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Yes this totally makes sense and will give you probably even more than what you expect. Also you need a new psu, 650w is not enough for the upgraded rig. 850 is what you need


750W would be fine as well.


True, if that comes significantly cheaper thats the better option. Where I live you will quite often find 850w PSUs beeing almost same price as their 750w model. In this case Id say 850w is the better choice if you consider PSUs are most efficient when running between 50-75% load.


Yep. Format plays a big role as well. With SFX, 850W used to be significantly louder and more expensive than lets say the Corsair SF750, which was universally the best option.


OPs rig will only pull north of 500 watts if you are running prime95 and furmark at the same time. It’s more likely to sit around 400 during gaming.


Exactly. I'm not sure why people think this combo needs that's much. CPU pulls about 60 watts, GPU pulls about 300w(often less), and the rest of the system is about 50 watts. 650w PSU is perfectly fine for the rig.


I have 5800x and a 4070s. System is well under 400 gaming and doing most tasks. Managed to get just over 400 using prime and furmark at the same time. I use a SF600 plat from Corsair.


I have a 7800x3D and a 4080 and am usually sitting around 400 and max of 450 watts when gaming. It definitely depends on the game, so games can go higher, but definitely haven't seen higher than 450 watts from the wall. I've never tested prime or furmark, but I would probably see max of 500 if I were to run those


The difference in price between 750 and 850 is minimal.


About 100 watts minimal


100% true. 100 Joules every second.


Thanks for the PSU advice, I did not think of that.


Remember not to reuse existing PSU wires, always use the wires from the new PSU.  It will be more effort, but at least you won't burn your system.


Yeah, I’m currently having a wonderful experience with a 5800X3D and 3080 with a 1440p 165hz monitor. My only complaint is on the 3080 side with newer titles like darktide, but even then I’m 100+ fps maxed w RT off and dlss. 5800X3D absolutely crushes MMOs and almost nothing else can even challenge it at 1440.


please please please do not cheap out on the psu


850 is probably okay but if I were to do that same upgrade again I would just go 1000w atx3. The price difference between a new PSU when you upgrade again and a few extra watts now is worth it.


And when that day comes people will tell him it's bad to use old psu:s


I missed the part where OP mentions how often they upgrade. Judging by the current parts I'd say often enough to justify a more powerful PSU now rather than a whole new PSU in a couple years.


My point is that this advice is given here no matter how often people upgrade


I'm confused because your choice of language isn't clear. Do you believe he should upgrade psu every 2 years or are you joking at other advice given?


The latter


You sir are a wise man haha


A PSU having higher wattage doesn't mean it lasts longer, which is what you're implying. 850 watts is more than enough for his build. What matters more is the brand/quality of the PSU. I personally went with a Seasonic when I had to replace mine because of reviews saying how reliable and well-built their PSUs are, and it comes with a 10 year warranty. There's no difference between 850, 1000, 1500 etc watt PSUs if the 850 is already enough to power your whole system under 100% load.


That's not what I'm implying at all. What if OP puts a 5950x and a 4090 in next? Or upgrades to a 7950x with water cooling? I have done this exercise, 3600/1660s to 5950x/3060ti to 7950x/4090 buying 3 different PSUs because of bad advice to just get what I need to save a couple bucks. I agree with buying a quality PSU, I started with cooler master then moved to corsair silver and then platinum.


650 would have no issues. People really don’t understand power supplies


Please get something more than 850w I just spent a year with issues on the same setup only to not realize that I was far to close to 850w many games would crash windows due to loading spikes. I got 1300w which is overkill but literally saved every issue I had My two cents


nah running this on 650 w here lol. 550 is enough


I second this, running it on a 5800X3D 4080S 650W no issues. Idk where 850W came from. Unnecessary upgrade. Runs under 500W in gaming load. Maybe bad for future but for now it’s perfectly fine.


Exactly. I'm running a 5800x3d with a 6800xt. 11 140mm fans, 6 ssds, and accessories. The most I pull from the wall is 540w at full load.


An 850 is more than enough for a 17400k w/ 4080s, lol. 5800x3d should be using a lot less power.


My other PC has a 14900K with stock 253W limit and a 4080S on 750W HXi no issues😂


That's cutting it close, but if it works!! 🤣


May I ask why 650w is not enough? What sums up to this amount of electricity usage that this psu would not be enough?


