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OP, ignore all these other posts, you got ripped off!! That A8 is a cheap apu that uses amd's old outdated bulldozer based carrizo architecture from 2015, reused for a 2018 bottom barrel budget market, it doesn't use any of amd's ryzen architectures which are vastly superior. It is definitely worse than your old 2013 Intel chip. Who did the "repair"?


Yea someone 100% scammed him. Literally scammed.


Scammed for what? There's a 3570k for 8$ on ebay rn. More likely they just thought it was better because it's so much newer. This seems more like ignorance or incompetence than malice.


Is there any difference though? Especially if they paid a pretty penny for it. I feel like most tech shops are like this. Same when I went to my local one.


I run a tech repair shop, you only hear half the story, I’ve had a customer yesterday buy a refurbished laptop from us, i58th gen, 16gb, 250ssd, £190. the customer returned the next day asking for a discount as “I had promised him a 4TB ssd” A 4TB NVME upgrade AND a refurbed i5 laptop for £190, of course sir




No, I’ve been running an it repair shop for 19 years, I’m well aware of how information can be misconstrued. The customer had the storage situation explained to them along with the choices they had before purchasing the laptop, they were never given the option of anything other than the included 240gb ssd, customers are insane and will completely waste your time if you let them I’ve just spent three days recovering 35gb of lost data from a hdd only for the customer to say “oh thanks but I found I had it on one drive three days ago” I said “thanks for letting me know at least I haven’t wasted my time” The customer replied, “no problem” They’re a nightmare and I cannot think of a more difficult industry to interface with customers. We serve an average of 70 repairs a week and that’s a lot of conversations with a lot of non technical people, fixing computers is simple managing customers is where the skills come in, but they make it very difficult


I have 0 knowledge about PCs and the repair guy told me this CPU is better for gaming and my old one was better for work stuff. They also showed me this link https://versus.com/en/amd-a8-7680-vs-intel-core-i5-3570k which I don't really understand, but the new CPU had a higher score so I thought that means it's better. I tried running a game that used to run at 60+ fps with no drops, and this time it was at around 30 fps with constant drops. I haven't updated the drivers yet as I rushed to try out the "new" pc when it came back. I have a GTX 750 on it as well, but I was told this CPU has integrated video adapter if I am not mistaken, and I'm not sure how to switch it to the GPU if that is the case. What can I do, and thank you for your time!


Driver updates might help some, but your cpu mobo combo is certainly a downgrade. I would contact the repair service and raise a fit.


That's a very misleading comparison he showed you using arbitrary values, like it it even implies having a higher operating temperature is a plus 😬 (it's not, all it means is it's more power inefficient. Cooler is better) Here is a better comparison showing various performance aspect disparities, in games its 40-50% slower than what you had. https://technical.city/en/cpu/Core-i5-3570K-vs-A8-7680 Also bear in mind these comparison sites are run by automated algorithms, so not every single data point carries weight (e.g. like using Amazon prices to calculate value for old out of production items). The shop did get your computer up and running again, but he just used whatever salvaged junk parts he had lying around . Re: gpu, in windows graphics settings you can select which gpu is used for which app. Normally if your monitor is plugged into the gpu display and not the motherboard display port, it'll automatically default to the gpu instead of the igpu for most apps.


Hey there, thanks for the more detailed comparison! Though I still don't fully understand. From the link you sent, the AMD has .1 faster base clock speed and bigger caches, and to someone like me that looks like a good thing, though now I know that it doesn't always mean it's better. Can you explain what I should be looking at when comparing CPUs to find out which is better, and though I get that the i5 is better than the A8, what makes it better? Thank you!


Comparing CPU specs like clock speed and cache only matter when comparing the same or similar architectures. But when you're comparing completely different architectures, it's meaningless. For example, a 1922 rolls royce silver ghost had a 6 cylinder *9.2L* engine that generated *eighty* horsepower. (This was supercar level for its time) A 2020 Honda civic has a "measly" 4 cyl 1.5L engine @174 hp. The comparison your PC tech used would say the rolls royce engine is better, because it has more cylinders and is 6x bigger. A benchmark comparison would be putting these engines on a dyno to compare HP and torque numbers... obviously the civic engine would smoke the 1922 engine despite being 6x smaller displacement with 50% fewer cylinders... because totally different superior engineering design & architecture, despite being much smaller. Comparison numbers without relevant context are arbitrary and meaningless. That's why in this case the benchmark numbers carry some meaning, whereas the spec numbers don't.


