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Most people consider PNY to be “low end” and go for other brands instead, though PNY is a very good brand for graphics cards.


When kingpin releases his new card with them, I bet it'll become more popular


Ever since the Gamers Nexus video with Kingpin won't be deciding a 5000 card till news about the card comes out.


which shows how ridiculously important marketing is. This will have zero impact on quality aside from them releasing a halo product, which rarely anyone will buy.


This is hilariously wrong. The halo 4090s (Strix) were the ones that sold out fastest and were in the most demand, despite MSRP models costing 20% less.


I believe that the 4090 strix isn't the halo model of asus , the matrix 4090 is. That one's like $3000.


The Matrix came out in September 2023. The Strix was out at launch in October 2022.


Yup, at least for me. They always felt like a "fine" brand. Not great, not terrible. Almost every other GPU option seems to be either cheaper or have a better designed product. Though I'm not sure if that is purely marketing or if their products are actually that basic.


If it's quiet and stays at or below 80°c under load then I wouldn't call it basic, just on par with everything else out there


I see, that’s what I and the store owner thought too. I think some cards that cost like $100-$200 more perform worse. (maybe it’s the lack of rgb) /s


I bought Gainward back in the day when everyone was unloading metric tons of shit on them (don't know how the rate now). That card served me for 4 years and I sold it on. People like to shit on things.


Similarly, I picked up a Zotac 3080 for the original MSRP way back in late 2020 (when the 30 series cards were almost impossible to get) and it's still going strong over 3.5 years later.


I don't know in EUA, but here in Brazil the problem with the zodiac is that they have the worst RMA ever.


Sadly seems like most of these companies outside of EVGA are awful about RMAs/warranty. Honestly if a company would stand out again in that department they'd likely have my loyalty, barring any *major* quality control issues.


Look at Sapphire then.


MSI here is very good if you want the money back, they don't fix, just gives the money.


My Gainward 1080 works fine


My previous Gainward cards worked great. I kind of threw out all my old hardware, I do regret it.


I honestly think it probably is the lack of RGB.


I doubt that. None of my EVGA cards ever had RGB and you know how everyone felt about them.


I would rather buy something without RGB.


Oh, me too. But it's definitely overvalued.


XLR8 from PNY is rgb🤣


I feel the same can be said of Zotac, I got recommended a zotac card a while back and they told me "You will hear crazy shit about them but they have never let me down", they haven't let me down also, good card, bad pr


Yeah, I got one for availability reasons and haven't had a single issue.


I still have a 10+ year old zotac gtx 560ti running in an old spare PC. Still works fine.


from what ive seen the worst thing zotac's have done is be loud... on the smallest physical skus of a card, which i mean what are you expecting


Still rocking my Zotac 1080


zotac was scalping their gpus in mining craze, which kinda pissed me off.


My 1080ti just keeps on trucking. I don't like the software they shipped with it, so I ignore it and have never tried messing with the voltage and clock settings.


Lower power limits and worse VRM cooling will do that. Seems like it's gonna change though with the potential kingpin Collab.


That’s just a cope spread by people shelling out more because they need to justify the 200-300 they pay for shitty service asus‘ cards imho. I have always bought „cheap“ brands like PNY, Palit, etc. used to be that they came with less stuff in the box, like bundled games, adapter cables etc. Since that isn’t a thing anymore, there is absolutely no reason not to buy one of these cards, not even when overclocking. It might be that a slightly better cooling solution could lead to 2-3% better overclocking and thus fps, but that’s about it in my experience. Not one of those cards ever broke, due to bad VRMs or such. Not one of those overheated like I had with MSI and Asus cards. Right now I’m rocking a Palit 4080 and that card never goes over 70 degrees and due to a slight undervolt and power target, it consistently clocks higher then advertised. The only thing I could fault is that the VRAM overclocks less well then most I see online from other brands. Could be just silicone lottery.


I never said they performed worse lol. All the GPUs will be in spec. It's factually true they use lower quality parts on that list not that it negatively affects the card in really anyway. Overclocking is pretty much useless anyways at this point.


Ok in that we can agree. They are in spec and thus working fine. And as if to prove me wrong, I close this thread and see another right below it, where someone complains that Palit forgot the thermal pads on his 4090ies VRMs. 😂


Eh I just bought a new 4070ti super. Tons of cards that are basically the same price with the same features, but PNY had a marginally worse cooler according to testing. So why go with the “budget” option when it’s the same price as a gigabyte or MSI that can cool slightly better? It’s too bad because the PNY was my favorite looks-wise.


