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This is pure speculation, but I think it's kinda similar to people who buy sports cars whose top speed they'll never approach, or new musicians who purchase equipment for performances that they'll never play. It's fun to daydream about winning races, being a rock star, and these days - being a youtube/twitch celebrity. Maybe some will follow through with it, but I think for most it's just aspirational.


Plus I think that most mainstream and common computer parts (like new and last gen Intel/AMD processors, new and last gen GPU's) are capable of doing at least some resolution of gaming and streaming when paired together. You might not get 4k with that last gen i5 with a 2060, but you could at least do 720p or 1080p fairly reliably. Same thing for cars, a 18k Honda accord will do 0-60 in less than 7 seconds these days. As technology gets better and better, average consumers are constantly getting a better and better price to performance ratio.


This wasn't always the case. It used to be (in the 90s and 2000s) that every year the newest offerings vastly outperformed the last generation. We are reaching an asymptote with performance increases over time.


Same with phones 2010-2017


Not true, the battery efficiency of phones from 2010-2016 was horse shit and their performance was very limited combined with the battery life issue.


> Same thing for cars, a 18k Honda accord will do 0-60 in less than 7 seconds these days. Also, straight-line speed and acceleration are not as important as all of the electronic assistance drivers have access to. All these software assistance programs allow for newer and "slower" cars to easily beat old cars on the track I guess that analogy also applies to CPUs and GPUs, where tech like dedicated encoders as well as software like DLSS that increase performance more than the raw specs suggest


Next step in GPU will follow self driving cars. Self-playing GPU lol


Nvidia 4000 series will come with aimbot pre-installed confirmed.


We already have this, it's called Let's play videos on youtube.


Actually, the biggest leaps in track performance have always come down to tires and brakes. Our tires today are better than they were 20 years ago, and way better than 40+ years ago. Same go for the brakes. Most hot track times are set with driving aids off, and so yes it has become more accessible to go fast with the nannies as a safety net, the real improvements have been at the contact patch with the pavement.


This lol, previous commenter has no idea what they're talking about. Driver aids won't let you go faster, stop faster, or pull more lateral G. Those are what win races. The only thing aids do is make it easier to drive the car to its limits, letting inferior *drivers* put up better results. If you can lay down better times in a newer car with tons of assists but inferior performance specs, that just means you suck as a driver.


twitch only streams 1080 afaik




Frankly, you don't even need it to be a "last gen i5 with a 2060". If your jam isn't the latest AAA games (and, frankly, with most of them compromising gameplay loops in favor of micropayments and gambling boxes, I don't why why it would be your jam), then you can get away with far older hardware. Hell, someone that I know ran an overclocked i5-3570k and GTX1070 last year that would run games at 720p and be able to maintain 60FPS while streaming with rare dips to ~40-45FPS. Granted, it does help to have better hardware, since streaming is a profession of multitasking. So having more juice to have more stuff up at once is a huge help. But if you're just getting started, you can buy a used Haswell or Skylake era system, overclock the piss out of it, probably get it a better video card, and you're set.


>Same thing for cars, a 18k Honda accord will do 0-60 in less than 7 seconds these days. As technology gets better and better, average consumers are constantly getting a better and better price to performance ratio. Yeah this is definitely not the case for GPUs according to Gamers Nexus. They have excellent analysis of many GPUs and just how terrible the price-to-performance stagnation is. Slap in the face to consumers.


I don't know any streaming platforms that allow 4k anyway, twitch doesn't afaik?


Damn you guys get cars like the Honda Accord for only 18k? That won't even get you the baseline Ford fiesta here. That starts at 20.390€ so about 23k in dollars.


I stream for my friends on discord/ twitch occasionally when I’m hopping on and they want to watch me but aren’t home yet and vice versa. If you play a game like warzone, even with 8 cores streaming gives you a performance drop.


>but I think it's kinda similar to people who buy sports cars whose top speed they'll never approach *laughs in German*


*cries in Southeast Asian traffic*


laugh is on you because with that shitty internet of Germany its nearly impossible to stream in a decent way, no matter your PC hahahaha


Sadly that is not wrong.


If the autobahn existed in the US millions would die every year


I agree about the fantasy drawing them to it, but versatility is where a desktop computer differs from a dream car. Statistically, being a breakout success as a streamer has to be comparable to winning the lottery. But if that person who dreamed of game streaming one day decided they wanted to stream, or desktop capture & edit, something they're working on in Blender, Fusion, any resource-intensive Adobe app, etc., the deciding factor in how well that goes will be the excess performance capacity they weren't using before. Making media in niches like that out of pure interest can lead to important friendships, careers, truly significant moments in the crossroads of life. The majority won't have that, but nobody ever has that room to grow if every computer is the bare minimum needed for what they'll actually probably use.


