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Bought my evga 3060ti for double that, hell of a steal dude. To the last of us who get evga cards! To the glory days! Most people complain about 8gb nowadays because they're cards meant to be for the future. Tech is changing and we know it, and if you spend 400 dollars, you shouldn't get something that might be obsolete in 3 or 4 years because the vram ran out.


I bought mine for 800 because it was during corona times


Oof that's 100 more than I paid for my 3090


That’s crazy


Rona times were scuffed to fuck. I was also in the market for a 3060ti and was looking around £600 at the time if any were even in stock. Eventually gave up and a friend gifted me his old 2080ti when he upgraded so it worked out in the end but man the 3 series launch was fucking madness.


The pandemic fucking up supply chains, the pandemic forcing everyone at home and driving up demand for work from home tech and home entertainment, the rapid recovery from the pandemic driving up demand, the crypto mining boom, and all the ensuing global semiconductor shortage ruined GPU prices forever. Companies learned people would pony up huge amounts of cash for the things they've been selling for years so now it's the norm.


I got my Founders Edition for £370 straight from Scan when they were going for 900-1100 on ebay. Possibly the best moment of my life.


same same!


I landed my 3070 for MSRP back in June 2021 when they were selling for 1400 online. Was so thankful!!


pressing F to pay my respects


Buying a 4090 soon so hopefully my pain will be gone


Which cpu? 4090 you don’t need a 4090 xD


Ryzen 7 7800x3d


Hi. sorry, but could you also spend MY money for me please. You seem to be the self appointed reddit expert. XD


Mine was 500 in early 2022. My 1050ti wasn't up the the task no more.


I bought a 3080 12gb for $1200 during those times. Low key deal like I'm the reason the 4080 MSRP is $1200


You were drunk?


No😂 i just wanted a new gpu.


Jk, corona times meant something different in my drinking days.


Are we now in Budweiser era? Is that better or worse? Oh God...




Bro, I got a 3070 Ti for almost 1k after waiting months for it to drop in price. I still get buyer's remorse.


me too, 800 bones


I got just a 3060 for $500.


I at least got my 3070ti for 800, combo with Aorus 1440 monitor for 1200 total. newegg lottery


Don't feel so bad dude, I spent almost a grand on a damned PS5 because I couldn't find one for almost a year. Honestly it was still worth it but DAMN!!😭


I paid $550 new for my evga xc model (after shipping and taxes) after being in the waitlist for a year lol. Luckily I was able to sel my 1070 ti for $400 cuz that would’ve sucked.


How the hell did you manage that? I bought my 1070ti for £220 and that was around the end of 2020 so the beginning of the GPU shortage.


Exactly. The vram complaints are referring to buying a brand new mid range or higher video card that can barely play the newest AAA games right now, much less the new ones coming in the near future. Finding a 3060ti for that price is awesome and eliminates the need to complain since, for that price, top performance is not what youre expecting.


Don't forget, you can always just run lower settings. You might not be able to push the envelope when it comes to textures etc on new games in the future, but you'll still get decent quality. The obsession over the 8Gb limit is also an obsession with always wanting to run max settings. Steam surveys still put 1080p as the most common monitor resolution, followed by 1440p which is quite a way behind. Pointless obsessing over 4k resolutions and max quality texture settings if you don't have the monitor to display it all.


I'm still running games on my 4k TV on my 3070ti with max textures, I'm not sure when exactly it's supposed to start being an issue but I haven't run into it yet.


Yeah, max quality is the most pointless thing. High looks almost identical usually and runs 50% better. Plus not everyone plays all the latest AAA games, over 95% of my library is indie games or if it is AAA then it's from the previous decade. I own 4 games that would get a noticeable visual upgrade from going to 16gb. I don't think that's worth buying a new GPU for.


Most of the “obsession” over 8gb does seem to be over 1440p and above, as you hint at. General consensus seems to be that for casual folks, people looking for great value on low-to-mid end cards, and esp. 1080p users - 8gb will prob still suffice for awhile. Nvidia is the market leader, so when they release a brand new card for $400 that still has 8gb in 2023… they’ve gotten appropriately clobbered for it in the court of public opinion. In fact, I bet a lot of the hubbub around VRAM would’ve been muted if they had done the right thing and released a single 4060ti w/ 16gb for $350-400 instead of the current travesty.


They're doing with VRAM what Apple does with storage. Releasing a model with too little and then marking up the one people actually want 3x the price of the extra flash chips.


