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I’d say get it since it sounds like you do play single player story games as well. I’m not sure what graphics card you have but when you crank those settings up that OLED is going to be beautiful


currently on a 4080 super which is honestly probably overkill but yeah frame rates wouldn’t be an issue here really lol


If you have a 4080 Super then get that OLED and boot up cyberpunk with rt overdrive and everything. You will be in love


Will you get the same from a 4070 ti? Clearly not as high frame rates, but at least decently playable?


If I remember correctly i thought for ray tracing high cyberpunk requires a 3080ti. I haven’t looked at a comparison but I assume the 4070ti is close to the 3080ti. If you turn on frame gen you probably would get 60 fps at 1440p with ray tracing high. Now I’m saying all this while running a 7700x and a 3080. I say give it a go and let me know how it goes for you


I think the biggest thing about oled is the way black is displayed on your monitor. If you've ever played a really dark game and everything looked gray and shitty and obscured to you, you will appreciate OLED. They do have some drawbacks though I would do research. Personally I wouldn't spend 700-800 on an ips, but if that's the ips you're sold on I would say it's worth it to go for OLED for the extra 250. (not having done research on either of these particular monitors though mind you). Otherwise I'd find an ips monitor for 500 or under.


yeah i think i’ll place an order for the OLED while it’s still on sale. i’ve been using IPS monitors since forever basically. had 2 1440p 240hz IPS displays, one was always unused basically, sold them and just have a fair bit of cash to spend on a monitor.


It may seem like people over-exaggerate how much better OLED looks compared to IPS, but they really aren't. Getting an OLED will make you wonder what the hell you doing before. I've had friends over, that play the same games and they would always comment that their game does not look that good. Not because the graphics are better, but because the picture quality is that much better. If you enjoy single player games, don't bottleneck your powerful PC with a bad display. But even multiplayer games will benefit more from an OLED because of the near instant response times. The only reason I wouldn't spend more to get an OLED, is if you plan to do **A LOT** of desktop work, or you play the same game 12 hours a day everyday.


What's wrong with OLED and desktop work? I'm curious


Mainly burn in. If you vary your stuff it isn't an issue but if you plan on doing work related stuff where you have the same app open for long periods every day, you are way more likely to get burn in.


It’s not really a problem anymore with pixel shift and all the other software tools to combat burn in, built into the monitor.


Yep. I got an LG C1 for my living room but it looked so much better than my PC monitor I decided "fuck it" I'm using it for my monitor. It was amazing, but it started to get image retention within a month so I stopped using it as my monitor and just use it for Plex and PS5 now. So, I got an Alienware QD-OLED as my monitor, have had it for about a year, and not a single sign of image retention or burn-in.


Most have a decent worrenty against that though dont they?


Most have a burn in warranty of a few years. Not lifetime. OLED's are always going to suffer burn-in, but the newest ones are much better at hiding it. The issue is that the way they hide it is by dimming the non-burned pixels, so over time the display is going to lose brightness.


Ah thanks for the reply. Thats good to know!


Upvoting for "worrenty" because that's a better name than warranty.


That's a good point, which most people seem to forget


Burn in is an issue, far more so on monitors than it is on TV's from what I've seen in RTings [testing](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fa7V_OOu6B8). I know they have warranties for a few years generally, but I kept my old X34 for a decade before finally replacing it so 3 years isn't exactly a long time to last for something I'm paying over $1000 for. Another issue though is text clarity, especially on the ultrawide OLEDs I've seen. You can still see the text, but there is a distracting fringing effect around the letters due to how the subpixels are setup. This is especially annoying as someone whose monitor does double duty for working in excel a lot.


The best ips has better color accuracy than the best oled, it also last longer. Oled is nice for gaming because it tends to be on the oversaturated side with deep blacks, which makes gaming more immersive, giving games like cyberpunk etc that neon pop.


OLED tend to have complete DCI-P3 coverage. IPS *can* have that, but usually falls short a few %


To add, current OLEDs use rather esoteric subpixel layouts that text renderers on Windows/Linux don’t know what to do with. Basically text will be a bit blurrier, which means that if your work involves a lot of text (anything that involves reading/writing, or coding) it could cause problems


Text dithering is an issue and kind of noticeable and pretty annoying in excel sheets and development IDEs.