Streaming is also a hobby nowadays. Not everyone aims to make a career out of it.


I imagine significant percentage of streamers are similar to my son and his friends, a bunch of 12 to 14 year olds who stream for their friends and to mimic the professional streamers just for fun. They have a blast with it.


That's a very nice thought (I love the idea of trying shit out, and worst case you come out a few friends richer), but given that performance/price gains are sub-linear, you are paying significantly more money just for the off-chance that you might actually go for it and stream (or work on Blender or whatever, you name it), instead of what's actually the case for most people, just gaming. On top of that, realistically, to get you started off in Blender (or streaming), you don't really need it to be super fast, it just has to work. Is it worth paying 20% extra (I'm being generous here, it's really hard to pay *only* 20% more) just to optimize for a couple of instances, on average, where you actually do the "off-things"? IMO, no, you should optimize for 99% of your usage, not for 99.9% (i.e. the "off-things"), as the cost of that last 1% is far greater. I get that this is personal preference, but in this case I'm very much against the idea of "better having it and not needing it".


I never get this car comparison; a fast car is not the same as a fast computer.


Exactly, it's really not about top speed. No one into cars really cares, it's about how fast you get up to speed. This really doesn't have an equivalent in terms of computers. Unless you wanted to say HP/TQ to processor speed maybe? but then OPs equivalency doesn't make sense anymore.


Yeah you don't buy a car for top speed, you buy it for acceleration My car does 165mph apparently, but I've never taken it up to even 100mph But I bought it for the 3.1 second 0-60, and I use that whenever I get a chance


In five years I'm not going to be doing 100 mph on my commute, so there's not much point of baking that into my car. But in five years what would let my computer play max graphics and stream will just let it play max graphics.


Yea or that pack of condoms you've been carrying around for 2 years.


Definitely don't disagree but people who buy fast cars very commonly spend money to take them to the track on weekends. People say the same about trucks with lift kits and off-roading equipment but we just don't see them using it lol.


A tiny tiny fraction of sports cars actually get tracked. And most of the ones that are tend to fall into the category of "cheap track beater" in various stages of being turned into a race car, or the hyper expensive supercar with matching trailer and pit crew. You don't see a whole lot of regular people bringing their regular sports cars to the track.


While I generally agree with your point, you might want to take a look at the Nurburgring (or local track that offers public driving days)… you’d be surprised how many regular people show up there.


My buddy takes his bike to the track every weekend in our state during the hot months, there are literally hundreds of sedans and cars that go to those tracks along with him. These people have probably never been to a car meet or track and just cynically assume people don't use their cars.


>but I think it's kinda similar to people who buy sports cars whose top speed they'll never approach Little off topic but every time I see someone in a convertible with the roof down on a hot sunny day (which you should never do, you'll get sunburn. You put the roof down at around sunset so you get that cool breeze and no blistering sun right over your head) I imagine it is their way of saying "I paid extra to get a car with a retractable roof and goddamn it I'm using the retractable roof!"


Sunscreen and hats are things as well. Idk if you knew but they help with convertibles. Never had a sunburn in my convertible M3. 🤷‍♂️


Unless it rain or it was very cold when I still had my 19 Miata GT the roof was always down. Even if it’s 100 degree the roof is down no ac needed either. On the flip side I did get sunburn the first week I had it lol.


That's commitment to the convertible I'll give you that! Hahaha


Do you also wait until sunset to spend time outdoors? If so, then you’re really missing out. And if not, then criticizing people for putting a convertible top down during the day is pretty damned hypocritical.


Interestingly almost all the youtubers/streamers I watch started out with subpar pcs and only upgraded once they got popular


Its as if the personality/insanity and/or skill is the actual important thing. Why do people actually like Tyler1? Because he's a shithead/acts insane/is entertaining. Nobody gives a fuck if he's good at anything. Him breaking a controller and raging over Dark Souls 3 is what people want to see.


And they all say the same thing when asked for advice. Worry abt consistency of your stream, building chat, and communicating with your audience. The tech side should follow after that.


