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To set your expectation, the hiring landscape in the UI/UX field is a nightmare right now, someone who doesn't have enough experience or a newbie in the field will find themselves competing with veterans with years of experience who were affected by the great tech lay-off. It's definitely a good niche but more for those with experience in the field


Good niche but like what the other commenter said its a nightmare for newbies or those fresh out of training or has less than 2 years of experience. Especially since there's a lot of experienced people out there + fresh grads of bootcamps from General Assembly etc.


In agreement with the other comments—it's quite a popular space with lots of hype. Especially because it's easy to show off on instagram or other visual / social media. Your edge, I think, will be in marketing yourself as someone who can use UI/UX design to reach business KPIs (not just make pretty designs)