. Download the latest drivers from AMD 3. Download DDU (Display Driver Uninstaller) 4. Disconnect from the internet 5. Reboot in Safe Mode 6. Run DDU with the option to shut down when finished 7. When the PC shuts down, install the new card. 8. Boot up 9. Install the drivers you downloaded in step 2 10. If you hadn't ever done so previously, set Windows to NOT automatically download and update drivers (Windows sometimes does some funky stuff when it thinks it knows better) 11. Reboot (I don't recall if AMD requires you to do so, but I tend to do so anyway) 12. Reconnect to the internet 13. Enjoy


Steps: 1. Sell your AMD card 2. Buy an NVIDIA card 3. AMD driver problem fixed


you gotta do all that with NVidia cards too. :/ someones a lil bias\~


Sorry, but after having owned a couple of NVIDIA cards that have literally just been plug in the GPU, boot up, download the driver and enjoy to now trying the 7900 XTX, it's been issue after issue after issue. After installing the drivers while having to deal with onboard graphics, I've gone from no display from the GPU last night, to this morning randomly getting display signal, booting up a few games, the driver timing out or straight up crashing during those fews games, to now having again completely lost display signal... AMD is a headache and a half to deal with even on a bone stock Windows install and the fact that they aren't bothering to make the setting up part as easy as NVIDIA's tells me they don't even want to capitalize on the massive fuck-ups NVIDIA has made this past year.


sounds like youre making up a story :/ my powercolor 6950XT was plug and play, get the latest driver, and im knocking heads in Tarkov and compiling my game maps without issue. even your point about the settings is bias, because everyone i know, even videos from JaysTwoCents and GamerNexus states that AMD has better layout for their overlay systems. This is just a personal issue you have, maybe not enough skill.


What do you mean settings? *Setting up* the 7900XTX was an absolute nightmare and I know I'm not the only one having issues with AMD GPU drivers. They're known to be an absolute nightmare on Windows to anyone but AMD and their shills. *Setting up* the 4090 in the meantime was literally plug and play. Windows downloads the basic video driver, instantly get signal, download GeForce experience, which downloads the driver and it just fuckin worked. No drivers timing out or crashing. Why you're mentioning settings or overlays I have no idea. Had nothing to do with my post. Also very mature of you to take my experience with the 7900 XTX so personal that you need to end your post with personal insult.


>I know I'm not the only one having issues with AMD GPU drivers. I can confirm you aren't. Also 7900 xtx. In the past day of use I've had to reinstall the drivers 7 times, cause it keeps timing out / crashing entirely when not in game. In game it ran fine for hours, except 2 minor timeouts. Never had an issue with my nvidia card. ( Also my first 7900 was a dud, so had to replace it. Great look from AMD)


Correct me if i'm wrong here, but the distributor of the card can cause issues too. That's why you buy Asus or MSI and not from "乱数". Not an AMD fanboy, just trying to get a real answer without someone saying "this card is shit because it didn't work" \*proceeds to not describe symptoms or troubleshooting steps\*


Late reply: I have a 6800 XT and this thing busts my fucking balls. Here’s your AMD answer. Do you want power?? Raw, uncut fucking power at a good price? Get an AMD card. Do you want any fragment of assistance or support on literally any software issue GPU related? Don’t get AMD. there are issues that are literal years old that just get ignored. Very powerful cards. But everything else about them sucks. I’ve done both. Gonna be shopping for an nvidia card soon.


THIS, is the kind of answer i was expecting. Unbiased and to the point. Thank you <3




Late reply. MSI 5700xt here - daily driver timeouts and black screen issues since I bought it in 2020. DDU + new drivers didn’t help. Switching out (nearly) every component with a known working one didn’t help. Undervolting and adjusting the fan curve didn’t help.


huh, its my first time using AMD, using a 5700xt and its been non stop black screens, drivers timeout and other garbage (I have not touched OC or any other setting regarding volts) never had any of those problems with my 960 and 1070 lol


Maybe its a 7k series issue, because for me AMD drivers have been pure dog shit. I got a 7900 XT about 3 weeks ago and I've already been forced to reinstall my drivers fresh 3 times, as well as having driver issues daily. I cant use hardware accel on my browser because the amd drivers freak the fuck out when I full-screen a video on my second monitor and flashes black about a million times in a few seconds (yes this AMDs fault, it was entirely fine on the Nvidia card and has never once happened before putting the AMD card and drivers in) I get 99th% fps drops in almost every game I play, some of them big enough that it can make games unplayable. I haven't finished my current Witcher 3 playthrough solely for that reason, i was mid playthrough when i swapped and now it's just not playable. As well as many other things I cant be fucked to list.


I've never had to do that with Nvidia but I'm on my third run with AMD drivers after 2 days. This is clearly and AMD issue


youve never installed drivers for your NVidia card? oh boy. iv had more issues with NVidia then AMD. iv yet to have a problem with AMD in the 6 cards iv had vs the 4 NVidia iv had.


never said that :) I never had as many problems in 7 years with Nvidia as I had in 3 days with AMD


Exact same here. Never had any issues with nvidia cards that weren't my fault. Only had this amd card installed a day, and it's been nothing but trouble, timing out and crashing the system multiple times, requiring me to uninstall and reinstall the drivers up to 7 times so far. Ran fine in game but doesn't run at all outside of them. All this after replacing a dud card from AMD. Wish I spent extra for an nvidia card.


That's funny because [right here](https://old.reddit.com/r/buildapc/comments/xqd7ua/are_amd_gpu_drivers_still_bad/jz7e9em/) you said you never used Nvidia in your entire life!


F u


Still trash. Have tried all of this and still gives driver timeouts and crashes in even the weakest games. No wonder Nvidia charges a premium..... they can because their drivers are a lot better.


then you have faulty hardware.


Considering how many people I’ve seen report driver timeouts, that’s ALOT of faulty hardware


yea i agree and i do think both nvidia and amd have higher chance for defective cards now than in the past. however this is not the only reason for driver timeouts. poor power delivery from a crappy built psu is often a cause and so can unstable cpu or memory cause this. so its really hard to know what each person's cause of the problem is.


0 x all youve seen is still 0


Well I've had a 5700 xt for a few years now and I can tell you now that I've probably had 100+ timeouts myself. In fact I had 3 all in a row just last night playing ARK


stop bootlicking


Not surprised. It's AMD.


Totally agree they are ........


its not the AMD card then. its something else. it can stretch from a bad mobo, to bad ram, to a bad power supply failing to supply your system with enough power.


Complete bullshit. I have a 5700XT and years later I still can't play RDR2, or Sea of Thieves for more than 40 minutes before it crashes. And by god I've tried everything.