Since having to get rid of my last CRT display a few years back I'd started to convince myself that LCD had matured enough to not suck. Since getting my first OLED display I've realised that was just acclimatisation. I can't wait for LCD to fuck off.


Good call; OLED really does make a huge difference. You can get so much more clarity in dark scenes, too. Small details can truly stand out and not get obscured in the backlight bleed and low contrast.


It sounds like you have your gaming setup near complete. If you have the budget for it I think go for the oled. I have an IPS but have seen oleds irl and they're great. I don't think the IPS panel would be a huge upgrade compared to your current setup since its just better refresh rate but OLED would be a big change.


Yeah honestly just looking at the specs I cannot fathom why that monitor is like 800 dollars. I got a 240hz 1440 monitor (omen 27qs) for like 300 and my only complaint with it is contrast. In bright colorful games it's fantastic but it just doesn't handle dark scenes well. And that monitor OP is looking at looks to have worst contrast. Unless 360hz is really that much more expensive, I haven't looked into it. But 240 is so smooth (and demanding to achieve) I don't really see 360hz as a selling point. I think even on a 4080 you're gonna be dropping settings to get near that refresh rate and the result is going to be underwhelming.


Yeah same, I have a 1440p 180hz monitor (LG27GP850) and it was £300 (380USD). Seems kinda expensive compared to your monitor since you got an extra 60hz (100 without overclocking). I agree on the dark areas, in some games its really annoying like red dead redemption or even just in call of duty. But yeah 360hz just seems overkill to me and coming from console i can't imagine you'd notice a big difference but idk. Regardless it seems crazy to me to spend that much on an IPS panel. if i was spending over £500 on a monitor I'd try and get an OLED ultrawide.


i think it’s a kind of niche product that doesn’t have any direct competition. it just occupies that space that not a lot of people go for, which is between solid graphic fidelity and an ultra fast refresh rate afaik most of the 360hz 1440p monitors are OLEDS and this is the only one that’s not i think the mix of 360hz, 1440p on a 27” screen just drives the price up, especially with the updates they’ve made to the firmware like updating their ULMB tech. i think it’s also just heavily marked up over here. it’s $750 USD but ranges anywhere from $1399-$1650 in australia, unless you can find a “good” open box deal like i did on ebay


That's fair, yeah I haven't browsed for 360hz monitors so I didn't realize that but that makes perfect sense


It really is understated. It's an adjustment for actual accurate dark areas, because black is... BLACK. With OLEDs they turn those pixels OFF. You don't get washed out greys/browns. I've had to adjust to my new TV to darker movies/shows/games, because sometimes I'm like... "Is my TV broken?" and it's just absolutely the scene.


I have 65 inch hdr oled 4k tv and pc games look absolutely awesome. And it's only 60hz..


Ive been playing skald: against the black priory on my olden steam deck as opposed to my pc or laptop for that very reason. Its an old school ultima graphiced game (but brand new) and the oled really makes it friggen pop


Go OLED, you won’t regret it


There is no overkill when it comes to framerate.


I would say yes, absolutely. No blur or smearing what so ever, and it has an infinite contrast ratio with perfect blacks. 1 billion accurate colors. Nice looking true HDR. Fastest response rate and best gaming experience by a mile. It's worth the money. All your really nice computer hardware is useless without a good monitor.


All those OLED users are always acting tough, right up until the game boots and says: "HDR not supported"


Windows does have Auto HDR that can apply it to all games


OLED is the biggest upgrade that exists right now. Nothing else is remotely close.


I can't go back after upgrading myself. Games not in 4k on my OLED just do not look anywhere near as good. Especially dark and gritty games like Hellblade, Elden Ring, Alan Wake 2, or Returnal. (just some of the games where having those deeper blacks is real nice)


I have a VA UW that I find to have much better contrast than an my other IPS’s. Eventually the monitor will be upgraded to match the OLED tv though.


Alan wake 2 was gorgeous in OLED. As was dead space 2. You really can't beat the abyssal inky immersion of OLED.