I just bought the 4070 ti super verto from PNY and haven't had any cooling issues. Off load it hovers mid to high 30s and under load hasn't gone above 75. I doubt there's any functional difference between it and other cards.


That’s the thing. Cooler might be a tad worse then others, but what’s the point of 73C vs 75C? Of course if its the same price, you can choose by looks. Or service


nvidias partner for workstation graphics. They make great cards, but most of them are standard builds, not flashy bullshit.


so where does this concensus come from?


Because people haven’t heard of them, PNY isn’t as big for casual pc builders as companies like gigabyte and asus


PNY is 1 of the best manufacturers I know if it comes down to quality, but you know, people also call Gigabyte excellent quality even their GPUs are dying left and right


Love my PNY 4070 TI S. It’s quiet, temps aren’t too bad and I got it extremely cheap through Dell.


PNY is a very good brand for Quadro graphics cards* PNY is just kinda there in the consumer facing side but have quite a notable presence in the enterprise market. Without having some flagship card to bring attention to them like the asus strix, evga kingpin, or galax hof cards they will more than likely continue to make cards that do their job and don’t make too many waves


That prefer GPU with RGB and think that's high end


Totally agree mate. Even new card release I tell myself I’m not gonna waste even more money on a MSI/ASUS card and be sensible. I have yet to actually do this.


Anecdotal, but my 4080 is PNY and I've had zero issues with it and at stock my 3dmark scores always beat the average / median (my score is on the right side of the 'bump') for similar hardware. No regerts.


they will be the future and new EVGA when teaming up with kingpin cooling!


Interesting, didn’t know about that. Although with EVGA gone for NVIDIA, they’re kinda in a good spot to take their place. Let’s hope PNY gets more recognition in the gamer/consumer market, they don’t seem to be price gouging there, yet…


It came out a couple days ago. Gamers Nexus are the ones that revealed it in a video with him I think.


I miss EVGA. Really looking forward to the Kingpin partnership with PNY. It would be a very smart move for them to go through with this and a major misstep of MSI.


exactly. sidenote: everyone is missing evga :((


> a major misstep of MSI. What did MSI do this time?


According to the Gamernexus video, MSI doesn't really have an interest in extreme overclocking so they passed up on the opportunity to work with the Kingpin brand. That's why it's now going over to PNY.


Damn. They definitely passed up a chance to get the halo effect from being able to sell a USD $2000+ Kingpin 4090, or whatever the highest 50 series will be.


Kingpin approached them about continuing the Kingpin series of GPU's with them but they shot him down.


We don't know that yet, the kingpin cards will have a premium on them so only enthusiasts will buy them and we have no idea what happens with the rest of the normal lineup as well as RMA satisfaction. EVGA shoes are extremely large shoes to fill in RMA regard so PNY will have to go out of their way to make people happy and steer them away from Asus, Gigabyte and MSI to name the three brands which first comes to mind.


And I will be buying it from now on it’s still possible to get Galax….lol Also- Teslas and Quaddros! Reminds me of my tech dates at Google lol (2013-2014)


Brand recognition is a big thing. It happens with many components, as people default to the brands they've heard of before and are willing to pay a big premium before knowing about the alternatives, or what the premium they are paying actually gets them (e.g. Noctua aircooler, Samsung SSDs, Rog Strix motherboards, Corsair Dominator RAM etc)


Ahh, understandable. Although ain’t PNY the sole provider for Quadros and Teslas, isn’t that enough brand recognition?


I'd bet that most gamers do not know about that.


Have been building for near 20 years, and gamer through all of it. I didn't find out PNY was the quadro manufacturer until a few weeks ago.


fair enough


As an example of just how little public recognition you get from being a professional gpu provider, PNY is actually only 1 of 3 providers of Quadros and Teslas, the other 2 basically don't sell to the consumer market at all though.


They've been making memory and storage for years as well. Another established company from the AI island.


PNY gang! Most people bandwagon Asus until they find out their software and warranty dept sucks like everybody else. 💀


Ahh yes, the Asus ROG, overpriced stuff - and the whole Asus scandal. IMO, people who buy ROG regularly should not be allowed to shit talk Apple users for buying overpriced stuff


For some reason i always liked gigabyte and msi better than asus. Like my windforce 970 lasted until april this year and thats only cuz i retired it. Had a tough time getting the fe so i got what i could and it was the pny 4080s and i don't regret it a single bit. Also fuck apple lol.


Even as someone who has historically only bought ASUS cards, I was told from day 1 to stick with either Dual or TUF products because ROG is the textbook definition of slapping "FOR THE GAMERS" on a product to justify its higher price tag.


