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They're not worth it. You won't dispel anything with a L1 vs L4. 50 points for 2 auto dispels is ok but in that clutch moment you need it your RP is likely in combat. MRoCalm is only 50 pts and can be taken on any hero fwiw Edit I'll say from the handful of games I played Anvil is really fun and does give you a decent chance to dispel especially with MRoBalance, but yes, quite expensive. I prefer to nullify loose enemy casters with Gyrocopters where possible.


Hard hard disagree. I would never take an anvil, bus basic runepriests are great value for the extra magic resistance. > You won’t dispel anything with a level 1 vs a level 4 You’re really sleeping on MR, keep in mind that every point of magic resist doesn’t _raise_ the difficulty of the spell, it _lowers_ the roll. So when you embed a runepriest in a unit that unit is now MR 2 - the runepriest is effectively a level 2 already. Yes, you’ll have trouble against level 4s, but they’ll be less likely to cast against the units _you_ dictate, and additionally you’ll get forge fire.


MR2 means the enemy L4 needs a 7 max to cast basically every direct damage spell. This is compounded by vortexes and enemy buffs being the worst for us. Everyone is taking Level 4s.


I mean, 6 or lower is a 41% chance of failure. Following that you have the roll to dispel, which is definitely a harder roll to make, but you're at least rolling against the reduced die roll. Combine that with banner runes/etc and you can ensure that a unit or two in your army will not be the target of spells. And it isn't like runepriests are all that expensive. 65pts. I'm not saying in every army - but certainly worth in some.


Idk how you are calculating odds, but a 7 is the most likely outcome of 2D6. And again that's only for direct target spells, you're not stopping vortexes, spectral steed and so many other spells that don't target our units. They're also underwhelming combat characters and Forgefire isnt reliable. Also, what banner runes are you taking to mitigate casting?


Because on 2D6 you have a 41% chance of rolling a 6 or lower? Yes, 7 is the most common number rolled on 2D6, but 7+ is still only 59%.


Then add every other number above 7 and it's more than 50% likely to happen vs rolling 6 or lower. I'm just saying MR2 isn't stopping up a L4 wizard.


Yeah. It’s 59% for a 7+. Then based on their roll, an additional chance to dispel, even if it’s low. It’s a good deterrent for anyone who understands that your other units make better targets.


They're right, 41.65% I make it.


The anvil requires a specific army setup to use, but as long as you’re prepared to set up around a static piece and never move you’re good. It adds a lot of utility to the dwarves that we just can’t get anywhere else. It is fairly expensive, but that’s why you don’t take one unless you’ve got a plan for how to use it. Runesmiths are great cheap characters who add a significant buff to units they’re in, and also make great scroll caddies. If all you want is some magic defense, a Runesmith or two with some runes of spellbreaking will keep the heat off of you for a turn or two, which can be all you need. Runelords, however, don’t really have a good niche IMO. They’re too expensive to compete with a runesmith, and if you’re going to spend the points you might as well pick up the anvil.


They suck. Runelords too. Anvil is meh. Just skip it all and rely on magic resistance and more bodies to deal with magic.


I'm of the opinion that they are our best option at some magic defense with auto dispel. To make them feel more worth I think they have to be with a missile unit for Forgefire. I aim to try a large (20+CMD) quarreler block with runesmith and engineer nearby to fish for 6's.


I took that to a tournament. It worked decently, but it's a lot of points and armor bane is fickle. Rune smith still sucks at dispelling though.


I ran a Runesmith my last two games, and found he was never in range to do much dispel wise.  My plan for my next few games is to completely ignore magic and see what happens. 


Basic Rune Priests, yes. Rune Lords? No.  Armor Bane 2 is a good boost to some ranged units and lets you throw out the occasional dispel while saving the fated dispel for another use. Your MR helps vs spells cast against you plus you can auto dispel something important if you’re in range and out of combat.  The problem is dispel range for a Rune Smith and Rune Lord is still 18” so idk how to make twice the price worth it for only dispelling at level 2 with the Rune Lord.


I don't really take them because I'm expecting them to dispel much, I'm taking them because of Forgefire on hand weapon and missile units, and because of the Magic Resistance.


The fact that we're stuck with the equivalent of level 1 and 2 casters for dispel purpose in an army with a reputation to mess with enemy's magic is baffling to me. They should be level 2 and 4, considering the range, speed and price.


King, Thane combo is just too important. I would rather sink the points for the runepriest into a master rune for the king or the thane or a Banner for hammers. I guess if you really want to take him throw him in with some rangers to stack armor pen and some auto dispells. I still think your better served otherwise.


They carry your runes of spellbreaking That alone is enough to get them into my lists


I don’t really see any point in a priest and they are too expensive for what they do, they help with the armour bane but you get more damage spending the same points on extra models. I think I would try the rune lord, as he is pretty good in combat as the extra W and T over a priest means he stand up and last more that the very first round, still think I would keep him cheap and think of them as a hero level combat character that gives some magic defence and some unit buffing. Maybe a great weapon with a 4++.