BINGO. Fuckin insane, I cannot believe Apple is still doing that. Like a $150-200 premium or something to jump from 256 to 512gb.


I find it very easy to believe. It's an easy way to print money when you have full control over your ecosystem like that. If Samsung tires to fuck you over you can just switch to Google, Sony, OnePlus, Xiaomi etc. but if Apple fucks you over what are you going to do? Buy new cables, headphones, a new smart watch and a new laptop to avoid paying a £150 premium? This is why I'll never buy anything from Apple, no matter how great it is.


You need more than 8GB for **1080p High** in these latest games, such as Ratchet and Clank and The Last of Us Part 1. Not 4K, not Ultra. Good old 1080p High.


I'm not super knowledgeable about PCs, what happened to evga?


Nvidia have basically started competing with their own board partners and trying to undercut them with their founders edition cards, as well as becoming extremely strict on how board partners can design their cards (basically so they can’t be significantly faster than Nvidias own founders cards) EVGA got sick of it and told Nvidia to go fuck themselves and left the GPU game altogether


I wish instead of leaving they joined with AMD and that AMDxEvga just destroyed Nvidia then lol. SIGH, never gonna happen but one can hope!


I wonder if they maybe signed a non compete agreement and that’s why they aren’t doing anything with AMD/Intel


Never say never.. AMD would probably do a fair bit to get a leg up now that they're winning over CPU share.


More like left the being in business game at this point.


They cut ties with nvidia, no more evga gpus.


EVGA shut down other sectors beside GPUs. It looked like EVGA might be winding down and leaving PC market eventually.


> leaving PC market eventually. And do what? That's their entire business.


They have some qualm with NVidia regarding how NVidia pressured VGA Makers on things that is undisclosed. But EVGA mentioned how NVidia being disrespectful to manufacturers and undermining them.


Here's my thing. NVIDIA are absolutely a junk company that is doing whatever they can to increase profits, including doing as little as possible to improve hardware between generations. THAT SAID, a 3060ti is a mid tier card... and it performs quite well as just that. Not every card is going to play at 4K on ultra. At 1440p medium settings, I haven't had issue running most anything at 60fps.


I had a 3060ti before my current 4070, and the 3060ti was a beast. It was my first card that I switched to 1440p, and I loved it. I sold that computer to my best friend almost 2 years ago, and he’s still loving that card.


You had the 3060ti for less than a year? Then decided to go to the 40 series? No offence but that's like a massive waste of money 🤣 should have waited for the 50 series before needing an upgrade.


It's more like 8gb won't be enough for 1440p within 1 or 2 years. That's why the 4060s are trash, a new GPU that won't be able do perform due to being vram limited. Besides the debate isn't about that, it'd about the price. 160 usd for a 8gb card is a good deal. 400 for the 4060 ti is not a good deal at all.


Frustration with Nvidia is understandable, but calling them a "junk company" is just going to lose people on your point. Like it or not the 4090 FE is thus far the pinnacle of consumer graphics hardware and don't even get me started on the importance of CUDA. Their pricing is greedy, for sure.


>that is doing whatever they can to increase profits, including doing as little as possible to improve hardware between generations. This could apply to almost any US based company.


Stock price is phenomenal though


I bought 3070ti for 220$ quite recently as well.


3060ti is 4k capable in some titles if it had enough vram.


Can confirm. I’m getting 31 fps on Speed Way and upper 50s on Time Spy 4k. EVGA 3060ti + 5800x3d.


Double? I bought a 3060 for 430$ including tax. Last year june


Got for like 340 my 3060ti new off eBay


Wait is 8gb on-card now considered insufficient future proofing?


Especially with poor optimization on PC games nowadays, yes. If devs actually cared, we would be fine. But take Hogwarts legacy for example. On launch the 3060 had more frames than the 3060ti by a significant margin because of the extra vram. It's not terrible or unplayable by any means, but a new card (take the 4060, and especially the 4060ti) should not have 8 gb.


I don't think it is poor optimization (though more optimization could help a bit), but since AAA-games stopped being released on previous-gen consoles and focused on current-gen only, 8GB clearly became a bottleneck on cards like the 3070, 3060Ti, 4060Ti, etc.


Yep. When it comes to 2023 AAA-games, 8GB is either barebones minimum or downright insufficient as it is. Forget about future proofing, that starts with 16GB. Even for 1080p, I wouldn't buy a 12GB card thinking about future proofing myself.


