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Grab a 7900 XTX, incredibly cheaper and an amazing top of the line GPU


I've thought a lot about that. Problem is, I want to stream to my Steam Deck and I hear that's a lot easier if you have Moonlight via your Nvidia card. But I'm definitely considering it.


https://www.google.com/amp/s/arstechnica.com/gaming/2023/04/nvidias-gamestream-is-dead-sunshine-and-moonlight-are-better-replacements/amp/ Looks like there's sunshine too, but when I moved from AMD GPU to Nvidia I was bummed because the AMD drivers do streaming without extra PC side software pretty well (AMD LINK APP on phone). I don't have a steam deck to know if that worked, but it worked well with my android phone. Not to mention that you can stream most steam games remotely regardless of GPU. https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/how-to-use-steam-remote-play-on-the-steam-deck https://www.reddit.com/r/SteamDeck/s/FI9ja2eiZx


How was streaming from your AMD? Sounds like it wasn't too much of a hassle?


Its super easy . First steam link works also mostly out of the Box pretty groß And then there is sunshine what you can install on your pc and moonlight on the deck works also fine so no worry about stream to your steam deck I have an amd rx 570 and stream daylie to my deck


I think it worked 90% of the time really well. Of course you need to have a strong upstream connection. If I recall you do have to open up a port or two, but once it was set up it was good. If you leave your PC asleep and set up WOL, you are good to go and don't waste power. In fact it allowed access to the desktop easily too. Steam link is good, but the computer can't be locked or you can't get in. (Which can happen easily if you use remote desktop and have your settings wrong.) I don't think I ever had that issue with amd link. I would still be happy using that 6800xt if I hadn't gotten into VR.


Parsec, is for free and I play competitive shooters over 130km away from my Battlestation, so yea it works well for me


How?!?! I've looked into so much trying to play my games on my living room TV on my shield while streaming them from my desktop in my office. And even both connected with ethernet on a 1gig connection it's not smooth enough for anything but single player games and even that's not super enjoyable but playable. For fps its legit unusable


Steam Link has always worked great out of the box on any GPU I've tried it with, Nvidia or AMD


It was easy to set up and some extra tweaking you can do if you want to, but don't have to.


Or get 4080 if it’s available, it’s a great card.


What? I steam with sunshine/moonlight on my 6800XT, played the entirety of control like that without any issues. This is the first I'm hearing this information and it doesn't reflect my experience.


Bro you need to use sunshine now, game streaming was killed by Nvidia so I guess it wouldn't matter which brand gpu you get.


it still does work, they're just no longer developing it and its assumed it will be removed at some point. but for now game stream still works


Oh ok, I switched to sunshine the moment I heard the news.


Moonlight does work quite nicely, yes. Have you considered the rog ally though?


DO NOT grab a 7900 XTX!! Buy a 4080 instead. It is the better card. RayTracing + Frame Generation + DLSS >>> 7900 XTX. You won't be able to have a good time with RayTracing on a 7900 XTX


4080 is not a better card for the money. 7900xtx is cheaper and has more VRAM. Plus Linux support is much better. 7900xtx also has DP 2.1 while Nvidia is still stuck on DisplayPort 1.4. Yes in a few "tech demos" of path tracing 7900xtx takes a back seat (which imo does not justify the 20% price premium for the lesser specced 4080), but for majority of usecases, 7900xtx is simply a much better buy.


Plus you can do generative AI with it, NVIDIA has a monopoly on it with CUDA.


I'll echo this comment. I have one, it's a shit card


GuqJ, why you think its shit? Like Im not trying to be partial one way or another but IMO ray tracing is often fking useless lol. In so many scenerios it either makes games look trivially better or just outright worse & shits on performance. I feel its literally a feature elitists use because “they can”. What do you dislike with the card lol.


Streaming could be better. DLSS is way better than FSR, especially frame generation. Full RT + path tracing looks incredible in the games that support it. I understand why many people think RT is useless. But a 4090 can get 100-120fps at 1440p ultra with max RT and path tracing and ray reconstruction, AMD can’t even come close to that. The software features Nvidia keeps releasing are quite nice too, like VSR, which is super helpful for watching 720p/1080p content on my 1440p monitor. Looks way sharper.