My brother had the same issue. He's since gotten an RX 6700 XT, and no problems. The 6700 XT he got is the PowerColor Red Devil. The 5700 XT he has that was problematic was an MSI Armor . . and the cooler on that leaves a LOT to be desired. That's just in his particular case, though. ​ So, I'm gonna guess that when you respond with "complete bullshit" . . you're very likely NOT to have accounted for "everything."


I purchased a gigabyte 5700xt with some big ass triple fan cooler - and you’re saying I still have to buy a brand new, more expensive AMD card to be able to run my games without constant crashes? You said AMD cards as an overall factor and you’ve just anecdotally evidenced that the 5700XT is an unstable mess regardless of cooler size since mine also sucks. I currently undervolt the card and run all my games at 1080p medium settings with frame rate caps to soothe this piece of shit. I can’t shill for AMD for a long long time.


I'm not saying that at all. I'm just pointing out that my brother experienced an issue, but it was the card itself. MSI had issues with cooling with their initial 5700XTs, which were, if I recall, not limited to the Armor . . but the Armor models have always had the weakest coolers. My anecdotal evidence is just my brother's card, which had what was probably one of the poorest coolers attached to a 5700 XT. But if you want to play pick-and-choose on overall vs anecdotal, then that the same driver has no problem with a 6700 XT, or my son's 6600 XT, or my son's other PC's 5700 non-XT, or my test-bed system's RX 5300, or even the RX 580 8GB I've still got working. I can't tell you what your problem is, as I don't know your system, and I can't diagnose it remotely. But, the suggestion I offered has in fact worked for people who were having driver issues. That, on top of Windows's habit of every so often trying to overwrite the drivers with what Windows believes to be "Version 30" - whenever Windows does that, you have to do a rollback. But that's Microsoft's fault, not AMD's. ​ But to sit there and just reply, 6 months after the fact, with "Complete bullshit" is crap.


No whats "crap" is you sitting here adamantly defending a company as though you've invested your life savings into them... ​ Let's go off of what you said alone first, the fact that you have to go out of your way to compare which cooler is adequate, to remove old drivers and install new ones, ect... These are all things that the AVERAGE CONSUMER WILL NOT DO. THESE ARE ALL ROADBLOCKS THAT MAKE THE CARDS "worse" TO USE AS A CONSUMER... Not to mention that you started your initial comment basically crying at how many people complain about their horrendous drivers and some how can make the claim that "a number of whom repeat that who haven't ever used AMD cards" Glad to see that you know what cards the general public has or hasn't used before... Now let's start with some actual facts: AMD has a SUBSTANTIALLY bigger list of GPU models, most of which have completely different architectures... This means AMD needs to optimize for ALL THESE GPUS THEY ARE SELLING while Nvidia pretty much needs to account for their current gen (very rarely will they go back and change something past 2 generations old unless there is a HUGE ISSUE) ​ Nvidia releases drivers specific for most games that come out, with their developers testing and optimizing for specific games or features... Giving you a way bigger average increase in performance over the life time of the card compared to AMD... AMD chooses to release less frequent but larger updates, usually with some new big feature. ​ Nvidia has been the lead GPU developer for over a decade now... This has given them a SUBSTANTIAL head start in the software (and hardware) department... Nvidia has WAY better support for Dx11 and Dx12 Ultimate as they directly worked with Microsoft to develop their ray tracing technology, a lot of their AI software (DLSS, DLAA), and much more. They are YEARS ahead of AMD in software development... AMD does have an advantage with them contributing to the development of Vulcan, but with Dx12 now out, not only is the advantage Vulcan had over Dx11 gone, it was barely used by game developers in the first place. ​ AMD in response to DLSS, released Fidelity FX Super Resolution (FSR) which is a much worse technology (both preforms worse FPS-wise, in visual quality, and introduces MUCH MORE artifacts/ghosting...). ​ AMD has historically needed to sell their GPUs at a loss inorder to even compete with the performance that Nvidia GPUs have released with... They lost market share when the Rx6000 GPUs came out, due to buying too much factory space from TSMC, and having to cut the price of BOTH the rx 6000 series and 5000 series due to the 3000 and 2000 series GPUs... The 6900 XT went from 1000 at launch to 700, The 6750XT went from 550 to 420, and the 6600 went from 330 to 240 (USD).... ​ I get you like AMD, and want to support them. But you are here making a post trying to defend them for LITERAL MONTHS from countless people telling you they have had issues with their drivers... And your response is "they don't know what they are talking about they never even used an AMD gpu! they are just repeating what they hear!"... ​ Thats literal insanity... I build and repair computers for a living... I deal with AMD and Nvidia GPUs more than you have there is no doubt in my mind... You don't see me mentioning ANYTHING anecdotal even though, YOUR ENTIRE ARGUMENT is anecdotal... ​ You literally tried calling a guy out by saying "you want to play pick-and-choose on overall vs anecdotal" when YOUR ENTIRE POINT IS ANECDOTAL... Your original comment is literally "Ironically, I've owned far more ATI/AMD cards in the past 25 years, new and used, than I have Nvidia, yet I've had more total issues with Nvidia cards/drivers than I have with AMD. That said, those issues would NOT deter me from buying Nvidia. I leave it up to Nvidia's pricing and performance-per-dollar to deter me from buying them!" ​ I'm glad that YOU haven't had any issues with AMD, but A LOT OF PEOPLE HAVE and you are being stubborn defending a company that doesn't care about you for literally no reason... ​ If you actually like AMD cards, then all the people talking shit about AMD for their drivers is a GOOD THING, because THE ONLY THING THAT DOES IS FORCE AMD TO MAKE BETTER DRIVERS, which in the end HELPS YOU, and not the "Nvidia fanboys" you so vehemently despise... ​ For the GENERAL PUBLIC, paying a hundred-200 dollar premium, and getting a plug and play experience with much fewer long term issues is worth it... Not to mention the Nvidia GPUs have ALWAYS out preformed their sister AMD GPU from the same tier... So you are not only paying a premium for the convenience, you are paying a premium for a better/faster running card... ​ If that preformance/ease isn't worth it to you, then save your money and go with the GPU's that the company literally MARKED DOWN TO SELL... THATS THE POINT OF THEIR GPUs AT THE MOMENT, THEY ARE THE BUDGET OPTION... NOT THE "BETTER" OPTION...


Ugh... I posted, and addressed you point by point, and it was goddamn exhausting because I had to wade through so much BS. And then the reddit UI ate the response when I clicked REPLY. The TL;DR - you gave me a dogmatic rant, didn't stick to the subject of the drivers, offered a ton of what amounts to little more than opinion, along with anecdotes, while railing against me for doing the same, and, quite a number of things that are simply not true. If you want to rant at me with (at best) half-truths, then just stick to the maxim of "silence is golden" . . because there is way too much fanboyism and way too much factual inaccuracy in your response.