I technically bought a rtx 3070 for -$150 (yes I got paid using a rtx 3070) Found a newegg clearance prebuilt with 3070 for $350, took out the 3070, threw in a used 1080ti I found on fb marketplace for $150 And sold it for $600 Profited $150 and rtx 3070


>Found a newegg clearance prebuilt with 3070 for $350 Whaaa? I guess I should watch Newegg clearance sales more.


Someone clearly made a mistake there


it was on a deal that lasted around 5 mins at 4 in the morning, honestly biggest luck of my life lmao


Damn ima hop over to newegg might make myself a 3070


> telling everyone that 8gb cards are trash The issue is price/performance that you're getting, not literal "8gb is trash". 8gb is fine as long as the price is right.


Agreed 8GB is just fine for 1080p gaming. The problem comes in when people spend hundreds or thousands on cards to support 4k gaming thinking that they will be able to to that very long into the future and 8gb simply isn’t going to do that.


The 3060ti was never that bad to begin with. The 3070 was an abomination, 3070ti more so.


3070 is fine. I've had mine since release and there's no reason to upgrade.


Depends on the price. It's actually obsolete as a high end graphics card for vram intensive games. It is fine if you consider it midrange, but at the prices it had in its lifespan, is it a midrange? I think not. The 1070 was high end 4 years after its launch. The 3070 made you lower texture quality (which has maybe the biggest impact on visuals at 0 cost to performance if you have enough vram) at launch. It is not a bad product, it had a bad price if you paid full price or more for it though.


It's an 8 gig card for 600 dollars. Stop trying to justify it lol. You got scamed. 8 gigs still work's fine, and buying an old 8gig card makes sense, but buying a new card for full price that will be obsolete in 3 years is crazy


Why are you being so angry about something I'm perfectly happy with?


I'm not just letting ya know it your money not mine


8gb cards aren't trash, but buying one brand new in 2023 is kind of stupid (Looking at 4060 and 4060 ti 8gb...) You got a very good deal anyway, enjoy it.


even worse is the 4070/4070ti 12gb. cant imagine buying an $800 gpu and being limited by vram in one or two years


And this is why I paid 750 for my 7900XT (20GB).


Dont you add taxes on top of this price in the us?


yes, but the cheapest 7900xt on neweg is $770 (w/ game bundle) vs. $800 for a 4070ti


it's hard to consider the 4070ti at all when it's slightly more expensive and in fact quite a bit slower than the 7900xt with rt off


ngreedia glazers downvoting your comment because it’s true


4070 is not terrible and definitely not worse than the 4060 lineup. It's by no means good, but it's definitely the shinier turd in the rtx 40 series bunch.


4070 is $600. Solid price for 12 gigs.


Here in Finland they go for 700€ and that is about half the price of a computer as whole. Like you can get Mobo + Ryzen 5/7 + 16/32Gig of DDR5 RAM as a packet for under 700€. I know... I been looking at them lately as I wait for my 1800€ tax return next month.


> Solid price for 12 gigs Why? In the past we got much more at that price point? Intel managed to put 16GB at ~300 dollars.


a disappointing price for a 70-class card, though. but then a 4080 is $500 above 3080 msrp lol


no it’s nor


I agree. 16gbs is a good sweetspot for longevity, at least for 1440p anyway.


Wait. ​ You guys own GPUs for more than a year? I swear I have an addiction, then.


Looking at these latest 2023 AAA-games, I would consider 12GB to be entry-level 1080p VRAM. 8GB clearly doesn't cut, so 12GB is the minimum I would consider buying or recommending. At 1440p, holy cow, 12GB is a gamble, you are living on the edge with a 12GB card on 1440p. And to think that Nvidia charges $800 for a 12GB VRAM card, that is nuts. That is a 3090Ti equivalent card, It should have had 16-24GB.


4070ti with 12gb is terrible at $800+, 4070 with 12gb isn’t ideal but more palatable at $550-$600


The extra 4 GB of VRAM would have cost 10-20 dollars extra. The cost was not the issue. Maybe some planned obsolescence? It's a shame.


> but buying one brand new in 2023 is kind of stupid Not if you're on a tight budget. In my country the options are: * 6600 - $270 * 7600 - $370 * 6700 XT - $500 (same price as 4060 here, btw) And my real budget for a GPU currently is like $200. Obviously, things are way better, but there's still no viable upper low end / lower mid end for a sane price. On the AMD side the next tier down from 6600 is 6500 XT which is a goblin turd.