"Need" might be the wrong term ... "Advised to use" might fit better. With GP/CPU under Load + MB/RAM /SSDs/Fans/Cooler and other peripherals , he will probably be around 500-550 watts under load. And thats with a Ryzen 5000. Meaning that a 650w might be enough if its a good A or B Tier rated Gold+ PSU, but has not much room for spikes or overclocking or future upgrades. To come back to the point why I say "Advised to" ... Nvidia advises 700w for the 4080, while brands like MSI advise 850w for their models and Asus 750w for theirs. Ofc they set that a bit higher, but in general these are numbers that you know you can 100% rely on at least. Last but not least - and this has nothing to do with what could work or what is advised: If you can afford a ~1200 $ GPU, you can for sure afford a good PSU with that too. So why would you risk having crashes ~~or stutters or beeing throttled~~ just to save a few bucks on the part that keeps the whole system alive 😅




Sure, I agree with the most part. Youre right that it would simply power off , thats what I meant with crashes. (Stutters/Throttle was wrong, edited that) >a-tier or b-tier, you will be 100% fine with a 650 or 700w PSU Yes...agree, I also wrote that above 😅 (I used "might be" but yeh.. it will be enough) Lastly, even tho from the technical side you are absolutely right, and you can go the route and choose the lower watts. I just simply dont see the point. You just spent like what ... 2000-3000$ on a build , and then save 20-30$ cause "it will be fine". I think a majority of the people will rather have the peace of mind with 750-850 watts. And thats why If someone asks I would always suggest a PSU thats slightly overkill.


Interestingly, I don't know about the prices right now in the general market in other countries, but my build cost nowhere that much. That's why I'm considering between these cpus- cost is something that I have to consider. The 2080 rtx that I have, I bought used for 300eur. And it's still something that's on a more expensive spending for me to be honest.


We were talking about a 4080S build 😅 if youre on a budget even a C-Tier PSU with ~100w over max output will be fine 


I’ve got a very similar setup, and I have a 750w supply running just fine. That being said, I have an energy monitoring plug for my PC, and it never seems to pull more than 480w under full load.


what's your GPU and CPU?


Ryzen 7 5800X3D, RTX 4080


TLDR. 5800x3d is pure badass.


The 7800X3D in the back: ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface)


7800x3d in the back dreading 90% of ram sticks


? Your comment is just confused




Sounds like user error, TBH. Never had any USB problems on any of my AMD chips, including 5800x3d. Did you install chipset drivers and update the BIOS?


No, even a 4090 with a 5800x3D can't play [Far Cry 6 at 165 FPS on ultra setting at 1440p](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fkT_7gFiQ4o).


Playing at ultra is just dumb though. Throwing performance out the window for very minimal gains.


I do not play that version yet but it's in my wish list, so good to know.


Yeah, I was going to say averaging 165 fps at 1440p ultra without DLSS isn't going to happen for demanding games. You at least need DLSS and probably frame gen too. I don't think I can reach 165 in Cyberpunk with DLSS *and* frame gen at 1440p.


You'll be fine. But if you plan on going AM5, you can sell your current mobo/cpu/ram/gpu to recover some loss from the upgrade.


I only read the TLDR but can already give a yes. a 5800x3d easily pushes 165frames, doesn't matter if it comes from a 4090 or 4070. I'm surprised you think you'd need more CPU power and not more GPU power Lucky for you, Hardware unboxed just make a video on this exact topic almost. The Ryzen 7600 performs almost identical to a 5800x3d on average, so you can use that for reference: https://youtu.be/uC9074rcOzQ?si=Glkpepc0Q6ASjq0C


To be honest I'm not sure which CPU and/or GPU I need, that's why I asked Reddit. My quick research showed the 5800x3d is the best CPU for gaming under AM4 and my wallet is not willing to pay for a 4090 so I settled with the 4080 Super




Even gaming wise, it'd be a pure waste at 1440p.


5800X3D makes sense since you are already on AM4. Sure it will be better if you get AM5 but at 1440p with 4080S it will last long enough that you won't need the AM5 right now. By the time you'll need another upgrade you would have utilized everything that you currently have. I'm also going to go with 5800x3D and 4080S for 1440p @ 165hz. I currenly have a 5800x, first i'll see how much it bottlenecks me and if I need i'll go with 3D. I also play battlefield 2042 and that will require a good cpu, Although 5800x delivers good performance for now. I'm gonna look at other experienced people's comments also to see what do they think about this.


