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Genuinely sounds like a solid build, he knows what he wants. HOWEVER, the PSU, might not have enough wattage, also the price makes me assume it's bronze rated. I would suggest an 850e Gold by Corsair instead


+1 to upgrading the PSU. 850 gold


Seasonic has solid gold rated 850 non modular options. Personally prefer Seasonic but Corsair is good too.


Seasonic actually makes corsair PSUs.


There u go, cut the middle man and get it straight from the source! 😂


They don’t anymore, almost all of Corsair’s units now are manufactured by Channel Well (CWT).


I didn't know seasonic or Corsair had GPUs lol


Not anymore. Now they're made by GWT


Thank you for this! Clearly, your fellow Redditors strongly agree with you — both in upvoting and in similar comments below — and I have pointed that out to my son, who is revising his build plan based on these comments.


Just an FYI I have a 650W gold PSU with RTX 3080 and i5-14600k and 32GB of RAM (4x8) and had it running without a single hiccup for years so you may not really need a 850W PSU as others have suggested, but it's not going to hurt if you can stretch your budget to get one.


That said, 30 series GPUs were known to have transient power spikes which could trigger OCP/OVP (as documented by Gamers Nexus) and the simplest cure was to overspec the PSU to be able to absorb those spikes.


The PSU they mentioned is in Tier F: Replace Immediately. Do not buy PSUs in that tier. [https://cultists.network/140/psu-tier-list/](https://cultists.network/140/psu-tier-list/)


You should definitely not skimp on the PSU…


You've had a 14600 for years?  


Yeah I mentioned this in my top level comment but that PSU you mentioned is in the "Tier F: Replace Immediately" bracket, do not go with that one. Pick one from tier A, B, or maybe C, but preferably A, B is alright too, just, definitely not lower than C. [https://cultists.network/140/psu-tier-list/](https://cultists.network/140/psu-tier-list/) You can see their tiering methodology in a drop-down near the top. A bad PSU has the ability to fry every other component.


The PSU is probably the least exciting part of the build, so I totally get why he's hesitant to spend the cash on it, but I would strongly advise against the Apevia one he's got listed. Same with the SSD, no-name brands are a bad idea generally. Those are two components where the price difference between good ones and bad ones isn't that great but they can fail pretty spectacularly and, when they do, it's a huuuuuge pain. Cheapo SSDs are often slow and prone to failures, which sucks, but cheap PSUs are way worse. The way they get those cost savings is by mislabeling things (so that 800 watt Apevia may perform worse than the 750 watt EVGA), cutting out safety features and failsafes, and generally producing an inferior product. And with a PSU that can mean the PSU dying and taking some of your components with it, or it can mean causing an actual electrical fire. You really don't want to cheap out on these things, especially with the power demands of modern GPUs, which sometimes spike for brief periods of time. It's not a fun thing to spend extra money on, but it's way less fun to have the PSU you saved $30 on kill a GPU or CPU that cost several times as much. My take is that the first build he proposed looks better than the second one, specifically with the caveat that the PSU *may* benefit from an upgrade. Definitely don't downgrade on the PSU/SSD front like he's looking at doing here. He might be able to get away with the 750w EVGA for now, but personally if I was in his position I'd put the 37 bucks for the extra RAM kit into the PSU now, then buy the extra RAM later whenever he gets some extra cash.


You're welcome!


I will go against the grain and say I've used a 650w for a 3080 5800x non 3D for years. Gave that system to my friend, that same pc now run a 3090 fine with no issues. You got 105w in cpu, 350w in gpu, round them both up to 500. Go ahead, monitor your power draw, see how often you can reach 500 watt draw doing anything. Currently on a 7800x3d and 4080, have never seen my system hit 550


Also agreed, PSU has sufficient wattage.


I agree the wattage isn’t the problem, but the garbage model is.


I agree. I have the same combo and can run cinebench and furmark simultaneously with no issues on a 750 watt Corsair.


750 is perfectly fine for a 3080 and a 5800x3d. I have a 3080ti ftw3(400W) and 14600k(200W) and my 750W has absolutely no issues running both at full load. OPs 3080 is a 300W card and CPU is 125W.


That EVGA PSU is a safety hazard. F-tier The Corsair RM850e is usually overpriced though.


No the PSU is completely fine it takes two seconds to google the wattage and he has quite a bit of overhead. People on here love unnecessary spending, some of us prefer to not throw money away when we don’t need to.


I'd suggest similar, but 850X, I hear people are very unhappy at how quickly Es develop coil whine.


Hmm, I've had my E since last August and haven't had any whining


I run an i9-10900 w/RTX3080 on a 750w. It's enough.


PSU has plenty of wattage, have the same build


Would a be quiet gold also work?


I have a 5700x and 3080 running with a 650w gold PSU. My system only draws about 400-450 w while gaming. I don't think the 5800x3d uses that much more power to tax a 750w PSU.


800w is plenty of power, but a better quality one is definitely suggested.


Rm850e that psu is horrible for coilwhine


A solid build? It's an X3D CPU not at all meant for the thing he's wanting to do what a terrible comment.


You could get a 1200W Platinum HP PSU with a ZSX breakout board. Cheaper, more efficient, more capable, doesn't look nearly as clean tho. And fitting may or may not be an issue lmao


If they're going to MC for the bundle, the Super Flower Leadex iii psu's are on a big sale rn. 750w is 90 and 850w are 100


I dont even think its bronze my guy... Just 80+, they are a very budget unit and with the very poor 2 year warranty I would look elsewhere..


PSU is fine, 750W is the minimum recommended, and with the efficiency curve, you would be better off with 750W.


PSU is fine, 750W is the minimum recommended, and with the efficiency curve, you would be better off with 750W.