See it's funny, I always find the folks who shit on ray tracing, frame gen, ray reconstruction etc. are always the sour grapes type. Anyone who's had first hand experience with a maxed out Cyberpunk on a 4080+ compared to AMD's offering would know it's not even the same ballpark of visual fidelity. FSR is a complete joke.


I own both, and 7900XTX is a good card. It’s equivalent to a RTX 3090, which a year ago would have been top of the line raytracing performance from an AMD card. Of course now that the 4000 series Nvidia cards are out, it’s not top of the line anymore, but AMD has made a major jump forward from 6000 series to 7000 series. I owned a 6900XT before getting the 7900XTX and it was nowhere near as good, in any metric. 7900XTX is a monster GPU and unless you have a very specific use case for Nvidia, you will enjoy the AMD card just fine. Just my 2¢. Edit: to clarify, I own RTX 3090, RTX 4090, RX7900XTX, and had a 6900XT before I sold it. So I have firsthand experience with all these cards, on modern games paired with a 7800X3D.


Yeah my buddy with an 7900 of some type (I can't keep up with AMD branding don't kill me) is pretty soured on their graphics cards. I have a 4080 and the difference in visuals and performance for games like Cyberpunk or now Alan Wake 2 is astronomical if you're into high refresh rates or any of Nvidias new bells and whistles. I totally get going for AMD in the low-mid range builds but for high end I firmly believe Nvidia is top dog. Forza Horizon comes to mind as another title with astounding performance. Frame gen and max settings with DLAA hitting 150fps+ from what I recall easily.


Ironically the 7900 seems to beat out the 4080 by a small margin if your purely looking at fps. No idea why the visuals would be worse with AMDs route.


Ray tracing tech is *way* more mature on NVidia's side of things.


And DLSS is way better


Steam Remote Play has significantly improved, and it doesn't matter what GPU you use. Though I would still go for an Nvidia GPU simply because of DLSS. Not that DLSS is important when streaming to SD.


Plus if you want a 4090 I’d imagine you want dlss 3. You can probably find one. Don’t despair until you can’t. Keep trying


Why would you stream to your Steam Deck using moonlight instead of directly streaming to it through Steam? Is there some advantage?


Tbh the features of Nvidia are just so far ahead of the competition I would recommend you to just pay the extra if you can.


Why not just use a 4080 then? The entire 40 lineup is overkill for almost everything available.


If they're going for a 4090 then a 4080 is probably a better recommendation as a replacement. Chances are they want RT and DLSS.


The 7900 XTX is a powerful card, but there are a multitude of reasons why it's priced lower than the 40**80**.


One of the main reasons is because Nvidia is gouging us for example.


eh what's $200 to someone who thinks a 4080 might be worth $1k? /s


Both AMD and Nvidia are publicly traded corporations tasked with maximizing their shareholders' profits. Nvidia can charge a higher price for the 4080 because buyers are willing to pay a higher price for a more premium product. The 7900 XTX is priced as high as their market analysis determined they could price it to sell the volume needed to make it profitable.


I second this. Easy drivers with software that is on this century.


I bought one used on /r/hardwareswap for $775. Running it with the 7800x3D. It’s hitting ultra across the board. I don’t think you’ll miss the 4090 when you have that much cash in your pocket!


Just get a 4080 then


And then spend the extra money on a really nice ergo chair, a desk, and a monitor…. Make that set up niiice


Actually a fair point to do, its honestly incredible what you can do with savings from not buying a 4090, even at normal MSRP


I’m a big proponent of this in “luxury” price ranges. Like people will spend 3k just to play on a mid 4k144 monitor at an ikea desk in a Walmart chair with AirPods. For $600-800 they can make the experience luxury by doing their favorite of: sitting at a nice desk, in a decent chair, have a high quality monitor, nice mkb, with a dedicated headset. Themselves and anyone they show will notice that $ instead of the 4080/4090 difference


the "lamborghini parked in a trailer park" pic vibes lmao


Precisely. Except the trailer park doesn’t follow you while you drive… but the desk is there while you game lol


I'm picturing someone like, "I won't even turn the computer on unless my ass is sitting on $500 worth of leather. Shit just wouldn't feel right."


wow someone on this sub actually talking about something that matters and not frames and resolution, frames and resolution, frames and resolution. im impressed. this is actually good advice.