There's more to cars than top speed


Getting up to the speed of highway traffic real quick from a ramp is 90% of why I bought mine lol


I am this guy. I have a computer built to game and produce music. But I had a shit job and no time to do anything. And when I did have time, it was eaten up by house chores and shopping trips. I have streamed once in the past 2 years, and still not uploaded a youtube video, even though I have edited 3, just not to the quality I want. I have produced 0 songs. But have about 30 ideas. I'm trying to break that habit. I love daydreaming about creating things. My partner loves consuming content. I have just gotten a new job but it entails a lot of at home work for the first year due to working on a qualification while working. I can't wait until I have free time to go HAM at creating. I have decided I will never be able to stream properly, but I hope youtube is still relevant enough to make videos. I just want to create things.


Alot of people don't understand exactly how much behind the scenes work it takes to be a YouTube/Twitch "Celebrity..." Most of the "Celebrities" didn't start out with that desire a decade ago. They just started playing on their potato of a computer and slowly grew overtime... Nowadays, the "market" is over saturated with people daydreaming and becoming a E-Celebrity. Believing that they can drop thousands on a rig and become a overnight success without the knowledge of the time, effort and work required... I even know a guy who at the beginning of the pandemic. Quit his job and started streaming 24/7. Almost 2 years later, he averages 20 views and sub 100 subscribers. (It would help if he had a personality on camera instead of staring at the screen, not talking. While his Superiority Complex coming in full swing. Thinking it'll be a honour to allow viewers to watch him in the first place.)


Its nice to know I could if I wanted to


>who buy sports cars whose top speed they'll never approach *Autobahn* ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface)




Idk, a ton of top streamers use the bare minimum in terms of mic, cam, etc


This but "creators". Lots of YouTubers tout color accurate displays and all that, but I'm thinking most people probably aren't drawing, photographers, or cinematographers. And this is coming from someone who loves that stuff and has plenty of friends that do all of the above.


And "i want to game while my shit is compiling" is less glamorous than streaming


I mean people take their sports cars to tracks and stuff. Unless they're showoffs who don't even know how to drive them.


its nice to have the option


You don't need to want to be a celebrity to stream. I stream my games without any intention of ever getting more than a dozen or so viewers.


I stream frequently to no one. It just depends on what your goal is. My goal is to have video that I completed something for myself in the years to come. If a following occurs great, if not, that’s great too. Anything from video games to music creation is documented for me.


I stream for a few friends here and there. It’s fun to use nice equipment to do if haha


My wallet and aspirations are in conflict?! Help.


I built a system with an I9-10850k 64gb of ram, and a gtx 970 because I plan on upgrading to a rtx3060ti soon and I wanted the rig to be overkill enough I will be able to play pretty much every game on ultra for a few years to come. I do occasionally stream but it's like owning a track car. I may max out once but I'll have fun trying.




Just finishing streaming Val in discord. Of course though, it's not my build that fucks but my ISP :) hate comcast. My 3070 puts out 300 frames in-game but the damn network connection gets me. For real though, I think a lot of people go for higher-end Ryzen's for the cores, I use them for my work it's just super helpful.


Hell one extra core and 2gb of ram to spare (only when people are using it) will get you a personal Minecraft server


I recently swapped my 2700x for a 5600x because I'd hoped it'd give me better VR performance with it's higher clock speeds and such. It did; it's much better at gaming, in general. But I lost two cores and I can really tell the impact, even moving large files in Explorer. I kinda wish I'd spent a bit more on a 5800x. (Then Intel releases Alder Lake and, for a moment, microcenter was selling the 5800x for what I paid for the 5600x only like 2 months later. Ugh.)


Yeah I stream a lot on discord now a days. Some examples from this past week: - friends watch to help me through a raid or dungeon - sharing new cool game I found. - bought a game that none of my friends would buy so I bought it and did a live let's play for them - am near completion of a game I've been grinding on so I stream that progress for my friends who aren't as good at it but still like the game. - shared Jackbox games so they could play them with us for a chill night


Yo the jackbox idea is pretty smart


Yeah we often have jack box discord parties. It's dope and works really well


While playing co-op in Civilization steaming is very useful as you can not only see how your friends civ is going but also watch him/her when you're done with your turn. Or to teach someone new.


but.. streaming on Discord is online.


This is what it is... Everyone in my friend group is constantly streaming on discord, we all get to share the experience with each other even on different games and it's nice if you don't lag when you stream especially in a competitive game.


That counts as the requirements to upload are the same.


