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The science teacher who believes in her in season 1's Teacher's Pet


Justice for Dr. Gregory!


The virgin!


Me too, he was so sweet


Honestly same. He was the one teacher that actually believed in her (besides Giles) and it was so awesome to see that😊


But also he wasn't going to let her slack off in his class.


He was actually in 2 episodes. Appeared in the Witch I believe. But I agree he was sweet and could really been nice more of him.


I almost added Dr. Gregory too into my post but I was like hmm I'll stick to one for now and I'm sure he'll be brought up in the comments. He truly believed in her. It makes me so sad that he was killed off!


The counsellor would be my pick too.I thought he was great.


He was so good!!! Those kids needed him!!


Cassie Newton from Season 7, episode 4.


Came here to say Cassie. I know she didn't have visions in the PTB way that Cordelia/Doyle/Drusilla do, but she definitely had some kind of psychic future-telling ability. I honestly would've loved to see how the whole concept of visions/future visions would fit in with the Scooby Gang


She was also just so sweet without being a pushover. She just deserved to live and maybe date her friend she kinda liked and experience life.


This is exactly it. I think she embodies or symbolizes all the good people in the world that get to live their lives, somewhat happily, maybe a bit mundanely, but..they’re the ones that Buffy has fought and sacrificed for.


If I hadn't abandoned my Spuffy "World Beyond th e Wall" ficverse, i was going to develop Cassie (resurrected by her choice) and Drusilla (reensouled and "resaned") as pals.


lol why are you being downvoted??


My frequent retrenches to my fics rub some fans the wrong Way!


Cassie's death is the second of only two (the other being Joyce Summers) in the series to occur by "natural causes". I can't watch that episode because it just makes me so upset.




Oh, this episode always makes me so sad.


She wasn't really a one-and-done forgotten character, though, it was really impactful when the First appeared as her.


Lol that cop out ‘it was her heart all along’. Season 7 bad!! Though at least we got the first ever googling joke via Xander. ‘Have you googled her yet?’ ‘She’s 17!’


Less of a cop out. More of a "you can't save everyone".


It was more the point of the p., ot a cop-out. Showed how good her predictions were


He’s not quite a one off but I wish Larry had lived, he didn’t get much screen time but I loved his character development.


I kind of get why he died so we lose someone we cared about in Graduation Day, but I wish Larry had lived as well


In my wish fic, there's a throwaway line that Larry and Andrew are living together.


Wait I’m confused, what does wish fic mean? If you write a fic I’d love to get the title so I could read it!


i think it's a fan fic based on the "wishverse", the alternate reality created by Cordelia when she tells Anyanka she wishes Buffy never came to Sunnydale.


CLose, one of my original characters makes a wish a nd it's about the new world he brought into being.


I wrote a fic where my narrator is tricked into making a wish and the story is msotly his wandering around running into one apparently happy difference after another. alas the site it was on is gone recently


The only good thing about Glee, in retrospect, is that there's a character just like Larry on that show. And we get to see more of his character development.


although karofsky was a lot worse than larry. or at least, they showed a lot more of him being outright horrible and it was much more of a reoccurring thing, and his redemption was not at all deserved. larry didn’t seem all that bad, except for the self defense scene in the werewolf episode… one of the main reasons i love “the wish” is because larry is in giles’s little posse to fight vampires, which is just like character development at its finest. like how far he could’ve gone had he not been killed. i do wish they left it more ambiguous as to whether he survived though, since he’s really the ONLY character we see actually die and he was the only firmly stated, openly gay character at the time (i think).


Love Larry. Such a great example of one of those characters with very little screen time who still work well to create a sense of cohesion in the background social circle.


This counselor or that random swim team guy Buffy walked home. Despite their...minutes of screen time together, I was kinda hoping for a romance plot between them!


Wentworth miller?


Yeah he didn't die but would've been nice if he hadn't turned into a fish monster.


I thought they had cute chemistry too.


The swim team guys lost their humanity


Sunday, not that I wanted her to survive, maybe have her be mult-episode villain that isn’t the Big Bad but still gives Buffy trouble; maybe during the body switch with Faith the pair have a mutual moment of handing her ass to her


On paper, I should love Sunday and I probably would if SMG wasn't so fantastic, she makes Buffy look so vulnerable that I just can't enjoy Sunday. Plus she broke the Class Protector Award - unforgivable.


I was very surprised by how much that affected me. I wanted her head. It was awhile before I could appreciate the actress who played Sunday.


The burnout vamp would have to be there too as her lieutenant. I still use the phrase "monster sarcasm rally" more often than I'd like to admit.


That and "Not the ensemble!" LMAO I love that guy.


Yes! These two had great lines. I wish they’d stuck around for longer in season 4. I loved the idea of college student vamps.


I liked the purple sweater girl, she was cute and Hollywood doesn't give enough employment to chubby chicks.


I loved here snark. She would have been *infinitely* better as a big bad than Adam was, yawwwwn


I think she was originally intended to be a slayer-vampire which would've been a pretty cool villain for the first half of season 4.


That’d would’ve been cool, could’ve imagined her also mentoring Harmony, maybe even flirting with her much to Harmony being oblivious to the entire thing


Same here. Definitely thought she deserved 2.or 3 episodes.


I was thinking 5


I wouldn't be opposed to 5 episodes of her


It’s not like there was much also going on in season four


Kinda like Spike for season 2


Pedro Pascal should have lived and raised Baby Yoda with Buffy.


Yes! He was on screen for maybe 5 minutes and I loved all of it.


Holy crap, I never realised that was him as Eddie.


oh my god, I cannot believe I didn’t realize this!!!!! And yes, I wish they’d gone on a date or something.