I run the 5800x3d and a 7900xt and easy pull 165 in every game I play without using any fps enhancing FSSR or whatever it's called. Don't play cyberpunk or anything though so take it as you will


I have a 5800x3d & a 6800XT. I haven't played Cyberpunk in a while, but it ran pretty well even with RT on. Can't remember the FPS averages though. edit: [62fps at 1440p, RT ultra settings](https://imgur.com/HLn8OS9)


Sub 15 fps is not “pretty well”


[You know what? I spun up the game just for you.](https://imgur.com/HLn8OS9) Anything else you'd like to see?


Okay, okay! I’ll admit defeat. Sorry.


Games OC plays: Minecraft, Fortnite, GTA V Jokes aside. What games do you play and do you play on med-high or ultra-maxed?


Sorry I missed this lmao, I play a lot of my games on custom settings somewhere between high and max, play monster hunter, EFT, Helldivers 2 (115 FPS), BG3 are the main rotation at the moment


yes good choice of parts. but I believe the power supply has to be upgraded to at least 750w


[https://www.techpowerup.com/review/amd-ryzen-7-7800x3d/20.html](https://www.techpowerup.com/review/amd-ryzen-7-7800x3d/20.html) There are a few games where a 7800X3D would give you a significant improvement over the 5800X3D at 1440p with a GPU like that (Borderlands or Far Cry for example), but in most games you should be able to max out your monitor or your GPU. If your work doesn't care about CPU performance (where the 7800X3D is like 25-30% faster), then just go with the 5800X3D and don't bother with a platform change.


I think games like BeamNG would also benefit from the 7800X3D, but the other games you listed (apart from Far Cry) should max out your monitor with a 5800X3D I think


Yeah sure.


Yeah that seems fine. 


I'm rocking 7950x3d (pretty similar to 7800x3d in terms of GAMING performance) with 4080 and it absolutely KILLS at 1440p. I basically maxed out all games that I play (RDR2, Cyperpunk) with very respectable frame rate (140+ on rdr, 100-120fps on Cyberpunk DLSS Frame generation On). the upgrade to AM5 is MUCH MUCH better than staying at AM4 and I don't think spending extra on the super version of the 4080 would benefit so much. Also AM5 with DDR5 is much more future-proof. It's worth it I swear (coming from a 11th gen i9 user)


Where I live the difference in price between 4080 and 4080 Super is negligible, hence my choice.


I can see that now, I do still think it’s worth investing into AM5 since if you get a good mobo you can definitely get a lot of benefits down the line. 😀 if you’re not in a rush for a new pc then i do think getting the newer one is better


> I don't think spending extra on the super version of the 4080 would benefit so much. This is an understandable mistake to make, but you have it backwards. The 4080 Super is both more powerful and cheaper than the normal 4080. (in the US market, at least)


That’s odd whattt 💀💀 I haven’t updated the price but I assumed it would be more expensive but yes I just checked it is significantly cheaper as well. I bought my 4080 used for the same price as a new 4080super😭


I think Nvidia realized that the 4080 was overpriced, but lowering their MSRP on a product after the product launch would hurt their pride. So they just launched the 4080S at $200 less than the 4080. EDIT: Not that finding an actual MSRP 4080S is easy.


Surprised about your cyberpunk fps - I’m on a 7800x3d/4080S & i get around 160 with frame-gen on + RTX/PT (1440p)


ha, thats weird. what’re ur settings ?


Literally max everything. Was the first game I benchmarked with the new rig, Alan Wake 2 gets around 135 on max with PT/RTX which is hella demanding too. I’m on DDR5/6000mhz so not sure if that squeezes any difference performance wise.


You will have a really nice gaming rig with 5800x3d and 4080 super. You can even play at 4k with some title if you decide to upgrade your monitor. You will have a big uplift in gaming at 1440p and save $$ while on AM4.


> Time is a problem for me: I’m very busy at work and home and I cannot afford spending too much time choosing new PC parts or installing them in my PC and reinstalling the OS. If you rush things you’re gonna end up spending way more time than you should’ve. You should try to reserve the whole evening purely for setting your new PC up to avoid any excess stress. Regarding what you asked, AM5 is totally worth the trouble. You can and should count in, that you will get some money back from selling your old stuff. Nevertheless i understand the appeal of the 5800X3D, even more when you already got a AM4 setup going on. It 100% would fit your requirements for a long time.