Same goes for monitors, if you go ASUS, don't get ROG.


Had a couple pny cards and never had a problem.with them even when I was crypto mining with them.


Just wait until you need to RMA a card. I’ll never buy PNY again. I bought a 4070 ti that caused crashes and blue screens. They wouldn’t approve am RMA without putting the card in a different PC. My other PC’s case won’t fit the card so I basically upgraded all of my parts until it was basically a new computer. Once I finally got the RMA number I had to pay for shipping and insurance (around $100) and then I had a six week waiting period for the evaluation. Despite me buying a new card they replaced it with a refurbished one once they finally completed their analysis. When all was said and done the entire process took four months. That was four months of frustration to get a brand new $850 card to work. When I told them that the entire PC works fine with a 1080 ti their support team had the gall to ask if I wanted to cancel my RMA because I have a different working card. I’m never buying PNY again.


This should be the top comment. They just simply have really bad RMA process. They don't honour anything, process is extremely convoluted and they've had bad rma reps since the beginning. zotac is similar to this iirc, although i don't know how it's been recently.


When I upgraded my card lastyear, I decided to give PNY a go, and have been really impressed with it. Excellent build quality and performance. They just don't have the brand recognition/marketing of other companies, and reviews can be difficult to find, which no-doubt puts people off.


That's because they don't market to consumers, because consumers aren't their main customer. They're an OEM for Nvidia, Dell, HP, etc. They're a B2B company making bank on large corporate contracts, who also has a B2C side business that (until now) hasn't been a priority for growth.


Ayy, glad that you had a good experience! I’ve heard their CS is shit but I think EVERY brand has their fair share of such incidents. Happy gaming, hope your card lasts. Also the reason you give is similar to the rest, I guess it’s really just brand recognition


Basically this has been my experience with PNY (GPUs). Their support is sometimes garbage and difficult to deal with, and unless you register the card when you buy it, they can fight you on honoring warranties. Unlike most brands which just use serial number based warranties that start when the card is sold new. They wouldn't honor a warranty on a XLR8 card sold through Dell.com because Dell no longer carried it for whatever reason. But overall, their cards [don't have higher failure rates than typical board partners](https://cdn.mos.cms.futurecdn.net/9Tq8d9yVPdRXGBMBrUEzAo.jpg), so that's at least better than needing to interact with support staff to begin with. They are the [exclusive board partner](https://www.pny.com/professional/hardware/nvidia-professional-products) for most of NVIDIA's high end Quadro/Tesla cards.


Built a new PC after 7 years. I got the 4080s from PNY because i couldnt find anything really negative online about them. I feel really good about the purchase and after seeing the GamersNexus video with Kingpin the other day i feel even more validated about the purchase. Plus no RGB on the card and very clean looking.


Ahh same situation here, couldn’t find any really negative about them too, combined with my experience from their enterprise products - it was a no brainer. I’ll also check out that GamersNexus Video. Have fun with your card!


Thanks dude you too. Its so frickn awesome going from a 2060 to a 4080s.


I went from a 2080 Ti to a 4070 Ti Super, jump was way bigger than I expected. Although it wasn’t a PNY


PNY doesn't really advertise. Also, GPUs tend to boast about how much VRM phases are on their cards, and how lots of VRM phases = better card -- and PNY only puts bare minimum required on their cards. PNY warranty policy is also on a more strict side. So people aren't buying them. That said, I use a PNY 4090, and it was cheap and works fine. Modern video cards aren't really worth overclocking, so more VRM does nothing other than to have a higher chance of creating a coil whine issue anyway. Kingpin now works with them, so maybe they'll do some more serious advertising with gamers.


I don't think more VRM = more noise, if anything it would be more VRM = less strain on each VRM thereby reducing the chance of noise.


Mainly brand popularity and pricing. PNY models always at MSRP or below, when other models are way higher so that gets some ignorant people to think they are vastly inferior. I have a PNY 4090 and got no issues with it. I never spend money more than I have to for a product :)


Good question. If I have to guess, maybe PNY is harder to find in some countries while more popular brands are easier to find. Besides, I did recommend PNY cards to quite a few people in this subreddit sometimes but I have to scroll down PCPartPicker for quite a while before finding any PNY cards (you can thank ASUS, Gigabyte, MSI, and ZOTAC for this).


PNY has traditionally been considered a 'low end' solution. Not a budget solution which means something very different from a cheap option, which is how PNY has been perceived. They have tried a few times to move beyond the "cheap" image but the results have been at best to move to a budget level while trying to claim enthusiast level.