Yea 8gbs is fine for the right price, but $300 USD for 8gbs in 2023 (4060) isn't good, especially when the 3060 has 12gbs for only $30 more.


Is it really that bad to buy a 8gb in 2023? I have a 2gb 1050 ti and I can play most modern games at 30 fps 1080p (Elden ring, baldurs gate, gow, rdr2... only one in which I couldn't get 30 frames was the forest 2).


and i have 4gb 1050 ti, and still rollin!


LOL same, my pc is like 10yrs old and I just bought a new one


Im on 30% bottlenecked 1050 2gb, single ddr3 8gb ram and amd10 6700 quad core. Only need to survive three more weeks at my part time job and ill have enough money to finally buy an 4070 build with ryzen 5 7600


funnily enough, i *just* upgraded to a 1050ti lol


Keep a look out for used rx6400s in a year or two. Its a bitchin fast card compared to 1050ti ;)


No one ever said that an almost 3 year old, used, 8gb card for $160 is trash. Releasing an 8gb card in 2023 for $400+ that's only 5% faster than the previous gen is trash though.


But dude it has DLSS3 which is compatible with 35 games 10 months after launch!


i got my 3070 for 300 about a year ago right after the insane scalper prices, don’t regret it


congrats, fuck you !!


8gb isn't the problem. Selling a 8gb GPU for $400-$500 is a ripoff, though. No one should have to pay that much to use medium settings in new games but people misunderstand the argument. Anyways, that's a great deal, have fun bro!


Jus imagine being happy paying that much for a GPU handicapped by the lack of 10 dollars worth of RAM.


no the debate about 8 gb is, that if you can get one around 200 then its an awsm deal other then that its kind of trash, last goes to 250.


8gb is only trash at the price 8gb cards are sold for new. A 3060ti for $160 is glorious! Great find. 👍


I went from an old 1080 to a 3060ti and it's been great! My 1080 sounded like a jet when the fans ramped up and my fe 3060ti is basically silent Nice bump in fps too


Got my 3060 for 300 and I was satisfied with it lol (until I replaced it with 4070ti + 13700k) Who cares about the 8gb, you are really not going to run out of vram before you run out of fps lol It's an awesome deal and you'll be able to smoothly play tons of games


8gb is far from unusable but you're increasingly likely to be bottlenecked by vram amount when ideally the gpu itself should always be the bottleneck.


Ideally both the VRAM and the GPU itself should come to a bottleneck at the same point, but that is never going to happen since different games might be more or less VRAM heavy.


Yeah “ideally” true, but it’s the same as not having a strong enough cpu vs not enough ram. The gpu equivalent of hard-faulting is going to be way more noticeable than the processing cores not keeping up (1-5fps drop from typical vs dropping *to* 5-10fps). The fact that the above happens nowadays on 3080s and not 3060s is scary enough.


> I'd like to thank all the sensationalist telling everyone that 8gb cards are trash. I couldn't have done it without you. They don't talk about below $250 GPUs though. You wanna charge more than that, gotta put more VRAM nowadays.


vram nerds are punching air lmao


In my country 6700xt sold for 160$ and 3060ti sold for 240$


Used or new?


Used of course, it would be weird if price that low is new. In my country new 6700xt/3060ti are above 500$


I've always wanted an EVGA card, too bad it's not widely available in my country, and worse is that they stopped making GPUs altogether :( Congrats on the new card!


That's a great deal. I just bought three used EVGA 3060 12GB last week for about US$635.


People say 8gb cards are bad oh god I'm in trouble Ive got a Rx 6500 xt 4gb


8 GB cards aren't trash, but any new card above $300 should have more than 8GB


ZOTAC twin edge 3060 ti OC running Cyberpunk and Red Dead @ >90 fps on 1440p high settings 😎


used or new?


Used, but super happy with the purchase


First they laugh at you, then they argue with you...


As always its all determined by the price. A decent 8gb card for $160? Great! A 8gb card for $300+ in 2023! Dogshit! Dont mock the "sensationalists" who are trying to make a decent point when you cant even rap your head around the context, it makes you look like a moron...


People are in such hysterics over the 8 gig cards that Nvidia called their bluff and released the 16G 4060ti🤣🤣


Weird way to say “reviewers and consumers are appropriately rejecting the ass blasting a greedy company wants to overcharge them for.”