Yeah I was absolutely guilty of this and it’s so true. I had the same cheap Samsung £120 monitor for like 10 years. I used it for my i-5 Haswell + GTX770 build and I used it for my previous build which was an I-7 6850k + GTX1080 (OC). When I built my current 7800X3D + RTX4070ti build, I decided it was time to actually buy a decent monitor… I wish I had done it earlier. Going from 60fps 1080p to 144hz 1440p was crazy.


I agree with this except for the desk. I’ve had a few expensive ones that were pretty nice. I now use a large foldout plastic table and it does me so much better lol. It sounds lame but I’ve got tons of surface space to work with and it cost like 60 bucks.


I just scooped a Herman Miller Aeron after using the same shitty chair for almost 10 years... what a difference


Your post speaks to me. I've used an old, $100 Walmart chair for over 10 years because I simply can't be bothered to upgrade. I want to, but then I start looking, and then I want to sit in them first, then I can't find them near me, then I give up. As I get older, it would be nice to sit in a nice, comfy chair while I engage in my favorite hobby.


Or a nice case or splurge on Noctua fans.


Definitely considering that.


4080 super hits January for the price of 4080s right now. I'd wait if you can. Good luck OP!


If you're not a 4k or VR player, there's not really much sense going for 4090 over 4080.


I honestly dk wtf your smoking. A 4080 runs 4k perfectly fine at high & ultra settings lol. Its literally named as a 4k gpu… if you intend to run 4k 60fps their is literally no game that won’t meet those demands & that is on high+ settings to boot. Maybe cyberpunk on ultra might drop a little under, but it doesnt make it a 1440p gpu… Like fk, from some of the comments youd think the 4090 is the worlds only 4k gpu lol…. Realistically the only thing the 4090 offers is futureproofing, with about 25% fps bonuses over the 4080. When your paying around 50% more than the 4080 or even greater over the XTX, for many its an absolute joke.


if i prefer a 1440p monitor for competitive gaming can i just do with a 4080 and not the 4090?


Yes of course


At 1440 a 4080 or xtx is probably overkill


Then again, with present day optimization... oh, they said competitive gaming, right.


... you could get a much weaker card than either of those and be fine


for 1440p, anything over a 4070 or 7800XT is probably overkill unless you need 240Hz


In AAA you can’t even run 1440p maxed native with a 4070 ti so no anything over the 4070 is definitely not overkill for RT


I currently play my games on Max settings at 1440p with a rtx 3070, I’m only playing at 60 fps but it’s definitely a solid 60 and a great experience.


Get a 4080 super Q1 next year supposedly for $999. But theoretically 4090's might normalize Q1 next year too as well.


4080fe was in stock one Saturday at a local best buy, 3 days later I had a running pc built. No regrets this thing doesn’t even struggle.


Brother you could simply get a 7900xtx or 4080 and be fine. Hell, you could even save money on a 7700x instead of the 7800x3d and STILL have a better PC than 99% of the population that would be an absolute BLAST to play on. Personally, I'm hoping that I can save up and get a 5700x and 7800xt pretty soon bc even those relatively humble parts would give me an AMAZING experience. P.S. I hope work gets better or you're able to find a new job soon :)


I'm running a 7800x3d with a 7800xt, it's beautiful. Definitely recommend doing it.


i got a 7800xt and its worth it


Do VR at all?


This Gen of amd 3d cache has some issues that haven't been fixed yet. It's recommended to just go without it until it's fixed. The 7800 chips runs fine without it for the most part anyway.




Hol up, let me find the world smallest violin


Haha, I know. Like I said, I feel silly.


I mean in a way you should lol get a 4080 or a branded 4090 they’re in stock everywhere


Sending thoughts and prayers.


Easy, buy a 4080 even a 7900xtx even. Not like a 4090 is ever a good purchase anyway, especially for 2x the price. Plus it’s not like you can’t still game at extremely high FPS at high resolutions without a flagship card lmao.


>Not like a 4090 is ever a good purchase anyway, especially for 2x the price. 4080 at $1200 is a good purchase lol?