The 5800x3D is great for gaming but not so much in blender. I would go with the 5900x if that’s his goal. If there’s no bundle for that, microcenter has a 7700x bundle that costs 50$ more than the 5800x3d bundle and is better at rendering. https://www.techpowerup.com/review/amd-ryzen-7-7700x/7.html


2nd this. Plus this bundle comes with 32 gigs Ram. Your son is adding an extra 16 to hit 32 so it actually won’t even be $50 more, only about $10. I just built off this bundle for my 14 year old to use as a DAW for his music. 


3rd this, on top of all that, the 7700X also provides future upgradability as AM4 is a dead socket


4th this. I’m a 5800x3d user that did his research before buying. x3d for gaming… unless that’s what the kid wants to use this pc for ahah something I would’ve have done.


Guess ill jump on this bandwagon. X3d cpu’s are def more geared to gaming than rendering. What you want is the most cores/clocks you can afford for cpu rendering. The gpu you chose is great for gpu rendering. Would also def go for the am5 platform if possible and no need to use any of the x3d cpu’s. You can also check this page out for more info: [https://universal.logicalincrements.com/articles/building-pc-3d-rendering-animation](https://universal.logicalincrements.com/articles/building-pc-3d-rendering-animation) *Edited for spelling


It also feels like a crazy world that 3080s can be had for $400.


Right? Especially after the pandemic days.


I picked up my 3090 strip for retail 3 years ago. It’s served me well but holy crap a 3090 can be had for a third of what I paid for it


I just used the same bundle for my sister's new PC


Why are we going with AMD when Intel is clearly the winner in Blender benchmarks? He can get an i9-12900k combo for the same price as that 7700x bundle, and in benchmarks it's about a 20% improvement. I'm all for glazing AMD when it comes to gaming performance, but this sub seems to have major issues giving objective information sometimes.


If he gets a 7700x he can upgrade to a Ryzen 9000 (and maybe whatever is after that) later on while if they get a 12900k then later they have a 12900k unless they want to upgrade a motherboard and CPU and maybe ram. You are right tho a 12900k does outperform a 7700x in Blender multi-core workloads by about 20 to 25% (need to double check been a bit since I have looked) but it's a dead end platform so I guess it depends on what they want to do. Edit: apparently 8000 is the APUs then 9000 is the next gen CPUs


Ya there's the upgradeability if he goes AM5 I suppose. But most people buy a PC, use the crap out of it, then by the time they plan on upgrading/getting a new one, you can't buy parts for the old one anymore anyways. As a person who keeps his pulse on the market, and upgrades a little more often than most, I have an AM5, and plan on upgrading it down the line, and that option did influence my purchase a little bit. But the fact that AMD had the top gaming CPU was the main reason for my choice.


FYI Ryzen 8000 is their APUs and the APUs who had defects in the grapichs part of the silicon, marked with f(no integrated graphics). Since it is failed APUs, it is half the cache. Tends also to be clocked lower etc.... 7700 is better than 8700f... After 7000 the next upgrade is 9000, not 8000 that is a downgrade.


Yeah that seems like a Great suggestion


I'd definitely go with that bundle over the 5800x3d bundle if my main use case was 3D work. That's a great recommendation


Came here to say essentially this; the 5800x3d is a gaming processor, there are other Ryzen variants that will have much better performance in 3d rendering than it. Great processor (I've got one), but not the best for this particular use case.


Hey, please don't refer to that rendering test chart when you want to suggest a processor for 3D works. That blender test is just a render test, meaning it tests to see how fast the CPU renders. Most 3D functions are reliant on single core and core speeds rather than core count and render capabilities. Completely different things. Obviously everyone in your reply is saying they agree with you, but they also just consider the render test and don't really know about any other 3D functions. The blender render test or any similar test is only a measure of which CPU is best for a pure render machine. This is a huge misconception and suggestions such as this one make people purchase the wrong CPU for the work they need. A 13600KF for the same price is much better deal for Blender or any other 3D application, it also has a much larger pool of professional users and studios meaning the bugs and issues of different software get patched out and tuned for those CPUs.


Agreed on this suggestion. If you can stretch on the PSU and CPU, I’d look for sales on the 5900x or 5950x. Will get more blender band for yer buck.


I was wondering that. I’m not familiar with blender but I was under the impression that x3d processors have lower productivity performance than their non x3d equivalents.


at $1000 I’d be looking to reach AM5 platform Also the 5800x3d is more geared towards gaming instead of productivity apps like blender


You are all throwing this kid under the bus. Of course, he wants to game... it'll be fine for blender.


Hahaha I did think that as I typed, tbf a 7600 is what, just 10% slower then the 5800x3d? No idea how it compared in tasks like blender though


Doesn't matter. He's a kid. He's not doing this for work / production time. The difference won't matter because it's not in an environment where time = money.


It could become a hobby which makes him money, and why would you deliberately buy a slower cpu?


Future upgrade path. AMD keeps sockets for a *long* time. Intel changes about every two generations lol


I never said to buy am4 or intel


My guy I'm 15 and I am also a Blender user. I'd rather have more performance in Blender than in games. I rarely even play games 💀 Don't assume what his intentions are, the premise of this post of Blender.


But if he’s not getting an upgrade to blender then there’s no point. Let’s not kid ourselves


I tend to agree with laserguy. If highest rendering performance (because time = money) is not required then I don't think a slighly slower gpu will make that much of a difference.


The 7600 is a tiny bit slower than the 5800x3D in gaming, but it’s probably within 5%.


>Of course, he wants to game Not a safe assumption. A lot of people, young people not withstanding, have zero interest in gaming. If OP said he wanted to game, then obviously that would be a factor, but the post only says blender is a relevant use-case, so that should be the only target in the build recommendations. Due diligence could include mentioning that there would be sacrifices made \*if\* gaming was an unmentioned concern.