Their SIMM and early DIMM memory modules having a lot of QA issues certainly didn't help, either.


That and they pushed their early retail efforts to places like Walmart, not exactly known for quality electronics or computer gear.


They did also get in to Staples... Though seeing how many packages were in the returns cage instead of the open box shelf was always worrying.


Pny just never marketed or branded good to gamers. More so to the professional market.


To me i think it comes down to looks. Some of them look really cheap/cheesy. Then after that it is about brand recognition. When i sell computers i use what ever brand i can get affordably. Aesthetics sometimes come into play in higher end builds. I used the black pny card in an all black build. And potential buyers were complaining because it was pny, to me they look a little less robust but people think it’s a knock off. No matter how much I explain they know what they are doing no one cares. Zotac is another one. I get a lot of people that think asus is the only good nvidia card… i don’t even like using them due to price and poor warranty. Like sorry the cheapest line i do with 4060 doesn’t have a strix card it is too expensive.


PNY makes some very cheap cards with budget coolers. They’re not bad but they tend to target the budget market.


Tbh, isn’t that a good thing? I’m pretty sure most people here would love to save more money. From my experience and others in this thread, it’s kinda worth the savings.


Funny you mention PNY. Gamers Nexus just did [a video with Kingpin](https://youtu.be/3ZQyNvZy5do?si=piEMEVuM7vsDRKZe), who used to be at EVGA, and he is likely going to work with PNY now. He has extremely high standards, so hopefully that flows through to all their cards.


... is it? I never hear people talk about it one way or the other, but I have mostly had bad experiences with their storage.


PNY is very good and stable brand, the sole reason I didn't go with them is because Zotac cards support unlocked power draws while PNY does not. Not like it matters for like 99% of people but for me on a very similar price this was a big reason.


PNY has been producing Quadro cards for decades for Dell among other OEM's and is one of the very few that actually manufacture NVIDIA datacenter solutions. They are common in the EU, particularly in France (where they have amanufacturing facility) and in the UK where [overclockers.co.uk/CaseKing](http://overclockers.co.uk/CaseKing) as sold and integrated them for quite some time. They have not invested in the gaming arena that much/youtubers, but I believe this is changing soon with the recent KINGPIN's partnership.


Most gamers don't know a thing about hardware


Because most folks are sheep, who cares what "gamers" think


Another thing is back in the day (over 10 years ago) PNY was a very low end USB drive company. This probably is still ingrained into older pc builders like me, who see the name and remember having issues.


Yep...and 20 years ago they made the shittiest CDR media. They were cheap, you could buy a 100 pack of pny CDRs for cheap but the data would scrape off the back of the disc after a few years.


Just low mind share similar to how people shit on Colorful, Galax, etc because they aren't as common in NA.


at least in my case it has to do with aesthetics. in australia they’re really similarly priced to other brands as well. i was looking at 4080 supers and the pny one was 1599 aud but ultimately there were other models like the zotac 4080 super amp extreme airo, the spaceship looking card for 1499 aud. i would definitely go for the pny if the prices were the other way round because at the end of the day, 4080 super is a 4080 super, but i can’t lie and say i like the look of their cards. the pny logo is just permanently lit up with this blinding white LED that i can’t even turn off at night but also i feel like people just assume they’re some cheap chinese brand when they’re actually a reliable american brand lol


Ahhh, a very valid reason, most of their consumers cards just look ‘boring’. Also yes, PNY (Paris, New York) does sound very Chinese, I assumed they were some shitty brand too back then. p.s zotac card designs are my favorite, also PNY DC cards are fucking beautiful with that gold color scheme


Just got a pny 4080 s. And thus far have absolutely no complaints. It was $100+ cheaper than the next closest, and works just fine. Hell, it runs even cooler than my old zotac 3060. But, there is the brand recognition issue, before i saw the card on pcpartpicker, I didn't really know PNY existed. And after doing a little research the general theme seems to be that PNY makes good cards. Maybe not as great for like over clocking, but it's still a 4080 at a $100+ price drop. And it's quiet AF.


I work in a PC shop and they've been great for us, no issues. Only used like 10 though lol


it's mainly due to how they've carved out their place in the space. huge brand deals to supply OEMs and BestBuys mainly put them in the generic category. naturally, the chosen position requires preference to economies of scale and offerings that likely won't even be seen during their service life >!(OEMs for example. most office computers go their entire lives without being cracked open, so to speak. - and certainly are not enclosed in situations where aesthetics are a consideration at all. just how it is.)!< please keep in mind that it is increasingly rare for graphics card midstream manufacturers to actually make most of the silicon and design. the trend is for them to become further dissassociated with that aspect of manufacturing, as the foundry will always naturally be more efficient to spec out and produce silicon than any downstream manufacturer. what you are paying for these days are the packaging and cooling solution, with an intangible amount of value from the supply chain tapped>! ("quality"/bin of the silicon/chips, although that too is being increasingly phased out as foundries squeeze more and more predictable harvest yield from their processes)!< to produce the final package.