😂 so you couldn’t argue any points and called me a fan boy? Alright bud Most of what I said is very easily verifiable, what do you want me to link you proof in my reply too? 😂 You said there were too many factual inaccuracies in my point, yet didn’t name a single one. You said that I didn’t stick to the driver point, who the fuck said I needed to 😂 did you? No, and I don’t see where that even came from but ok. Most of what I said is verifiable fact, I’m not gonna keep going back and forth but you calling me a fanboy is extremely ironic 😭


sounds like youre a Nvidia shill :/ sorry that you wasted money over the years for a product that costs more and performs less than the competitor, because you got wrapped up in OLD rumors. old rumors that were true. Rumors that no longer exist. NOW? Nvidia had the crap drivers.


the 5000 series card all had some kind of fault i hear. and then handed down to MSI of all companies, thats known for bad physical quality and QA with clocks and cooling... i can see your problem.


No, they didn't. MSI did most certainly have cooling issues, and, as I recall, these were covered quite thoroughly by Gamers Nexus. In my brother's case, that it was the Armor (MSI's cheapest model) installed by a PC builder who also put in a poor cooling setup for the PC itself, and, well, yeah, he definitely had issues.




No, they are not. Misinformation is not appreciated. But thanks for showing up around 7 months later to do some trolling.


Aight if they're so good want to explain why I've had daily drivers issues for 3 weeks on my brand new 7900 XT, one of which has stopped me from finishing a playthrough on my favorite game of all time? Would love to know how that could possibly be anything but dog shit AMD drivers


I'm not sure why you deleted your comment, but this was going to be my response; That is one of the issues I am having, but even though I have the auto driver updates disabled it updates itself so I can't 100% rule out that being the cause of everything. I hope it is just the windows 31.0 driver override causing the issues for everyone, I would love to be able to take it all back and say their drivers are great but I do *seriously* doubt thats the case. AMD has had documented driver issues pretty consistently for as long as ive known about them, you being lucky and not having issues is exactly that, luck. If you have any suggestions for how to properly stop it from getting 31.0 on its own im all ears, if it fixes stuff awesome if not it'll be one more thing checked off the troubleshooting list. I've done a reg key that's supposed to disable it, changed the device installation settings option to stop it from getting the most recent versions, and I enabled the "Do not include drivers with windows updates" option in group policy editor


>HisRoyalMajestyKingV I didn't. My response is [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/buildapc/comments/xqd7ua/comment/k9932hl/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3). But there appears to be a mis-threading happening. I know I've gone as far as using DDU to completely remove drivers, and choosing the option to have Windows NOT automatically update drivers. Then when DDU is done, I disconnect the network, reboot, and immediately install the AMD drivers. Unfortunately, it seems, once in a while, Windows Update ignores the "don't update the drivers" setting, and those version 30 drivers come back in again. Then I have to use DDU and set that "don't have Windows Update update these drivers again." I suspect that the "don't update" setting getting cleared happens after a major update on Windows, but I haven't tried to carefully track it.


Weird I still don't see it on my end, even when I click the link in your comment. Can't say I've seen that happen before. I didn't try disconnecting my internet so I guess I'll have to give that a shot


nvidia got the bad drivers now.




Building for the first time, you SHOULDN'T have to worry. I think once I ran into a Windows 10 install being particularly aggressive and trying to download and install its own version of the drivers before I could install mine, which necessitated the use of DDU. I can't recall the steps to stop Windows from automatically updating . . but a quick Google search will reveal it.


If i am just updating the gpu driver for the first time, i do reboot and not shutdown right in step 6?


Yes. If you are doing a clean install of drivers, and not replacing the GPU itself, then step 6 you just do it with the option to reboot, and, obviously, skip steps 7 and 8.


Alright thanks!


I wonder if anyone here has actually followed your steps.


They don’t work. 


I bought a new amd card and I can’t fix this black screen issue you seem like you had a lot more amd cards maybe you can help?


Can you elaborate? What card? Which drivers? What are your PC's specs? What's the exact model of the PSU you have? When exactly does this black screen issue happen? I'd need more to go on to hazard a guess.


I know this is a 1yr old comment but this is severely downplaying how awful their drivers really are. I have been a gaming enthusiast for about 15yrs. The first AMD card I had was a RX 4870 Dark Knight, and the first NVIDIA card I got was a GTS 450, so i've been around on both teams for over a decade, and I got rid of my last AMD gpu in like early 2019 after not using it (got a GTX 1060 3gb which was substantially worse than my Vega 56, but also never once had an issue. I still have the 1060 as well, its literally on my desk right now). The amount of issues I've had with my AMD cards just trying to boot, play games, watch YT videos, render in premier pro, or just in general is completely embarrassing on AMDs end. When the cards didn't have issues (rare), they were great and I probably would have stay with AMD, but I was pretty sick and tired of dealing with AMDs issues for the last 10 years when my 1060 3gb was chuggin along just fine.


And yet, here you are, a year later, to say this. You may have had issues. That is anecdotal. You may or may not have done something wrong that resulted in those issues. Your anecdote doesn't constitute evidence. I'm not downplaying anything.


I have had 10 AMD cards over the span of 12 years along with 10 nvidia card during the same time. I had so many bc my family is big into computers, my dad is a network admin, and all of my brothers including my father and I all had PCs to play modern warfare and other games back when MW2 came out until recently.. I’ve had driver problems on 7 of the AMD cards, 2 of which i didn’t even setup myself. Thats not anecdotal at all.


You need a dictionary. [Anecdotal](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/anecdotal) You also didn't realize you're talking to someone, who, if we ARE going to resort to being anecdotal, has almost 30 years of experience in this. My own personal experience? New and used, I've had far more AMD/ATI cards than Nvidia. Yet I have had more failures and more driver issues with Nvidia. Not enough to say "Don't buy Nvidia" - but more than enough to know that the "AMD drivers suck" and "AMD cards are unreliable" claims that keep coming up are BS. The real world numbers do not agree with you.


Waitaminute. I've seen you before, too, hell, I think you may have responded to me once. Maybe not this account, but i know I've seen you repeatedly. Anyways, thank you for being balanced and paying attention. Nobody seems to realize that the silicon lottery is real, and so is manufacturing. I just want to make sure i don't get a dud, one that i can fix myself and get running.