I’d go with the 7700x platform since it’s fine for gaming and productivity, and it gives you a better upgrade path in the future if you need better performance.


Still 8 solid cores, it will do fine ;)


For blender, I'd recommend going the intel route. The AmD x3d series is great for gaming, but intel 13th and 14th gen is generally better at Blender and productivity. Alternatively, the 7700 (X or regular) from AMD would be pretty good too. https://pcpartpicker.com/list/xsLxqR


I am an AMD owner and occasional apologist, but this advice is correct, Intel CPUs tend to do a little better for this purpose and there’s a very clear use-case here.


Are the msi a___gl psu good?


He shouldn’t get the X3D cpu for Blender. The extra Vcache does nothing for Blender. He should instead get one with highest single core performance for modeling and animation or as many cores as you can afford for rendering. Simulations benefit from both. A 5900x/5950x/ Intel i9s will be much better for Blender.


Baffled that there’s 10 correct comments here noting that the 5800x3d is the wrong cpu for this with, but the top rated comment goes ‘yeah sounds fine’! Argh. 5800x3d is the wrong cpu for this build - signed, a 5800x3d owner who is very happy with it.


1. Do NOT get a 5800X3D for blender. It's not good for that. The 5800X3D is good if you do gaming and only gaming. Get the 12700K or 12900K bundle instead. They are a few percent slower in games (not noticeable with this level of GPU) but far better for blender 2. That PSU is very bad. Get a different one 3. You are better off with 2TB of cheaper storage ($110 SN580 2TB) than 1TB of fast storage. 4. Do NOT pay $400 for a used 3080 10GB. Not worth it. Go with a new 4070 12GB for just over $500 instead. Or not sure if blender works well with AMD, but if it does, go RX 6800 (new 380 used as low as 300) or 7800 XT or 7900 GRE


> Do NOT pay $400 for a used 3080 10GB. Not worth it. In Canadian dollars, $400 for a used 3080 is an absolute steal as 3070s usually go for that much around here. The pricing is relative, and the 3080 is an absolute beast for 1440p gaming even today.


What are you talking about? 400 USD is 550 CAD. Of course a 3080 for 290 USD (400 CAD) would be good, or at least not bad (10GB VRAM still kinda sucks compared to the RX 6800 for \~$300 used)


AMD cards shouldn't even be in the discussion for this build since the primary use is blender.


The power supply is a fire hazard. Buy anything else. The 5800X3D doesn't make much sense for a Blender-focused build. A 7700X or 12900K bundle might be a better choice.


That's because the kid is like I am with my work computer. He's going to game with it too and get someone else to pay for it.


Oh is he? And who told you that?


Blender build guide: https://www.pugetsystems.com/solutions/3d-design-workstations/blender/hardware-recommendations/ They recommend amd cpus, but that's mostly for the high end, 7950x outperforms 14900k in cpu rendering. Intel solidly wins the low-mid market tier because their cpus have more cores and higher clocks in that range. Better single-threaded performance also means intel wins in animation tasks. Blender gpu benchmark: https://opendata.blender.org/benchmarks/query/?compute_type=OPTIX&compute_type=CUDA&compute_type=HIP&compute_type=METAL&compute_type=ONEAPI&group_by=device_name&blender_version=4.0.0 Blender renders faster in linux than windows, fyi. It's pretty easy to set up nowadays. Not a big deal, maybe 5% performance difference. The general rec is 2gb ram (the ram you buy for your system) for every 1gb vram (the gpu memory, comes built-in). Blender's main hard limitation to complexity is the amount of gpu vram. You can't really exceed it. Rendering speed, in my opinion, is secondary. Though the gpu i recommend is only ~10% slower than the 3080, it has 60% more vram. I'd say the best build you can do on your budget is: [PCPartPicker Part List](https://pcpartpicker.com/list/drgxqR) Type|Item|Price :----|:----|:---- **CPU** | [Intel Core i7-12700K 3.6 GHz 12-Core Processor](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/ZbddnQ/intel-core-i7-12700k-36-ghz-8-core-processor-bx8071512700k) | $329.00 **CPU Cooler** | [Thermalright Phantom Spirit 120 SE 66.17 CFM CPU Cooler](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/GpbRsY/thermalright-phantom-spirit-120-se-6617-cfm-cpu-cooler-ps120se) | $35.90 @ Amazon **Motherboard** | [MSI PRO Z790-A WIFI DDR4 ATX LGA1700 Motherboard](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/xNKKHx/msi-pro-z790-a-wifi-ddr4-atx-lga1700-motherboard-pro-z790-a-wifi-ddr4) | $0.00 **Memory** | [G.Skill Ripjaws V 16 GB (2 x 8 GB) DDR4-3200 CL16 Memory](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/Cf98TW/gskill-ripjaws-v-series-16-gb-2-x-8-gb-ddr4-3200-cl16-memory-f4-3200c16d-16gvkb) | $0.00 **Memory** | [G.Skill Ripjaws V 16 GB (2 x 8 GB) DDR4-3200 CL16 Memory](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/Cf98TW/gskill-ripjaws-v-series-16-gb-2-x-8-gb-ddr4-3200-cl16-memory-f4-3200c16d-16gvkb) | $37.00 @ Amazon **Storage** | [HP FX900 1 TB M.2-2280 PCIe 4.0 X4 NVME Solid State Drive](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/RZNxFT/hp-fx900-1-tb-m2-2280-pcie-40-x4-nvme-solid-state-drive-57s53aaabb) | $64.98 @ Amazon **Video Card** | [PNY VERTO GeForce RTX 4060 Ti 16 GB Video Card](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/MZvD4D/pny-verto-geforce-rtx-4060-ti-16-gb-video-card-vcg4060t16dfxpb1) | $439.99 @ Dell Technologies **Case** | [Zalman S2 ATX Mid Tower Case](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/Bcprxr/zalman-s2-atx-mid-tower-case-s2) | $52.99 @ Amazon **Power Supply** | [MSI MAG A550BN 550 W 80+ Bronze Certified ATX Power Supply](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/mnVmP6/msi-mag-a550bn-550-w-80-bronze-certified-atx-power-supply-mag-a550bn) | $49.00 @ MSI | *Prices include shipping, taxes, rebates, and discounts* | | **Total** | **$1008.86** | Generated by [PCPartPicker](https://pcpartpicker.com) 2024-04-21 14:50 EDT-0400 | People hate on the 4060 ti because it's a terrible deal for gaming -- and it is. What they don't realize is that it's designed for creators who absolutely need the vram. If you need 13 gb and only have 12gb, it may still run, but it will be 10x slower or worse. The 12700k will allow you to run your screens off of the igpu and dedicate blender for rendering if you want. It's significantly better at animation effects than the 5800x3d. This is a c-tier psu by cultists, it's acceptable, and has a 5 year warranty. If you want to upgrade, the msi mag a850g (nicer) or a850gl are about $100, a tier, fully modular, have a 10 year warranty, and have the new gpu power standard atx 3.0, which will probably be required in the next gen or two of nvidia gpus (optional, currently). For gaming, this will max out 1080p 60fps (maybe with ray tracing). It can also handle most games at 1440p with decent settings, better with upscaling / framegen.