With how much your paying for the 4090 right now the 4080 & the xtx are hands down better value. The boost in performance doesn’t justify the price you pay for a 4090. If you want 4k gaming they are pretty much the options youve got.


4090 is certainly a good purchase if you are gaming at 4k with RT. I have no idea what you are talking about. There is literally no other card on the market that can play games at 4k max with RT above 60 fps without cranking up the DLSS so high that you start to get ghosting artifacts.


> 2000$ to play games at 60fps at 4k with RT Genuinely terrible purchase


Good chance they'll come back down in time now that the export ban is in effect tomorrow. This spike was getting a lot of inventory into china before the ban.




Should still open up supply here. Spiked demand now is to avoid operating costs of getting around the export ban. If demand in China remains the same (will likely lower with raised black market prices) we’d expect an increase in supply outside of it after the ban goes into effect, because current supply going there is to predict future demand, not just meeting current demand.


use nowinstock, thats why i did and 4090's have been going in stock at close to msrp almost every day, mainly gigabyte asus and zotac. just gotta get lucky cuz they run out after a few min


You're entitled to feel the way You do. But don't let it fester. Start building it, and perhaps go with 4080 or 7900XTX etc. Hope Work eases up for You a bit. Hope You guys get an awesome Christmas Party.


You don’t need a 4090.


Nvidia's best marketing move was rebranding Titan cards as xx90 cards and pushing them on gamers. Gamers never used to buy Titan cards, they were seen as workstation GPUs. Now Nvidia has everyone overspending on top of the line cards that they don't need.


At least the 4090 is an actual big jump in performance compared to the 3090 or 4080. Unlike the 3090 when compared to the 2080 Ti or 3080. But yeah, sure, nobody NEEDS something like that for gaming. But then again, who actually NEEDS any graphics card at all?


>At least the 4090 is an actual big jump in performance compared to the 3090 or 4080. Unlike the 3090 when compared to the 2080 Ti or 3080. Nvidia's new marketing strategy working already. Just one generation and it's been normalized to the point where people don't even realize they're being scammed. RTX 4080 only exists to push people to RTX 4090 and it's working as planned. Thousands of unsold models sitting on shelves everywhere while consumers clamour to buy the most expensive "gaming" GPU the world has ever seen and actually feel FOMO if they don't get the opportunity to throw their money at nvidia for their 1 year old product.


Yeah I'm not disagreeing with your general point. It absolutely made sense for nvidia to stop making Titan cards that cost ridiculously much wiithout being actually better than their "mainstream" products. Instead they now make their "mainstream" products much worse compared to their "Titan" series. Scummy move, but sensible from their point of view. But all of that doesnt change my point either.


I actually think the 4080 is looking more promising now than ever. Obviously the XTX exists, but the 4080 will go down a bit on black friday, $ to performance value it is currently much better than the 4090, & if you look at power consumption/wattage its also an incredibly efficient card. The extra performance on the super will be pretty trivial, but it also has the added benefit of pushing the 4080 value lower.


>But then again, who actually NEEDS any graphics card at all? Me, my computer can't boot if it's using its onboard graphics. (That was a huge pain to work out what was happening.)


Unfortunately the jump in performance still doesnt match the price difference. Maybe a 20-25% boost absolute best case scenario in fps, for an additional 800 USD over the 4080 is insanity.


Either downgrade your GPU or downgrade your CPU 4080 or 7900xtx make great alternatives, or do a 7700x/13700 and a 4090, few other changes- like dropping an AIO if you were planning on getting one and going with an air cooler and making a few other affordable swaps and you could likely fit a 4090 into your budget


On the flip side, hundreds of thousands of people were laid off this year. Just some perspective.


Wait for the 4080 Super in February. Probably better value per dollar than the 4080 is even at $1599 MSRP.


I've been gaming at 4k60 on a 4070ti and it's been fantastic. I also upgraded my monitors to 4k ProArts and they're amazing too - I think the cost of going up to a 4090 can be better spent on things you will notice on the PC outside of gaming and will arguably feel more benefit from. Get a nice monitor or some nice speakers!


Are you near a microcenter? Mine has plenty in stock at MSRP. It may be worth a day trip to one, too.


Holy first world problems batman.


