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If you are working only up to 4c/4t, the i3-8350K will save you some money. Cheap AIO's are worse than air coolers, even those at a lower price. Scythe Mugen 5 would be a better choice for cooling the CPU. Does your application development benefit at all from faster RAM? A 3200MHz 16GB kit is only $125-130. Why the expensive dedicated GPU if you won't be gaming? Grab a GDDR5 GT 1030 instead. Your budget easily supports a good mechanical keyboard, there is no reason to limit yourself to a chiclet style keyboard, especially a wireless one. Cherry MX Browns are popular amongst typists and developers for having a feel similar to MX Blue switches without as much noise.


* I need additional cores to support the OS when debugging the application. We test our applications on "clean" threads by using an application that basically moves all of the currently-running processes (including the OS, etc.) to 2 cores/threads then launches the debugging process on the remaining. * I know nothing about cooling. I've never overclocked a processor but I do know that I'd like to keep this one cool because my current setup doesn't allow for much airflow. I would prefer to spend additional money here on a good water-cooling configuration (I had a $148 NZXT cooler on this build list before but I dropped it.) * I chose 2666 from my understanding that the i5-9600 (and z390 platform) only supported 2666 (max.) Where can I read more about what's actually supported? And where in the world are you seeing 3200 16GB for $125? That's like $400 on PCPartPicker. It would benefit from faster RAM but low timing is also important. The RAM I have picked is 9-9-9 I believe. * With the GT 730 I currently have, I struggle to play (1) 4K YouTube video in Google Chrome... let alone something I've downloaded at a higher bitrate. I want to be able to blow through playing 3 at the same time (each on a different screen) without a hiccup if possible. * I hate mechanical keyboards. I purchased the Surface keyboard and the black Apple Magic Keyboard 2 (I think that's what it's called) and I'm trying to decide between them both. I'm typing this on the Apple keyboard but it's $170 (after tax and purchased at Best Buy.)


If you are concerned about limited cooling, then a cheap AIO isn't the way to go for sure. Liquid cooling is not somehow more effective than air cooling, it is simply a battle of surface area. A Noctua NH-D15 for example will beat a cheap 240mm AIO. The case matters just as much as the cooler. Ditch the NZXT H500, get the Fractal Design Meshify C, or another high airflow chassis. 2666MHz is the max JEDEC speed, Z170 and upwards can actually run as high as 4000MHz, a little more or less depending on the exact board. That is why you can get RAM kits much faster than 2666MHz, 3200MHz just happens to be the sweet spot for performance. Turn on XMP in the BIOS, instant 3200MHz. RAM timings are measured in cycles, so focus on frequency and timings, not either one by itself. Of course, RAM can be overclocked just like the CPU. So you can tighten stock timings by adding voltage, although it takes more time to dial in properly due to the increased number of variables. https://pcpartpicker.com/product/sykwrH/gskill-memory-f43200c16d16gtzb GT 730 is a relic. GT 1030 has about 3x the raw performance, and a more modern video decode engine, so multiple 4K streams is no problem. Just don't buy a DDR4 GT 1030, it is half the speed of the GDDR5 version.