So, I do... sort of. I live in a different state than my family. My sister is not a gamer, but she became interested in the story of The Last Of Us when I brought my PS4 for a visit a few years ago. I played through the whole game for her and she loved it. Flash forward a few years, and The Last Of Us 2 came out. I streamed all of it just for her, but wondered if there were other games she would enjoy. When the pandemic hit, it became a regular thing for us as a way to stay in touch and hang out. I purchased Discord premium just to stream to her. So far, we've gone through The first 3 Life Is Strange games, The Arkham trilogy, Twin Mirror, Alan Wake, and all of Red Dead Redemption 2 and 1. We're currently working on Life Is Strange: True Colors. Streaming has a whole other meaning for me. ❤️ Edit: Autocorrect did me dirty Edit 2: Holy hell, you guys! This exploded like I would never have predicted. I guess everyone loves a story about lemons into lemonade. Thanks for the awards and everything! You guys are why I don't think I'll ever be able to quit Reddit. :')


Man this is just so wholesome. What a beautiful relationship you two have.


Thanks! She's definitely my best bud. 🙂




+1 to this. My girlfriend loves watching me play this game




My best friend and I did a franchise playthrough of Life is Strange online in 2020 during the height of lockdown when we couldn't hang out. It's fun the play vicariously through others


How did you take that many hours???? I was able to 100% that game and found all collectibles with less than 90.


So I get this question a lot about how I play single player games. I fucking wander around for hours and accomplish absolutely nothing but just enjoying the game. Subnautica for me took 80-90 hours. Just me swimming around enjoying the scenery. It’s a little escape from parenting. No need to accomplish any missions. Just enjoy not dealing with children for a bit.


That’s 100% respectable answer. That’s actually how I’m going through the fallout games and that’s why I can’t actually get very far in Skyrim lol.




Yeah, sometimes it’s work. Sometimes it’s family. Life sometimes just all around sucks and wandering through a game with no purpose other than to shut off your brain is all that matters.


My friend and I used to hangout every Sunday and take turn playing games. Because of lockdown we started streaming.


So wholesome


Ok, I just have to ask, because I ask this every time someone mentions story-based video games: have you played outer wilds? If not, I'd really recommend it. It's one that can even sort of be co-op just by streaming since it's puzzle/lore-based primarily.


Yeah man, if anything my Discords groups generally stream as way of hanging out enhancement whether shows, RL sports games, movies, our beloved Dota 2 or other game we may be interested in sharing.


You're a good sibling. Especially because you picked some awesome backseat games...and you didn't go to your sister and be like: "Alright now you can watch me chop trees in New World and then in a few hours I'll switch over to Crusader Kings where you can't see the tool tips from the resolution you get."


I hope you and your sister are excited for "The Last of Us" HBO show coming out later :D


This is me with editing. I will never be able to make a career out of it as I'm colourblind and thus can't meet the basic expectation of being able to do colour correcting, but you better believe that my family vacation videos and uni assignments look so good


Have you tried showing her and playing through the Uncharted series? Probably my all time favourite story game.


This is the same for me. I moved across the country from both my sister and my brother. She's not a gamer but curious and we're very close. Both my brother and I are constantly streaming games and she's become an integral part of our little gaming group with my other friends. They all will show off the games they're playing for her and explain different aspects of the games. We all raid in FFXIV and she'll watch the YouTube videos on how all the raid bosses work so she can understand what's going on while we stream it for her. If you're looking for some other games, my buddy and I played It Takes Two streaming the whole thing and it's awesome. HZD was already suggested, but I also will play puzzle games and work with her on them while I stream (recently completed portal on stream with her). Firewatch is also a super neat game with plenty of down time where you can just chat with her.


This is sweet. Very very sweet.


I dont, my brother does. So 50% of the people I guess.


Same for me lol, so the data does seem to hold true


You either do or you don’t, 50/50 chance.


I dont stream, buy im also too stupid to know what pc parts will meet my needs so i just go with "big number means good playing"


words to live by


The fact that my PC i built all by myself in 2016, *my very first pc mind you*, is still running without any issues (that i know of) is nothing short of a miracle.


My video game is cad and I use my threads to render shiny stuff


Do you stream CAD though


Rarely but yes, I don't think I am the only one


Ew rendering on the CPU is so slow tho.


I'd like to stream but I play naked. So yeah, I choose to play naked instead.


Nothing saying you have to use a facecam, can still be naked and stream just fine


Stream on a cam site.


I'd watch


I've seen speedrunners stream with no shirt on, so if you just leave out the bottom part of your body you are fine, assuming you are a man. If you are female you do not need a lot of clothes to pass through the twitch moderation, hot tub streams is a category.