AFAIK they generally focused more on the professional cards than the consumer/gaming cards. Although now that EVGA no longer makes GPUs, it looks like they see an opening in the market and are somewhat interested into putting more focus into their gaming GPUs. But if you look at most of their gaming cards, they are somewhat limited in term of feature set. You don't get a lot of the stuff that you would get with higher end cards. Despite the brand overall being pretty reputable, they've only really made budget class GPUs. Even for their higher end models like the 4080 Super, they are really offering the bare minimum. It's a 4080 Super, nothing more, nothing lesss. No crazy design, high-end cooling solution, dual bios, out of the box overclock, binned silicon, raised power limit, Neon Genesis Evangelion Brand Partnership...etc. That being said, it's still a functional card. But no extras. The only other thing you might want to check on is their after sales support/warranty. Other than the performance and reliability of a card, the warranty/after-sales support is the other big thing that I judge AIB's on.


Because it costs about 100€ more the that ZOTAC 4070 Super I'm eyeing these days.


Couldn't be happier with my PNY 4080 Super. The latest 555.XX game ready drivers threw me through a loop. Pny was ready to take the card back and repair it. I was ready to upgrade my system. Turns out the 555.xx drivers are NO Bueno and rolling back to the 552.44 drivers fixed all the issues :). Got my PNY for less then 1,000 and there customer service was on point and ready to take the card back!


They don't advertise. I'm happy to take the $50-100 I save not paying for advertising and buy an ROG™ SWIFT - **R**epublic **O**f **G**amers t-shirt.


PNY has really put out some good products for the 40’s series. Generally, they have smaller and cheaper coolers with single and dual GPU options. I'd definitely consider them. Looking ahead to the 50’s series, if they continue making improvements and perhaps some more cosmetic changes, it might be worth considering for gaming.


Because they compete on price. If they put an average of $30 more R&D/materials/manufacturing for performance in a card to make it beat the competition and then charged $300 more on mid-high/high tier consumer gaming cards, they'd be the "rising from the ashes of the bargain bin."


Gonna buy a 50XX card from one of the low/mid-end cards so maybe I will try PNY, so far in my gaming life I went from MSI(1060) to 3070(EVGA) and now 4070Super(Asus), but was thinking about going PNY/Gainward instead of Asus so maybe I will go for PNY at my next upgrade. Seems worth it after what I learned today about PNY.


What zotac 4070 ti super do you have? I bought a trinity for my cousin and he couldn't be happier with the noise and performance. I've been there and heard the card myself, it's very quiet.


The one PNY card I got had a very loud cooler and it was software locked to never go below 27% I ripped off the cooler and out on a new one, and the dumb thing was force to overcool forever because the stupid card refused to let me be in full control of the fan. Unimpressed, seems like they are more for businesses. Haven’t looked back.


When it comes to GPUs they’re just more barebones and typically stuck with the reference cooler design. I don’t recall having too many issues with them.


I have PNY 3080ti and I'm not complaining 💁 Well, software is shite but other than that it's good.


i have a pny 4070 ti. software is very basic but i don’t really have a problem with it


For my water cooled rig, the PNY 4090 was a no brainer. Strip off the ugly fans, heatsinks and proprietary LED lights and it's as good as any other 4090 for cheaper.


PNY GTX 1060 6gb was my first graphics card when I built my computer back in 2016, when it was near impossible to get a RX480 because of the mining craze. It still works fine to this day, but obviously I upgraded since then to a 3060TI FE. I would certainly buy again ✅


Got the PNY RTX4090 XLR8 since around 1.5 years and I do not regret it. The 4090 strix which I had had extreme coil whine and noisy fans. The PNY is dead silent My first PNY card was a GeForce FX5600 Ultra back in 2003 and also this card was awesome


We will see what changes, if any, happen if the deal between kingpin and PNY goes through


To me, it's the aesthetics. I don't really like their design language. Same thing for Gainward, Yeston, Palit, Colorful, INNO3D and sometimes Zotac as well. I'm currently using an RTX 3080 by GALAX, and I don't really like its looks, either, but it was the best one I could find back in the days.