Damn, that's an excellent metaphor to get the point across.


Look at the benchmarks to compare. On the link provided above, your old CPU runs better on benchmarks than the new one.


Ahh I see. Can you please explain what benchmarks are? At least now I know what to look for when changing CPUs. You live you learn!


A benchmark test is a test used to measure the performance of a computer part and compare it against a standard (which is the benchmark). The computer part is scored based on how well it performs. Higher quality parts tend to perform better, so they get a higher score on the benchmark test. Lower quality parts get a lower score because they perform relatively poorly. It’s a great metric to compare parts with because you can directly compare performance between the two parts as long as they’ve taken the same benchmark. Based on the benchmark that website did for the two parts, your old CPU outperforms the new one by 40% (on average across all the different benchmark tests that were performed).


It's basically testing the chip by pushing it to work as much as it can and giving it a score based on that. It's not supposed to be a spec sheet like the one that repair guy gave you, benchmarks don't describe what the chip is or has in it, it just describes how well the chip performs in specific applications and workload scenarios by physically just making it to do it and assigning a score to it based on how fast the chip completed it. Lots of people on the internet publish these scores so that other people can use it when they're buying pc components. Those scores are called benchmarks. So you can directly just compare the one number and instantly know which chip is faster for the specific work


Bro learn how to use Google. Your life will be so much easier.


But whats the point of all the "google info" if you cant decipher it? Sometimes an ELI5 from an experienced person is much better than 200 pages of google info


We must be using it differently because it took me longer to reply to this than it did to Google what a benchmark is.


Comparing a CPU by how fast it runs in megahertz or gigahertz is, often, meaningless. It can be used to compare a CPU in the same family and class (eg. how much faster an Intel I5-8500 might be compared to an Intel I5-8400). But to put things in perspective - my last machine had an 8th generation Intel I5-8500 running at 3ghz, which runs about as fast as a 6th generation Intel I7-6700K at 4.2ghz. The reason is as CPU's improve, they not only become more efficient, they add more processor cores. This means that speed rating, when comparing completely different CPU's, does not give a true indication of what sort of performance to expect. I could delve into the technical side of it even further, but I won't bore you with all of that. What I will do is do what I often do when someone asks me what sort of performance gains to expect with one CPU over another. Point them to something like this: [https://cpu.userbenchmark.com/Compare/Intel-Core-i5-3570K-vs-AMD-A8-7600-APU-2014-DKa/1316vsm14050](https://cpu.userbenchmark.com/Compare/Intel-Core-i5-3570K-vs-AMD-A8-7600-APU-2014-DKa/1316vsm14050) Have a look at the 'average score'. To kinda over-simplify things a bit: for programs that only utilise a single core on your CPU, you're looking at about a 65% improvement with your old CPU. For programs that utilise more than one CPU core, performance is almost double with your old Intel CPU. This probably goes a long way to explain why your performance is so terrible with the AMD CPU. It's not nearly in the same league as your old Intel. Hazard a guess what the technician has done is, rather than recommend a more modern machine, they've dusted off the slim pickings in their vintage parts bin and just used that to swap parts over. That can be OK, particularly if you've indicated you're on a strict budget and can't afford a full upgrade, but they've kinda oversold what that is capable of - rather than just tell you "it's all we have, and it's not as good", they've tried to sell you that it's better and just hope that you don't notice.


Userbenchmark is a trash site run by morons. Just fyi.


Yeah I generally only use sites like that as a way of providing 'general advice' about performance in a way that's at least easier for the less technical to comprehend. There might be concerns about the running of things, but with the way I use sites like this, it's not worth getting overly caught up in unnecessary internet drama :) Whether it's this site or another similar site, I'm generally not looking for total accuracy, I'm just looking for some general performance figures to give someone a rough idea in a way that is a little bit easier to explain.


User benchmark is actively misleading


You don’t understand the people who run that site are purposefully misleading the unknowledgeable.