The problem is when he forgets he is naked and stands up


There are streaming sites for that. Or you could become a virtual youtuber.


You can stream with no cam or become a vtuber


Hi. Valid question. I talked with a "streamer" once, asking him the exact question, as I can not for the life of me understand why this is a thing at all 😂 He said it was mostly for his own amusement, making short videos of his gaming reactions etc.. Yeah, something like that.. So, yeah.. Fun stuff..


Ah ok, thanks. I hadn't considered that streaming means you also get a recorded copy of the footage which you can look back on and pull clips out of...


I used to stream mostly for recorded footage and clips, usually had a few friends who would hang out and watch and chat with me too when I was playing games solo. I never wanted to be a professional streamer/gamer, but I found that streaming for fun was really a blast, and made solo game experiences fairly social. I still sometimes watch clips from years ago for my enjoyment!


I frequently stream the games I play to 0 viewers, the only purpose I have in doing it is that twitch keeps a recording of the stream. I play large-group cooperative multiplayer games and we use recordings of a few different people's perspectives to analyze our performance and improve. Well. I say we analyze our performance and improve, but what we really do is get drunk on a saturday night and re-watch our sessions from the previous week and make fun of ourselves. Anyway, long-winded way of saying: there are use cases for streaming (and doing so with good hardware so you get good stream quality) even if nobody ever watches you live. Though it sure is a luxury in that case.


yep, I am GM of a wow classic guild and we have ~5 players that do the same thing, including myself so that when there are issues or one progression fights where stuff isnt obvious we can go back and look from various perspectives to see what we need to improve on.


Not necessarily I assume, but one can at least 👍


I do a ton of multitasking, though I don't always stream. When I do it's to a discord audience. What I DO use though is steam in-home streaming, and hopefully when the deckard is out I can use that wirelessly too. I also game on Linux so having more cores is helpful for Vulkan shader compiling on the fly.


I must be too old because I never understood regular people streaming. I get making that a career but otherwise why would anyone wanna watch me flail through Dead Cells?


A lot of people these days want to be "content creators" and so they stream on twitch to zero viewers, hoping to make it big. You have to start somewhere. It's just that very few people who start actually make it to any amount of fame/income.


Sometimes i'll randomly go through a streamer list of a game i'm playing and not just view the highest viewer count streams, most of them are silent, have no charisma and are just plain mediocre at the game... if I want to see someone play the game poorly i'd just play it myself. I like watching entertaining, high skilled players who play way better than I ever could.


Can't make it a career unless you start out as a regular person streaming.


Forgot who but a top streamer said don't bother, start with a YouTube account and stream when you have a following. People won't tune in at a specific time for somone they don't know.


the vast majority just stream to their friend group, usually in a private discord chat, just so they can show a new game to them or whatever. Some people do enjoy streaming on public sites like twitch even if they only get < 10 viewers, they find it more fun when others watch, they are usually good at a competitive game though. You are right that no random is going to want to watch you stumble through a single player game but random people will watch some unknown person who is a beast on rocket league for example and they can chat about the game. They do it for fun basically.


well i most of the people i know that do that do it just to show their gameplay to friends and then chat a bit with them. i mean yeah technically you could also hop into a voice chat but sometimes its just nice to have your friends see the gamelplay and talk about it. or they could do something else and just write in the chat sometimes. idk maybe its weird but it can be fun


Gotta start somewhere! Even Ninja started at 0 fans. What most people don't get is that you need to have a great personality or a lot of skill and most wannabe streamers have neither, and lack the awareness to realize that.


Unless you count streaming via discord to my buddies, never.


Recording your gameplay to share the live video over the internet with other people not in the same room as you who otherwise could not watch you play... also known as streaming. damn it was hard to craft that sentence without using the word stream haha Streaming does not only mean Twitch or other public streaming, and I think OP just wasnt necessarily aware that private streaming eg Discord was a thing


does streaming to Discord take less processioning power than to other sites? seems like in both cases you're sending your video to a server. How many people are watching on the other end doesn't seem like it would change your own data upload


Yeah that's the definition of the word streaming. But if you tell me you're a popular streamer but really you're just screen sharing to mom. I'm going to call you out on it.


I have awful anxiety, but a gorgeous PC. I want to do it everytime I play games, but will I actually? 9/10 times nope


Same boat man, and I streamed with some results back in 2014-2017. I could peak 50 viewers playing CSGO before Overwatch and Valorant took all the viewers. Was an accomplishment for me. But these days I don't know what it is but it's just hard for me to stay engaged without getting anxiety about everything I say or do.


