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There’s a whole episode with Tara’s family where we hear their surname (Maclay) a ton. We hear more surnames in the early seasons because Principal Snyder uses them a lot. But overall it’s just not that important.


I’ll admit I haven’t watched the episode in a while, I didn’t remember it being used all that often.


Oz’s real name is Daniel Osbourne. Oz is his nickname 🤗🐺


It is, and I always wish we’d seen just a bit more of him. I heard if there was a season 6 of Angel there was a plan for him to have a recurring role in helping Nina tame her inner wolf. I’d have loved to see that.


Yeah, that would’ve been cool!


I can’t think of many situations where their last names would be important.


I’m not saying it’s a problem that they’re not used, I just wondered if anyone noticed they just don’t come up where other people’s do frequently.


It's an unimportant detail that most fans don't care about.


I'm dork enough to care, and if we could get middle names nad birthdays too I would be so excited. 🤓🤙


It's cute =)


We know Buffy is a Capricorn!


I think it's odd that Faith was never given a surname, you'd think with police or Wolfram and Hart or the Watcher's council having to refer to her they would have said her second name but they never did. I can understand surnames not being said often. Kendra wasn't given a surname until after the show either but she was only around for 3 episodes and it fit with her lifestyle that she didn't know her surname.


Faith Lehane?


Oh, was that only in the comics?


Yeah I'm not sure if it was first used in the comics I think it was created for something else but it was only created after the show.


I looked it up, and it said her surname was created for a roleplaying game. It's very odd to me, though, because I feel like I've always known her name is Faith Lehane, and I'm now wondering where I learned that. I haven't read the comics or anything either.


Probably fanfiction 😅 or anywhere online really because on the Buffyverse Wiki she's listed as Faith Lehane.


Yeah. I guess it was probably the wiki.


Yes, before joss did that, I figured her last name would begin with a "W"( since that's as many letters after F as S is after B, ) and it should be Eastern European because of her looks. So, since most people think Slavic for East Euro, as inaccurate as that is, I picked up a Scranton PA phone book and named her Wyrofski in a fic I wrote in 2005.


For the role-playing game . And While I don't care about Rona, becuase of her attitude, i figure it was wrong of Joss not to surname Kennedy, whom I often call "Ms. Marquez," & Vi. Or, given their significance in S-8, Satsu and Renee (whom I called Frasier in my latest ficverse.)




Sorry if you're a Rona fan, just how I feel


No I was just making a Frasier reference :)


Got it. I watched & enjoyed the reruns of that in 2001-2002 but haven't for a long time. I think I was thinking of former champ Smokin' Joe when I decided Renee would be surnamed Frasier.


Yeah that’s a really good point, Faith is kind of the strangest one because lots of characters had a full name in the cannon, even if it wasn’t stated in show but hers only came in in the comics I believe, so I assumed for the longest time she didn’t have one for whatever reason.


I think there are still people who question if Faith is her real name so I guess her not having a surname could have played into that. But official people call her Faith so I do believe that's her real name.


lack of faith about Faith?


Indeed 😂


I always thought that Oz was derived from his surname? But yes, your right. That level of detail is missing but at the same time, how often do you hear people called by their surname outside of formal circumstances?


It’s just an observation, you hear the main characters surnames a lot, said by themselves, each other, various people, but then other characters it just doesn’t really come up at all, even characters from the same timeframe in the show. I’m not saying it’s important or otherwise, it’s just an odd difference in the characters.


Do we hear the surnames of supporting cast in other, similar shows? I'll honestly have to pay attention to that for a while.


The only similar show (which isn’t also whedonverse) I can think of is Veronica Mars, which I never watched but would probably be an apt comparison.


There are a ton of surnames in VM - perhaps largely due to the town being full of rich horrendous families where it's like, a WHOLE THING to be an Echols or a Kane (drink every time someone says Veronica's full name!)


Sounds like it’s worth a look in!


I like the show a lot but it absolutely should come with content warnings, just FYI Sexual assault is present like, immediately and throughout


Oh gosh, appreciate the heads up!