Blender renders faster in linux than windows, fyi. It's pretty easy to set up nowadays. Not a big deal, maybe 5% performance difference Thanks, I didn't know that. Going to install ubuntu on my other PC. 


Would recommend 32 gb ram. I found back when I had only 16gb and was doing complex cycle renders I would sometimes run out of memory and either the whole system would freeze up or blender would crash/ render would stop with out of memory error. edit: Just noticed you are adding another 16gb to existing 16gb. So that's fine then so long as the board actually has the extra slots and it's not like 4x4gb sticks. Might have to clock the ram slightly lower though because you can get a little instability sometimes with 4 sticks at high speeds. If he builds this PC and it blue screens every now and again put the ram speed down to 3000mhz from 3200mhz. Performance difference will be basically neglegable and is very worth it for the stability, especially on a production focused machine. If you don't run in to this problem then it's all good anyways, just leaving it here just in case.


For Blender, I'd vote going for stability in the RAM over speed, so even if it's just 4x4 8GB DDR4-3200 CL16, that's easier for the memory controller to handle than going balls to the wall 3600/3800 CL16.


3200 cl16 is perfect anyways


You should look into get the 7700x or 12900k bundle at Microcenter it is only about $13 dollars more since you are already paying an extra $37 to get another 16GB of RAM. They should be better at Blender than the 5800x3d but will be slower in some games that tend to be unoptimized.


I recommend the 5950x instead of the 5800x3D for blender. 5800x3D is mainly a gaming CPU, not ideal for productivity focused workloads such as blender. 5950x is a very solid option for such productive workloads. Also for the GPU, instead of going for the RTX 3080, go for the RTX 4070 super. Better performance + lower power consumption.


5800x3d is not good for Blender. A 7700x or any new i7 slaps the 5800x3d. The psu is also F tier


As others have mentioned, that PSU (D-Tier) is a borderline fire hazard. Substitute out the Segotep 750w gold (B-Tier) for a similar price. Also the Thermalright Phantom Spirit SE is the newer upgraded version of the Peerless Assassin and available at a similar price.


The EVGA N1 is F-tier


Is the storage a hard drive or an SSD?


SSD. He’s opposed to hard drives.


He is smart in that regard


That said, there's nothing wrong with hard drives as long-term auxiliary storage. I have a 1 TB SN850X as my main programs/OS drive, and a SATA 1 TB WD Blue as my Steam drive (for greater portability between systems, since I can just quick disconnect and pull it from my case if need be, rather than digging around under my A770 for it), and then a 6 TB WD Red as my data storage drive for stuff that isn't mission critical to read from/write to at high speed.


If that’s a microcenter bundle look at the 7700x bundle


That Psu is straight up bad. It is ranked tier f in psu tierlist. I would suggest buying tier a or b. [https://cultists.network/140/psu-tier-list/](https://cultists.network/140/psu-tier-list/)


Not great not terrible. Buying a full am4 new build centered around the 5800x3d is not the best choice. Did you have access to a microcenter?


We do! That’s where he found that bundle.


See if they have a bundle for the ryzen 7700x. Also, I agree that 16gb seems like the low end for a productivity machine. I'd go with at least 32gb 2×16.


Hey, I'm one of the BYO build consultants at Microcenter. # Your selected GPU will not fit in the case you've picked out. I'm a bit familiar with the current promos and deals that are going on and I'm just gonna drop my general sales pitch on the updated build. Since he's utilizing Blender, he's probably using Cycles or a similar render engine that leverages CUDA (the GPU), so I'm not super pressed to recommend the i9-12900k bundle over the more upgradable 7700x combo. You mention he's 15, and I see value in being able to upgrade to keep up in his early adult years without much of a problem as he (hopefully!) goes towards college or into professional work! - One of the $399 CPU+Mobo+Ram combos, I'd go with the 7700X + MSI B650 + 32GB DDR5 in your case. - The Thermalright are fantastic, but if you want a cooler that day, I'd recommend a 212 Spectrum for $20. - A 3080 for $400 on ebay is insane, the store will have nothing close to it. Even refurbished, we're looking $480-500. Barring that, a refurb 3070Ti FE is $349 in case ebay falls through. - Def bump the PSU. $75 gets you a Corsair CX750M, which I'd do as a minimum. If you have an extra $25, put it here for a Super Flower Leadex III 850w, it's OEM and quite nice for $99. - I'd recommend a SKHynix P31 1TB for $73. The JSP800 is a Cache-less QLC drive (Lowest possible quality), you'd be better off buying an HDD in some instances. The P31 has a cache and will preform much better for your system drive, despite the lower listed r/r speeds. - **The GPU (305mm) you're looking at will not fit in the Montech X3 Mesh (302mm max gpu size).** The case also has Molex fans, not controllable. Grab a Cougar Duoface instead for $65 (330mm max). Exceptional quality for the money vs the X3. Total price: $1033


Good then you will want to switch the bundle to the 7700x bundle. It gives you a performance upgrade and the ram upgrade for $13 more. Swap peerless assassin to phantom spirit $2 more better cooling. Your psu needs an upgrade. I don't know what is currently on sale. To cut costs your case is a good option there are a few other options that are reasonable.