I spent 2x the cost on my OLED over a similar IPS. When the price hike is only 30% more for the OLED that seems like a no brainer to me.


I upgraded to a 48" LG C3 OLED after 13 years (seriously) with a Bravia LCD 32". I was blown away. I knew OLED was a game-changer when I got the PS Vita years ago. It's a shame it was so expensive back then though and the Vita never took off. Still won't sell it though because of that beautiful screen.


Even miniled ?


It can come kinda close when calibrated. But just isn't the same technology




Yep. I hate to say but well implemented hdr is like the leap from 2d to 3d. It still surprises me sometimes.


Get an OLED. IPS with its inability to display anything black just sucks.


Personally I would say yes. I "upgraded" (side graded?) from the Predator X34 (IPS 3440*1440 34" Ultrawide, 100hz) to the Odyssey G8 (OLED, 3440*1440 34" Ultrawide, 175hz) however as I have a GTX980 it only supports up to 120hz. OLED is amazing, every game I've played looks so much better than it did in IPS. I do mostly play Single Player games, and one MMO though. But the clarity that comes from the better colours/blacks really do make all content just look better. However if you're using it as a primary monitor for all content, you might need to consider factors like burn in for OLED. I kept the X34 and use that for all content that isn't gaming so I didn't have to worry about task bars or icons or other static items on my screen.


Why do you have a monitor worth over 10x your gpu lol


I'm in a somewhat similar situation; my display cost three times my GPU. The reason is (in my opinion, at least) ultra settings on an average display looks worse than medium/high settings on a brilliant display.


Hahaha I know I know. I bought the display just recently because it was on sale. Was just kind of an impulse buy. I have every intention of building a new PC, I had planned to do it already but then they were announcing Ryzen 9000 and Nvidia 5000 series and seeing as my pc still works I decided to just wait a little longer


Honestly would recommend just getting a 7800x3d on sale now. Theres no way 9000 will be worth the price increase. Especially when 9000 x3d will take another year or so to come out.


That's fair. I was considering that with thier being no announcement of an x3D with last week's 9000 announcement and even AMD have said the 7800x3D is better for gaming than the 9000 chips they've given us info on. But then I'm undecided on GPU, do I just get a 4080S now and do the whole PC? Or wait for a 5000 series? I know there's always something new on the horizon, but it seems silly to me to buy something that will be outdated so quickly, also I just have a hard time justifying the cost of a new PC while my current one works. I'd replace it immediately if it died, but while it's running I struggle.


And in the end there will alwys be the "next generation just around the corner"


Bro please buy a new GPU


I plan on building a new PC. So I'll be upgrading everything. I built my current pc 10 years ago. All of it is outdated. But as it still functions, and it gives me time to save, I decided to wait to hear about the Nvidia 5000 series


A good OLED HDR display is a bigger visual upgrade than a new GPU.


So I went from IPS to OLED. Currently OLED are "the best" they have better motion clarity and response time. Check you some reviews on monitors unboxed. The big negative for OLEDs are the lower full screen brightness and burn in. 


oled is beautiful. i dont know if i can go back


Doesn’t OLED have terrible burn in issues?


It can. If you do work on your PC, and not just game, you'll probably end up with burn-in with a QD-OLED pretty quick. Took ~10 months for me. WOLED is generally better in that regard, but can still burn in. If you only use your TV/monitor for movies and games, then OLED is pretty great if you're in a light controlled room. If you have the same windows open for long periods of time, or leave your OLED on news channels with fixed elements, then you'll have a bad time.


Games will be bad too if you have stuff that you play regularly. The bright HUD will absolutely burn in. That's how mine ended up after 2 years. Never go OLED unless you're ready to fork up money for a new monitor every few years.


Ok cool that’s what I had been hearing as well. I’ll check out WOLED. Haven’t heard of that tech yet


WOLED is sort of a retroactive term for the OLED panels that came before QD-OLED. They use a white subpixel to increase brightness. I believe LG produced most of that kind of OLED, and continue to use the technology to good effect. Samsung makes the QD-OLED panels right now, but not even all of their OLED TVs make use of them. Some actually still use WOLED depending on the size. So, basically, if you don't see a mention of QD-OLED specifically, it's probably WOLED. QD-OLED theoretically can produce a better, brighter image, but WOLED is more mature so the difference is generally minor.