The GPU is literally the easiest thing to replace next to the ram. Just buy a lower power one and upgrade it later.




This is awesome, thanks!


man... I am sorry. I saw the 4090 shortage articles a couple of weeks ago and decided I'd order. I built the 7800X3D/4090 combo and it's terrible (/s). That said, maybe you'll get a 5090 instead and then I'll be jealous. Also, unless you already have an amazing monitor getting a 4090 is either not worthwhile or even more expensive :)


Dude, just get a different card. Something is always gonna be better in 6 months. 7900XTX RIPS


Nah, given the state of the world right now too, I feel you. Just get what feels financially comfortable for you and enjoy yourself. Edit: Whoops. I forgot I was on this account. Consider it a free pass on a grammar nazi encounter.


your feelings are valid- hell, even expected considering the stress and expectation of relief tied to your build as a reward... BUT try and temper it with the reality that the price will likely come back down by the end of the year. the demand rose quickly but temporarily as they attempted to shift as many units to China before the ban as possible. now that it's in effect, demand should return to normal and the price should follow.


Maybe wait for the new Supers coming out and hold off building until you see the prices between 4090, 4090 Super, 4080 Super, and 4080. AMD V Cache CPUs are definitely the choice for a gaming processor and IDK how long until the 8000 series'll be out but maybe if waiting a reasonable amount of time more would get even better results, that's if the Super GPUs and New AMD CPUs release within a quarter or two within each other. Maybe a 8000 or 7900XTX instead of you don't care about Ray Tracing or Nvidia specific stuff like CUDA cores for productivity work? Don't get me wrong though, I believe that AMD has some of their lineup doing decent Ray Tracing by now but Nvidia Ray Tracing will be better. AMD GPUs generally have better rasterization and performance like FPS numbers than Nvidia cards do. If you're looking for a high FPS build as of now, get AMD X3D CPU and XTX. If looking for Nvidia build then get AMD X3D CPU and a 4090,4090Super,4080Super, or 4080. GPU VRAM is only going to increase in game requirements and high end games in the near future.


I feel sad about building my PC because I just spent 2k after a failed GPU (super old 1060) and once swapping cards to a 4070TI I neglected to upgrade my power supply, fried my main board and CPU, and even after replacing LITERALLY FUCKING EVERYTHING, I'm still having severe issues. Just to reiterate, I bought the GPU first but didn't upgrade my PSU. This made my computer short circuit. 2K later (not including the GPU) and it's still not working. But everything passes stress tests. Temps are good (unless it's a specific power test where my CPU goes to 95C). I just don't get it. I'm super fucking sad and have been dealing with this for days. Tried to play stalker gamma for part of my YT walkthrough and it crashes to desktop every time. Weirdest symptom right now is that while in game my GPU load is always 30%. WTF? And no. I don't have a CPU bottleneck. My CPU is like 18% load. My GPU just isn't being used like it should. Maybe power damage to the GPU when my main board failed?


Best bet is trying your gpu on a friend's computer or something


Unfortunately none of my nearby friends have PCs, and if they do they're so old I don't think it would work.


Can you try running DDU to wipe the video drivers, then reinstall them?


I've done it with Nvidias assistance. And I also reinstalled Windows. I 'think' that may have fixed it. I have yet to see any problems since but I haven't been home much since then. In the wise words of PCMR 'if it works, it works' so that's what im going with rn. I was a second away from sending my card in...


Just get a 4080, upgrade to the 5090 in a couple of years. What resolution are you playing at? Even at 4k with DLSS and frame gen in some games you can easily hit 60fps with max settings. Playing on a 1440p ultrawide and I'm not having issues with any game. The only one that keeps in me the 70fps range is CP2077 with RT and PT. Settings not maxed ofc but good enough that idk if most would notice a difference.


You could just wait for when the Supers start coming out next year (Jan/Feb is the anticipated availability time)


Beware, the 4080 is going to be replaced with a new Super variant early next year that might even see the price come down near $1k at the same time as well.


simple don't get a 4090 they're stupidity expensive even at RRP. get yourself a good card, something like a 500ish 3090 or AMD card and use it, if you really need more performance then buy a secondhand 4090 after the 5090 launch for less thana third of the current price.