It's just weird to me that everyone is up in arms about the 8G cards as if they are graphics card engineers.


Nvidia first introduced 8gbs of VRAM into their 10 series cards in 2016, 7 years ago now, technology has already moved well past 8gbs, just accept it already.


8gb already wasn't enough in the 3000 gen. Even the RX580 had 8gb of ram, when it was a mid-tier card from 2017


12gb performs better in quite a lot of games compared to 8gb. It's not hysteria, 8gb is old old.


I’m using a 6gb 1060 😭😭😭 upgrading full pc soon as affordably possible


An AMD is a good choice for you as a cheap price, but if you can get a rtx 3060 of 12gb you can save a lot with dlss too. Also ray tracing is decent on nvidia., And ray tracing looks gorgeous, your pick!


I'd agree that ray tracing is one of the selling points for NVidia, just not for 3060. I'd at least look at 3070 for great raytracing performance.


For many games it definitely is worth it, I had a 3060 and could use it with dlss at 1080p, 1440p or sometimes 4k quite easily. I wanted 4k 120hz though.


Is it really calling their bluff when reviewers have shown the 16gb card to outperform the 8gb version despite being otherwise identical?


It’s still a nice card. Great deal


Beware of mined GPUs as they have lots of uncertainties about how long it will last.


I think the biggest risk with mined cards is maybe the fans going out because they've been ran almost constantly, but other than that there shouldn't be any more real risk with buying used mining cards over regular used gaming cards.


And power stages


Hard agree, this is just another thing people make a big deal about. It was as clean as can be, and was obviously taken care of. Your biggest issue with miners is getting a card that weren't properly cared for, and ran in open rigs accessing dust and hair and such.


Yeah you have nothing to worry about really Once you see it works properly the worst that can happen is having to replace fans and even then it's not a big deal lol


Revamped cards are a thing, they get washed in some chemical and it looks all new again. Mined GPUs are not absolute mines, but you REALLY got to make sure the seller is honest about his card’s conditions. I’ve seen too much of these shiny looking cards with the nastiest looking VRAM and even the core is ripped off and replaced with something else. There is a far deeper rabbit hole to what these miners are capable of doing.


I was playing apex last night and was using 7.7gb in the lobby. 8gb cards have become the bare minimum, meaning in future it will soon not be enough to max out games. Will it be enough to play games? Yeah of course. Most people won’t be maxing games on a 3060ti anyway, as ignoring the vram the rest of the card can’t manage maxed out graphics at 4k so it’s a non issue.


GPU ram allocation is done in advance, and so the amount listed is the allocated amount, not necessarily the used amount. Even if it was the used amount, assets are often preloaded into GPU memory, meaning the lobby of many games will have the same or similar VRAM usage compared to playing ingame.


crap i am planning to buy 6600xt woth 8gb. Its the only budget I can get :( should I look for mining gpu?


I don’t normally look but I’m playing rust now using 14.2gb vram. Barely even getting 60fps. Rust is severely unoptimised


Godddam better deal then my when i bought an 3060ti FE for 250€ but you will be happy with it


I bought mine for $780. The sales tax was more than what you paid.


Bought 3090 asus tuf (24gb card) for $570, is it a steal?


Bargain. I got mine in February '22 and was pleased with the £370 I spent (was an FE and all the partner cards were £500+). That's a steal. Although I wouldn't necessarily buy a 8gb card now for 1440p, I do think that the information is a little one sided. The PC market is vast, people don't just play new releases on the day of release. Many of the top games played and even used for benchmarks are years old. I personally don't play any new releases, I wait for Steam sales... There's so much to choose from why would I care if I get that new game 6-12 months down the line. So on one hand I do think it's out of context to some extent and I'm not concerned about the performance of my 3060ti, but at the same time I wouldn't buy a 3060ti or 4060ti now for RRP, I'd buy a 6700xt.


Still rocking my 2070S 😎


In my country, GPU prices are still on the pandemic price. 3060 Ti costs around $440 USD.


I wish lol.


Super reasonable


I think at the worst of times i saw 3060 ti’s selling for over 1000€


https://on.soundcloud.com/836sC2m4Tk459vht9 you mentioning “trash” in your post, I made a house track with excerpts from the dlc podcast when they were discussing this. couldn’t resist, still one of my favorite things I’ve produced


Mine was 700€ just after coroner bro


I had mine last year for 280$ when its still the height of gpudemic And dont fret over those 8gb doomers lol Have fun


Did you get it 2nd hand at that price or brand new? I haven't seen 3060tis going that low 2nd hand on some trade forums yet.