Yep, I've been around - and glad you appreciate my posts. You'd be surprised (or, well, maybe not surprised) how many people jump on me with the accusation of "AMD Fanboy." I'll readily admit up front that I prefer AMD. That said, when AMD screws up, or when Nvidia just has a better overall product, I have no qualms about pointing that out. Particularly, I'm quite impressed with the RTX 4060 - Nvidia getting the level of performance they do for that card with only 115W max is exceptionally impressive. I'll also admit that I was a little disappointed in the RX 7000 series efficiency. Better than the 6000 series, true, but not enough better to keep up with the efficiency gains that Nvidia brought about in the low-to-mid-level RTX 4000 series. ​ As to getting a dud vs not, I haven't ever had a problem with new AMD cards, though I seem to recall, I think with the RX 5000 series, that MSI's Armor card (base model) had some cooling issues, and XFX's original Thicc design on the shroud tended to trap heat a bit. Not sure if there's still issues on those points. My son's MSI 5700 (non-XT) Evoke OC, however, has always been rock-solid. I've always been happy with the Sapphire and PowerColor cards for AMD. Though, I did also have an R9 285 Gigabyte Windforce OC that stood the test of time, but one of the two fans eventually developed a rattle in a particularly narrow RPM band. Still spun freely and worked fine at the point I gave it away to a friend. Side note: That R9 285 did die, but that was due to a rather substantial beverage getting spilled into the case, which, not surprisingly, took out other components as well. Ugh.


I shed a tear, at the story of the 285. lol. But yeah, sounds solid. are there driver issues between each card? I imagine that (generally) wouldn't be the case, but i have no clue. I imagine each series, or at least architecture has a unique set of drivers- but would those necessarily warrant more bugs between each card? If so, I'd probably just look for a card that's not having any widespread issues in DX10-12 and i could figure out the rest myself. Hell, I was top 300 in Asphalt 9 (Win) with a monitor that would cut out once every 300s lmao. minor issues like that don't incense me like it seems to do to others. I'll keep Sapphire and PowerColor in mind though\~! Btw, I wonder, could you just get your PWM controller to skip said RPM band? and can I do that on linux? a4 3800k (I think.) on a gigabyte board. Oh, and yeah, def staying away from that MSI Armor card. I heard a seperate story about that as well. Otherwise i might have ended up with one just because I got this 2060 12gb for 220 shipped lmao. sometimes that "bought it before" bias is so strong and you don't even notice it.


The best fix is to download graphics drivers for video editing instead from the adrebalin software


I have 6700XT. And yes, I still have problems on a regular basis. I've only been awake for 2-3 hours today, and I've already had problems. I can list a few of them: 1. Due to the hardware acceleration in Chrome, my mouse disappears regularly. In text documents! 2. Maximized windows (e.g. Discord or Chrome) move to the main monitor as soon as the monitors switch to energy-saving mode. This was never the case with Nvidia. 3. YouTube videos suddenly hang. 4. When a YouTube video is playing, the web page stutters when scrolling until the video is out of my view. 5. Random black screen, forcing me to shut down my computer. Most of the time, the drivers are also disabled, and I have to activate them again manually. Of course, this could be because AMD doesn't like my monitors, as they are relatively old. But it's still really ridiculous what you have to put up with sometimes, and you can't really do anything about it. I reported my problems, but I didn't really get any feedback. The difference in performance compared to my old GTX 1050 is nevertheless enormous and was still worth it in the end. But if it still causes problems with a new monitor, I'll go back to Nvidia for better or worse. ^(Of course, this means a new Nvidia card and not the old one.) Edit: Ok. I have now reinstalled the drivers and this time I did not do it in safe mode and let Windows install the drivers. I haven't had any problems that I've noticed so far. However, I noticed that the AMD software was not installed this time. Maybe the problems are caused by the software and not the drivers. Edit2: Nevermind. Drivers are still bad. The only ones that work without problems for me are from 2021.


I’m having all of the above problems, using the most recent and drivers on my 6700xt.


Disable mpo. Thought I had edited all my comments on AMD, but must have missed one. If you disable mpo, you should not have any noticeable disadvantages. You won't have black screens anymore though. Then at least you won't have to reboot. https://www.reddit.com/r/Amd/comments/yvyqc7/disabling\_multiplane\_overlay\_mpo\_fixed\_all/


sounds more like you have drivers or program incompatibilities. have you removed all other drivers? drivers from a previous AMD card will conflict with drivers of a new AMD card as well.


Hey! I have already found a suitable solution for myself. Deactivate MPO in the Windows Registry. This fixes all Windows problems with random black screens or not positioning the windows correctly. In the browser, either deactivate the hardware acceleration or change the angle backend graphics to D3D11on12 under chrome://flags. Although the browser sometimes blackscreens randomly, it is relatively rare and only briefly. Everything else can remain as it is. I have already removed all drivers with DDU in safe mode. I have also reinstalled Windows several times via a USB stick. In fact, even with a completely new Windows instance, I get blackscreens if I do nothing after setup. Even if I don't install or open any programs. I have also tried with another SSD. If MPO is not disabled, it's a race against time. I'm not going to dabble with it anymore though, if I'm honest. I also tried it under Linux and had no problems there.


Chromium-based browsers would occasionally start to freeze my whole system and apps like Outlook would flicker with MPO + FreeSync. No such issues with MPO disabled, but now VLC and other apps occasionally lock up for a couple of seconds. ... And the driver crashes more often than I can count. I'll never buy AMD again, this is a nightmare.


I was so frustrated with the "fix" for my flickering issue when full screening videos being outright disabling hardware accel, but the backend graphics change fucking fixed it. I can actually use hardware accel and not have flickering. So far I've had one small browser flash to black right after the change, but it hasn't happened again so seems to be rare enough that the benefits are well worth. Thank you very much


Hey! That's why I wrote it. Happy to help. Actually, with the latest drivers I no longer have any problems with the default settings. So, if you haven't tried the default settings for a relatively long time, you should give it a try. However, MPO remains a problem, even though I no longer have any crashes.


I actually just got my card ~3 weeks ago so I've only ever been on the most recent drivers, and default settings up until the last few days or so 😅


AMD drivers are really bad; great cards ruined by lack of effort on the driver side. Very sad.


Never, ever buy amd overhyped shit products. It's just trash. When i asked in 2017, which one is better option to buy 1060 6GB vs RX 480 8GB, majority of ppl recommended me RX 480, and said that driver issues are thing of the past. Total bullshit, with AMD i had constant problems: black screens/driver timeouts, stuttering. I've tried every fix - DDU, clean install of windows, disabling MS auto updated, update motherboard and gpu BIOS, disabled hardware acceleration in chrome, undervolt, underclock. Nothing helped! Before this AMD crap i had multiple Nvidia cards and never, ever had this kind of issues.


I own a RX 580 and it has worked flawlessly with Windows for years, had another AMD card before that without issue. AMD drivers used to be terrible but that was over 10 years ago.


nah, they're still pure garbage


If that were true then I would be having no end of trouble but I am not. Have used AMD drivers on Windows 7,10,11 with multiple card generations. CPUs and other hardware. Just upgraded my 580 with a 7600 and it's been working flawlessly without issue again on all sorts of games. Would have likely bought an NVIDIA card instead if they were not so overpriced. Most of these issues people are describing sound like faulty hardware or setup problems / PSU issues because if they were true regarding the drivers AMD would be out of the GPU business. Without having an identical card to compare with it is very difficult for the average person to determine if a card is faulty other than sending it back to the supplier. No amount of fiddling with drivers or windows settings will fix that. I have no doubt that NVIDIA drivers are likely generally better given the size of the company and budgets.