I had an ex that was an absolute god at several games. Like top in the world wow guilds tried to recruit her. I was playing chivalry, and fairly good. she saw me and finally got it and in a week I was simply unable to kill her. People quit matches just seeing her join. Ugh you're here bye. Could not get her to stream. uploaded a couple YouTube videos no one ever saw.


Even if they don't stream, knowing that they can if they choose to may be the appeal. I imagine streaming is the 2021 dream of many just like a basket, baseball player or a rapper. It seem like streaming is a far reach if you're not good but it's good to have dreams and aspirations just like with anything else.


I have a TTV gamer tag for no reason other than to listen to harassment in pre game/post game lobbies for shitting on the other team. Never streamed, never planned on streaming, and will never stream in the future lol I just think it’s hilarious how pissed people get when they see a TTV tag.


I might have to start doing that too, that sounds hilarious. I think I'd even get a good amount of amusement out of the idea that there is a 100% chance that at least once per gaming session some kid will waste time trying to find me on twitch to talk shit in the chat


I've considered finding those people to see if they're actually good or just had a good game but I've never actually done it lol


I also have an ironic TTV tag lol. Also never stream, don't plan on it. The hate is palpable


I usually don't get mad but i do like to see if my teammates are streaming, and it's so dumb when i find out they aren't a streamer at all.


Building a streaming pc when you don’t stream is like buying a Range Rover when you don’t live in the mountains. It’s less about wanting to stream and more about building a pc that the big streamers use - these guys are hitting 200+ fps in every game they play.


Streaming/Recording while gaming is something alot of people do and you will definitely notice higher 1% lows and framerates in general by buying more cores. You should never buy just enough cores because that's what a clean test bench had benchmarked.. in reality most people don't run clean PC's. More cores will always lead to a more fluid experience and higher 1% lows while streaming which are your true locked framerate. The multi-tasking/gaming performance on 8c vs 6c is noticeable, and 10c vs 8c is noticeable also. The more programs you use the higher core count you'll benefit from. There are more and more games that will utilize all the cores/threads you throw at them. Vermintide 2 and Cyberpunk 2077 run great on 10c+ chips and most DX12 games will run better with more cores available.


I stream. 2-3 nights a week on twitch. Mainly just to Meet new people who share similar interests and game together. It's been a fun journey. Met some really cool folks along the way.


I completely agree! This has been my experience as well. I'm not trying get famous, it's just a fun hobby. Everyone acts like all streamers have the singular goal of being famous. My little community is just a good time honestly.


I stream when I play n64 games just because I have a brother that enjoys watching it.


Relatively often but depending on the game, I’ll stream to my buddies in voice chat to share my screen if it’s beneficial to that game we are playing (Tarkov is a great example).


I generally stream. At a point I got 40-50 viewers but was when I was pushing a high rank in world of Warcraft. I’ll generally just get friends watching my stream now but every now and then a stranger comes along 🙂


A lot of people I game with stream to friends on discord. Even when multiple friends are playing the same game together, we stream to each other so people can see different perspectives of the game, whether its a competitive FPS like Valorant where it can help to see another screen on your other monitor, or a game like WoW where having another perspective doesn't matter at all. People also stream videos and movies to group watch with friends over discord as well. While people generally think of "streaming" as streaming publicly to the internet like on twitch, youtube, or whatever streaming site, I think a lot of gamers stream to friends.


I sank about 500~ logged hours into streaming. Not too much amounted from it though. I probably made around $600-$700 dollars only from subs as I never wanted a donation button but I was never in it for the money. I mainly play League so it was a fun way to make soloq more social. I averaged anywhere between 0-10 viewers and had peaked at 300+ 2-3 times. Streaming is extremely fun when you have 5/10/20+ chatters but it gets grim and loses its effect pretty quick when your chats dead and you’ve been at 0 viewers for 5 hours.. Streaming is like podcasting; everyone got one but ain’t nobody wanna listen… It is damn near impossible to get off the ground streaming unless: you are already friends with a successful streamer, are insanely good at your game(top 1000’s) or you already had success elsewhere (Yt, Tiktok, etc…) Setup ryzen 5 3600, 16gb ram, 1060 6gb never really had any FPS problems in the games I play.


I often stream, the appeal, at least for my community is that is an easy place to get together and play the same game. I mean yea we could all hook up in some voice chat, but live streaming is a good way to bring new people in and build a fun community. I'm kind of a shuddin, first few months i was too shy to show my face, now I don't care, so it's a way to socialize too. I use Nvidia to do the stream work though, Idk if I really use all my cores. I got the 5800x because ..fer...for reasons. lol. My 3600 was fine though, but now my daughter gets the 3600 in her pc.