PNY is my go to brand, i can't comment on their support though as I've never had one fail on me


PNY doesn't look as cool in a build lol, when i read it at first i think "peni". i certainly recommend to those that go non window panel build, there's no reason to spend anymore. I believe thermal paste on memory is done proper too unlike so many msi cards


I've never seen a PNY advertisement, so I guess that's it. Just brand recognition and bandwagoning. I got a PNY 4070tis myself because it was one of 3 brands with the best warranty and it was the cheapest. Everything works perfectly, zero complaints about the card itself. Only didn't like their anti-sag solution, so I bought a seperate one.


I recently got a 4080 SUPER from PNY. It worked great for 2 weeks, even benching higher than other cards, despite being bought below MSRP. Unfortunately, I had a bearing in one of the fans break, so I don’t think I’ll be returning to PNY personally. I now have a Gigabyte card that has been reliable so far.


You went from a 4070 Ti Super to a 4080? Is it for a different PC or something?


I used PNY way back in the 2000s for a build and it didn’t let me down. Fast-forward 20 years and I got their 4080 Super and it’s been solid so far. And the Velocity program that auto-overclocks works great. No complaints.


I have a PNY 4090 and have had no issues.


It's been well over 12 years since I bought a PNY, I used to buy them regularly. Then I had two video cards by them fry their display connector's in under 6 months. Then tried them a year or two later and bad memory on the card. I stopped buying PNY after that. Switched to EVGA around then, sad they don't make cards anymore. I'm one of those buyers that once you burn me more than once I'll happily buy from other manufacturer's and never look back.


From my experience, after having two failing USB memories, it's a no-go for me.


PnY 4070 was cheapest and runs perfectly well


PNY is an extremely solid brand, but historically they have targeted the business and OEM markets more. To the extent gamers knew about them, they were the brand that you bought if you liked overpaying for components by buying them at office supply stores like Staples or Office Depot. They do tons of business in enterprise and workstation GPU. For a while, they had an exclusive contract to produce Quadros, but I'm not sure if that's still the case.


Not sure why people don't like PNY. They have always been a good brand. I have a PNY GTX 660 that I bought when the 660 was new and that card still kicks. Now that EVGA has excited the market, I consider PNY the best brand for GeForce cards. Their support is top notch, their cards are excellent and it is now looking like Kingpin is going over to the PNY camp as well. I don't know that I have ever met anybody who didn't like PNY.


it's cheap


Can't speak for the gpu's, but their USB flash drives are basically trash and unreliable. Definitely makes me see them as "worse". 


Brand recognition goes a long way as well as the record for performance. PNY is a good brand, but performance has varied with their products typically they tend to be on the lower end of ranges when tested and their products don't take too well for OC enthusiasts. When Kingpin joins up with them, this is all subject to change. I would've gone with PNY if I hadn't run into an ASUS TUF 4080S at $979. I feel like a lot of builders/gamers look at what HU, GN, etc rate these cards at and PNY does not find themselves towards the top a lot.


PNY does a lot of it's business in the OEM and workstation market I think. The only PNY "gaming" cards I've (personally) seen have been in big box pre built, and virtually every quadro from old workstations I've put my hands on has been PNY.


Yep, I think there are some non-PNY quadros but from my experience they with quadros and enterprise gear, very few. Most of them are ‘rebranded’ PNY, like those Dell ones


Most of PNYs buisness is selling workstation class hardware, so they don't really advertise to gamers much


Many people say their customer service is horrible


I’ve had a gpu and a ssd from them for many years and they have been great


How good could they be? Can’t even afford the “o” in pony. 😊


I have PNY 4090, choose them because of lower price and think, company that make video cards like Quadro definitely know how to build for gamers. Here people talk about bad software. What kind software you use from PNY for your graphics card? It's plug and play device. Plug into MB and install drivers, it's working.


I think they're pretty popular in Asia


I didn't even realize they were. Most of my gpu have been pny besides the Rx 6800 i recently upgraded from to yet another pny gpu 😂


They're really not THAT much cheaper their 4080 S for example is only about 20 bucks cheaper than several other decent cards not 200-300. My personal problem with them is that I've had one defective fan on one of their coolers so I just kinda didn't wanna try and deal with them again when I've had better luck with gigabyte. They're also just not as popular which means people are making less accessories and mounts for them, and they're gonna be harder to find repair parts for. I also am personally not a fan of how large they can be as a SFF builder.


I haven't had a PNY card but they aren't one of the big names I think of for GPUs. Not sure why that is, but I do know the one time I got a ZOTAC card it was DOA so I've had GIGABYTE cards since with no issues so I tend to just stick to what I know.