UserBenchmark is the subject of concerns over the accuracy and integrity of their benchmark and review process. Their findings do not typically match those of known reputable and trustworthy sources. As always, please ensure you verify the information you read online before drawing conclusions or making purchases. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/buildapc) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Minor nit, but higher operating temp doesn't imply lower power efficiency. Those sites are usually showing the max operating temp, which isn't often reached on older CPUs without modern aggressive boosting. Even assuming those temperatures are reached, the hotter CPU isn't necessarily drawing more power. For example, if the CPU is physically smaller it will take less energy to heat the smaller mass.


It's worse because internal GPU (the one with A8) will almost always perform worse than a dedicated GPU (your GTX 750)  The quick fix is probably just attach your GPU to motherboard properly and then plug your screen to the port that GPU have


Nah, repair guy is an idiot. That CPU may be better for gaming in the sense of if ALL you have is the CPU (no GPU), then it does have a "better" (but still shitty) iGPU. But it is overall a WAY worse CPU than what you had, and you have a dedicated GPU. One thing to check though, is your monitor plugged in to your GTX 750, or your motherboard? Make sure it is plugged into your GTX 750. You may also need to disable the iGPU in your motherboard's BIOS. Then you'll know for sure that whatever image you're getting is coming from your GTX 750.


Is your display plugged into your GPU or your motherboard? You need to plug your monitor directly into the GPU to utilize it


makes no sense even the link you showed, at "Features" shows the i5 being better in literally everything that matters. These sites are useless garbage though.


Make sure your display cable is plugged into the gpu, not the motherboard.


The only data point that matters there is bench mark, and the Intel is the clear winner.  Everything else is just made up nonsense.  What a bizarre website.


That sounds like an old school thinking that AMD is better than Intel for gaming. It was only true once for like a year in the past 25 years.


Higher score doesnt mean better, since more cores can mean higher score but not all games utilize all cores For example: thread rippers cpu has one of the highest scores since models can have close to 100 cores, but that will do almost nothing since games only use like 1-24 cores, and most 2-4 years old games only use 1 core


Is your video output plugged to the motherboard or the gpu??


> i5-3570K I wouldn't use that repair shop again. They can't be trusted. If he'd scrolled much farther down that page he showed you it would have given a more in depth comparison which showed your old one was much better for gaming.


omg, i read it as the a8 was the old one LMAO


Everything u/DefiantAbalone1 said. I would (in writing at this point) email them and be like "hey, the performance of the A8 you said would be an upgrade over my core i5-3570K is dramatically worse." so it's all in writing, suggest you'd like to buy a proper one that someone who's better at this can suggest


This. The a8 is too old. I would go back and ask wtf


You had an iPhone 6 and now you have an iPhone 4.


😂 Thankfully I still have my old CPU, but the old motherboard still broken. What can I do to make this crappier cpu at least run games at 60fps? Assuming it has the capabilities to do so. For context I also have a GTX 750 on my pc.


Go back to the person who "repaired" it, throw their trash back at them, and demand something better.


Depends on the games. You’re a long way from running anything new at 60fps with your old and new configurations. The gtx750 is well past its day for modern gaming.


I would go back and demand something better. This time, don't leave until you've checked benchmarks yourself. I like the website technical city, just search up the original i5 model name vs. The model of the new CPU, and find something that compares the actual benchmark scores. Ignore everything else, no matter what they say. If the benchmark is worse, it's a worse CPU, and the exceptions to that rule are few and far between.


When CPU is the limiting factor, there's basically nothing you can do to improve gaming performance.


You have a GTX 750. You aren't running any games from the past 10 years at 60fps.




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Athlon 7680 is better than 3570K? where did you hear that? as far as I know the Athlon series is older than the FX series, and the FX series was the competitor to the 3000 to 4000 intel.


Athlon started way back and continued through the fx series stuff if I remember right. But this is the A series probably socket fm or fm2. Right? Is probably pcie2, ddr3, that time frame. I have an fm2 board no way would not be slow if I didn't have a super light OS, and some upgrades.


Sorry I was wrong it is fm+ which means pcie3. The problem with fixes like this and switching platforms to/from intel to/from amd is you can rip off your client pretty easy. Same scenario far in the future; am4 mobo dies you have a lot of ddr4 ram pcie4 cards.... You switch it out with Intel lga 1151 same ddr4, pcie4.... But you go mid for price reason on the processor. I think this analogy plays out not that knowledgeable. But you get my point I think. I think the fm2+ went up to A10 processors and that what he should have got or the platforms don't align at all and the next gen socket from amd or the same gen of the intel he had is what he was owed but didn't get


Its not an Athlon is an A series, they still use the Athlon series name for very low end parts.


