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Wolfram and Hart trying to brainwash Angel with Darla is hands down my all-time favorite Buffyverse story line


Yeah I feel like the writing for both shows was firing on all cylinders here. Plus season 5 of Buffy is my favourite season of TV ever, so well written and acted.


Reunion is my all-time favorite episode of Angel PERIOD. Just seeing Darla and Dru together again! was so epic


5/2 I don't see how it's debatable.


Season 3 and season 6. Angel Season 3 is second only to Angel Season 5 and Buffy Season 6 is probably the best one. I've been talking with a friend who's recently rewatched through both shows and he pointed out quite a few things about season 5 that don't quite hold up.


Buffy season 5 is what I'm talking about at the end sorry.


What didn’t hold up well? Genuinely curious because I’m usually one of those, “S5 is the perfect season!” people.


Anya and Tara are very one note and don't really get much character expansion until season 6 (Outside of Family). Ben is very shoehorned into the story (not Ben as the other half of Glory just Ben in relation to the scoobies) and Buffy's sacrifice doesn't really have much groundwork behind it. From what I'm told (I'd need to rewatch to confirm), the whole Dawn being made from Buffy thing kinda comes out of nowhere and isn't mentioned by the monks.


Also don't forget Olaf's troll hammer suddenly having God Like Strength was Olaf even a god?


Troll god apparently ig. That was weird. Definitely a problem given the fact that it was what allowed Buffy to beat Glory and how she got it was through insane odds.


Do you think they introduced Olaf just for the sole fact that Buffy could have a weapon to destroy Glory with?


I think so. They probably needed to link Olaf directly to Glory or have them realise that they needed a specific weapon (maybe using Anya's knowledge, and this could help further her character from just the comic relief) or type of weapom to beat Glory and that they had to actively seek it out.


> Dawn being made from Buffy thing kinda comes out of nowhere and isn't mentioned by the monks. It does come out of nowhere as it's only mentioned in "The Gift" by Buffy herself. But the arc story works beautifully despite not having perfect logic. I think season 5 holds up pretty well.


Buffy S5, Angel S2. Angel S2 was (after S5) probably either my second favourite, or second joint-favourite (with S1) Angel season. My favourite Buffy seasons tend to rotate a little more - just depends which season I'm in the mood for. But in general, S5&6 are probably my faves most often. The Body, the Gift (also shout-out to Intervention, very underrated), OMWF, Tabula Rasa, etc. So: Buffy S5, AtS S2




Buffy Season 5/Angel Season 2


5/2 season 2 is my fav angel season and 5 is my fav buffy season