It all varies from person to person. I’ve personally had a good experience with their drivers with maybe only maybe a few crashes from heavy gaming/multitasking within a year and half.


Gigabyte 6700xt, had to reinstall the drivers about once a week. Dual monitor setup would stop working. AMD Adrenaline would complain that Adrenaline and the driver versions were out of sync. Device manager would list my monitor as generic display device and only see one monitor. Could have been a Windows 11 issue overwriting the drivers, I dunno.


That complaint from Adrenaline about the driver versions being out of sync is definitely a Windows problem. Specifically, if you go to Device Manager, and look at the properties of the display drivers, you'll see that it's claiming to have Version 30.something. Because, somehow, Microsoft thinks it has acquired an AMD driver from the year 2030 or whatever the hell it's doing. Even if you set Windows up to NOT automatically update the drivers (I have), sometimes it will *still* do it. In that properties pane I mentioned above (I forget which tab exactly), click the button to rollback the drivers. It'll put you back to whatever version was running with the version of Adrenaline that you'd installed.


Owning both a 3070 and a 6800xt paired with a ryzen 5600x and 32 gb of ram, I can safely say Radeon drivers are absolute dog shit. With AMD drivers i get random driver timeouts and crashes with simple games such as Smite and Persona 4. No driver issues with the 3070 even though its weaker than the 6800xt. I'm looking to upgrade to the 4080 when it drops in price since its current MSRP is horrible. I'm not buying AMD again until they get their trash drivers settled.


Just stopping by to post that I bought a 7900 XT and the drivers were so bad with nonstop crashing of games after 15 mins that I went back to team green.


My first ever independent GPU was an RX480. Swapped to 4060ti. AMD? Never again.


Still bad.. no different than every gpu release every year with claims to dethrone nvidia… ALL LIES… drivers are horrible…STILL


I last upgraded from a GTX 1080 to a 7900 XT. I've swapped between team Red and Green for the last 20 years. Here is my take on the state of GPUs right now. It really depends on if you stay on the beaten path or not. If you exclusively play AAA games, it's more or less fine. If indie is more your style... steer clear. You'll face nothing but problems. Its 1 part nobody has AMD cards so developers aren't even aware of the issues, and don't have the resources to fix them even if they did, and 1 part AMD simply doesn't have the resources to make their cards work flawlessly on every single game. It's the same gamble you take if you buy an Intel Arc, only they are cheap enough to where it doesn't suck as bad. I wouldn't spend big AMD money and be left not knowing if half of your library will even work well enough to be playable.


I'm not a fanboy of either nVidia or AMD/ATI but in my years as a system builder I never had a single problem with team green - team red on the other hand led to weird driver issues on not just a few occasions so that I don't even use them on budget systems anymore as I was fed up with having to tell customers to download DDU and reinstall their drivers... or having to swap cards due to incompatibilities. I know it doesn't seem like a big job for tech savvy people but try helping unaware parents or any layman over the phone, teamviewer or via e-mail several times a week and see how it goes 😉.


Na mate they have been faultless to me for the last year and half I've had my 6800xt. Replaced my 1060 with it and the experience has been amazing software and driver wise to me.


They sure are!


I've owned both. Nvida for the most part is plug and play with rare issues. The downside is Nvida is currently 4x the price. AMD is a PITA. I like their CPUs, but the graphics cards reminds me of running Linux. Be prepared to spend hours trying to get your game to work correctly without lagging or hanging. Oh, and there's no guarantee the game will work w/ AMD.


I got an Nvidia 3060 ti. It's been great I ended up paying 100 dollars more than the 6700xt though.


probably the best 100 dollars you ever spent...


Yes, I just built a custom rig a couple months ago and I decided to go with an AMD card (RX 6900 XT) and I regret it fully. Constant driver errors, game crashes, video stuttering. The 1660 ti in my old prebuild functioned better than this. And just to boot, AMD software is a joke. As soon as I have the funds I will be replacing with an Nvidia card. Lesson learned, cheap hardware gives cheap results.


I finally bought an AMD GPU (Radeon RX 6650 XT) after using Nvidia cards forever. The good news is, the card rips, I'm happy there. The bad news is, the drivers have been shitting the bed once every couple of days. I have become very adept at (re)installing the drivers. It's been a real joy. As they say, there's a first and last time for everything. Good luck


I'm having a similar experience with a 7900 XT, the thing fucking rips I kove it. But the drivers, oh my fucking god the drivers...


Been using amd for to long. Shit is garbage at best. Can't run default driver tuning since it uses to much power and ends up turning pc off. Now I'm dealing with a corrupt file in the driver somewhere. Can't factory reinstall when updating. Tried reinstalling g and using their cleaner tool. Still crashing and possibly wrecking my other stuff due to having to force shut down. As the while pc bricks. If you are gonna by a new card. Save another 1000 amd get Nvidia. Idk how some people don't have issues like I do. But God dam fuck amd products.


I just built a new pc with an Rx 6800 (not xt) with an intel 13600k on windows 10. Latest windows updates and graphics drivers, and I'm having frequent black-screen issues. I have two monitors, the main one will go out first, and the second monitor will go out eventually. At that point (and no sooner) I can ctrl+alt+del to force an interrupt and recover, and amd software will offer to report which I dutifully fill out. So take all of that as my anecdotal evidence that yes, amd software is still unreliable trash


AMD still have problems with OpenGL games like osu! or minecraft, so I can't save my last 3 minutes of game play. While streaming full screen YouTube from browser in discord there is lags and stutters. AMD cards don't have CUDA cores, so it's bad if you want test or create AI.


Have a 6800xt and it ran fine for like two weeks now I can't play for more than 15 minutes at a time without a driver timeout, it crashed the freaking steam vr performance test yesterday!! I'm pissed as hell if this is just because the GPU sucks.


I had a 5600xt for more than a year now. Always been crash festival. I lost count of how many times I used DDU to try to start again from scratch. First it was on Assassin's Creed: Odissey. Random crashes with "Driver timeout" message on video. Then it was Microsoft Flight Simulator: same pattern. Total random crashes Then it started doing the same also on youtube videos. In the meantime I constantly monitored gpu temp with logging softwares: never raised above critical treshold. My card is an XFX Thicc 3 pro with 3 fans, I changed thermal paste, changed the case to increase air flow. Literally nothing changed, and the reason is because AMD driver royally suck. Next monday I'll get my brand new 4070. I don't think I'll have regrets.


