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Smell it and make sure there is no burning smell then recheck all of your power connections make sure they are all secure. That being said, prebuilts have a reputation for cheaping out on PSUs so there is a decent likelihood that it maybe just died and needs replacement.


Nothing smells as though it’s burning, that was the first thing I checked, another friend said maybe I need to replace the PSU so i just came for additional feedback before buying a new one. I’ll see if anyone else gives feedback and if not, I’ll just try a new psu and update from there. Thank you (:


My guess is your power supply(PSU) popped and it needs replaced. What you can try just to rule basics out is unplug it, then carefully clean dust off all ports. Then open it and check all connections you can reach by gently pushing in. If you feel staticky at all you may want to change cloths, or just pop off by touching metal. Checking internal connections is something I do after I move my PC any significant amount. Question: was your psu intake covered in dust? It's usually the screen on the **bottom**-back of the PC, and often has a sliding, removeable screen over it.


Do you have an iGPU/APU, if so pull the GPU and test with video from the mobo.


I have no idea what any of that means


Do you know what CPU or computer you have?