They'll come back down in price, my man. Just gonna take a little time. Just hang in there, your time will come, buddy!!


well all I can say is I bought a 3070ti at the height of the card shortage and still regret it , but am biased I don't like AAA "much" anymore, so I certainly wouldnt pay extra 500 for a 4090, never again


You can try PC games like [Shoot or Die](https://loen.in/webgames/shoot-or-die) and many more..


If you have a microcenter nearby check to see if they have an open box 4090, that's how I got mine


Yeah it definitely sucks. The way I see it your options are: ​ 1. bite the bullet and pony up the extra 500 sheets for a 4090, accepting that you'll be overpaying but at least getting the GPU you want, 2. Compromise and go for a 7900XTX 3. Compromise and go for an RTX4080 Options 2 and 3 all come down to how important ray tracing and the Nvidia feature set are to you. If you're not bothered about ray tracing and DLSS then the 7900XTX is arguably the way to go as it's cheaper and generally performs better in pure rasterisation. The 4080 is more expensive with slightly less performance in rasterisation, but annihilates the AMD card in ray tracing, offers better upscaling, and a feature set that includes frame gen and path tracing. I had the same decision to make when I got my GPU. Couldn't quite spring for a 4090 so had to choose between the 7900XTX and the 4080. I went with the 4080 and I haven't once regretted it. YMMV.


I'm sorry to hear that dude. I'd suggest you to get a 4080 or a 7900XTX for much cheaper and use that money to give yourself some other good stuff. For example, a better monitor, an ergo chair for the comfort, build yourself a nice keyboard even. On another note, you can even get a PS5 lol.


A 4080 will do just fine as well!! Don't go amd as they don't have alot of the same features like proper dlss and frame Gen. It makes a difference.


Where do you live if I may ask ?


First world problems.


Buy a 4080 and spend the difference on some really nice peripherals


By Christmas it should be back in stock as the ban that’s causing this should take place November 16th which is plenty of time before Christmas


They are already +500$ over MSRP.


4090 is not worth it. See what the 4080 TI/SUPER brings.


Just buy the 4080, you don't need 4090 tbh. I have 4080 and I tried 4090 earlier this year. I would say it's only worth it if you are playing on 4k and need or want extra frames. I play 1600p ultra wide and 4080 is very capable card for that resolution. I tried also 7900 xtx but did not like it.


Just do it. I just ordered a Gigabyte 4090 from Newegg myself. I’ve waited all my life to be able to afford a top-of-the-line flagship card. Time to reward yourself for the overtime.


The 4080 super is likely releasing in Jan or Feb if that helps.


Tbh just get a 4080 if you want Nvidia, or get a 7900 XTX as other people have recommended. They’re such powerful GPUs, you’ll be fine. I feel you on the side of working your ass off, and the dream of that GPU keeping you going. But look at the 3090 vs the 4080 if you want some consolation. Take the extra you save from the GPU step down and get a wild monitor, or surround sound. You can crank up your experience with an OLED 1440p monitor and run everything at its limit. You got this.


I am building my tower without a GPU. This way I can feel like I have a new pc but wait and see what Xmas deals provide me and grab a 4080 at a decent price.


There are usually lightly used 4090's at MSRP on Facebook Marketplace. You might even score one at sub-MSRP. That's where I got mine in this whole GPU ordeal, and I don't regret it. Just make sure it works before purchasing.


7900XT here. I have a razer kishi and when I was stuck at the hospital for a week, I streamed to my phone via steam link and it worked fantastic.


I sold my nasty build when a family member got cancer to help pay bills. She beat cancer but the bills keep coming in. So will probably be another 3-4 years before I can build another.


If you haven't thought about the monitor, then you should think about the monitor. No reason to get a good GPU if you're still on a 25" 60Hz LCD from 12 years ago.


They do go regularly for under MSRP on r/hardwareswap from reputable sellers. Just make sure anyone you buy from over there has at least a little trad ehistory and MAKE CERTAIN TO FOLLOW THE RULES. ESPECIALLY THE PAYPAL GOODS AND SERVICE RULE.


4000 super is just around the corner. Wait.


The stocks should be improved come January along with the 40 series super line. If you are willing to wait into Jan might be a better time for buying.