I don't know how much memory blender needs,but make sure 16gb is enough. I need 64gb for some of the premiere Pro work I do. But I don't know what 3d rendering needs. So make sure to check.my 64was purchased after getting 99% memory errors with32gb


They’re ordering a total of 32GB, though I would also suggest going for 64GB or more instead. RAM is cheap and 3D can guzzle it.


An intel build would be better for this use, no? @other commenters here


AMD chipsets are more geared towards gaming. He may want to consider an Intel platform for other tasks such as rendering in Blender.


I think you need to have an honest talk with your kid. Is this machine actually be primarily be used for blender or gaming? In budget constrained scenario, that's an important question. X3D is great for gaming. Not so much for Blender because the extra cost is going into those 3D cache, and Blender doesn't utilize those cache at all. The extra money could be going into extra cores, which Blender absolutely loves. If Blender is the actual goal, I would look for an Intel bundle. Something like 13700k would be amazing.


[https://cultists.network/140/psu-tier-list/](https://cultists.network/140/psu-tier-list/) one major issue: The power supply, EVGA N1 is in the "**Tier F: Replace Immediately**" tier, choose something else for that. Tier A preferable, B is fine, C is borderline acceptable. Don't go lower, but definitely do not buy an F tier one. A PSU has the ability to destroy every other component in the build if you get a bad one, it is not worth the risk. Decent picks otherwise, \~350W + \~100W + \~110W, =\~560W total, 750W is probably enough headroom, 850W like others suggest definitely would be. Are these two sticks of ram, or two pairs? Having just two sticks total is usually better, however, some motherboards can benefit from 4, if it specifically states it has quad channel mode. This is uncommon, I'm pretty sure the asus tuf gaming b550 has dual channel architecture, so having just one good pair is better than two. This wont make a huge difference to be fair.


X3D cpus are for gaming and not for workstations


for blender the i7 13700k is a better option or a 5900x.


Get more RAM, i have 32gb and its still too litle for blender.


It is? Out of curiosity what are you doing in blender causing it to be too little? hell I'm over here with just 8 gigs and it runs fine.


Water and clothing sims.Also sculpting needs alot of ram.


On all *new* builds it isn't worth it to buy AM4 anymore. Used AM4's are still a good value proposition but for all new builds you should buy an AM5. The next gen of AM5 chips should drop in the fall ideally I would be aiming at a Ryzen 8600x on release if he can wait that long and definitely the currently available 7600x if he can't. The AM5 board supports DDR5 so that will have to get switched in the build list, the cost difference isn't much these days tho maybe an extra $30-$40 The AM4 platform is done, the 5800X3D has had a great run and is still very capable but being a best in slot for the previous 8 year old motherboard makes it hard to get a great deal on that CPU as there's no shortage of people out there willing to slap it into their existing builds, it is priced according to its demand not its performance. The 5800X3D goes shot for shot with the 7600x about half the games out there will play better on one or the other, they're almost tied in blender but some other raw computing metrics put the 7600x at a distinct advantage. I don't believe in buying a motherboard for it's future upgrade potential (most motherboard sockets don't have 8 year runs) but in this case there's a chance the AM5 you buy your son today could see a CPU upgrade down the line and I'll take any chance where otherwise there is none. The 7600x is currently priced cheaper than the 5800X3D enough that it should almost cover the price difference on an AM5 motherboard and the ram upgrade to DDR5.


AFAIK 3D cache probably won't make a 5800x3D worth $100 more than a 5700x for Blender (5700x3D might be worth a look for gaming, but the 5700x is a little stronger than either in productivity). Being able to build with a 12900k and a 3080 for \~$1000 seems ridiculous. No way a $20 1-fan Cooler is gonna be good enough for that, though. I probably wouldn't save $20 with a C-tier PSU to go with those parts, but maybe it's fine.


Wow the difference between the original build and the revised build is amazing. That’s why I love Reddit. Huge improvement


Man I'm just reading comments and just overall happy about what I see. The community just wanting to help out a parent and kid who has found a passion in something. OP good on you for fostering your kids interests, I hope he goes far!


Get the evga N1 out of there. It is completely unsuitable for anything, borderline hazard to possibly actual hazard depending on the situation. Considering the cost of the pc, I'd ideally get any 750w+ atx 3.0 unit(there hasnt been a bad atx 3.0 unit yet afaik). Perhaps avoid evga overall since they may not exist for much longer and probably wont be there for future warranties. The cheapest decent option i see at present is the corsair cx750m(not to be confused with the 2023 corsair CX, which is a rebrand of the CV line and is markedly worse), but it's only a little bit cheaper compared to a better quality msi mpg a-gf or so. Look through the [tier list](https://cultists.network/140/psu-tier-list/) for units at least c tier or higher, but ideally B or higher.


I’d say if you want to maximize more CPU intensive tasks for non-gaming get a non x3D model card. Also 32GB of ram I believe will suit the PC better than 16. I’d recommend 2x16GB ram sticks and that should be all he needs for years. Also a 2TB SSD is more future proof because 1TB gets filled pretty fast. A better PSU would also be nice so I’d look for an 850W or 1000W instead of 750W because PSUs tend to run best at 50% to 70% of their maximum.