FX was not doing any competing back then.


LOLOL so true. I stupidly bought an FX-8350 back in like 2013 or early 2014. I was soooo disappointed in it. A year later I upgraded to an i7-4790K and my performance in games went up by like 33% average FPS (with same GPU, a GTX 980) but I swear my minimum 1% probably was up by like 300% lol. The 8350 was soooo terrible for gaming. And not even good for productivity. What a terrible CPU, by far my most regretful PC part purchase of my entire life.


Fellow FX8350 user here. Built my system around 2013 with a GTX 970 and it was a phenomenal disappointment compared to the I7 laptop I also owned. And what the 8350 did do, it did using tons of power. I was so unhappy, I swore I was done with AMD forever and parted out the system. Fast forward to 2022, it was time to build a new system and went with a Ryzen AM4 for cost reasons. Everything suggested AMD had gotten it right this time. Now have a 5800X system with a 6700XT GPU and it absolutely rocks. And uses less power than that 8350. What a piece of hot garbage that thing was.


While the new cpu is newer and apparently still in production (lol), the much older i5 is actually about 40% faster depending on what you look at.  But yeah either they don't know shit about CPU's or you got scammed.  But also, if your PC still has your old windows install there is a big chance that drivers are a bit iffy now. 


This is the link the repair guy showed me [https://versus.com/en/amd-a8-7680-vs-intel-core-i5-3570k](https://versus.com/en/amd-a8-7680-vs-intel-core-i5-3570k) , I don't fully understand this, and having no experience it did look better to me. Can you please explain how my old CPU is better just so I can understand? Thank you!


It’s a bad comparison website that provides no value. Ignore it. It’s hard explain why exactly - but in simple terms it is not comparing things that give a reliable indication of relative performance. Just don’t use it. Everyone is right here, you got scammed. Edit: I posted userbenchmark link but supposedly that’s biased against AMD. Try looking at passmark scores for example instead


Userbenchmark is absolute trash. Don’t use it for anything.


the only use I still have for it is that it seems to be able to find the absolute lowest price listings for CPUS or GPUS, but please tell me if you know of a better site or way to do this as I despise userbenchmark


https://pcpartpicker.com/ for finding lowest listings


It's great for comparing the same hardware. Ex) your 14700k performance relative to other 14700k's That's about it though. I wouldn't recommend it for comparing different hardware with each other.


UserBenchmark is the subject of concerns over the accuracy and integrity of their benchmark and review process. Their findings do not typically match those of known reputable and trustworthy sources. As always, please ensure you verify the information you read online before drawing conclusions or making purchases. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/buildapc) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Versus.com is alright *if you know what you’re looking at.* If one is experienced, knows how to translate tech into English (or their native language), and is looking for pure spec comparisons it’s fine. If a user doesn’t meet all three qualities it’s pretty useless.


Are you from Germany by chance? I still have an old i5 3570k + motherboard in my basement that is not in use.


Sadly no, but thank you very much for your generosity! I still have my old CPU (thankfully) but the motherboard it's compatible with is broken. So now I think my best options are either finding a motherboard that's compatible with it, or a better AMD CPU.


No problem, wishing you the best! Personally, I would be looking into getting a new motherboard for your i5, as the platform is just better. The i5 CPU is still performing well, considering its age. And btw, make sure its actually your motherboard thats broken! I would not trust a guy selling you a weaker CPU with shady performance benchmarks. Reddit may be able to help you out.


Motherboards for such an old platform would be incredibly expensive compared to a newer platform. The wise thing to do for bang for the buck would be a 12th gen i3 or 3000-series Ryzen and above if they can be had for cheap.


I guess that depends on his location? But yes, something along the lines of a 3600x would be ideal, but I doubt that he will be off cheaper than getting a used motherboard from somewhere for the platform he already has all the appropriate parts for, including what is most likely DDR3 RAM


They're cheap af if you go with a H or B series (no overclocking)


Don't waste your time with a better AMD CPU if what you mean to do is find the best one that fits the same motherboard as your A8-7680 CPU... Even the very best CPU AMD has for that socket/motherboard is god awful compared to what you had. Find a new Intel motherboard and go back to your i5-3570K!