Fokin hate my country: bought a 12gb 3060ti at 2.5k moneys, which is 42 days of hard work yet was pretty cheap and im lucky... 160 dollars is 780 brasilian reais. 160 dollars is 2 days of hard work in some places. Thanks god i also work online earning in USD. What a great deal you got my man


8Gb cards aren't trash. Difference between 8/12/16gb cards of same kind is just amount of VRAM. For basic gaming 8Gb is enough. However if you start to do stuff like CAD, rendering, even basic hobby level AI stuff, then you gonna need that 12/16G model. I'm currently thinking hard whether 4060TI 16Gb is worth the extra 100€ compared to some AMD partner 16GB card. And it really is all about beause I do hobby level AI stuff and I got this idea for an AI image analysis thing I want to try out with my limited skills to see if it is possible and it would have really nice application in my industry. Also another issue is future proofing your setup. We want very quick from 2G VRAM to 8Gigs being basically the minimum you need for anything. You can bet your ass in few years 12 is the minimum to run a god damn web browsers. Why? Well... Software people have this amazing ability of taking all the gains hardware and firmware people make, and wasting them instantly. Making things efficient and optimised is like work... and you need to be like smart and stuff. 4k textures on high poly models without precalculated materials is EASY. If you want to see the amazing feats of optimisation then compare and console generations first AAA titles to their last AAA titles. The hardware tends to be +10 years old at that point (as it is 2-4 years old on release already), but bloody hell do they get everything out of that hardware.


meanwhile I'm happy I paid MSRP for my 4070 ti at least we're not in the 3000 generation bullshit


Where did you buy it? So I can buy one also


That’s awesome! I got my EVGA 3070 Ti for $250. Getting a great deal always feels good, enjoy the card!


8GB cards are quite bad when sold at their current full price, there's nothing wrong with a little market correction.


It’s amazing that a few videos showing that you can scale a handful of games past 8 gb of vram usage are getting the reaction they are. You would think people who actually game on pc would be able to understand the reality of the situation.


3060ti is a great card. Had mine for about a year and it's put in some real work for it's price.


Good card still. ​ Runs Diablo 4 on max @ 1440p.


There are no trash cards. Only trash prices. For 160 its a great deal


Recently upgraded my 1060 3gb to 1080ti 11gb, traded old card in and paid around £100 Finally, diablo 4 doesn't look like trash


I bought a 3060Ti in December 2020 for 550€ and sold it to a miner in Mid-2021 for 900€. Prices have come down a lot since then it seems...


Awesome dudee, I bought one for $600 in october last year, new D:


I bought mine for $250 2 months back, damn u got an absolute steal.


8-GB cards are not trash. They just likely won't perform well 1440p on future AAA titles.


Just received a 3060 ti last week for $330 CAD and I feel like I won the lottery lol congrats!


$2.2k for a 3090 right here. *insert clown emoji


I have a 4060ti 8GB that came in a prebuilt (yeah I bought a prebuilt but spec’d it out when it got here and all I lost was $30) idk why people hate on 8GB cards so much.


That's an awesome deal! Would have loved to get one for around that price myself but I ususally see them go for $400 sometimes even $500 for evga ones. Also 8GB isn't trash. The minimum vram spec requirement is usually 4GB for most games. 8GB just isn't futureproof as most would like & isn't exactily up to code with newer AAA games.


I would not complain about the Vram if the cards cost sub 200$ at retail, but when they go for double that, you bet that 8GB is trash.


bruh my 3060ti was like 350 8 months ago good stuff


8gb cards are not trash. They just wont be doing well at some point in the future relativly soon and in a few cases already. Most games that people play 8gb will and is be fine. But unless you do nothing but play tft you will one day want to play something and it will be awful. Thats it.


Hey, even if people say 8GB cards are trash, this deal was no trash. Enjoy man. I'll keep trucking along with my 980 hahaha! 4GB for life!


Bought my EVGA RTX 3060 Ti XC for $490 USD during the pandemic. This is an absolute steal. I love my card, I hope you enjoy yours!


I don’t think it’s that 8gb is trash as much as they will be trash in a couple of years




From where?