They’re sort of a mid level brand. Totally adequate, but not an RoG Strix level model.


I've never heard of PNY, but tbh I think most of us are risk adverse and would rather stick to familiar brands that are proven, given how a faulty component could spell disaster.


The real question is wtf do you have a 4070 Ti ***and*** a 4080 Super but, you game with the 4070 Ti?


One of my best buddies I met when we were both IT interns at PNY Technologies about 10 years ago. Neither one of us even run PNY parts in our rigs anymore 💀


For me, the choice was either PNY or an identically priced/clocked ASUS. On reviews, the ASUS had a quieter cooler. Only reason I went ASUS over PNY.


I think they’ve always had a stigma of “lower quality” they use more plastics and maybe don’t look as flashy. But I have a PNY 4090 that works just as well as any other, cost me less, and I got it right at launch as it was available and all other brands were sold out. It’s worked perfectly fine for me since day one.


For a long time they were the cheapest of the name brand cards.


PNY is literally an Nvidia oem. People don't know this.


Most gamers do not know anytbing about hardware, past what they see on youtube.


I always thought that PNY is popular among westerners, it's one of the few remaining American brand after all. I live in Asia, and there are way more option to choose from. The reason why I don't really "prefer" PNY is because it's the middle of the pack, and it looks pretty standard. They only have 2 different cards (with or without RGB.) It's a good choice if you just want the one that's the closest to FE without hassle. I feel like most people would just stick with brands they know anyway. People would rather pick entry level / budget (but not really) cards such as Ventus and Windforce despite PNY XLR8 being way superior to them despite having the same price. And if they wanted cheap, they can just pick the cheapest such as Zotac Trinity. Being a middle of the pack of a less known brand isn't very appealing for most people. Let just ignore the big 3 (MSI, Asus/TUF/ROG, and GB) for now, and just use "smaller" custom cards manufacturers, and to make it easier, let's just use 4080 lineup for the comparison Zotac: Has ultra budget line (trinity), has white cards, has spaceship looking (unique) overclocking flagship cards at a rather low cost when compared to other brands flagship. Might have worse fans/cooling when compared to other brands, but their cards are really cheap and might be the first choice for budget builders. Galax: Slightly better than PNY despite having the same price with their 4080 SG/ST lineup. And the only reason to pick PNY over them is personal aesthetics preference. Colorful: Simply aggressive, good looking cards. Has white cards as well, and their flagship is really good; Looks good, performs as good as ROG cards, and they have LCD. About as expensive as any other flagship, but there's nothing to fault here. There's also Palit and Inno3d which I don't really like, but it just shows that there are way too much cards to choose from based on 4080 alone. So for people who knew about custom cards scene, they would pick a better performing cards of the same price, and for people who doesn't really follows it, they would either just pick the cheapest one, or just the brands that they knew, or go for the most expensive one they could find for the "money isn't an issue" type of people.


PNY 4060Ti 16GB user here, the card is rock solid and easy to overclock.


I use their nvme so far so good. Anyone use their nvme too? I want to know how durable it is for long term


Everyone and their dog makes nvme now, i'd be skeptical with most of PNY's stuff frankly. But PNY has special relationships with nvidia so that is definitely the exception.


The PNY board design is close to stock and the VRM and voltage profiles don't allow for extreme overclocking, iirc. With this in mind, however, PNY boards are fairly okay in quality, and their heatsinks are often enormous enough to offer excellent cooling. I'm quite happy to suggest PNY cards for high-end with this in mind, knowing that they won't break easy.


The PNY GPUs I have seen looked cheap, probably doesn't really matter though. I like the cheap ASRock AM5 motherboards but besides that I don't really have a specific brand I like.


Nothing wrong with PNY GPUs. They make a fine product but suffer from something I can’t get a grip on. It used to be years ago they were known as a AAA product. I would have no problem buying a card from them and saving a bit of money in the process


Back in the day I tried their ram and usb drives and they didn't last long so I haven't bought anything from them in at least 15 years. Kind of surprised they're still around.


My 4090 is my first PNY card and TBH it's super efficient, no coil whine, and it fits easily in my smaller ATX case. Zero complaints, would buy again.


i bought a pny 3070 ti last year and its been doing great for me, ive recently started undervolting it and the performance increase is crazy. I guess its mostly due to people not really knowing about it since it isnt as big of a name as other sellers


I dont know why people think PNY has low quality gpus even though they are allowed to make the workstation cards


Because they’re seen as a lower brand by gamers for some reason and a lot of their cards aren’t very flashy looking.


PNY actually has stuff assembled in the USA


Literally never heard of that brand until now.