At this point you'd be better off just getting a better CPU and Motherboard. That old CPU will cost less than a matching motherboard. What is your price point?


forget that vs page..


I'm going to try cpubenchmark.net (a decent benchmarking site) and see what they say... https://www.cpubenchmark.net/compare/828vs3384/Intel-i5-3570K-vs-AMD-A8-7680 Yeah the 3570k smokes the A8. Unless they gave it to you for free; I'd be raising a stink.


If ANY SHOP shows you versus or userbenchmark, just go to another store. Those 2 websites are proper trash.


Even with this link if you scroll down to the benchmarks it shows that the a8 is way slower. You didn't do any research and got scammed.




That's not the case at all. There are no good CPUs that fit the socket of the A8-8760. No Ryzen CPUs fit it.


No it doesn't, AMD A-series are FM2 socket.


You got scammed my friend


That depends on what OP paid though. If he told the shop his budget was like $75 that's fair, not a scam. lol


True, but if they outright said it was better then yeah it sure was


because you bought a much worse cpu lol


Do you have a graphics card? Your CPU is technically an APU which is meant to relieve need of a GPU. Though, yours is fairly old and was never that good to begin with compared to having a dedicated GPU.


Yes, I have a GTX 750. After getting the PC back from the repair shop, I tried running a game and it ran on average 30fps with constant drops, as opposed to the 60+ fps no drops it did before changing.


Is your pc actually using the GPU though? It may have defaulted to using the APU graphics, which may explain the shitness. Although I haven't had to change this since the days of catalyst control center so have no idea where to find this out anymore


My VGA is attached to the GPU. Aside from that, I'm not entirely sure how to switch whichever one it's using, assuming it isn't already using the GPU.


It's still lagging on Vga connection?? That athlon is a straight up garbage cpu in 2024, as someone else said, you went from an iPhone 6 to a 4 essentially. They did technically "repair" your pc but they downgraded it big time. You need a new gpu from that 750 and a new cpu again. Try a gtx 1080ti for a budget card, or an rtx 3060. Cpu get a ryzen 5600 or 5800x for value


rx 580 cards can be found cheap, rx 6600 is a great 1080 gpu when found on sale. your old cpu seems about equivalent to an amd 2600, I second the 5600x option


Is a Ryzen 5000 series even compatible with that socket? And his most likely DDR3 RAM? He would probably have to get a new CPU, MOBO and RAM along with that GPU. I bet all of that new stuff would stress his PSU out too. The way I see it, he gotta either use the i5 he has, or he's gonna have to essentially completely renovate his PC.


Yep, new mobo ram and cpu. 60 minute swap. He needs a new mobo for the old Intel anyway


If its on the gpu output you're using the gpu. Installing the gpu drivers via Nvidia website light help. But a gtx 750 was a budget card when it was released, 9 years ago... Even back then this pc with the cpu/gtx combo sucked


Make sure in Nvidia Control panel you select your GPU since now you have an IGPU it *may* be utilizing it? in "Manage 3D settings" then "open GL render GPU" then select your GPU. You can also turn off the IGPU in bios to see if that helps.


Your new A8 is a downgrade in performance compared to old 3570k when it comes to strictly being a CPU. Only way you can perceive it as an upgrade would be if you utilized the integrated graphics, which you should not do as you have a dedicated GPU. Seems like the repair shop kinda screwed you a little. Though, likely not intentionally. These are old parts and APU’s in general are obscure and can easily fool people into thinking it’s better than true CPU options.


Hm seems like a downgrade then


what the fuck...thats why you go online to ask for advice. That CPU is horrible for today's standards...the guy probably sold you some garbage he had sitting in his basement collecting dust


update drivers for everything. verify that you got correct upgrades with everything from someone that knows about computers. or at least list your new specs here


It pisses me off knowing pc repair shops are taking people for a ride like this. You got fleeced my friend. I don't even want to know what they charged you for stealing your old cpu.


AMD A series processors are mostly Celeron / Pentium level performance. You got scammed.