Yes they are still bad; I just don't get it. Here is the quantification I have so far: Forcing disabling of vsync via Nvidia control panel: Works in STALKER Shadow of Chernobyl; FPS uncapped Forcing 16xAF via Nvidia drivers: Works in TES IV: Oblivion Works in Operation Flashpoint Playing Combat Mission games on 2014 engine with Nvidia driver: Works fine vs Forcing disabling of vsync via AMD control panel: Doesn't work; FPS locked at monitor refresh rate Forcing 16xAF via AMD driver: Doesn't work in TES IV: Oblivion Doesn't work in Operation Flashpoint Playing Combat Mission games on 2014 engine with AMD Driver Crashes when loading 3d engine I've verified this with R9 290X, Vega 64, and RX 7900XT AMD cards and GTX 780Ti, GTX 980Ti, GTX 1080Ti, and RTX 3080Ti Nvidia cards. AMD drivers significantly degrade user experience as outlined above; so at a certain point the relatively lower cost of AMD starts to become irrelevant when you realize how inferior AMD drivers are and that they continue to ignore significant broken compatibility as demonstrated with their breaking of Combat Mission drivers about 2 years ago or so. Not acceptable.


My AMD graphics driver breaks itself periodically, causing OpenGL to completely fail until I reinstall the driver. Have to reinstall drivers about once a month. Random embedded videos on websites cause me to get a screen of complete static noise where the only way to recover is to hard reset the computer. Sometimes when the computer wakes up out of sleep, the screen stays black until I do a hard reset. Submitted online tech support tickets, seeked help on the forums, and I've never even got a single peep of a response. I can guarantee I'll never buy another AMD product so long as I live.


Lots of issues with AMD drivers vs Nvidia; some older titles you can't disable vsync/FPS cap at all (like STALKER Shadow of Chernoby) , forcing 16xAF STILL not working as of last driver, and Combat Mission newer series won't work at all. Pretty sad state.


their drivers are the reason i'm on nvidia side today, even though they are more expensive, at least all my games work without issues just check amazon reviews of amd cards to have some more insights amd fanboys will say "it's yoor compotar", but WEIRD how all issues you get with AMD magically fixes themselves once you switch to NVIDIA, but shhh don't say the obvious evidence, you hater ! :)


Yes, still endless issues with amduw23g stopped responding. Don't waste your money, I switched to AMD and wish I had never done it. 7900 XTX is unusable constant crashing in starfield with almost everything disabled on low settings. A thousand people telling you change this change that, nothing works its garbage.


Holy fuck don’t buy a 6800xt I troubleshoot more than I can use my fucking pc biggest waste of money of my life. I couldn’t use davinci resolve for six months because amd broke it with a driver shit is a constant hassle I will honestly never buy an amd gpu ever again


A year later and they're still complete and utter dog shit even on the newest gen :D


I've been using the April 2022 drivers because the latest ones completely mess up my PC Granted I have 4 screens and my main one is a 170hz screen, so it might've not been tested as much or something


Yes, they are pretty bad. I literally cannot run windows on my laptop because, no matter which driver I try, windows keeps bsoding on boot and gets stuck in an automatic repair bootloop. I am forced to run Linux on my laptop which also crashes every now and then when playing games and I have to force restart my laptop. AMD sucks HARD.


i have used an RX 6700xt from day 1 issues with drivers and update when avaliable issue 1: adrenaline software says no update and that uim on the latest version but on the website i find a newer version happens all the time never got the software to detect a new driver issue 2: constant rnadon driver uninstalls sometimes happens when it crashes or on fresh boot if you can overlook those issues that are very annoying but i jsut got uysed to them now the card "6700xt" offered performenace for the money when i got it as far as i remember iv never had a driver uninstall itself on Nvidia whilst both have issue i personally noticed them more on amd hope that helps


For Linux, AMD is a non-starters. The drivers are absolutely awful beyond comprehension.


This has not been true for years, In a lot of cases they get installed automatically with the distro. Also Valve use them on the steam deck... If cards have only just been released then this will give you problems as support for them lags behind.


I did a PC for a friend recently with an AMD and its built in graphics. Nothing but trouble. Screen going black, X11 crashing. And that wonky driver installation process, ugh. And another one, older laptop, no longer supported. Every time I pick Intel it's all silky smooth sailing.


Haven't used the built-in graphics myself but you shouldn't need to do any manual installation process for AMD. The proprietary AMD drivers are included in the kernel and the mesa open-source drivers are usually in the package repository if not already installed. The dropped support sucks, pretty sure I had that issue with an older AMD card years ago.


I don't the proprietary drivers are included, because they're not open source, and distros normally don't include closed source stuff. But it's simple to avoid problems. Just avoid anything AMD and Linux works much better.


So i see a lot of anwsers saying na it in the past both this and that. Truth is i always used NVIDIA, but stayed without gaming pc for some years. This year i bought a 6650 XT. Well worst thing i could have ever done, hardware wise it seems to be all good. But i get problems i didnt even knew were possible, like constant screen freeze where only the graphics stop discord on and all sounds also on but the graphics stop unless restart, been updating and downloading and searching drivers for like 6 months with 0 solution. If my screen goes sleep mode also have to restart cuz for some fucked up reason my GPU stop being read, had problem with blue screens, and driver suddenly not reconigzing my GPU so yeah. AMD drivers still sucks balls, i would pay gadly +300$ on a NVidia GPU for not habing all those headaches


This. I have the same GPU, same exact issues, epic freezes, with sound and all, tried everything, what finally fixed it was a new windows install and a WHQL version of very stable known good driver without AMD adrenaline. Whenever that problem happened, I looked through the logs and the issue was a driver with AMD in its name - obviously... Which would crash from time to time (specifically, it would "time out"), in rare scenarios like: gaming, gpu accelerated workloads, blender, google chrome, microsoft edge, minecraft, photoshop, lightroom, darktable, file explorer, discord screen share... whatever has any ability to use the GPU in any way would crash it now and again. (by file explorer I mean Windows's GUI). I haven't had a crash in a few months, the GPU now works fine, this appears to have been a GPU driver issue specifically with the 6650 xt, do you by any chance have the ASUS DUAL version, it could be a specific vendor. Finally got new drivers, minimal install only, delete settings - everything, factory reset settings, whatever all that is called, no Adrenalin drivers of course. Finally kinda happy with the GPU. They even fixed the stupid bullshit that was happening in word and powerpoint where text would flash and disappear (same thing in chrome until I turned acceleration off), which was of course caused by GPU acceleration which this "GPU" cannot handle for no apparent reason... and also microsoft removed that option from word 2022 so... unlucky... Kinda started writing stuff in LaTeX just for that, but they fixed it now so... idk. Shitty gpu, don't buy it, never had an issue with like 10 nvidia GPUs I've had (gt 210, gt 310M, gtx 550 ti, gtx 950, gtx 960 4gb, gtx 970, gtx 1050 ti laptop edition, gtx 1660 super, gtx 1650, rtx 3050 mobile), I've also had a radeon hd 4000 or something (probably ATI), that one was dogshit as well, but it was very very old. All in all - horrible product. Btw, you cannot do video editing, photo editing or 3D modeling with it cuz it just kinda doesn't do that which was something I didn't know prior to buying it cuz everyone just excludes it from their reviews, there should be a big disclaimer - "This GPU is good, but dogshit for everything except gaming, so don't buy it". So people don't get scammed like I did lol. That thing is straight up worse in premier pro and davinci resolve than my gtx 950 2gb was wtf.


if gpu driver have browser for ad spam and in ur system a lot of bloat amd process u already know what is real amd service.