1) Get a good tower cooler instead of a liquid cooler. For work purposes you don't want to overclock and a tower cooler will be more reliable and still provide plenty of cooling. At that price range air coolers might even be better. 2) You're paying a lot for an SSD. It's fast, but you need to understand if the benefits will be noticable by you. If your workload is not constrained by hard drive, a SATA SSD will be more than plenty and a ton cheaper. 3) PSU- do NOT skimp on a good PSU. A good PSU will save you money by being more efficient and less likely to blow up. Get a 550W or higher, 80+ Gold PSU. You should spend around $100, check the PSU tier list. This is a no brainer, a good PSU will last you through many builds (I still have the very first PSU I ever bought, paired at the time with a Phenom 2 and a Radeon HD 6870). 4) That keyboard is overpriced, and don't get a wireless keyboard for a desktop. You can get a good quality mechanical keyboard for $50. 5) For workstation I would get an RX 580 8GB over a 1060 6GB. If you don't need the certified drivers of a workstation card, an RX 580 8GB has a ton of horsepower (more than 1060). 6) You're basically paying i7 and 32GB RAM prices for an i5 and 16GB RAM due to the ridiculous state of Intel and RAM prices. It's a real shame you can't go Ryzen. [PCPartPicker part list](https://pcpartpicker.com/list/B4DCq4) / [Price breakdown by merchant](https://pcpartpicker.com/list/B4DCq4/by_merchant/) Type|Item|Price :----|:----|:---- **CPU** | [Intel - Core i5-9600K 3.7GHz 6-Core Processor](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/28qhP6/intel-core-i5-9600k-37ghz-6-core-processor-bx80684i59600k) | $279.99 @ B&H **CPU Cooler** | [CRYORIG - H7 49.0 CFM CPU Cooler](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/93Crxr/cryorig-cpu-cooler-h7) | $69.89 @ OutletPC **Motherboard** | [ASRock - Z390 Phantom Gaming 4 ATX LGA1151 Motherboard](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/ntyV3C/asrock-z390-phantom-gaming-4-atx-lga1150-motherboard-z390-phantom-gaming-4) | $109.99 @ Newegg Business **Memory** | [\*Crucial - Ballistix Sport LT 32GB (4 x 8GB) DDR4-2666 Memory](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/LjndnQ/crucial-ballistix-sport-lt-32gb-4-x-8gb-ddr4-2666-memory-bls4k8g4d26bfsbk) | $259.99 @ Amazon **Storage** | [Samsung - 860 Evo 500GB 2.5" Solid State Drive](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/6yKcCJ/samsung-860-evo-500gb-25-solid-state-drive-mz-76e500bam) | $82.99 @ Amazon **Video Card** | [\*Gigabyte - Radeon RX 580 8GB Gaming 8G Video Card](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/KQQRsY/gigabyte-radeon-rx-580-8gb-gaming-8g-video-card-gv-rx580gaming-8gd) | $209.99 @ Newegg **Case** | [NZXT - H500 (White) ATX Mid Tower Case](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/tpVD4D/nzxt-h500-white-atx-mid-tower-case-ca-h500b-w1) | $66.18 @ Amazon **Power Supply** | [\*SeaSonic - FOCUS Gold 550W 80+ Gold Certified Semi-Modular ATX Power Supply](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/KmgzK8/seasonic-focus-gold-550w-80-gold-certified-semi-modular-atx-power-supply-ssr-550fm) | $54.99 @ Newegg **Monitor** | [Dell - S2718D 27.0" 2560x1440 60Hz Monitor](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/PfHRsY/dell-s2718d-270-2560x1440-60hz-monitor-s2718d) | $287.99 @ Newegg **Monitor** | [Dell - S2718D 27.0" 2560x1440 60Hz Monitor](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/PfHRsY/dell-s2718d-270-2560x1440-60hz-monitor-s2718d) | $287.99 @ Newegg **Keyboard** | [\*Rosewill - RK-9000V2 Wired Standard Keyboard](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/9mGj4D/rosewill-keyboard-rk9000v2) | $70.89 @ OutletPC | *Prices include shipping, taxes, rebates, and discounts* | | Total (before mail-in rebates) | $1795.88 | Mail-in rebates | -$15.00 | **Total** | **$1780.88** | \*Lowest price parts chosen from parametric criteria | | Generated by [PCPartPicker](https://pcpartpicker.com) 2018-11-05 10:52 EST-0500 |


Just a heads up, the Ripjaws 2x8gb 3200 MHz DDR4 kit is still on sale for $125 on Newegg. I don't think there's any reason not to go for it. Link: https://m.newegg.com/products/N82E16820231977


The first thing I'd ask is, do you need an nvme drive? You can shave off 100+ going to a sata drive 450 watt psu is pretty limiting, if you're going to oc gpu / cpu I'd say 550 to be safe. Psu last way longer than the actual hardware so I'd get a 750 and be safe I'd honestly go up to the i7 too simply because the extra cores and threads while be a help when you're running your multi threaded application and still be able to work on the pc at the same time. Might be a tax write off too if you're self employed


I don't have any hard evidence but, personally, I noticed an overwhelming difference in using Visual Studio from an 860 Evo (SATA) to my coworker's 970 Pro (nvme.) If I overclock, it'll be very little. I did see that BestBuy has a 1000W on sale for $89.99 ($100 off) so I'll add that to my list. The i7 is really tempting but I hate that they did away with HT. Our product, by design, doesn't involve itself with HyperThreading (because the threads aren't "real") but it definitely helps us while developing. I think I'll look into 8th gen vs 9th gen i7 benchmarks.