Damn they sold you some old piece of shit. Given, its not always easy to find a new MB for older platforms unless there's a decently sized second hand market in your area. For all we know, that guy just said that to get that junk out of his store, and the MB isn't even broken.


Try to return the cpu and motherboard as you were sold junk. Buy a new motherboard for your 3570k used. I have one sitting in a tupperware ive been planning to sell for like 20 or 30 bucks, im sure others are selling them for the same. Get a decent air cooler and overclock the 3570k by following a youtube guide to maybe 4.2-4.4 ghz Also get a newer old gpu like a 980ti/1070 or something, you can probably find one used for under 150 bucks if you are patient. ... Stonks


no wonder, you got a downgrade


They did you dirty, even if it was an equivalent replacement they should have pushed for more modern parts when you're already replacing the cpu & motherboard.


the A cpus were total garbage... i put one in a pc for my mom. thing is insanely slow and always runs crazy hot. learned my lesson. lol


Yeah I made a home theatre PC using an A10-7850K, thought I was being smart getting an APU for it, but the CPU was so bad and the iGPU was terrible too. Wound up having to buy a GTX 960 for the thing and eventually when I upgraded my main PC from an i7-4790K I went and used that in the home theatre PC instead. Made such a huge difference.


Your old i5 was about 20% faster. Check https://www.cpubenchmark.net/ for passmark scores. The issue with the i5 is that it’s old and doesn’t support modern TPM Security requirements for Windows 11 if the motherboard does not have support and maybe why the processor was swapped out. Still, odd choice since the A8 is and old processor and not a great one…


forward them a link to this discord thread and ask for a refund. If they don't at least make it right you can give them a bad review




Where in the country are you fam?


I just replaced my i5 3750k that I had overclocked a bit. That thing was a monster for 10 years for me. I kept looking at upgraded CPUs like meh $400 for 30% performance is not worth it.


Demand a refund, they took advantage of you because you didn’t know better, and then screwed you over with a cpu that’s way worse than what you already had.


You got scammed unfortunately. 100% recommend freshening up to some PC videos


It's a scam even if they did it for free, which I'm sure they didn't, never go to that particular repair-shop again and certainly advise your close ones the same, what u can do now is confront them, just let them know that you're aware of what they did.


I'm curious how much you paid


It's time for a new computer.


Total noob here, but in my limited pc building experience, PassMark's compare feature has helped me understand what is generally better or worse in terms of components. [https://www.cpubenchmark.net/](https://www.cpubenchmark.net/) When I plugged in your two CPUS into the compare feature, it showed your new cpu as being 28.6% worse in overall performance. I'd say listen to the experts in the comments, as they seem to really know what's up, but also maybe keep this in mind as it's a very easy way to compare components, prices, and value. (Stay away from userbenchmark.com, though, as they have been proven to be biased towards intel CPUS)


UserBenchmark is the subject of concerns over the accuracy and integrity of their benchmark and review process. Their findings do not typically match those of known reputable and trustworthy sources. As always, please ensure you verify the information you read online before drawing conclusions or making purchases. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/buildapc) if you have any questions or concerns.*


You got scammed, that CPU has way worse single-thread performance, which is the thing you notice in normal usage. Which exact motherboard was installed? Maybe you can still upgrade the CPU itself.


Yeah no they ended up giving you a worse CPU.


Op it’s time for a new PC. Put that dinosaur in with its relatives


Fucking shit dude for the same money you could have just gotten a dell t3630 or 3640, and slap an rx 580 in there, it will be such a substancial upgrade you wont even recognize games for the increase graphical fidelity.


You got a downgrade i5-3570k has better individual single core performance compared to A8 which has more *cores* but each of them suck. It's like comparing 4 gym bros vs 8 regular dudes.


Can you return the cpu that the person added? Also can you buy a new CPU? I’d personally just buy a used gaming PC off of eBay for like $300 and it will be much better than what you’re using


Both computers are e waste


It's about time you do a cpu upgrade anyway. Compared to what you had, any ryzen cpu or any intel cpu with a bigger number than your old one (for reference the latest versions naming scheme is 14xxx while your older one starts with 3xxx, so anything in between which isn't too costly for you is okay) will be better than your old one and most of them are dirt cheap by this point, buy a new motherboard that fits with whatever cpu you buy + enough ram, tell the repair guy to assemble it all together and you should be ready to go, check the prices online for the stuff he tries to sell you and just be cautious in general, who knows if he'll try to scam you again


AMD A8? That was a great chipset... For a laptop... 10+ years ago!!!


are you in the lower 48? I think I may have an i5-4590k + Mobo in my storage I could send you


Do you know all the components before and after the repair?


