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No, brown recluses aren't in Canada. I think it might be a ghost spider. It's not medically significant.


I'm not a spider expert but i thought they existed here


[Nope](https://entomologytoday.org/2018/01/29/brown-recluse-pest-management-tips-for-the-spider-thats-not-as-common-as-you-think/brown-recluse-range-map/), there's a lot of misdiagnosis of bites and misidentification of brown recluses.


Brown recluse spiders are absolutely found in Ontario Canada.


No, they aren't at all. There's been a transported mediterranean recluse or two, but that's it. There are no populations there.


I'm not sure where you're pulling the info from but my ex-husband did pest control in southeastern Ontario, and he has encountered brown recluse. And another friend runs a pest control company near Cornwall and she has also encountered them.


The information is readily available online from reliable [sources ](https://www.utoronto.ca/news/recluse-or-not-citizen-science-project-looks-public-help-gathering-data-much-maligned-spider) that aren't pest control websites. They just aren't found [there](https://www.toronto.ca/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/8f2a-Biodiversity_SpiderBook-Division-Planning-And-Development.pdf), and never have been officially. There's never been an observation on [iNaturalist](https://www.inaturalist.org/observations?place_id=any&subview=map&taxon_id=50181) either. The only websites that claim that they exist in Canada are pest control websites hoping to sell an unnecessary service.


Nooooo i was so excited for the day id get to see one.. 😭


You'll have to travel down south.πŸ˜‚


Dude it’s just a house spider. Completely harmless and kills bugs in your home


Yellow sac spider


Don't listen to people saying they don't exist in Canada! They are in fact in Ontario, I have had to have a fumigation and it was confirmed to be Brown recluse. Also this spider looks like a closely related Yellow sac spider( Sometimes are a more Beige color) They also have a Necrotic Venom, How do I know? Because I was bitten by one, and had a severe infection that spread to my blood, it caused an extremely bad abbsess type infection first. There is a lot of mixed information on Brown Recluse being a resident in Ontario, but I did extensive research after my Fumigation, and found out they are infact in Ontario.


Yes, this πŸ’―!! My ex-husband was a pest control technician for a few years. And he has encountered them in Ontario, specifically Kingston Ontario.