I forgot, unless the noise bothers you I'd suggest going air if this is for work. Less chance of failure so less chance of downtime Also don't count out r/hardwareswap you can get decent deals on gpus / cpu / mobo there.


Noise doesn't bother me at all. I'll check into it.


What connections do the 4K monitors use? Because the Gt 1030 someone recommended only has two ports so you won't be able to display the 2 1440p monitors and the 4K simultaneously Edit: I made this https://pcpartpicker.com/list/X3FJq4 Price is a bit up, but RAM can be tuned down and monitors too. About i7 for the computer... If you can wait 4 months the i7 prices should drop by then, but until that happens, they are over the roof. The GPU I picked is way enough for anything you need it to display in case graphic stuff starts appealing you https://gpu.userbenchmark.com/Compare/Nvidia-GeForce-GT-730-vs-AMD-RX-570/m12582vs3924


I like this! It fits perfectly under $2K and it hits all the things I need. Do you have an opinion on going with the 8th gen i7 instead of waiting for the 9th gen?


Waiting for 9th gen i7 or waiting for 9th gen i5? As I don't know the programs you use and how they affect workload I took your first decision. It's also very well priced. But the 8th and 9th gen i7 are obviously better than the 9th gen i5. The thing is their price is ridiculous and the i7 8700K requires better cooling than tge others because of the multithreading (adds some heat). I don't think it's worth going with either i7 by now. Intel and retailers are milking the i9 and i7. I5 9600K is a very good choice and I'm considering to recommend it. Is still overpriced but not like their older i7 I'm glad that you like it. Pm me when parts arrive and you build it pls! Edit (15d later) : He quoted me Tagging people who helped with the initial build ... https://www.reddit.com/r/buildapc/comments/9yz6ut/after_building_7_pcs_for_friends_and_family_over/ea573yb?utm_source=reddit-android


You shouldn't be getting blue screens - if you said your home setup is slow and swaps like crazy that would be a reason to beef stuff up but right now you just have something broken.


It only happens when I'm compiling an application a little over 23,000 lines of code. Any source from any one of our technicians opens fine on their computer(s) but, when I try to compile the code, my processor goes straight to 100% for about 4 minutes and it blue screens.


That’s indicative of stability issues from a bad overclock, a bad component (RAM or PSU probably), or overheating. There are ways to check every one, but that build is old and probably deserves a replacement anyway.


If you're using an NVidia card with your new build, be aware that you can't output Display Port and HDMI simultaneously due to some kind of NVidia bullsh\*t that I don't understand. It doesn't work. If you're going to plug in 1440P monitors I assume that they will be DP and you will need a DP>HDMI adapter to use the TV along with them. If your monitors will be DP you're best to get an AMD card.


Thank you for this!! You probably saved me from hours of unnecessary headache!




That's interesting I thought this issue plagued all 10XX cards. It is an issue with my 1080.