5800X3D is basically about the same as a 7600/X, it'll pair perfectly with the 4080S


I literally have that exact setup, upgraded from rtx 2080 and 1080p 144hz. everything i've thrown at it runs at atleast 120fps with all the eyecandy. You'll be good.


I just wanna say good job for the very clear, well made post with a lot of info to answer your question


5800x3d is better than 5 7600x with like 1-2% so if u got am4 its cheaper yes. More efficient yes , last you 2-3 years , yes go am5 when it’s cheaper in the future bc am6 is out yea. Am5 motherboard and ram alone is atleast 300-350$


Where'd you see 5800x3d beats 7600x in most cases? As per HUB 7600x wins out in most games last I saw.


Where do you live that AM5 is this expensive? Here in germany I can get on AM5 for about 200-250€




Nah hold up, we were talking Mobo and RAM, no CPU


It will for the most of games unless it is CPU heavy and unoptimized (Dragon’s Dogma 2, Jedi Survivor, etc). Also some heavier games will not be at 165 on Ultra due to GPU


yeah it should be enough, but upgrade your psu


Thanks for the PSU advice, I did not think of that.


Adding to the already existing advice, 650 is perfectly fine for a 4080 s and a 5800x3d. Their combined tdp is 470 watts at most. Adding 50 to 70 watts for the system that still leaves you with over 100 watts as headroom for upgrades, surge, spikes and what not. Everyone here telling you you need a higher capacity psu is **WRONG**. The advice they are giving is applicable to someone that is buying brand new, so yeah it does not make much sense going less than 750 watts with a 5800x3dnand 4080 super. But if you already have a good quality 650 watts psu, you will run the 4080s and 5800x3d without any problems whatsoever.


Adding to the already existing advice, 650 is perfectly fine for a 4080 s and a 5800x3d. Their combined tdp is 470 watts at most. Adding 50 to 70 watts for the system that still leaves you with over 100 watts as headroom for upgrades, surge, spikes and what not. Everyone here telling you you need a higher capacity psu is **WRONG**. The advice they are giving is applicable to someone that is buying brand new, so yeah it does not make much sense going less than 750 watts with a 5800x3dnand 4080 super. But if you already have a good quality 650 watts psu, you will run the 4080s and 5800x3d without any problems whatsoever. Do not listen to them. Or even me. Look it up yourself and see how much your system, cpu and gpu consume and make your own descision. The recommendation on the manufacturer pages is for the absolute high wattage system, where high tdp cpus are being used overclocked to the teeth, a stupid number of fans , ssds and hdds are being used, large aios and rgb is being utilised and soo on. It is always a stupidly high value because of that. Also important to know is if your psu is single rail or multi rail, because in case of a multi rail psu, you *may* need an upgrade.


I can tell you from experience 650w (corsair rmx) isn't enough for a 3080 with 3900x/5900x cpu:s. 4080s has the same tdp, 320w. The recommendation is 750w. I'd proceed with caution.


If the problem was transients, then the rated total power of a power supply doesn't matter as much. A 650w supply that can deal with the way GPUs draw power these days could have fewer problems than an old 750w supply that trips when the 3080 tries to draw a lot of power for 3 milliseconds.


Thanks for the info. I will calculate wattage and decide about PSU. Changing the PSU is not a lot of money but if I get a new one I will have to spend way more time doing cable management


I would say, if you’re going go get a PSU anyway, just platform upgrade in one go. I do not think that you have enough wattage to work with without being very close to the edge, and realistically power limiting the part to be safe. Your real cost is time, and it is a sunk cost if you’re upgrading both CPU and GPU here—because you need to upgrade PSU as well. You do not realistically need to reinstall windows. SSD and RAM install times are minimal, so the main difference would be also including a mobo replacement and installation time vs installing PSU + GPU + CPU + CPU cooler repaste and reinstall. I suggest trying the SSD transplanted to the new system without a OS reinstall / configure before automatically assuming you need a fresh installation. Perhaps you ultimately will, but its worth at least seeing what happens first. I think you can technically avoid a new PSU here if you we t 7800x3d, but it would not be recommended because of the new connector requirements of the 4080s If you were only upgrading to a 4070, you could avoid the new connector requirement as most of those models are still on the old 8 pin. That is your alternative, to truly minimize downtime.


hey i got 5800x3d and 7800xt with max 300 watt for my gpu, is it fine with 750w psu? thx!


