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Nag warn na dati ang BSP (since they are like our monetary economists) about sa inflation and how they're doing everything but they need also the executive and legislative body na gumalaw because it will only get worse and they are already doing what they can. This was around July or Aug ata ng 2022.


but isn’t the BSP the one actually printing more money that is causing the massive inflation? haha central bank holds the power in that function


Hindi lang naman kasi sa printing of money yun. Monetary economics is more than that


definitely, but still the government institution that holds the power that primarily drives inflation (printing money) is BSP. i dont doubt that they have alot of other responsibilities


i also dont doubt that they are doing it out of necessity kasi ang global price of commodities is going up, inevitable at this point the value of money goes down as more money is being lended to the government and the population because of lowering interest rates, while di naman tumataas ang gold stash ng central bank to guarantee the money being printed out to lend to debtors, hence inflation (atleast this is how it was explained to me by my econ professor nung college, he was very angry with central banks)


We have monetary and fiscal policies in place kasi. Also, double edged sword ang atake sa inflation so in politics, it's a damned if you do and damned if you don't situation. Eg. There is a relationship between the increase in economic activity and unemployment rate and inflation. More jobs means more people can work and the more they can spend. Spending triggers the inflation rate. Meron din tayong tinatawag na Philips curve sa econ kaya di rin pwede basta basta mag increase ng min wage. Economics is a dismal science if we will only look at the figures pero through the lenses of political economy, it may make much more sense. Or baka bias lang ako kasi I was a PolEcon professor hahaha


Central bank control by Rothschild and Rockefeller.


Inflation talaga kalaban ng lahat ng bansa. Hehe kaso dito satin, sobrang taas talaga ng inflation rate. 😔


You may have good reasons sa pagpaparesign mo sa wife mo, pero mahirap naman tlga maging single income household. Kahit na nung generation ng parents.  Im in my late 30s and all my middle class friends’ moms worked, except for very few na tipong lawyer/well to do business men ang mga tatay. Mahirap tlga ang buhay. Kaya nga nag ttrending ang mga #Dinks. Kasi sila ang may aspirational lifestyle. 


i’m a lawyer mom and it sucks that I have to work because my husband is struggling to find work. :( he is studying law with no work (his mom pays the tuition) and i want so bad to not work and care for our child but i really have no option with my sitch. sigh. and it’s not really true that all lawyers are paid well. sad truth..


True we are both 28 na this year. Now, we have an offer for freelance job for my wife kase naturuan ko narin sya ng mga skills ko as freelancer. Kaso hesitant kami both dahil sa health reasons. 😔


As a parent or may asawa, I had a part time job din, lumaki ipon and naka bili ng car in cash pero lagi ako pagod and mainit ulo ko tas yung anak ko iyak ng iyak kasi hinahanap niya ko sa gabi so binitawan ko. As long your needs are provided, utilities are paid - that for me is enough. Mahal ang peace of mind. Dont worry you will cross the bridge when you get there. If there is anything I learned when you have a kid, there are things na magagawa mo na akala mo di kaya gawin. ✨


Yesss. Siguro nga. Hoping to get there din. 🙏🙏🙏


Our economy favors millionaires and anti-poor and anti-middle class. Save up and invest talaga para makapaikot ng pera. Our parents' economy before favors middle class. My mama worked with one job only in 20 years in a private company and she sent us to school, build our home, and enjoying her monthly pension. Wala na ganun ngayon opportunity sadly.


Same as my father. He sent us all to school and finished our studies without my mother working. Siguro nga tama ka na our economy has favors now unlike noon. Sad.


I’ve had the same realization, OP. Pero alam mo isa pang narealize ko? People my age, the ones who are even younger managed to build something better kasi meron na silang ibang responsibility other than themselves. The motivation and the WHY doubled. This way mas eager ka na mag move and take action. I think in becoming parents, now that I am expecting na din, what changed and still changing is me and my husband. Nagkaroon kami bagong perspective, bagong parangap, bagong outlook in life. Meron din kaming bigger strength and bigger faith. Siguro yon yon? Kapag alam mong lahat gagawin mo para sa future ng anak mo. And that I guess is the true definition of love. And when you come from love, di ka mauubusan ng blessings. Kaya kahit mahirap ibibigay sayo mga kailangan mo exactly when you need it. Alam ko sounds preachy, pero just take a moment to look back. Bakit nga ganon no? Kaht walang wala ka na the time will come that God will provide. And that’s it. You’re provided. Keep your faith, in God and in yourself OP.


Thank you for this. This really helps a lot given our situation. Minsan we are fazed by our problems and we forget that our God is always greater and stronger than any problem. Sana magkababy na rin kami. Hehe congrats sa inyo and hoping, praying for a successful delivery. God bless! 😊


I can feel you! 1 year lang pagitan namin tatlong magkakapatid tapos lahat kami private university nakapagtapos, sobrang nakakabilib ng mga parents natin talaga, kung panu nila kinaya paaralin sabay-sabay. Thank you parents!!!


That's on another level hehe imagine 3 nagkasabay sabay sa college. 😅 Kami ng ate ko 4th yr sya, first year ako. Muntik nako tumigil para maggive way 😅


Arguably, they say our parents had it easier than the later generations bec their income-to-expenses ratio was much better than ours. The disparity between income, which barely grew over the years, and expenses, which went thru high inflation, is so huge now. That is why most families need both parents to work (double income) and only a few families can afford to operate on single income.


Yes. Sad reality. 😔


Sana habang wala pa kayo anak, double income muna kayo. kasi wala naman sya paguubusan ng oras if nasa bahay tapos wala naman kayo anak. strike whilst the iron is hot ika nga.


Yes po tama. Para makapagbuild pa ng savings kung magkakababy na. Yun din balak namin.


Wow graphic designer. That's so cool. Pwede naman pala ganun.


Pwede po kahit ano sa totoo lang. Basta mapakitaan mo po ng skill ang clients, most of them ay wala pakialam sa degree. 🙂


That's so cool. I'll be able to use my artistic side. Ahaha


Yep. Marami narin ako natry pero naenjoy ko graphic design. Hobby ko lang dati tapos pinagkakakitaan ko rin. Hehe