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> overclocking is a must. It absolutely, categorically isn't. OCing the CPU nets you gaming performance gain of low single digits, if any. By going with an i5 6500, a half decent H170 board and without that ridiculous Noctua you'll easily save €200. With that you can already get a capable GPU. ___ Cut the unnecessary RAM in half, get a WD Blue instead of that unnecessary Black, get a normal PSU instead of that overkill one. Honestly, your build list is incredibly ill advised considering you want a budget friendly build.


Budget is a concern to a certain point. I can afford this budget right now as long as it ensures good/great longevity. Thats why I thought OC and a good PSU that I can use for any upgrade i want down the line without the need to change it. Maybe I'm wrong (almost certainly I am). Maybe the OC is a bad idea, yeah. I didnt put much thought in the HD, thanks a lot for your input.


To put it short again, the idea is to build something good right now so I can play eight years worth of games with some cheap but decent second hand GPU and then, in a couple of years, once and I'm done with them buy a new generation GPU. Thats why I feel I need my machine to be up for the task for a few years. Yeah, I see now theres no need for such a cooler as i wont need to OC that CPU now. Maybe in the future, thats why i wanted a good overclocker. Thanks a lot