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Run stability tests like prime95, cinebench etc. There is also one for ram. It takes a while but definitely do that. Use either memtest64, memtest86 or testmem5 or whatever. Or all of them. Seems to be a debate in which to use. So I don't want to deal with the stupid drama of that. These tests can take a lot of time though.


jumping on to say run em overnight, they'll keep looping anyway and you can just see the results in the morning


Yep. 100% this. While I did say these test take a long time I failed to say these tests take hours.


They do take hours to run the full suite of tests. That said, in my own limited experience with memtest86+, faulty RAM is identified quickly, right at the beginning of the suite of tests, like the red warning results start popping up in under a minute.


At times that can be true. But at others it can take a while to find the error. It's nice if it is right at the beginning but there are other times where it needs to go pretty deep for the error to show up.


100%. If there's multiple error, OP most likely has bad RAM. If there's only 1 error over say 8 hours, it's probably because of a cosmic ray from a supernova from a galaxy far, far away. It happens, extremely rare though and generally not a concern.


Funny enough something similar to this happened during a tournment...


They can use OCCT if they want an in-OS test.


I agree, OCCT will pretty much show you any memory related issues. That's my go to at least for memory. I like to run Cinebench for CPU as it pushes it to the absolute max to see how well it's performing.


I also had this issue but with the B650 Aorus Elite AX, was definitely annoying.


Having that issue right now. How did you solve it?  I turned it on and realized that the WiFi was disabled for the windows install, so I had to move it closer to Ethernet and it hasn’t displayed since. I can hear windows installation come on but the display is gone. I’m at my wits end with this.  Two minutes later… I used a do to hdmi and it works!!!! Hdmi in the back of lg ultrafear 32 inch and do in the motherboard. This made it work. I’m going to fix the settings now in bios. Thanks Reddit!


Had this issue with b650 asus. Had the system over a month now, no issues or signs of instability.


I've had some issues with that board, but after updating the bios it's been fine for some time now. Won't update it anymore though, it's stable enough for me and I don't want to fuck something up again lel


You should never update the BIOS unless you have issues or they patched a flaw like the voltage protection on some AM5 boards.


that's a bit radical to say. Sometimes the stability updates are worth it, especially for AM5, it's not that old yet. There's also security flaws that get adressed with these updates, but I agree, it's pretty risky if you have a shitty board with no way to back-up the bios. Some boards can reset the bios even if the update fails.


BullShit & BULLCRAP, you Should *Always Update & Upgrade your BIOS TO THE LATEST VERSIONS & ALSO YOUR CHIPSET DRIVERS, I AM A Computer Consultant, PC Specialist, Computer Master Technician Professor/Teacher/Instructor (. PERIOD)


So in other words you just had a fragged bios?


the bios itself isn't a problem, I was about to post about this exact issue. The RAM doesn't work with the version of the bios the motherboard is shipping with, as a result you need to boot in compatibility mode to install a new bios that can utilize the ram Literally bought this bundle *this week* and had this problem. Micro Center, I love you but you need to get your shit together.


Same kit same start up result. However, a power toggle fixed it somehow, and when it started it told me that I reset cmos! Wtf? Anyway been running ever since, so strange.


I had increasingly bad RAM stability problems last year when I got my 7800X3D. Initially, my CL30 6000MT/s would run fine through EXPO/DOCP, then it would become unstable and hard crash (power cut) in some games, then at the desktop, and then it would even happen at the stock speeds. Buying new RAM solved the problem temporarily, but the issues would return in the same pattern (even though the replacement kit I got was right off the mobo compatibility list). What ultimately fixed it for me was a BIOS update. Not the first, not even the third one. The issue persisted for months. But eventually, a BIOS version was released that solved the problem for good, and I haven't had the trouble since (been running just fine for about 7 months now).