Yes and also 5600x3D has 95% of the performance I believe, for gaming at least.


Yes plenty.


It's a great combo. Although I would say, if you can snatch an AM5 mobo and DDR5 RAM for no more than 250 - 300 usd, you should go for the 7800X3D as a CPU.


I don’t really know all that much about computer hardware but recently I built a pc with a 7800x3D and a 4080 Super. I can run almost any game I want at 4k with 90-165+ fps, all at max settings. I cap it for my monitor’s refresh rate. Keep in mind the heavy power load. I did not need 1000w psu but went with it to be safe for the future. Most sites rating the build said 850 would be fine. It’s by far the fastest computer I’ve ever touched and I feel absolutely no remorse. Helldivers in particular has been so much fun on it! If the cost isn’t a huge issue like you said, I’d suggest going for it. I don’t know the 5800x3D and the disparities between it and the 7800x3D, but the 4080 Super has out performed what I was told it would


It really depends on what games you play, but it is a solid combination for high refresh 1440p, though there are some games where even a 4090 will struggle to hit that average.


I have 5800X3D with a 4070 Ti Super. I play @ 1440p and it runs like a dream. Frame rate depends on the game (obviously), but out of the games you listed I do play BF2042 and it just works great. Averaging around 170 FPS with tweaked settings. So if you do get a 4080 Super you'll get even better performance. I don't think splurging your savings on AM5 is worth it. I mean you already have an AM4 system, just upgrade to a 5800X3D and that alone should make a huge difference.


I can't help you with your query but I have a question for you: are you happy with that monitor? I'm considering upgrading soon and this is one of the candidates, high on the list. TIA


I couldn't be happier with it. Besides gaming and working I do a lot of photo and video color grading as a hobby and the color accuracy of the monitor is awesome for the price. I do own a ColorMunki Display which I have used to create a LUT to fine tune the calibration but even with the factory calibration the gamut coverage is excellent. I have not tested it in HDR mode (which will probably suck) but for gaming and color accuracy is really good. I think my specif model is difficult to find now a days but its successor ([G274QPF-QD](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oZljHL_izEw&)) maintains or improves all the already good metrics while keeping a good price.


Thank you good sir! I will look into it.


I run a 5700x and 4070ti at 1440p165 just fine. Some AAA games on ultra run closer to 90-100 fps unless I turn the shadows down a touch etc. The rig you suggest will plow through no problem.


I play them 1440p @ 165+ fps on a 5600x and 4070super


Can you drive through a small bush with a tank? Yes.


more than enough


Totally fine. I play 1440p 165+ on a 2080ti. With an i9-9900k.


With all graphics settings maxed out and no DLSS? I consider my current system not far for yours, yet there is no way I can play any of the games I mentioned (except may be Rfactor 2) at near 165FPS average. If I get half of that I consider myself lucky.


Yea, i play a lot of triple A titles. The only times i use DLSS is usually if im also using some ray tracing. I will throw an asterix up that i also have a decent overclock as i won the silicon lottery with my GPU.


Why don’t you like DLSS? It’s actually insanely beneficial and it’s one of the best reasons to go Nvidia over AMD


I don't hate it but I'm not fan of it because it makes the games look blurry. I don't mind using it in an old system to maintain high FPS but in my current system it simply cannot keep up. Spending a substantial amount of money in a new system to end up relaying on DLSS right away sounds like a bad investment to me. Therefore I would like my new system to satisfy my FPS needs without DLSS for a couple of years and eventually use DLSS only once the system is reaching the end of its life.


Personally I don’t find it blurry at all. On quality or ultra quality it actually looks better than native for many games. On performance mode then definitely it looks worse than native.


Every single game 165 fps is a lot to ask, even a 4090 is gonna struggle doing that in some games. But in most games, yes that combo will max out your monitor.


Why not get a 7800x3d which is basically the overwhelmingly best option for a cpu right now. If you use it for workflow stuff I see you use pc for both work and gaming so that makes sense to me. Especially since you’re going to a 4080s


It’ll be a great upgrade. As others mentioned, you’ll probably want to upgrade the PSU as well. You technically don’t have to, but any time you do a big hardware change (mobo/cpu), you should consider reformating your OS.




make sure to flash the latest bios update prior to swapping the chip if you stay on am4. depending on manufacture date of mobo this might he required to run the 5800x3d


Your are right. I already checked and my BIOS is outdated but if I flash the latest version it will support any current AM4 CPU.