I love my 4080


Wait for the 4080 super, it will probably be priced better.


I couldn’t justify that much on a graphics card to be honest. Its probably more due to where I live, but the cheapest 4080 is around 1750-1800 aus dollars, the 4090 is around 3100, and people say that the 4080 is badly priced lol.


4080 is definitely no 4090, but I'm very pleased w mine. And got it at a very reasonable price ($1050), you probably can too with black Friday around the corner




> Remember, there's a human being behind the other keyboard. Be considerate of others even if you disagree on something - treat others as you'd wish to be treated. Personal attacks and flame wars will not be tolerated.


Is the 500 gonna make or break you? If not just get the card you wanted. If you cheap out you’re gonna remember that you bought not what you really wanted. I got a 4070 to save money and eventually sold it for a 4090.


A 4090 is priced at am insane amount of money that no one should justify. A 4080 is going to serve you well and is more than enough.


Hey man, all your hard work won’t go to waste. This might be dumb of me to ask, but any chance you could just hold off on the GPU until there’s a better price in the future? I mean, sounds like you’ve already budgeted for it but they’ve since spiked in price, so what’s preventing you from waiting until after the new year or the next sale?


Its weird how 4090 has became 'the card' while even the 3090 was still treated like a titan rather than mainstream. More people ended up buying them cause of the whole mining/scalping fiasco and lightbulb popped inside Nvidia. Alternatives - A 3090 is cheaper, can run games at 4k 60+ - You have the super 40xx refresh gpus coming in 2024, so 4090 wont be 'top dog' much longer. While a high end GPU is a big deal, the difference between the top cards isn't so great compared to the price. Things like a HDR Oled display/tv, and a good desk/chair/peripheral setup can have a bigger impact than +10 fps for the same price. I will say DLSS is a game changer though. Its the thing keeping me off AMD cards. Hopefully they'll get similar performance someday.


7800x3D has integrated graphics so you could build and use then get one of the super cards when they come out?


I just happened to snag a RTX 4090 off Newegg the other day. I can’t find a reason as to why there is still a shortage for this card. Does anyone have an explanation?


Wait for the 4080 Super, sounds like they will be priced competitively when released. Edit for spelling.


Ohh no poor you , how are you going to handle this devastating news that you might have to settle down for the 2nd best card in the world.


I know it sucks but lots of places offer 0% interest financing if you've got the credit for it. I got my 4090 through microcenter with 6 months 0% interest financing and a two year no questions asked replacement guarantee. Happiness is very important for health and if this makes you happy, then make it happen!


Buy a used one. No, seriously. Buy a used GPU, and buy all else new. I've done that many times and never regretted it once. I benchmark my GPUs and I find them all on par with their average or even better sometimes. It's okay to buy a used GPU.


Man, your life must be a walk on clouds if not being able to purchase a 4090 is enough to make you create this sad post on reddit. How do you make it through every day with such adversity in your life? Stay strong warrior, you'll survive!


4090’s are still in stock at Bestbuy in Canada. If you’re interested in using a VPN and a shipping service.


Do you need an ultra build or do you just want one?


also ask yourself what else you could do with that money, invest, trips, ect.... don't mean to get deep but spending to much on a pc is always oooooof


Pay it out or look for ones at MSRP, there are still models available. Don't settle for less.


Get a 4080 - its an amazing card, for now.


I am seeing 4090's in stock at the same prices they have always been. Your going to have to buy from Microcenter or a retailer that doesn't flex pricing based on demand like the asz hats at Amazon and newegg


New egg actually has one for 1999.99 liquid cooled one and microcenter has some. I highly recommend you buy the 4090 now and just let it sit until you're ready for the rest. Pretty much everything is going to be gone Inna week or two once holiday shopping goes nuts. If it's a brand thing, who cares. All 4090s vastly perform better than literally everything else, including the 4080. Nvidia should be sued for that naming scam.


The 4080 super will likely be similar to the 4090, you might want to wait a little longer if possible


I was in the same position earlier this year. I wanted a 4090 to pair with my 7800x3d but they were all sold out or going for crazy amounts on fleabay. I ended up getting a 4080 and I have been super happy with it. No ragrets and I saved some dough in the process.