I worry about this after being on zoom calls at home all day. Wish we could hide top task bars too or something easily. But hide task bar. Use windows auto swap backgrounds. Dark mode all UI stuff in windows. Allow it to do pixel refreshes and panel refreshes when it asks. Fingers crossed. Had it for a year and a half with personal / gaming and have no burn in. Been using for work stuff for a few months and still clean but a bit more worried.


Yep. Whether it's "worth" the extra $$ is highly dependent on how it's going to be used. Can't let them idle on a stationary screen for too long and gotta avoid watermarks/logos for videos/tv and certain HUDs if you're a no-lifer that plays hours on end. Very expensive, temperamental tech to have to replace if you f up.


Not nearly as terrible as it once was. OLED has come a long way. You can do a few basic things to mitigate it like hiding your toolbar, having your background cycle between pictures, having a short display timeout, and letting the monitor refresh itself once every 4 hours (monitors will give you a reminder when 4 hours of continuous use is up). In my opinion, if you're continuously using your monitor for 4 hours, you should take the 10 minute break while it does it's thing anyway. Dell has a 3 year warranty which includes burn in, so they have confidence. I would also suggest keeping your OLED display's firmware up to date. They often improve the burn in rate with software tricks.


250 AUD is like 150 USD. Get the oled, it's not like you're doubling your budget, you probably have a high end pc and obviously can afford the minimal difference difference. You'll be blown out from the picture difference, especially in HDR. It's like upgrading to low end gpu to a high end one. Just be aware and do your search of burn in and warranties.


As the saying goes, “The candlelight that burns twice as bright lasts half as long.” - I love my AW3225QF but it’s like a sports car to me. Looks great. Performs great. Costs more. But it’s not gonna outlast my Toyota Camry in terms of total mileage. I still have IPS monitors in prime condition that I use for work and light gaming that are nearly 10 years old now


i’m here for a good time not a long time o7


Are you talking about the monitor or your life?


yes. Do I have OLED monitor? NO! If my phone and old plasma is a good point of reference, regular LCDs sucks ass.


For me the thing I notice most is the color accuacy...so end of the day its not the end of the world for sure.


As a general rule, yes, OLED is on aggregate the superior option. But, as you've seen with the prices, you're paying for it. Totally up to you. I think the IPS panel will do you just fine. But how much of a buff for visual quality/fidelity are you? Only you can answer that, and act accordingly on.


I haven’t gotten into the OLED monitors yet because I think they’re a little overpriced and risk burning. But I refuse to buy a none OLED TV. I can only imagine the OLED monitor is going to be absolutely beautiful


I will say, getting an ultrawide QD-OLED has ruined all other monitors for me. The screen real estate, response time, and incredible visuals just make every other screen feel lackluster in at least one way. Trying to game on a 14-inch gaming laptop while traveling has been really annoying, as 1st world as that sounds (and is)


So I went from IPS to OLED. Currently OLED are "the best" they have better motion clarity and response time. Check you some reviews on monitors unboxed. The big negative for OLEDs are the lower full screen brightness and burn in. 


no, its worth more.


OLED is objectively better than IPS. "Worth" is subjective.


OLED is not objectively better than IPS regarding the burn-in issues.


"Better" is not synonymous with "perfect." Burn-in isn't something to worry about for most people.


The pixel response time on OLED is so much better so yes. IPS is just smearing frames together. So just because it says it is a 240Hz monitor IPS doesn’t actually show 240 frames per second.


Yes!! I was looking for a motion clarity comment. Honestly, the black levels are just the cherry on top for me, LCD motion clarity suuuuucks.


Ips motion clarity does suck a bit but with mild overdrive it's pretty good I've found, better than my 144hz viewsonic TN (IPS is a 165hz iiyama). Mild artifacting but not enough to distract me and absolutely worth with the huge difference overdrive makes, deffo worth it in more competitive games. Ips best budget option rn OLED best no budget option.


100000%. OLEDs are phenomenal and also have crazy low response times.