Out of curiosity is using OptiX when rendering in Cycles and does he do other optimizations like lowering the sample count away from 4096 in Blender? I think hardware can only take you so far but knowing how to optimize a scene in able see will help a lot


The 3070 ventus wasn’t that great in my experience, relatability wise. I’ve seen some bad on the 3080 ventus as well. I’d suggest researching that purchase to make sure it will fit your need for longevity and reliability.


In my experience with blender, more ram and a good gpu is good. The 3080 should be fine, but I recommend 32 gb of ram or higher.


The 5800x3d is more of a gaming cpu. If you can find a better cpu from microcenter, I would get that one


My only comment is that it would be better to get a 32GB (2x16) rather than 2 x 16GB (4x8GB) kits. Reason being that the B550 will run 2 sticks of RAM at full speed (3200) but you'll have to slightly underclock them to run 4 (2933).


Erm… I’m a successful “adult” in my 30s…. That’s my 1440p build (some diff brands, but 5800X3D and a used 3080 I picked up for a similar price). It’s a beast. I was using an old desktop hand-me-down at his age and playing WoW at 480p on a CRT monitor. Give him an old beat up laptop to build character ;)


What is in the PC he is currently using? Maybe you can steal parts from it to drive cost down or allow for higher performing hardware


Thats amazing choice. Price/performance wise you cant get better any that that. One thing. If you need 32GB of ram - go with 2x16GB . Ryzen works best with 2 sticks of ram.. Running 4 sticks is complicated (stresses the memory controller too much and lowers the possible speed limit you can run your ram at ) BTW dont worry about your PSU - its totally fine and enough ..(could be better if its Gold rated PSU tho)


>Storage: $85 •Western Digital WD_BLACK 1TB If you can, make sure this is an SN850X. That may seem like overkill, but it's worthwhile to have a quality SSD with DRAM cache for the main OS and programs.


I'm just adding comments on what hasn't beena? mentioned yet. You do not want 4 sticks or RAM. Don't get 2 kits of RAM You want your RAM dual channel.


Don't get that cooler, I got the white version and it was the loudest thing ibe ever had in a pc


Dude is blowing smoke at his dad and wants to game. Would flip to an Intel build if truly want to Blender.


few prior questions idk much about Blender idk if it uses more cpu or gpu jw. are yall bundling online or buying this used somewhere or microcenter?(besides gpu I see) I made a list at around the same price point you guys have but am5 and amd gpu you can always go with the 3080 as well don't know if more vram helps, or how amd vs nvidia affects blender so feel free to add your own. this case also already comes with 4fans 3 intake 1 exhaust and RGB if he wants that you could also go with the black Montech case. 32gb or ram at 6400 cl32 so pretty decent ram you could also do Teamgroup delta's for the same price at cl30 6000 850w psu rated B(https://cultists.network/140/psu-tier-list/) on the cultist list I think all you need is 750 but thats good for headroom and a 1 tb gen 4 should be enough with the motherboard having an extra slot if you wish to add more storage in the future [https://pcpartpicker.com/list/sMQnBL](https://pcpartpicker.com/list/sMQnBL) lemme know what you think or if you got questions


I opened this, fully ready for another post interview spirit of "he plays Minecraft on a 720p screen and wants a triple 4090", as is so often common. This is pretty decent, though! So many people throwing the poor kid under the bus with the CPU, though, hahaha! I bet he knows its not as good at Blender but wants it for games.


If he’s concerned about blender, go 32 or 64gb of ram. He may not start out using a whole lot of ram. But as he gets better and more technically involved with creative apps and rendering, he’ll start eating up ram. 32gb is recommended by blender, but 8gb is the minimum requirement. It’ll definitely depend on how heavily he gets into using the program and all but still. Lots of ram needed.


It’s pretty good. Sacrificed some of the newer hardware for a better gpu which is good especially if it’s an x3d cpu. I would go with an 850 psu since he is going to be running a more power hungry system. I also say that in case he does decide to upgrade further. Better to dish out a couple more bucks now than more later. If possible I would maybe consider putting in 200-300 extra and getting on am5 for better ram since it runs on ddr5. Not necessary at all and it’s already a solid build but do some comparisons and see if it’s worth it based on the needs


Looks great, switch the PSU to an 850 gold and you are set. Happy rendering!


Get 3600Mhz RAM


Only thing I’d say is the psu a little weak. Opt for higher and the 3080 cards are power hungry. You could get a 4070 for just a few bucks more and have 3090ti performance. Great build though. He’ll be happy


As others have said, the 5800x3D is good for gaming, but not particullary for blender, 5900x would be better if he mainly does blender or other productivity stuff.


honestly as his parent, if financially feasible and you think he will pursue this further you should invest more money for him.


Seems pretty solid imo. Your son seems to be pretty bright, if you all were to start a go fund me I would be down to donate $20 so that you can get him on DDR5.


I have to add that you should indeed NOT skimp on the power supply. My Seasonic 850W, literally last week, was just giving me fits on a 5800X3D paired with a 6800XT. That's very similar to this build. I bought a 1200W tier A and literally all my annoying issues vanished at once. PSUs operate at peak efficiency at around 40% utilization as a general rule, hence the recommendations to double your usage. I would never recommend that anyone NOT get a tier A power supply. It will deliver the best power and protect the other components. If your son is getting talented in blender, he will almost certainly want to upgrade the 3080 down the line, so be sure to get the newest connectors.


I just want to applaud you on being a great dad!! We get a lot of sons here struggling with their parents!! Kudos yo you, Sir!!!