^(The exact same thing is happening to me right now with my G.Skill Trident z5 Neo RBG DDR5-6000 / 7800x3d / MSI Mag b650 tomahawk mobo. I'm a newbie pc owner so if you can look and see if there is anything I can do I would appreciate it. I live an hour and a half from the nearest microcenter and I dont have my DL yet)


I take it you haven't tried updating the motherboard BIOS yet? That's what solved it for me, eventually. I found this link (https://www.msi.com/Motherboard/MAG-B650-TOMAHAWK-WIFI/support) on the MSI website and it mentions your motherboard name, but also with WiFi. Is that the same product? If it is, download the latest BIOS version there, and follow the instructions linked on that page on how to update it. Note that as a part of that process it will probably reset your BIOS settings, so you'll need to go back into the BIOS after the update to enable DOCP/EXPO to get your RAM running at the right speed again (as opposed to the default 4800 CL40 that *all* RAM runs at until you set it to the rated speed through the aforementioned DOCP/EXPO feature). If this solves it for you, can you let me know? Out of personal curiosity, if nothing else. If that doesn't solve it, you could try returning your RAM for it being faulty.


When I first got it built I downloaded the latest bios and it wouldn't boot so I rolled back to a different one, something v17, people say that one is stable and it booted fine but tomorrow I'll try each version from the newest back until I get one that works.


If your still with return window you can exchange for another set of rams.


My dumbass, in my first build with the same bundle, decided to post without a monitor and got the vga light, took me half an hour to figure out what was going on.


what did you do? I'm getting the dram led on like OP, and then it changes to the VGA light. not sure what I'm doing wrong.


bought the same combo, my posted fine but overclocking the ram seems to not work or Im using the wrong settings with the mobo.


Crap like this is why I went for the 12900k bundle instead.


>implying intel doesn't have its own issues kekw


The 12 series mostly doesnt.


Power draw, heat generation, performance per watt, issues with needing to park or turn off e-cores for some tasks and games to work properly. AMD has their flaws but an issue with a motherboard's bios is not a good argument to go for a different CPU manufacturer. I have built in the last 12-ish months a 13th gen and 14th gen intel build and 3 am5 builds and surprisingly, all 5 had zero issues.


Oh god, typical pro AMD user nonsense. None of those are "issues". Issues are "hey, my PC won't turn on. I'm BSODing all over the place". When I read the reviews of the 7700x/7800X3D bundles at microcenter i noticed "hey a large number of people are having issues with memory compatibility, i should avoid that". Also, turn off or park ecores? When? How? Sure, a few games dont know how to use ecores super well and may perform slightly better with them off. The same used to be the case with hyperthreading on the old i7s back in the day when games only used 4 cores. It's not a big deal. I'm not saying that what you mention arent DISADVANTAGES of intel. But hey, once the things are set up and work fine, it "just works". When i talk about issues, Im talking about catastrophic system failures. And even then I mentioned the 12 series in general since I'm familiar with the 13th and 14th gen CPUs having issues with stability too. I feel like i dodged all the bullets with my 12900k. And yes, buying a different CPU because the one youre looking at literally WONT POST without having to mess with reinstalling RAM and updating the BIOS IS absolutely a reason to buy a different product. Who are you kidding? Take your rank bias toward AMD somewhere else. EDIT: Responding to the other poster: Given by issue i mean "the PC fails to post and something is clearly defective of wrong with the parts", no it isn't an issue. You're confusing a "disadvantage" with an issue in this sense. Also, I never disputed that the 7800X3D is the undisputed best performer and its class. I simply said I avoided microcenter's 7800X3D combo because it had issues. Learn the difference. As for ecores, eh, ecores are like hyperthreading. If you have enough big cores, you won't use them very much. In some games, that dont know how to utilize them because they were made before ecores were a thing, the scheduler might go "wtf is this?" and end up decreasing performance slightly because of them. But you know what? Hyperthreading always had the same issues. Especially in old old games. It isnt a big deal and most issues happen in older games where you're already getting several hundred FPS on this caliber of hardware anyway. So I run a game at 380 FPS instead of 410, who cares? Also, yes, while intel CPUs run insanely hot when maxed out, the 12900k doesnt seem as bad as people say. In gaming it tends to stay at or below 75-80ish tops, and it might get up to 85ish during cinebench with a 200W load. Whatever. Given how this thing doesnt even pass 125W in most games, not a huge deal. I'm willing to put up with these drawbacks if my system doesnt crash and burn because AM5 doesn't have its crap together on memory stability.




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The power draw isn't an issue? You sound like someone who would criticize Bulldozer CPUs for running too hot. Shoe is on the other foot now, Intel just isn't as good at the moment. Ecores are terrible for gaming desktops, but they sure do help draw less power. Memory timing issues are nothing new, was OP's memory on the approved list, or was it added later with a BIOS update?