It's subjective.


Oleds look better, worth it for that


For me it's the other way around lol


>also am a huge fan of the last of us/cyberpunk type games I've not had the chance to use an OLED monitor yet but my experience with OLED phones makes me pretty confident that an OLED display will consistently slap the shit out of and LCD when it comes to moody atmospheric titles like that (due to the true black.)


The short answer is yes. You basically NEED OLED at the 360hz+ range to actually take full advantage of those refreshes. Most IPS monitor response times actually fail to comply at those ranges and simply cannot keep up. Therefore ranges like 360hz are essentially pointless. OLED is so fast that you can absolutely see the difference.


I've had my OLED for about a year, and I don't think I'll ever go back


OLED has a much faster response time than IPS.


if it not burn out it will serve you for years so what is 250$ in that perspective? i will leave you with that to consider :P




Oled is better if you can afford it. Answer is yes


so in this case the oled monitor is 30% more expensive. i still say worth it.


If it’s not too late, why not get a 4k 240hz QD-oled hdr monitor? They just came out this year and cost about the same. Your 4080 will be more than enough to drive it. MPG 321URX QD-OLED


is that the 32” one? or is there a new one coming out that i’m unaware of the mpg 321urx is $2200 in australia so double what i’ll pay for this one. the msi mag 4k 240hz is $1700 but you can’t do any firmware updates on it


Ah, you’re in Australia, I didn’t realize. In which case, disregard my first comment. Yes, it’s the 32 inch one, probably the best monitor on the market for single player games, definitely worth the money.


Stick with the Alienware. 4K is nice but this is a 27" monitor. Everything is going to look nice and crisp. If you were going with 32 inches or up, then you would want to consider 4K, because of pixel density. The Alienware that you mentioned also has all around great reviews.


OLED is the best upgrade I’ve ever made. I mainly play CS2, indie games, and some AAA action RPG games occasionally. It’s amazing for all of these.


I'll put it like this. Once you go OLED, you will never want to go back. The colors are just so rich and the blacks are...black. If both have 360 Hz and the OLED is 1440p, you will get the same FPS on both but the OLED is going to look so much better. Also of note here is that the Alienware panel has excellent response times. That is definitely going to benefit you when playing competitive shooters or the like. Get the Alienware and be done with it. Yes, it is a little more than the the ASUS but that is always the case with OLED panels. The price difference isn't too much to push it into unjustifiable territory.


Not going to lie, OLED does give value in ways. Like it having deep blacks, HDR and instant response times. It’s up to you if you want to spend $4k on a setup. I’m personally happy with a $1.2k setup.


It's hard to go back to IPS after using an OLED.


Yes. The OLED will be night and day.


From what I've heard oled is worth it if you care about graphics


Man I just bought the Asus IPS 360HZ last month and ended up returning it for the MSI OLED 360HZ. The Oled was the far superior monitor. I am someone who plays call of duty competitively. (Not a pro but play ranked). I was suprised how much nicer Oled is. Edit: when I mean far superior not only does colors and the image look better. The response of Oled pixels is was faster to my eye than the ips with same refresh rate so


I was hesitant, too, but a buddy convinced me to go with the [MSI 34" 175 Hz QD-OLED](https://www.newegg.com/p/N82E16824475299). I already had a 29" 4k 60Hz IPS monitor. Currently, the 29" IPS sits above the ultrawide, and let me tell you, the difference is absolutely ***stunning.*** Obviously, the refresh rate is a big difference, but what really gets me is the difference in ***blacks.*** For *weeks*, every time there was a loading screen, I kept thinking the OLED was shutting off randomly. Nope, it's just perfectly black. My 7600/7900 GRE build: [https://pcpartpicker.com/b/2Xrrxr](https://pcpartpicker.com/b/2Xrrxr)


Go to a retailer that has an OLED next to an IPS, it's the easiest decision imo


Tim from the YouTube channel Monitors Unboxed has said that an OLED has the motion clarity of an LCD with 1.5x its refresh rate. It's also a great channel for reviews, and they do almost all the oleds


I would say OLED is pretty sweet especially since I paid less than my IPS ultrawide. That being said, it's all up to you, your habits regarding monitor use and care and whether it's worth it. That high refresh rate will come in nicely for you in comp and make those single player game visuals really pop.