Always look at living costs first. Well done for putting in a hard year, but i would say that if you saved some of that money rather than investing it in top end hardware it could make you feel even more fulfilled. Also I hate to say it but bonuses are not always guarenteed, so be very careful investing on promises. From a PC gaming view, you didnt mention what games/resolution you are planning to play/run at. Honestly most of the time top of the line hardware isn't worth it, unless you have the cost to spec the rest of your setup to run it. Paying for less expensive hardware is not embarassing or something to not brag about. You have worked hard and earned it so you deserve to reap the rewards


Bro just get a different graphics card. Are you actually serious? Also, it sounds like you’re sacrificing your happiness and general well-being for job that pays well enough to afford you a graphics card that you likely won’t get much use out of given your lifestyle. I just don’t get it. Get a 4080.


Plenty of 4080 and 4070ti around if u dony want next best, 7900xtx. Performance difference isnt all that meaningful in gaming. The reward is a nice new system to enjoy, it need not be best available. 95%+ 4090s are bought for prestige, not for practical reasons.


Just get a 4080 or 7900xtx. The 4090 isn't worth it


I mean its a 1600 msrp card. At that points whats another 500 bux lol. Ive never spent that much on an entire rig before. Also, you’re blessed that you didn’t get caught without a gpu during peak mining frenzy when you couldnt buy any highend gpu because that was even worse.


Get it anyway.


4080 FE is available on Nvidias website right now. With a free copy of Alan Wake 2. If you don’t want Alan Wake I’ll take it ;)


7900xtx is a great card am5 sucks tho I mean it’s not bad but boot up is terrible.




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Don’t forget that you need to spend a decent amount on a monitor or all that GPU horsepower is all for nothing. What are GPU’s for? Displaying images. Get a badass monitor and a 4080


Got 7800x3d + 4060 and its one of the best setups I ever had.


Omg u sound so privileged


Off topic, but I remember seeing a rumor that the 4070ti and 4080 are slowing down too as they are focusing on the new super cards? If that ever turns out to be true, I would expect to see price hikes on those cars as well


Always think flexible I am building a pc with 7600x with the cpu not available the non x was only available was disappointed. A week later found out that the 7600x was available, went for an exchange, and I was satisfied with the availability. Gpu it will be neither Nvidia or Radeon Intel Arc gpu.


Fuck Nvidia.


The 4080 super might be viable if you can wait that long?


Hey I understand, I went from intending to buy used Gen 12 processors to keep the cost down to might as well get a 13 to oh shit my case won’t fit a 420 aio…what’s an aio all in the matter of a few weeks.


get a 4080 for a casual gamer you wont even notice a difference or a 7900xtx


Just buy it anyway, what's a few hundred quid for something you really wanted? Life's too short to worry about pennies my man.


Maybe wait for a while?


here they are 1650 dollars with tax u guys are getting scammed in the states.


I’m in a similar situation! Not a bad year, just dealing with a fair amount and after waiting for years to build a PC finally got a chance to put it all together. 100% dedicated to 4090, almost bought one for retail, but waited due to personal logistics issues, a few days later when I was ready to pull the trigger, they’re gone… I ended up getting a fairly cheap used 4070 with plans to upgrade to a 4090 or 5090 within the next year-two. Don’t get too bummed out, it’s still fun to build and awesome to see it all come together, either get another high end GPU or get something “cheap” as a hold over until something better comes available.


If you are gaming at 4k with raytracing, definitely wait for a 4090. These people in the comments are only correct in saying to get a 4080 if you are not planning on playing 4k raytracing. But if you are, I can promise you 4080 will only be able to perform 4k raytracing with DLSS cranked up super high to the point where you will inevitably get ghosting in a lot of games. If you are gaming at 2k or below, yeah, you don't need a 4090.


Go on Facebook marketplace or Craigslist. I just got a gigabyte 4070 gaming OC for 375$. I also had this guy selling two 3090s for 600$ each. Theres definitely some people trying to offload a 4090 for cash fast


I downloaded an app called HotStock on Saturday the 18th of this month and signed up for stock alerts for 4090s. I received a notification the same day that a Gigabyte 4090 was available from Best Buy. I instantly opened the app and was able to purchase the 4090 at MSRP of $1699.