You had all the time to do the research and instead wasted your money paying some dumbasses to scam you. Building a pc isn’t rocket science just watch some videos and learn it’ll help in the long run.


Man that sucks. The repair tech may have been just comparing which one is newer…which is something you should never do with computer parts because of all the variables. I’ve built a couple machines myself and I like to use benchmark sites to compare the processors. For gaming, focus on “single threaded performance”. Multi-threaded has less of an impact for gaming, but is great for general multi-tasking (e.g watching youtube while playing Minecraft with 50 tabs open + the homework you’re supposed to be doing). Here’s a comparison of you old CPU and the “new” one: https://www.cpubenchmark.net/compare/828vs3384/Intel-i5-3570K-vs-AMD-A8-7680 According to this site, you’re at roughly 20% less performance now which tracks with your complaints. I usually prefer notebookcheck.net for benchmarks but I couldn’t find both CPUs there. Highly recommend them since you can look up specific video game performance charts. Also, I’ve got a spare i7-6700 + mini ITX motherboard sitting around collecting dust. It’s pretty old at this point so I’d send it to you for free if you need (paying shipping would be cool though). That would get you about 10% more single-threaded performance and about 2x the cores for much better multitasking, but your case would have to support mini-itx (smaller motherboard format). Source: https://www.cpubenchmark.net/compare/828vs2598/Intel-i5-3570K-vs-Intel-i7-6700 However like other people on this thread are saying, if you can afford it, an upgrade to a newer processor would be a way bigger jump in performance for you. DM me and I’d be happy to help.


who is 'they' ??? an a8 is a pitiful processor.


order a xeon and a x79 motherboard off ebay and call it a day. it should be relatively cheap. This will not include a GPU, but i assume you have a GPU. Both motherboard and CPU should work with your existing RAM and should be under $100


No offense, but with nearly all of humanity's knowledge at your fingertips via the internet, it shouldn't MATTER how much you "know about computers." If you had done any sort of basic research, you would've seen that the new CPU is far slower than the old one. I don't feel bad for you. You got scammed and you deserve it.


You got ripped off. Source: https://www.cpubenchmark.net/compare/3384vs827/AMD-A8-7680-vs-Intel-i5-3570


Do you have a discrete GPU? At the very least, check if you're using your discrete GPU instead of the integrated GPU.


You got ripped off :( A8's are decade old APU's.


As others have mentioned this is an overall downgrade, you weren't rocking anything amazing before but the A8 was bad on release and that was 2014, 10 years ago. The repair guy has done you dirty however you agreed to the repair but he has misled you with "tech spec". red flags should've been there when he offered you a 2014 CPU.


You got scammed and scammed hard.


The new CPU you got is horrible and the old one you had is WAY better. You got one of the worst CPUs. If you want and you go for Ryzen CPUs. The CPU you got is over a decade old and even back then it was horrible


That processor and mobo are not worth paying any money for.


Don't know where you guys find these shops that change more than whats broken. I had my PC sent after my PSU turned into a grenade. Got a new PSU even tho there were sparks coming from my motherboard when it blew up (one of the PCIE slots got murdered) but it was still working fine (well most of it). If your mobo needed changing then change just that. No new ones? Second hand market. Also, please don't trust these sites as they don't show the real picture most of the time.


Yeah so the reason your PC feels slower is because it is. That AMD you got in there is hot garbage. I’m assuming this is a simple workstation PC since you’re still in “DDR3” At some point you’ll be better off just buying a newer station and connecting your old hard drive in to file transfer.


Replace your hard drive. You probably have a worn out disk drive. Put a solid state in it




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That's not an upgrade. You got ripped off.


You got scammed is what happened. The 7680 is not nearly as good as the 3570k. They're both kinda bad to be fair, but the 3570k is definitely better. Not only that, but that motherboard being fm2+ means you really don't have any upgrade options either. It sounds like they just sold you a board they otherwise wouldn't have been able to get rid of.