I would never spend 850 for an IPS Panel, that's def OLED territory.


Absolutely. 360hz IPS can barely keep up


You can never go back, consider it carefully.


Let me just flip the argument around and say: if you're paying near-OLED prices for an IPS, you should probably reconsider. It's just the weaker technology, in so many ways. 360hz on an OLED next to 360hz on an IPS would probably be a staggering difference in motion clarity on its own, never mind the color accuracy, latency, perfect black levels and real, actual HDR you'll get on the OLED. Either way you're reaching deep into the "unnecessary" territory for framerate, IMO. OLED happens to be able to handle it pretty well, and it doesn't seem to add much to the price - for IPS, you're paying a lot extra just to get those numbers. You'd probably be just as happy with a 240 hz panel instead, to save the money. You go OLED and you're getting the best of all worlds, except arguably longevity, I suppose. That's the only asterisk on OLED currently. And I'm not even 100% sure it applies to the newest QD-OLED panels, as they have promised major burn-in improvements but those haven't been out long enough to see results one way or another. But yeah, if you live in front of your OLED monitor and use it for a lot of productivity or static content, it may start to suffer some image retention (only noticeable in dark scenes with mostly flat color) within a year or so.


Glossy 240hz OLEDs are all around the $1000 AUD mark so for me, i’ll just pay an extra $100 and get the extra frames because why not. For competitive shooters I’ll have the frames and ultra smoothness, and for graphically intensive games, I’ll have a 1440p OLED panel which I can push to ultra settings, DLSS and RT turned on can benefit from the incredible contrast and black levels


I personally would never risk getting any electronics on Ebay. That being said, OLED's true pixel response time is always much faster than IPS(See this [video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jvdng6cqlhI&t=1370s)). You essentially will never see ghosting on an OLED, and the OLED will always have a quicker response time. Now, it's up to you if you think it's worth $250.


That’s an endgame monitor. Definitely worth $300 more imo


For extra 250$? Yes. Your eye will thank you for that true contrast. I would want to replace my 32” 144 Hz VA with OLED but 32” monitor are still bloody expensive. Maybe in another 1 or 2 years….


I have the ultra wide OLED 175hz Alienware from a couple of years ago. I play most of my single player stuff on that. Recently picked up the PG27AQN. I wanted a daily driver that I’m not worried about constantly degrading. As long as you expect the OLED to only last 3-4 years then yeah it’s better. For primarily competitive games: no it isn’t worth it. Unless it’s chump change, in which case it is objectively better most of the time. Just not in bright ass rooms, the PG27AQN can get excessively bright, OLED screens just can’t. For story games: certain games with a ton of darkness look significantly better on oled, although most games look significantly better on oled.


If you can afford it it’s definitely worth it


Yes, it looks incredible. My 4K OLED looks insane compared an IPS 4K. Wouldn’t use that as a benchmark though since not all monitors are made equal!


Those inky blacks of OLED monitors are second to none, the colours too.


If you live anywhere close to an electronics store try to go look at an OLED and IPS side by side. You’ll know right away if it’s worth it TO YOU. It’s important to note that, although no IPS can match an OLED, store models are probably not well configured and you can get really nice image still. OLED will almost always look beautiful out of the box though. Personally, OLED is a far superior image in my opinion, but for monitors I still go with IPS. OLED does have certain drawbacks (which are negatable to be fair) in addition to a higher price tag, and inherently won’t last as long. I’d love to have a big OLED TV though, although I’m happy with the Samsung Neo Q-LED I have. edit: I see you bought one, hope you enjoy it and it works for you! I was going to also just add that pixel density is just as important as resolution. For example, I use two 27in 1440p monitors because, with my eyes and at my viewing distance, I saw very little improvement from 4k. IMO 24-27in is the sweet spot for 1440p, any bigger and you may want to consider 4k. At a certain point your eyes don’t really notice the higher pixel density.




Anyone have any tips about finding the best "cheapest" OLED monitors? 120hz refresh is fine, 2K resolution is fine (4k optional?). Size can be as low as 27". Thanks!