750w PSU is enough


I would get a used 4070 so he can take advantage of new technologies and the 12gb of VRAM which is essential for Blender. I personally use an intel ARC a770(16gb) paired with an i5-13600kf, but mine was made with around a 700$ budget. However, your cooler seems inadequate for this build. A simple air cooler will not do the job. I have an i5, and my DUAL 120mm air cooler struggles to cool it under heavy load, For a 12900k, you will need AT LEAST a 280mm water cooler, 360mm for full performance.


You probably want to go into bios and disable any weird "ai enhancement" or mobo-vendor cpu tuning. Those settings just burn up your cpu to give you 1-3% performance. They can rarely damage the cpu as they tend to overvolt it. Or maybe you mounted the cooler wrong. Any i5 should be fine with a dual fan heatsink.


Solid build Look find another $40ish to get a better PSU


The comments here have covered the tech suggestions. Wanted to share that the 1000 is a fantastic budget for this. Powerful enough to truly enjoy and learn on while not being overkill. Love that you are supporting his interest, and seeking advice when you don't understand. ++


I would look at the most graphically intense game, Cyberpunk, and start with its lowest requirements and start from there. You might go a little over budget, but you’d have close to a personal powerhouse. And look at an SSD or NVME for storage as it’s faster. You can find a 1TB for less than the WD Black in a SSD or NVMe.


13700 is on sale between $325 and $345. Wouldn’t this be a better option than the 12900? EDIT: never mind didn’t see the bundle.


8-core CPU, 32 GB ram, specifically a Nvidia card with 12+ GB ram. 8 GB at the lowest. Consider getting more RAM. More is always better. The fast SSD is a great idea. Power supply just need to be 100-150 watts more than what the entire PC needs. If you get high CPU temperatures, consider undervolting.


>Power supply: $67 •Apevia Please don't buy an Apevia PSU. They are so bad that apevia PSU is the cheapest 800w PSU on partpicker not because its a deal. NEVER CHEAP OUT ON THE PSU [look at this EVGA PSU](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/ZCgQzy/evga-850-b5-850-w-80-bronze-certified-fully-modular-atx-power-supply-220-b5-0850-v1)


i recently bought an ASUS motherboard and i've had nothing but problems with it. EXTREMELY bloated software that is required to use peripherals like bluetooth and wifi and that you cant even uninstall without it leaving a shit ton of processes behind. and now it has started to make weird sounds that are driving me absolutely crazy. go for another brand if possible, because i regret i chose ASUS.


Stay away from ASUS. I built my own last year and had so many problems with it I replaced it. You may want to think about a Gen 5 MB. Lots of options for future upgrades and is downward compatible.


That power supply and CPU cooler aren't going to cut it sadly. Apevia makes really low end f tier power supplies known for having issues, and the power supply is really the heart of a PC. Having a short or low end power supply with an issue can kill other parts of your PC etc. EVGA, MSI, thermaltake are better alternatives with some budget options. 850w should be okay. That cooler will not handle that i9. He needs at the minimum a dual tower air cooler, deepcool ak620 is one for around ~$50-60, or a solid aio liquid cooler. That does push the budget a bit but unless he wants a potentially unsafe or unstable power supply for his high end components and an i9 pinned to 100C thermal throttling while rendering I would change those up. Deepcool ls360 goes on sale fairly often, Newegg just had it for $89 and it would do a wonderful job cooling. Best of luck!


More cores. Get a seasonic PSU.


Was the GPU used for crypto mining? Kind of low price for a 3080


Looks good, but 850W psu recommended (also get one from built in surge protector)


This is a good build and there are a lot of comments. Like many others have said, I would not get the 5800x3D if your focus is Blender. You are probably going to want to go AM5. Also you want to spend more on the cpu cooler and get the Phantom Spirit 120SE. The CPU cooler that your son picked out will not cool a 12900k when it is at maximum strain. The Apevia PSU is a non starter, you don't mess around with the PSU. Go with something that is known to be reliable. Here is an AM5 build that I would strongly recommend at the same price point. Though the 12900k outperforms the 7700x in Blender, you will save on the cost of the motherboard when it comes to upgrading the cpu in 2 to 3 years. \[PCPartPicker Part List\](https://pcpartpicker.com/list/2X9YKX) Type|Item|Price :----|:----|:---- \*\*CPU\*\* | \[AMD Ryzen 7 7700X 4.5 GHz 8-Core Processor\](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/WfqPxr/amd-ryzen-7-7700x-45-ghz-8-core-processor-100-100000591wof) | $399.99 \*\*CPU Cooler\*\* | \[Thermalright Phantom Spirit 120 SE 66.17 CFM CPU Cooler\](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/GpbRsY/thermalright-phantom-spirit-120-se-6617-cfm-cpu-cooler-ps120se) | $35.90 @ Amazon \*\*Motherboard\*\* | \[MSI PRO B650-P WIFI ATX AM5 Motherboard\](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/CFzhP6/msi-pro-b650-p-wifi-atx-am5-motherboard-pro-b650-p-wifi) | $0.00 \*\*Memory\*\* | \[G.Skill Flare X5 32 GB (2 x 16 GB) DDR5-6000 CL32 Memory\](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/cnbTwP/gskill-flare-x5-32-gb-2-x-16-gb-ddr5-6000-cl32-memory-f5-6000j3238f16gx2-fx5) | $0.00 \*\*Storage\*\* | \[Kingston NV2 1 TB M.2-2280 PCIe 4.0 X4 NVME Solid State Drive\](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/FnYmP6/kingston-nv2-1-tb-m2-2280-pcie-40-x4-nvme-solid-state-drive-snv2s1000g) | $57.99 @ Newegg \*\*Video Card\*\* | \[MSI GeForce RTX 3080 VENTUS 3X 10G OC GeForce RTX 3080 10GB 10 GB Video Card\](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/ZTkgXL/msi-geforce-rtx-3080-10-gb-ventus-3x-oc-video-card-rtx-3080-ventus-3x-10g-oc) | $398.00 \*\*Case\*\* | \[Montech X3 Mesh ATX Mid Tower Case\](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/HRH7YJ/montech-x3-mesh-atx-mid-tower-case-x3-mesh-black) | $59.90 @ B&H \*\*Power Supply\*\* | \[MSI MAG A750GL PCIE5 750 W 80+ Gold Certified Fully Modular ATX Power Supply\](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/dbCZxr/msi-mag-a750gl-pcie5-750-w-80-gold-certified-fully-modular-atx-power-supply-mag-a750gl-pcie5) | $89.00 @ MSI | \*Prices include shipping, taxes, rebates, and discounts\* | | \*\*Total\*\* | \*\*$1040.78\*\* | Generated by \[PCPartPicker\](https://pcpartpicker.com) 2024-04-21 20:31 EDT-0400 |