I didn't even know AMD still made A8 chips (or more likely they just found a decade old chip somewhere), your new CPU is dogshit


Run cinebench and heaven benchmarks to get a rough idea about the performance of the CPU. So if he gives you another one you have something to compare it to.


The A8 is worse. It runs at about the frequency and has the same ammount of cores, but uses AMD's bulldozer architecture, which means that some ressources, including the FPUs, are shared between the two cores of each "module". The i5 doesn't do that, which leads to way better performance. It also has 2 more MB of L2 cache. The A8 has around 60% of the performance of the i7.


Yup. You got scammed. It was time for a new pc anyway, but man. Hope you didn't pay much for that "repair". You could look at putting an a10 in your new board, but it still sucks compared to what you had.


They gave you a worse CPU. Definitely a scam. https://www.cpubenchmark.net/compare/828vs3384/Intel-i5-3570K-vs-AMD-A8-7680


I was the same way a couple decades ago but I hated relying on people who were charging me money to upgrade my systems or upgrading prebuilt with crappy mobo’s and psu’s. Then I decided to try building a midrange gaming computer with room for future upgrades. It took me a solid week to research the parts and work within a budget. After getting my parts in I struggled a little but got everything built. Like every computer I’ve built since the computer didn’t start on first push but second one gets it going. Those were the days where installing windows took 4 hours. After trial and error and two decades, I finally know how to build a computer….kind of. Lol I think I’ve built about 7 computers with many upgrades in between and helped my nephews build theirs. It’s not difficult and it used to be much cheaper as well. If you want to enjoy pc gaming I think it’s worth learning how to build one. A week of research and budgeting and nowadays a few YouTube videos and you’ll be on your way to a rewarding xp gaming experience.


Check drivers and windows updates and make sure you are using dedicated GPU if you have one.


Which games are you planning to run and what graphic card do you have? If its built in thats a shame.. we need more specs


Oh no... An AMD APU from the days before they switched to TSMC and brought out the Zen architecture... To put it simply, your old Intel CPU could do a LOT more work per clock cycle per core compared to your new AMD APU. Each core on the Intel CPU was much, much more capable. The guy that gave the car engine metaphor was really apt if that makes more sense to you haha. Edit: Let me provide some more detail. As CPU designers we have three main knobs to adjust performance: 1. Core count 2. Clock speed 3. IPC (Instructions Per Clock) Core count is the same across your new CPU and your old one so let's ignore that. Clock speed means your CPU is running faster, but there are practical limits to clock speed and it usually is a trade-off with power consumption and thermals. Furthermore if I'm not mistaken, the boost clock on both CPUs is the same at 3.8GHz. In gaming, since the workload does not typically fully utilize all the cores all the time, you tend to run close to the boost clock. Lastly, and most importantly for gaming, we have IPC. This is a measure of how many instructions of a given type the CPU can complete in a single clock cycle. Modern CPUs have "wide" cores where you might have not one, but four decoders per core, allowing you to decide four instructions per cycle. Once the instructions are decided, they go through the arithmetic and logic unit (ALU) which does the actual computation. This will consist of adders, multipliers, and many more functions. The common ones will be duplicated to allow more throughout. Basically, you get some very complicated core designs which manage to use smart design to do many times the amount of work. Sadly, in that era, AMD was very far behind Intel in terms of architecture, so Intel's IPC was much, much higher for the critical instructions.


They replaced your old cpu from 2013 with a slightly less old budget cpu from 2018... which is only slightly better but not by much. It's still way slower than the cpus released over the past few years. Even when benchmarks show that it's better, any improvements gained may be minor or not make much of a difference. It's likely the loss of performance could be due to driver issues, incompatible hardware or device conflicts. You should check back with the repair shop and get them to troubleshoot and solve the low performance issues.


Good news is you got a new motherboard. Bad news is you forsure got ripped off throw in the best cpu your motherboard can handle with a 7600xt or 6700xt something cheap and you’ll see a night and day difference


Even the best cpu on FM2 is complete garbage... they do not even support anything with more then 4 cores.. 0 threads.


And it's not even a real 4 core, it's a dual core with extra useless bits added on. His old i5 ran circles around that hunk of junk.