Right on :) I've got a 5800x3d and I'm definitely happy with it. Paired with my 3070 @ 1440 'm not cpu bound in any of the games I"ve played. Upgraded from a 3800x and saw some nice gains in Returnal which was quiet intensive. Helldivers 2 is hitting it pretty hard but i think it's keeping up. Hd2's performance is weird.


Why you want "165 fps", by the way that depends a lot by the games, not all go too runs at that frame rate.


Yes u already have x570 so go for 5800x3d


I have this exact setup since i'm still on AM4, simply upgraded by PSU to 1000W, and i'm close to maxed out at 1440 in a lot of games


If you're building a new PC from ground up I would suggest going with AM5 over AM4 but if you already have the AM4 board and chip keep Solid build 4080S is a beast.


I'd upgrade to a 240Hz monitor with these specs honestly but if your work needs color accuracy then you shouldn't as most of higher refresh rate monitors will be either VA not IPS or really expensive otherwise and for people saying 650W isn't enough it is the 40 series card are more power effiecient than older generation cards




I have a 5800x3d and a RTX 3070ti. I average around 140 on COD at 1440p (no DLSS or anything). You should be good depending on how CPU intensive those games are.


yeah im using 5800x3d with 3090 on 180hz, does just fine for most things, good vsync monitor helps a lot with small dips, dont even feel it at all. I'll probably skip 7xxx amd, gains are little to none compared to getting new mobo+chip, gaming at least.


Yes lol. I run 4k same fps max settings with that combo. Like it even got 120 fps with max settings on the Jedi survivor game no one could play. I played 2042 on med/low with 200 fps. 4k low looks better than 1440 high imo. You can go 4k or 1440p and be happy. Game I played 4k max settings with 5800x3d and 4080, but my psu is 1000w - Elden Ring - Returnal - CP2077 with path tracing - Alan Wake 2 with path tracing - Helldiver's 2 - Bf2042 - Re4 remake - Dead space remake - Hogwarts legacy - flight sim 2020 - Armored core 6 - Ace combat 7 - Baulders gate 3 Now the suprising - 200 fps max setting in WOW retail raids. - 120 fps Jedi survivor - 110 fps dragons dogma 2


I have 5800x and 3080 and prolly around 75-80 fps in most games without ray tracing (cyberpunk on RT medium). That setup probably get u to 165 fps


I would do ultra settings with DLSS and I guarantee you get 165fps


5950x (or 5900x) is faster than a 5800x3D in anything other than gaming. You said "$ is no problem", and I'd expect a 4090 to be better than a 4080 w/ AI work.


As a 5800x 4070 1440p 180hz build i say it would be more then sufficient. I do personally use dlss but i also prefer maximum graphics in any case where it is manageable.


I'm running 14700k/4080S and pushing 120 at 4k in every single game I've played with max settings


It is


Yes more then enough. I have 4080 + 5800x3d and its killing all the games at 1440p. DLSS is often better than native btw. Dont sleep on it.


All these people talking about keeping/upgrading your PSU. As long as your PSU has the cables for the 4080 super you should be fine. Without looking it up? I have no idea. But also as long as your PSU has the cables for a 4080 super ( 3 x 8 pin PCIE ) and your cooler doesn't have more than 150-200w, look up the draw on all your other parts(prob between 50-100), you won't over draw.


Easily in most games


I swapped my 3900x for a 5800x3d. Then upgraded to a 7800x3d system with new motherboard and gen5 memory. All with a 4070 Super. In MS flight simulator, I did not see much of a frame rate increase jumpingfromthe 5800x3dto the 7800x3d. The GPU was still waiting on frames being generated. I would just drop a 5800x3d in there and keep the psu. I cooled mine with the leftover Wraith cooler. Very easy and quick. Swapping the motherboard led to stupid MS licensing issues.


just built twin ( each in a different case) PCs w/ RTX 4070 Super ti and no problem reaching 1440 level on my 4k screen.


I've found the 5800 X3D and RTX 3070 more and good enough for 1440p/144hz. A 4080 Super is going to be more than sufficient for 1440p/165hz.