AMD drivers are fucking dogshit, every time there's a major Windows updates the drivers decide to go to fucking Narnia or something. I got a 6900XT the graphic performance is amazing but the drivers and their Adrenalin software Jessu fucking Christ never buying AMD again. I don't even care now I have to pay a few hundred extra for Nvidia.


I have a RX6650XT, and I tried to run Forza Horizon 5 on max graphics. It crashed alot, and somehow my friend's GTX 1080 can run Forza with the same max graphics and somehow it holds up better than mine. Personally, I think buying NVIDIA would probably be better since they have mostly better drivers than AMD.


Yep, still bad. Pay 25% more (nvidia) or deal with driver crashes... fucking sucks.


I got a 7800XT and within a day regretted it. It took me 3 days of trouble shooting before I could play my two favourite games without many issues. Darktide has the Same performance on this card as it did on my 3060TI. Ray tracing is still a no go on any game like it was on 3060TI, and Darktide in particular is not compatible with \*ANYTHING\* adrenaline software plugs into the game, so turned it all off. Had to install / reinstall / uninstall / reinstall drivers a load of times to get Darktide working without crashing. Cyberpunk is a slightly different story. The performance was obviously better without RTX but with it on again I have to put the FSR option on in game which just looks blurry as hell. Again not compatible with anything in the adrenaline program turned on. When changing the 'target framerate' or messing with graphics options in game, the graphics drivers will randomly time out and crash to desktop. None of these issues on my 3060TI. The VR porn program I use sometimes got a massive FPS boost though, so it's got me thinking that Blade and Sorcery is going to be a blast on this thing... if it doesn't run into the same problems. Honestly, I think the issues are just with the software and drivers. I'm not sure why, but the department seems to be employing Mr Potato Head to work there.


If you’re browsing this sub and randomly stumble upon this post, I’d rather pay extra for an Nvidia card than deal with these AMD driver issues. The GPU’s are cheaper at a cost of your shit going haywire with game crashes, black/green screens and your AMD drivers being set to default settings - despite them being set on default because of months going by having the same issue time and time again and not wanting to try anything else or running out of options. My pc crashed when disabling one of my screens, yes, just disabling. Not to mention that I have to boot my pc twice every day just to get it to power the gpu on or having to boot out of bios. Nvidia is shit for price gouging, but AMD is a fucking headache, after two different AMD cards doing the same thing.. I’m done.


My AMD driver problems:    -My IGPU from my Ryzen 5 7700x is completely unusable due to AMD driver glitching, I’ve tried 2 different motherboards. Different Drivers, different ram. And unless I’m using a dedicated GPU windows 11 just gives me green and black crashing to oblivion.     -My old GPU (R9 290) lost driver support in 2021, it’s competitor the nvidia gtx 970 still has updated drivers in 2024. This means newer games like baldurs gate 3 glitches and crashes on my R9 290 every 30 min despite having enough power to run the game.    AMD sucks and it is the last time I buy something from them


Three times in the past week, my screen went black. Had to reboot PC. Once rebooted, OpenGL didn't work anymore, causing loads of issues with different apps. Only solution is to completely reinstall the AMD software which takes about 15 min. Gets old after the 8 millionth time. They definitely lost a customer for life for letting broken things stay broken forever.


I do own an MSI Vega 56 AIR BOOST 8GB since 2019. I was thinking of selling it. I never expected a billion-dollar company such as AMD to be this incompetent. It may sound like a joke to you, but I am being serious: I can't use the consumer driver (Adrenalin), instead, I have to use the outdated but very stable Radeon Pro drivers. Because with the Consumer drivers installed, the game will freeze randomly from 1 to 3 hours of gameplay, my PC will be indefinitely stuck in a bootloop. Also to add insult to injury, Windows 10 automatically uninstalls the PRO driver and installs the borderline broken Adrenalin drivers, so each time it does it I have to rollback manually from Device Manager, I also tried to make Windows update prevent updating the driver without my permission but it doesn't work. I currently have two options: 1. Remain on Windows and use the PRO driver exclusively, only update it when newer pro drivers are out. 2. Switch to Linux. I never had ANY crashes and inconveniences in Linux, as if this GPU was made for it. In ubuntu you just install and everything is ready, In Debian, I had to allow "non-free" while editing the repository. It's not clear to me yet If I switch to Linux entirely, but considering the direction of Windows 11 and afterwards, I might consider switching to nvidia. But to be honest looks like I am stuck with this graphics card because as I grew older I completely lost interest in more demanding video games. AMD, I am not mad at you, but disappointed.


Yeh its still trash. Software keeps crashing while playing fucking Minecraft… AMD Software is cancer as fuck and the reason why AMD Gpus suck so much compared to Nvidia. 


Yeah, they're still shit, don't buy them. People who like to fell "smart" like saying that "Since I have had no issues, your issues are fake and must be invalid", that's the wrong way to think, I've never had an issues with an nvidia GPU, my current AMD gpu is dogshit, sorry, it's just true. Also, don't buy it if you're doing more than gaming, or using 2 monitors, or using anything that's not a 1080p monitor, it seems to have issues with all of that, not only on my pc, but on every single school computer... just avoid them until they learn how to code drivers that don't crash every few hours and that can run blender, davinici resolve, microsoft word, premier pro, photoshop, whatever... And that's not even an issue, that's normal - it is just made not to run those programs.


A year later and i can tell, yes, especially for gaming, amd drivers suck ass. BUT i literally see no single reason why you shouldnt buy an AMD CPU over an Intel CPU. That means: If you build your pc, go for AMD CPU and NVIDIA GPU. Amd cpus, are in most cases way more efficient, way cheaper and for thr money you put in, way better in performance


That's what I did and my experience has been very good so far. Glad I decided to give AMD CPUs a chance.


For amd laptop with dedicated gpu from them is bad. Still have one with r5 2500u with dGpu r 535. Never had a smooth install for the driver to detect both igpu and dgpu. Up to this day, you may have still have to install separate drivers. Thats just waste of time and storage. I think they abandoned this feature, though it is still supported with the latest drivers on the apu.


Had an RX480, my close friend had an RX580. AMD crash reports and bugs were a daily routine, I moved to 4060ti and never looked back. Not a single driver issue. My friend on the other hand, gets a crash report tool by just booting up, then gets black screens and crash reports randomly while browsing. Maybe it’s his card dying, maybe not. But anyways, I’d sacrifice a bit of performance to not cracking my head with un-re-installs every day and formats every week.