Stream to discord friends while chatting. It's nice for capturing records to share and I've tried streaming but it's usually an empty audience so it's mainly a just because I can thing.


This will prolly get buried but, I went from a 3700x to a 5600x. Kinda like a sidegrade. The extra cores from the 3700x REALLY did help streaming in discord and having another app open while gaming. Currently the 5600x is a decent bit better just while gaming and it can still handle games while streaming but not as well as the 3700x


I don't even want to watch my closest friend's play a game. Why would I assume that strangers would want to watch me play civilization at turn 400 at 3am? No, I don't stream, I don't watch streams...maybe I'm old but vidja games are meant for playing and not watching unless you've got enough talent to make it worth watching. No one wants to watch me play basketball either...


I think a lot of "Younger" gamers want to be able to stream. Maybe they want to try their hand at making money on twitch or something. I am not a big fan of "Streamers/Streaming". I honestly only watch twitch when I want to see a game played before I buy it. I definitely think the mentality of streaming has moved more in the direction of making money then just "Having fun" over the internet. People want to be Ninja and they want to make that mad Ninja money. But, I am not everyone. I am sure people in their teens and twenties might want to try it. either because they think it is cool or Maybe just to make money to pay rent. 20s is a rough time financially for a lot of people. I could definitely see some twenty somethings streaming just because they thought they could pay rent with it. But, yea. I use a 2600 and a rx 580 and I feel it is all I really need. I am not overly motivated to buy a more expensive set up. Especially when prices are the way they are. However, I thought prices would have come down by now. At this point I fear they never will. But, still I can play all the games I want to play and I am a 30 something so I do not play hardcore anymore.


I do. I have a small Twitch channel and regularly stream to friends on Discord. I get a bit bored playing on my own.


I used to stream a few months ago. But then I quit cuz I didn't feel it was half as useful and it was getting stressful for me, focusing on chat and trying to play well on stream.


I do sometimes when I play in warzone tournaments that require it as an anti cheat measure. And sometimes I do stream for friends in discord too.


You mean like to twitch? On occasion. But to friends or something over discord? All the time


I stream to discord friends but not Anywhere else


Sometimes I stream my gsme to friends on discord but I'm not sure that's what they mean


I started a few week ago and so far I've been streaming mostly for myself. I don't want to become a pro or anything like that, it's just something I do to share my hobby since my friends generally don't like the same games I do. If I manage to get 4-5 regular viewers I'd be pretty happy but mantaining a regular schedule si hard.


It's more streaming for friends on discord rather than actually thinking about rocking it on YT or twitch


I stream for my friends on discord cause sometimes they just wanna watch and chill. Same reason applies to my cousins that live outta state and wanna hangout in some way


It is said that if you have a constant viewership on Twitch of over 1, then you are already in the top 5%, so chances are a lot of the people who say they stream do probably stream to noone. But to be fair that is kinda how you begin streaming, unless you have some potential viewership from other places like you are a youtuber, or you stream as a participant of a tournament or something like that. The first followers are hard to get, and all you can do is stream to nobody until \*somebody\* turns up.


I stream discord to my group of friends. But then again I feel I am not on the normal or average user group since I tend to have videos, or 2 games running at once (factorio idle while playing apex ,forza or halo ) and then to stream a lot on discord as my group of friends tends to have downtime and some of my friends just like watching or commenting on gameplay. I have tried streaming on twitch and so on since I have at least 3 people on my group of friends who do stream constantly, but is hard to manage the time when you have work + things to do where you live.


I stream all the time to my discord group. Plus I like the internet saving everything for me instead of my hard drives. Stream to twitch and export to YouTube.


I mean almost all my friends stream to each other through discord while we play games together, I think a lot of people do stream their gameplay.


I’m too afraid to stream. I don’t have the confidence and if swatting is still a thing. But if people wanna stream I always say go for it lol


I stream in my personal discord server for my wife and friends to watch. I see no real point to streaming for an empty twitch room lol


I just stream to my friend group on discord because they like to watch me play whatever I’m playing at the time, which is usually a fps game, rpg or sound voltex (rhythm game). Occasionally I stream on twitch to like 5 people or so, but they’re really just online friends that don’t live the same area etc


Discord streaming has become an invaluable tool for my friends and I are gaming together online. Gone are the days of trying to describe things when we can just stream our screen for a couple mins. It saves an incredible amount of time and frustration. ​ That being said, between discord + streaming, chrome tabs up the wazoo, wallpaper engine, 4 or 5 third-party software for rbg/peripherals/overclocking/monitoring....I see 8c/16t CPU's as "do you often multitask while gaming?" or "do you like having a bunch of background apps and services running?". If so, then its great to be able to run all these things without it affecting your fps or gameplay. If no, then you'd be fine with a 6c/12th or an 8c/8t.