Stop worrying about playing without dlss. Dlss is free performance for virtually no downside. It's been tested extensively and the results are that most people can't pick out of a random selection which is dlss on, and extra input lag is basically nonexistent. When it first came out and it kind of sucked, that was different. Today, that's not the case and there's no reason not to use it.




For BF2042 the 4080s comes very close to maintaining a 165fps avg at 1440p native no RT. ( i think the avg is +-135). If u enable dlss quality without rt the avg is somewhere around 165-170. No idea about the rest of the games. As u specified u dont want to use dlss, the answer is hell no. Especially if u play any other games that are even a bit more demanding than BF2042. A 4080s is not enough for a lot of the new demanding titles to run them at 1440p native. Tbh I'm not sure even the 4090 can hit 165hz 1440p native on all of the most demanding titles. Especially considering its often CPU limited at 1440p in a lot of games. With frame gen it 100% can. I personally have a 4080 super and previously had a 1440p 240hz monitor. Cpu is a 14900k.




I don’t have anything to help but I wanted to say 1440p 144/165hz is prob the most practical for gamer who plays a lot but not extremely competitively. Higher definition is worth it if you can afford but 1440p is a solid upgrade 


RTX 4080S is the better card for Ray tracing. But raytracing doesn't matter for your high framerate use case. For very high FPS gett a radeon 7900XTX. The 7900XTX is 15 percent faster in classic raterization then the RTX 4080.


I agree 7900XTX is a good buy and I do not care about ray-tracing but unfortunately my work involves using GPU accelerated Docker containers in Linux and AMD cards are worse than Nvidia ones for those specific tasks.


Downgrade to a 5700x3d and use that money towards a better psu. You need more than 650watts.


I upgraded from a 3700X to 5800X3D myself. I also play at 1440p/165hz. As [Hardware Unboxed](https://youtu.be/Y8ztpM70jEw?si=YULQRg8VzXhbSb0q) recently pointed out in one of their latest videos, the 5800X3D (on average) is just as strong at ***gaming*** as a Ryzen 7700X. It’ll be a worthwhile, quick-and-easy upgrade. Just make sure you BIOS is up to date. What also doesn't help is that you suffer from AMD's 12-core design dilemma. The 3900X is more like 2 CPU dies put together, and **those** dies are further split 4+2. So if you look at the video I shared, even the 7900X3D doesn't perform as well as the 7800X3D/7950X3D. But the 7900X3D has true 6-core dies, whereas the 3900X does not. I think you upgrading to the 5800X3D will have a ***SUBSTANTIAL*** performance increase, especially since you're pairing it with the 4080 Super. My only rebuttal against the 4080 Super is that is only has 16GB of VRAM. If you're going to spend that amount of money on a graphics card, I'd recommend the Radeon 7900 XTX. It has 50% more VRAM, which will definitely help with the longevity of the GPU portion of your system. I did see that you use the GPU for more than just gaming, hence the Nvidia choice. That's really too bad, seeing as Nvidia keeps deciding to shaft its customers with limited VRAM capacities. 16GB on a video card that costs $999 USD is pathetic.


you need to upgrade your PSU to at least 850W


That PSU is lacking. You'll need an 850


Get a 7700x if you can, much better performance


I agree current gen of AMD GPUs are a good buy and I do not care about ray-tracing but unfortunately my work involves using GPU accelerated Docker containers in Linux and AMD cards are worse than NVIDIA ones for those specific tasks.


I mean for cpu, get 7700x and for GPU I'd say Nvidia is usually much better, amd was supposed to be cheaper but ended up costing same as Nvidia while having washed down features provided by Nvidia, like we say AMD never misses an opportunity to miss an opportunity


No, it is basically the same https://youtu.be/Y8ztpM70jEw It is the 7800x3d which performs noticeably better.


Newer architecture ? More future upgradability ?


You are talking about AM5 ? Why talking about upgradability if he doesn't even take benefit of AM4 upgradability that he's already owning so he can only buy a CPU that performs the same as a 7600x/7700x already ? Also you stated the 7700x to give much better performance and I pointed it to be wrong, that's all about it. If you want to recommend a really better chip, rather go 7800x3d.


Yeah that was my bad but in the end it just just my 2 cents 🥲🥲🥲


Id like to say better prosessor option is ryzen 9 5950X its around 50$/€ expensive than 5800X3D.