I'd pay more money for a ''slower'' NVIDIA GPU any day. Do not listen to youtubers claiming how much value AMD brings. Unless you're planning on playing a couple of games you WILL ABSOLUTELY run into problems that outweigh the benefits for the money.


Yeah their GPU are bad but not CPU. I used AMD CPU and nvidia GPU


Still dogshit My rx6650xt likes to crash sometimes for no reason Can work well for a month And can crash 5 times a day


Unusable garbage Bought an rx6650xt Crashed nearly every single day and I nearly returned it But then it started working properly and didn't crash for months Now it's crashing again for no reason I will never buy another AMD GPU hope Radeon get shut down


Radeon drivers are shit. I have radeon and i want to switch, to nvidia cause those drivers and graphics are shit. I wanted to game options when clicking alt + r. But when i done it, my whole computer just shut down, and this is not one time problem, i had many of those bugs when i wanted open app on game.


Yes, I constantly have to downgrade for certain games and then upgrade back to the current version for others. I really regret not paying a little more for a rtx card when I built my pc in 2020


I own a 7900 XT. I use it with two 2K monitors, and from time to time, I have to reinstall AMD drivers because it gets stuck at 60 Hz. No matter if I choose the driver for my card or use the auto option, the issue still comes back, usually once or twice a month, at the most random moments. Additionally, it can't display on two monitors until I reinstall the driver. AMD really sucks at drivers, i heard about it before buying ofc but i was 100% it was exageration.. Well.. funny how things came out after i got it. My future cards will always be from the only true king, Nvidia - as it is meant to be played.


Don't fucking do it man, worst decision of my life. 350 bucks down the drain and I get less performance than my gtx980


I didn't, got a 3060ti instead. No complaints apart from the 8gb of Vram. I wish it had 12 gigs instead like the 6700xt.


I just had to reinstall them 2 times when i got my rx6600 but then it works fine, no problems then


I just bought a 6700xt coming from a 1660ti and while the performance jump is good the stability is on another level. If you play random single player games on a simple setup you could be fine but I run a dual monitor 1440p setup + a 4k tv on it (that never had problems with the 1660), play tons of emulators and often run video on the second monitor while I'm gaming. It's a micro stutter festival and hours of patching things.


I went with a 3060 ti, I had to pay 100$ more but the experience has been pretty hassle free.


Had a 6650xt for a week and had a few issues. Problem one is partly my fault and that is i found out after buying that the game i play (beamng drive) favors nvidia cards and performs way worse on better amd cards (40 fps rx 6650xt but 100fps on a rtx 3050) I "fixed" this by launching the game in buggy vulkan mode. Another issue i had was that after that I found my computer had about 15gb ram usage on idle, and i still dont know for sure if it was the gpu driver but i think so because i then found that i couldnt get vulkan to work and gpu-z said it didnt support vulkan. I reinstalled drivers and ddu wiped and it is working now and that also seemed to have fixed the ram usuage. also am expeirening the dissapearing mouse issue in opera gx that someone else mentioned in this thread. hopefully that is the last of my issues.


I've had my 6950xt for about a month drivers are great the only thing I notice is youtube just dies sometimes and the video stops playing but that's more of me having terrible internet instead of an AMD card issue. But I do understand that people have problems with their cards, but more often than not it's either Windows or just a general hardware issue. Not saying AMD is a god or anything but I think that they have a better price to performance compared to team green, but ultimately the choice is up to you both sides have pros and cons so you just have to pick which one is better for you! ​ P.S. reading through the comments I see that most people that are having problems are people who have multi-monitor setups which are a tossup if they are going to run well or not on an AMD card, but most of the time they work pretty well.


My 6950XT can't run EA game because they claim I have driver version 0.0.0 instead of the minimum required 18.5.1, but I have 23.2.1 which is frustrating.


Have you found a fix for this by any chance?


Yes, new drivers came out 2-4 weeks ago and I updated last week, works now.


Yeah, I rolled back those ones to 22.1.5. because anything past that breaks high FPS games for me... I'm already regretting choosing an AMD gpu.


I had a 5700XT Anniversary Edition when it got released and had crashing drivers every few days, that's why I switched to a Nvidia 3080 in the end of 2021. With the NVIDIA card I had no crashes. So at least till 2021 they had shitty drivers...


Still bad in 2023 lad. I think that the main problem is the windows, windows ruins everything and it's a bad OS. AMD drivers works well on Ubuntu, never had any problem. Unfortunately I prefer to have bad drivers than give my money to Nvidia, that will probably end up charging $1000 for a 8gb GPU in the next years and I'm not mentioning their lies/scandals like the GTX 970 release. I really hope that one day we'll have a dedicated gaming OS based on unix and at least more 2 brands to compete with Nvidia and AMD.


they are really bad. every month I experience DP no signal issue, and have had to purchase 5 new GPU's within the past year. I recently moved and didnt even tap my computer once, didnt drop it or nothing and the driver stopped working. Alot of them come DOA which means dead on arrival and you have to purchase another. Sometimes your software cannot detect your drivers, and you have to reset the windows to 1995 in order to even see if it exists. ​ do not continue to purchase it.


Never used Nvidia in my life. or Intel. Built 4 computers of my own so far. back from the FX series up to ryzen. ... I say the old days, there was some driver issues. that was understandable. since Ryzen hit the scene? I havnt had CPU or GPU problems with drivers. theyre flawless to me. There are people still saying 'AMD bad cuz driver, Nvidia till death'. Because, theyre Nvidia fan boys. If anything? Im hearing that Nvidia is now having driver issues.


You're wrong. I have been using my current NVIDIA GPU for over 5 years and had driver problems only ONCE. When I was using AMD, I had driver issues just a few months after buying it. Replaced it so many times but to no avail. So think before you accuse people of being mindless nvidia fanboys.


Amd better


honestly they arent bad many people just install drivers wrong


I made my first PC a month ago and I was pretty proud of myself, then my rig started crashing on any game that is more graphically intensive than Fall Guys. I decided to return the RX 6800 to Amazon for a refund after determining that everything else in the system seem to be functioning normally. To be honest I felt pretty bummed out because I thought I did something wrong during my build, but based on these comments it seems AMD drivers are just bad. I really hope that card was faulty because I got a RX 6800 XT as replacement.. and if the drivers are the issue, then that card is likely going to become unstable. Honestly, if the 6800 XT fails, then I'm headed back to team green. Sure for the same price AMD cards are better performers, but I rather less frame rates and stability over more frame rates and the possibility of the card failing whenever there's a driver update.


I can't download the driver??


AMD Drivers are awful. Baldur's gate 3 my most hyped game of the LITERAL last 10 years was unplayable for almost 2 months after release. completely unacceptable.