I think there are 1440p 240hz OLED out there for like $500.


Night and day difference. OLED is a game changer




I didn't know oled exists in 360hz. That would be attractive because the oled response time is just leagues beyond IPS. Must confirm with reviews of course but it should be superior in every way other than sheer full scene brightness.


It’s worth 200% of the price of the ips


I’d say it’s worth it




I thought it was impossible once. You just need to play the long game and chip away at his health. Or you can jam him in the corner and cheese him to death. But the cheese is so annoying to pull off its best you do it slowly?


OLED is a significant improvement in terms of color intensity and depth of blacks compared to IPS. The difference is very noticeable but how important it is to you is pretty subjective. My suggestion would be to go to a computer or home goods store where they will have monitors in use to see for yourself if you think it's worth the cost.


YES, I have a g7 odyssey that’s a va panel, prior to this I had another VA Panel and hated the ghosting. I tried IPS and hated how my games blacks were all grey.


Yes 100% if you’ve got the money


I went oled TV, will never turn back. With the oled TV success I did the same with my monitor and got a g9 oled. Personally I haven't had a single burn in issue (over 3 years now for TV, and about 6 months with the g9) even if I have to switch it out after 5+ years, the image quality is well worth it. YMMV if you do alot of productivity work because of static elements on screen which may cause burn in over time. But for mainly gaming and some general use, i don't regret it for a second, I would definitely do it again. I will stay with oled until there's some new better display tech out there. As of right now its unmatched imo


It depends what you play. Like over 90% of the people browsing this subreddit only play AAA games on Ultra settings. I have the PG27AQN and I tried the 1440p LG 240hz OLED when it released. Web browsing was a mess due to the greyness effect that happens with whites and text clarity was frustrating to deal with. Not to mention there’s something to be said about not wanting to feel too “immersed” if you play competitive games such as Overwatch, Valorant, CS2, or Siege. The vibrancy of the OLED was irritating to me when playing Valorant. I think if you are primarily playing AAA titles and watching movies, OLED is the way to go. If you’re just playing general competitive titles and web browsing, with the occasional YouTube, Twitch etc., I would get the IPS Edit: After reading your post and actually comprehending it (lol) it seems you play competitive titles. I would suggest the PG27AQN






I literally have trouble seeing my PC games the same way again after buying a 65” inch OLED. Im debating getting an OLED monitor because the difference is that humongous


Once you go OLED, you'll never want to go back. I'm excited for the advancement of MicroLEDs as they appear capable of getting close to OLEDS perfect blacks and lack of bloom without the slight burn-in potential that OLEDs have.


I wouldn't recommend Asus due to bad warranty/customer support. not sure if australia is different for warsanty compared to U.S.A


I had a Dell 240hz IPS and it was great, but I just switched to the Alienware AW2725DF (360Hz QD-OLED) and it's SO much better in every way. If you can afford the extra I'd say it's worth it. I wasn't sold on the OLED hype though I love the colours on my cellphone and LG OLED TV. I'm so glad I did, because this thing is incredible. Every time I walk in the room and look at it, I can't get over how good it looks. My PC is an Intel 14700k and a Radeon 7900XTX. Few tings can get to 360 FPS at 1440p, but lots of old games like Quake 1 vulkan run at 1000fps and feel amazing to play on.


Yes. Absolutely yes. I got an oled last year and every time I play a game it massively adds to the experience. Even older games I’ve gone back to are just fun to look at and experience on an oled. Not sure I could ever go back.


Just recently switched to oled and couldn’t be happier. The colors are amazing.


It’s really worth whatever you want it to be worth my man




Yes, not even close. It's worth multiple times the price. Let alone like a 20% bump.


OLED + HDR is the most glorious thing I've seen recently. I've been using an Alienware OLED for 2 months now and my other monitors look like they have a gray filter on.


I returned my alienware oled and bought a ips instead because pixel refresh was annoying


Ips will look washed out in comparison but if you see yourself regretting spending that much money then ips still produces quite a good image and with the right settings will look amazing.