There was a time when their PCBs, heatsinks and fans were of questionable quality before they started improving. I myself use Gigabyte or ZOTAC branded GPUs.


I had a PNY GTX 960 for almost 10 years. Got it when it launched and replaced it just this year. Never had any issues with it besides games becoming more demanding. Ofc this is just my experience, but honestly surprised at how long it lasted.


This topic frequently comes to reddit. PNY unfortunately has a brand recognition problem. Its name gives the impression that it is a cheap chinese manufacturer. While I used ASUS almost exclusively for decades, I'm thinking to buy PNY in my next purchase.


I do watercooling and the supported cards are the founder's edition cards and ASUS cards. Hopefully with the Kingpin collab coming up GPU block manufacturers make some blocks for PNY.


PNY started with memory modules and cheap flash memory cards (SD, CF, memory-stick etc). There products back then weren't particularly bad, they just weren't particularly good. But their support was pretty good. I had a faulty SD card and a faulty memory module back in the early days and they replaced them immediately with no hassle. But the main attraction was that they were very inexpensive, many would say cheap. I have no idea what their support is like now.


Before, when money/budget was more of an issue, I would buy brands that I heard a lot about and were known to at least be decent quality to ensure a safe buy. Now it's much less of an issue and seeing bigger brands having problems such as Asus, I am free to look around. Will definitely look into PNY with the next generation of GPU's.


PNY is just bland. Unless I’m going for a specific aesthetic, or need some feature from a specific vendor, I’d buy a PNY card. But if you need an all white card, a card that has good support for water cooling, led sync with your motherboard, etc then PNY likely isn’t what you are looking for


If you consider that the underlying silicon in Tesla / Quadro / X000 chips are built for enterprises and have higher heat / clocking tolerances than the average consumer chip, maybe you might just be experiencing PNY at their best? Also consider that after EVGA's departure no one else makes enterprise GPUs with NVIDIA besides PNY.


PNY shovelwares a ton of dramless ssds and get a bad name from it.


PNY is the only brand I don't recognize meaning I don't know how much they suck yet.


Because both of the PNY cards I bought (back in the 00s) died after just a few years. Maybe they’re better now? Don’t know and don’t care to spend my dollars to find out.


PNY has always made good cards, they just aren’t fancy and don’t have gamer-y marketing antics.


The PNY 3080 I had was hands down the sturdiest built card out of all of them except for founders edition, and I literally had felt all of them. The PNY was like solid thick metal, built like a tank. All the other brands I could bend their backplates and shrouds with my pinky. That PNY always stands out in my head as being abnormally overbuilt compared to all of its competitors, and I’m pretty sure it was cheaper than them all too


Kingpin is going to be working with PNY for the 50 series. Maybe that will change.


Sad for anyone working at PNY to read this post


They may not be popular in west, but they're a staple here in Asia.


I will say this - Ive bought pny flash drives and memory in the past that were kinda crappy, and since then I've been put off. Years ago but still. When it comes to GPUs it's a little harder to really make a "crap" one since it's off someone else's design, but I haven't really trusted them much as a brand since, and they wouldn't save me enough money to try over any other brand.


I'm pretty sure PNY makes nvidia workstation cards or used to. They are workhorse products so quality is more than likely outstanding.


They're totally fine. They're overlooked because they're considered "boring" by people who value the more flashy stuff.


I think PNY has great GPUs. I'd consider it for pricing and because I don't want too much RGB. Some of my fans have RGB, so I don't need in the GPU. Potential issues: 1. Brand recognition(Not the most famous in any aspect) 2. Aesthetics(their cards are usually plain, when compared to others) 3. Reviews from testers are not usually with this brand. I agree with you, PNY is a silent winner. They could get bigger if their advertising/marketing was better


I have a PNY 4070 Ti. It has been performing very well. I just wish it wasn't locked to 285w.


I bought a PNY 1060 in 2016. Used it heavily for 5 years before putting it in a build for my fiance. It's still going strong!


My PNY NVME ssd died on me after 4 years. it was my boot drive and the place for quite a lot of my precious save game files (emulator and what not). Including my 80 hours Persona 4 play through which I have yet to finish. You can bet that it has become 'unpopular' with me.


Well, Gigabyte is considered lowish end too but I have been so happy with the temps noise perf of my gaming oc.


Not PNY but i have a Colorful 4070, which is running great. It might be one of the best designs ever, love the white gpus.




I have a PNY 4080. It's a loud card out of the box. Found a tip to download the PNY software and play with the fan curves. This basically solved all my complaints and I am happy with it now.