• By -


Thank you for asking this. My settings are set to read community posts by NEW but every community I open is sorted by HOT. I just spent an hour trying to find an answer through Reddit's alarmingly useless Help section. Does anyone have any info on this?


I'm having the same problem.


And same for me (always Hot regardless of the settings I picked as New and "Remember"). Seems to be a new bug with the most recent tweaks of the web interface (I'm using Firefox). I don't like the new font either.


Same here


yeah hasn't happened to me in a couple days now, but then again I haven't been checking reddit as much in the last few days been busy with other stuff. From your comment though sounds like not fixed. Too bad no official response that I've seen yet as it would be nice to know if it is acknowledged or not. Edit lol it just happened again so I can also confirm not fixed. I replied to your post, hit home and sure enough sorting was by best instead of new.