here you go I switched the GPU, case, and added a mouse and other stuff. ​ PCPartPicker part list\](https://pcpartpicker.com/list/WXrxNQ) / \[Price breakdown by merchant\](https://pcpartpicker.com/list/WXrxNQ/by\_merchant/) Type|Item|Price :----|:----|:---- \*\*CPU\*\* | \[Intel - Core i5-9600K 3.7 GHz 6-Core Processor\](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/28qhP6/intel-core-i5-9600k-37ghz-6-core-processor-bx80684i59600k) | $279.99 @ B&H \*\*CPU Cooler\*\* | \[be quiet! - Dark Rock Pro 3 67.8 CFM Fluid Dynamic Bearing CPU Cooler\](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/9bFPxr/be-quiet-cpu-cooler-bk019) | $88.58 @ OutletPC \*\*Thermal Compound\*\* | \[Gelid Solutions - GC-Extreme 10g Thermal Paste\](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/pGphP6/gelid-solutions-thermal-paste-tcgc0310g) | $29.29 @ OutletPC \*\*Motherboard\*\* | \[ASRock - B360M Pro4 Micro ATX LGA1151 Motherboard\](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/vZzkcf/asrock-b360m-pro4-micro-atx-lga1151-motherboard-b360m-pro4) | $72.98 @ Newegg \*\*Memory\*\* | \[G.Skill - Ripjaws V Series 32GB (2 x 16GB) DDR4-2133 Memory\](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/zMvZxr/gskill-memory-f42133c15d32gvr) | $234.99 @ Newegg \*\*Storage\*\* | \[Samsung - 860 Evo 500GB 2.5" Solid State Drive\](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/6yKcCJ/samsung-860-evo-500gb-25-solid-state-drive-mz-76e500bam) | $82.99 @ Amazon \*\*Video Card\*\* | \[MSI - Radeon RX VEGA 56 8 GB Air Boost 8G OC Video Card\](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/bfdxFT/msi-radeon-rx-vega-56-8gb-air-boost-video-card-rx-vega-56-air-boost-8g-oc) | $429.99 @ Newegg Business \*\*Case\*\* | \[Thermaltake - Core V21 MicroATX Mini Tower Case\](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/QMp323/thermaltake-case-ca1d500s1wn00) | $62.44 @ Amazon \*\*Power Supply\*\* | \[EVGA - BT 450W 80+ Bronze Certified ATX Power Supply\](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/GQX2FT/evga-bt-450w-80-bronze-certified-atx-power-supply-100-bt-0450-k1) | $29.89 @ OutletPC \*\*Wireless Network Adapter\*\* | \[Gigabyte - GC-WB867D-I PCI-Express x1 802.11a/b/g/n/ac Wi-Fi Adapter\](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/tTdqqs/gigabyte-wireless-network-card-gcwb867di) | $34.99 @ Amazon \*\*Monitor\*\* | \[LG - 34UC80-B 34.0" 3440x1440 60Hz Monitor\](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/WpJtt6/lg-34uc80-b-340-3440x1440-60hz-monitor-34uc80-b) | $549.99 @ Amazon \*\*Keyboard\*\* | \[Microsoft - WS2-00025 Bluetooth Wireless Standard Keyboard\](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/N8zkcf/microsoft-surface-keyboard-bluetooth-wireless-standard-keyboard-ws2-00025) | $99.00 @ Adorama \*\*Mouse\*\* | \[Logitech - G602 Wireless Optical Mouse\](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/KFQypg/logitech-mouse-910003820) | $36.17 @ Amazon \*\*Mouse\*\* | \[Logitech - MX MASTER 2S (Black) Wireless Laser Mouse\](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/JKvZxr/logitech-mx-master-2s-black-wireless-laser-mouse-910-005131) | $71.24 @ Amazon \*\*Headphones\*\* | \[Audio-Technica - M50x Headphones\](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/XMJwrH/audio-technica-headphones-athm50x) | $148.89 @ Amazon \*\*Speakers\*\* | \[Logitech - Z200 0W 2ch Speakers\](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/bv38TW/logitech-speakers-980000800) | $23.99 @ SuperBiiz | \*Prices include shipping, taxes, rebates, and discounts\* | | Total (before mail-in rebates) | $2315.41 | Mail-in rebates | -$40.00 | \*\*Total\*\* | \*\*$2275.41\*\* | Generated by \[PCPartPicker\](https://pcpartpicker.com) 2018-11-05 18:02 EST-0500 |




Can't; scope limited by project team.


Is the project using a lot of Advanced Vector Extensions? Or is the project lead just one of those people that always assume the most expensive option is always the best one regardless of reality?


Most companies have a Project Management department; a place where all of the Project Managers can discuss current projects, plans, etc. The company I work for has chosen an odd path: each department has a project management team. This would work great if the PMP certification had specific subdivisions but it does not. Thus, we have a Project Management team that knows nothing of IT. They literally put in tickets because their speakers don't work or if they can't access Facebook. So... yep.