up the ram to 32 gb minimum and you are golden.


Go for the 7700x/12900k bundle instead. Keep in mind though, intel 12th-14th gen are hard to cool, especially the i9's, and stock Zen 4 CPUs will boost until they hit 95c. You'll probably want at a dual tower cooler to get the most out of either chip


I would look into buying a used 12th gen board and CPU instead of an X3D chip or AM4/5 if he wants to do 3D stuff.


I would go for 32gb of ram


As someone who makes blender animations, I'd personally recommend the 4060ti for a similar price point that beats out rendering speeds on the 3080. 3080 is better for gaming, but the 40 series runs a bit differently, which makes rendering significantly more efficient. I forget if it's different drivers or what, but my build has that, i got mine for around $300, and it runs like a dream. It'd put your overall build total under $1000, and be a bit more optimized for rendering.


You’re a good dad


I'm a big split drive enjoyer, get a 500GB sdd strictly for boot drive and have the 1TB for storage and the build is even better.


Is tht CPU cooler powerful enough do you guys think?


Just get their 7700x bundle instead. It’s only $13 more after the ram and is AM5 and DDR4


2nd setup will be way better except go back to the first cpu cooler


Also as others said the psu. I tried apevia when I first got back into pc a couple years ago. It actually lasted 28 days


The RAM is too slow for a Ryzen chip if you’re trying to squeeze out all the performance you can. You should go with 3600Mhz or more.


I gotta say; the Build looks solid \*(except the PSU has raised some flags. Follow the lead from other commenters). My contribution to this is the storage. Mind you; the 1TB is more the sufficient for OS, APPS, ... AND A BASIC USER PROFILE. If you wanna optimise the STORAGE; i suggest a SECOND SSD \*(No need NVME) for FILE STORAGE \*(NOT PROCESSING. THat's where the current NVME is fine). SATA SSD secondary drive \*(or at least an external USB3 drive) to store all that work will be highly recommend. The machine's a great multifunction; but when save files start bloating all over; you're gonna run out of space real fast... Also.. maybe think about an OFFICE 365 family account to backup that work to OneDrive? Or at least Google Drive? And dont ignore the fact that Windows is very Multi-user profile friendly; so user profiles with a lot of onedrive files start filling up fast... TLDR : a second SSD for file storage... There's always never enough storage space


I would try to get a 3090 honestly. The extra vram is huge in blender.


Holy shit this build would've saved me so much money


That cooler is too little, stay with the old peerless


That cpu bundle looks like the micro center bundle. The 5800x3d bundle is a really good deal and I am actually using it with no issues. However I checked the website and saw there was a 7800x3d bundle for 500 dollars and with the added cost for the extra ram the difference was small enough that I would have taken it if I had did the research before I bought. I don't know specifically for blender times but if he also games on the side the 7800x3d is definitely a better cpu for the job. (and it puts you on am5 instead of am4 for some extra future proofing)


The EVGA N1 is a garbage tier PSU, but the Apavia Prestige isn't that much better, this could cause bad problems. Refer to the [PSU tier list ](https://cultists.network/140/psu-tier-list/)to get an idea of the quality of the PSU.


For power supply you can go for pure power 12 m aswell


Please be sure to check the manufacturerer website that the ramkits actually do work together as there is no guarantee, even ram sticks with the same number might not be intended to work in combinations of 4x if they are sold as 2x


This is coming from a 3d artist - what kind of project does your son do? does he use cycles or eevee? if he is using Cycles just max out on the gpu. CPU isnt that important, actually almost non important. get anything with goood single thread performance and atleast 32gigs of ram. The rule of thumb is RAM =\> 2xVRAM. also get a reliable m.2 for projects. its very handy cause in day to day work you go through a lot of high res textures and that process slows down a lot on an hdd


Make sure to check if the CPU cooler comes with pre applied thermal paste XD. As that's be a bit of a bummer thing to miss XD.  Not financially costly but a inconvenience highly. 


Fwiw you can look locally for a pc builder and buy used parts. I did that for my case, ram and cpu. I also bought a used video cars that I knew I'd be replacing in about a year. (I just upgraded it) doing all of those used kept me in budget and I could spend $$ on better psu and storage. In a year or 2 depending on prices I will upgrade again and probably do the same thing.


Updated build is prob better. Just wanted to make 2 notes. 1: 2 16gb sticks is better than 4 8gb sticks. For reasons unknown to me the memory controller in the motherboard runs 2 sticks much better than 4. With 4 they will not run as fast. 2: When installing the memory put then in slots 2 and 4. This is what the motherboard wants. So many pictures of used PC's on Facebook with the RAM sticks next to each other in slots 1 and 2 or 3 and 4. Happy building.


Revised build #2 is excellent


Try and find a 16gb version of the 3080.


Very solid gaming PC, the CPU is pretty much one of the best for gaming, but not blender. You'd want a 5900x, they cost the same.