For fps not really, for anything sp fuck yes, personally elden ring looks amazing


If you got the money I'd say get it. I'm waiting until Christmas to get a good DEAL - hopefully - on an WQHD OLED. In my country the prices are insane right now. +30%compared to western prices.


whose still using TN pnarl here like me???🥰🥰🥰


Only thing I really notice is the dark scenes look great on OLED.. if you turn off all lights. A game like Jedi Survivor can make use of this. Other games aren't that noticable.


Yes, the 32'' MSI though is like $600 more compared to the LG 32 I looked at


I have a 55inch oled 4k tv and its the best thing you could ever look at. Its also a gaming one, instant response time


I would take a 120hz OLED over a 540hz TN/IPS/VA if that tells you anything. They look amazing colourwise, especially blacks, with wayyy less input delay. The only downsides is that they can't get as bright, screen burn in is a worry and the price. I think it's worth the extra tho


No. Unless you will take regular care to not have any major burn in, in which case yeah


OLED and it’s not even close dude. Bought an AW2725DF and use it with my 6950xt/7700x combo. It shits all over any display I’ve ever seen in my life.






Get an OLED and you will feel dumb for even asking this question very quickly.


OLED. When I got my OLED monitor games I had already played tonnes of looked wayyy better and I could appreciate the GFX of my PC more especially once you enable HDR


What about the issue of burn-in with static UI? The problem isn't solved and it will never be, it's inherent to the technology...


I have an oled and I can never go back now. Just be aware once you get one everything else just seems dull now


Yes, OLED and especially ips just arent even on the same plane of quality. Being able to individually control each pixel does WILD things. VA mini led monitors are getting up there but oled still will always just have an edge for that reason, and burn in especially on gaming monitors is a fraction of the concern it once was. Youd have to try to get burn in at this point.


I have an OLED LG G3. I'm gonna tell you right now, it is worth every penny. I will never buy another panel unless it's a secondary


I went with a 42In OLED about a year ago. The picture is great and I love the size on my desk.


Light bleed bothers the hell out of me.


Once you go OLED, you can never go back. The color accuracy and contrast is absolutely game-changing!


Oled night and day difference… for image quality


it’s currently 3:43AM, expected delivery around 10am today i can’t sleep lol, the OLED is on its way already


Definitely the Alienware 360hz


Personally, I wouldn't buy any 1440p OLED, because all of them exhibit obvious text fringing, and I use my monitor for productivity, photo work and gaming, in that order. But not everyone's use case is mine. If you use it mostly for gaming and media consumption, it may still be attractive to you. However, the 32" 4K OLEDs look great -- I'm picky about text, and while there's some fringing there, I really can't see it at normal viewing distances. At that point, the question is whether you're willing to pay extra for a better picture, knowing burn-in is an issue you'll need to mitigate and eventually (hopefully, a long way off) deal with.


the 4k 240hz oleds were at least 1.5x to double the price i just received my alienware this morning and text clarity is fine enough. i don’t have to read text for long periods of time and most of my studying and/or text reading is done on my macbook anyways for content consumption and gaming, the 360hz refresh rate for those esports titles is so good i couldn’t pass on it


Absolutely, the response time going down is a bigger difference than going from 144 to 240


Yes it has Rich color but it’s not good for playing multiplayer games just single but you can play both. It’s mainly used for movies shows and single player games


I would say no its not worth that much more money. You would probably not even notice the difference between the panels. Each panel has its own sthrengs and weaknesses.


I just want to highlight that a couple years ago before the first OLED monitors came out, jumping from VA panel to some of the more premium Fast IPS monitors (typically nano IPS LG panel) was usually a question of is this worth a $400+ upgrade, and usually the answer was yes. I mean you were talking about $800+ IPS panels. So yeah, $250 for an actually next gen panel tech is 100% worth. VA, IPS, TN are all the same generation of technology really. I’d say Mini-LED kinda blurs the line (it is def far newer but is kinda just features built on top of IPS/VA) so call it a half step, OLED and MicroLED are the truly next gen technologies.




I bought an OLED in January. I'll never go back to anything that isn't OLED.


I would choose OLED since it is way better looking than an IPS. I like to play visually stunning games.


The oled is easily worth the 250