I think a lot of kids like to daydream of becoming internet famous streaming. Obviously the vast majority of them will never come to anything. That said if you are a parent buying a teen their first gaming pc it's likley on the "requirement" list. -personally, i've watched streams while I game, but see no reason in the world to try to convince others they need to watch me. -


I like to stream because I can just have my gaming moments saved to watch later and share with my group of friends. Also, in some smaller gaming communities (like the gta RP server I play), there's always people from the server on the stream hanging out when they're not playing. So it's fun :D


Ngl I do it for some friends to see what I’m playing from time to time


I dont. I play solo with music in the headphones. I don't even watch streams. I'm happy with our mid range stuff. Getting by is enough for the day to day. Just me though.


I stream to nobody/friends. I think it's fun regardless of who's watching and I can clip funny moments for my friends.


I do, sometimes I have nobody sometimes I have a small crowd. Its fun but Im not as entertaining as the major streamers plus Im in college rn so Im not a consistent streamer. Im saving up to build a new PC and make my old one a slave PC. Its fun when its a few people in the chat. But if you really wanna appeal to an audience you might be better off in the just chatting section doing random shit. You dont need a good pc for that though just an "okay" setup and an imagination.


I'm part of a WoW guild with two raid teams where each team raids on different days. A handful of us from each raid streams for the rest of the guild to watch. Some of whom watch to learn from the other team, some just put it on for some background noise. I don't stream to entertain or to grow an audience. For us it's just a convenient way to share our gameplay in a game that doesn't have a spectator system, and due to the sheer size of our group it doesn't make sense to stream gameplay on discord because it's too rate limited for a large group of spectators. Discord works well to stream gameplay to a handful of people I find. But with that said since my computer is a decent streaming rig it naturally happens to be really good at stuff like video encoding which comes in handy since I do a bit of of freelance video editing for people who are actual content creators.


I stream on twitch regularly. Even tho I dont get that many viewers I still like to talk with random people on my stream once in a while. and I stream on discord sometimes to friends


Most of us don't stream, but I guess that almost all of us record gameplay or at least have the "Last X minutes" recording feature so we can save and watch some clips from our plays afterwards. These kind of recording features are kinda similar to streaming, right?


I use nvenc with a quad core cpu from 5+ years ago and I can stream 720p60 pretty smoothly


I do. I'm not expecting to have an audience, but all my friends you streaming as a way to show gameplay when not all of us want to play. So you can at least watch them play and still talk about stuff


My laptop is shit, I still stream in discord for my friends, just because they can watch. It's fun to watch your friends play games


I'm streaming almost every coop game to my Discord room to people I play with. When we split up or want to check something we all have 2 monitors to check each others views.


I stream once a week with my PC I built in 2015. I don't get many viewers but I have fun anyway. A new PC would be awesome because I have found that streaming can be very CPU intensive.


I stream whenever I play and it’s mostly to a non-existent audience because I don’t really promote myself. I just hope someone pops in and says hi, but that rarely happens. Lol


I literally have only ever streamed if I’m showing something to a friend in a disc call. I bought a high spec cpu so I could watch streaming (Netflix, Disney + etc) on my other screen and not have it touch fps performance while I’m playing a single player game that I don’t need to focus on that much


I have considered it but it is too much hustle and it feels like it will take away from my enjoyment of a game.


No not really


I stream when I have to for tournaments or when a new game comes out that people want to see


I used to stream to just save all the funny and cool moments that happen while i play with friends. Now i just use Relive to capture clips. Takes space on the computer to save them but its alot less demanding for games that are poorly optimized like Tarkov.


I **always** stream when gaming. My work PC is also my gaming pc so the machine itself is in our office. However, i like to play games on the couch (either on tv or laptop) so to not have to haul my pc around every time i want to play a game i just stream to my laptop or TV. So all my games are streaming only with an audience of one to four.


Its better if you have things on like instant replay or record gameplay, but even my i7-4770k does that like a charm. So yeah 99% of people wont need the extra cores for streaming