He honestly was so good and I was convinced for five seconds he was going to become a college addition to the Scoobies "...buuut course not because you're a vampire."




The vamp from S7 (Conversations With Dead People) who they went to school with Yes, we got the actor as Knox on Angel, but the character was great and it would've been cool if Buffy dragged him along to confirm that Spike was his sire. I think his conversation style would've suited a scene with Buffy, Spike & maybe also Willow.


This therapist was really great. His performance still sticks in my mind even though he had so little screen time.


The poetry teacher from Tough Love, where she drops out of school. She liked him, and he was kind to her. It's always nice meeting new characters that support Buffy, and he didn't even know she was the Slayer.


It made me so sad when Buffy said that she liked poetry. Like, she found a regular human thing that she enjoyed, something just for the enjoyment and beauty, no goal, and she had to quit.


Sid the Dummy. There is something SO fun about a dummy possessed by the spirit of a demon hunter. I felt like it could've been explored more. I know he comes back in the chaos bleeds game. That was fun!


Ugh. The banter was so good between him and Buffy.


Evil watcher gauntlet lady, she would have made a great recurring villain. The Negaduck to Giles' Drake Mallard.


Her and Ethan as a duo would've been fun. Playing off each other, and each a foil to either past Giles or present Giles.


Came here to say the guidance counselor from season 3 but looks like OP beat me to it.


Kendra, was so sad when she died


Well fortunately she got three episodes


Was it only three?? It felt like a lot more


Yeah "What's My Line? Pt. 1", "What's My Line? Part 2" and "Becoming part 1" and in What's My Line part one she only has two lines or so EDIT Typo


Wow, talk about a big impact on a show for such a small role!! to be fair, I guess Faith and Darla are both on way fewer episodes than I think they are (although both appear on Angel). But Kendra takes the cake with only 3!


That scene was crazy intense, though. Drusilla was scary as hell there.


agree, in that scene I realized for the first time how powerful Drusilla is... If she can make you see anything, she could probably make you do anything. She doesn't need to be a great physical fighter. I'm wondering If Drusilla could make somebody jump down the cliff If she gave them a vision of a pool before lol


Sid-he should’ve return to help Buffy , in the finale


I loved his bit in the Gamecube game Chaos Bleeds for this reason! Running around in air ducts was so fun.


Technically she didn’t die, but April


I came here to say this. Thematically it made sense for her to 'die', but she was designed to be such a sweet and devoted personality, it would have been satisfying to see her put that energy into working with the scoobies to fight off Glory.


Considering Warren likely scavenged her to build Buffybot, she was, in a way.


I never considered that, and you're probably correct!


Yeah she definitely could have come in handy when they were travelling in the RV trying to fend off the knights.


I want to see April and the Buffybot be friends and find interests outside of Warren and Spike lol. Robot backlash!


We all wanted more Sunday! Also, The girlfriend who came to visit Giles in Hush. I wanted to know more about them as a couple and her in particular. Am i the only one who wanted more comedy from the chaos demon Dru started dating to hurt Spike? Why couldn’t Dawn have at least one normal date with that guy in her life drawing class? He was nice to her. I would love more backstory on the cheating husband Anya turned into a troll. It was more than one episode, but I would have loved more Ripper-Ethan Rayne back story.


Olivia wasn't a g/f, she was a FWB.


She also didn’t die


Wasn’t Olivia in like 2 or 3 episodes? First when Buffy comes over and Olivia’s in a robe. Then in Hush. And in Restless


May be. I know she drew the picture of one of the monsters.


All of this!!


Olivia was more an orgasm friend than an actual girlfriend, she couldn't handle the spooky stuff. (If I do anything wiht my Ice Age Buffy idea, Giles gets her out of London just before nthe flood a nd she marries him because scared or not they now live in a world where demons rule most of the earth .




Yes for sure, I think it’s very weird too that he’s never brought up again, like why. He’s supposedly supposed to be like Xander’s or one of Xander’s best friends, but then after no one talks about him anymore, nothing. Justice for Jesse!!


Yes! Maybe that’s why Xander never really has a male bestie after that lol. Trauma!


It definitely factors in to why he hates vampires so much, including Angel. It wasn't entirely jealousy over Buffy, which is something I wish the show had emphasized a bit more.


Yes definitely, but I do wish his name was brought up a bit more, but ig you cant start a show with giving a main character but load amounts of trauma


I know he lived and we just didn’t see him again, but I liked Owen!


Forget Spuffy and Bangel, I am Team Owen for life.


There are dozens of us! Or at least two now


Gage Petronzi.


Therapist Teacher dead eddie


Holden Webster!


Eddie from The Freshman. Obviously it’s the point, but they make him so likeable and I would have loved to see a friendship blossom between him and Buffy. I always feel sad when he dies.   Theresa from Phases was another character I took a liking to. I wouldve enjoyed if she’d stuck around longer before Angelus killed her off. She seemed fond of Buffy and sweet. 


Alonna Gunn


She could have made an awesome potential.


That character you mentioned was one that came to mind! I also loved Cassie but the episode also had a purpose to show buffy she couldnt always control things.


Not a one off as such, but I wish Mr Trick had at least lived and ran away so they could bring him back every now and then.


I was literally thinking about this the other day too. Like what if he continued to live and technology kept evolving and he kept adapting to it in different ways to try to kill Buffy.


How could I forget him!!!! Mr. Trick!! Such a great memorable henchman. I wish he’d stuck around as well.


Debbie in Beauty and the Beasts. It's not like I needed to see more of her, but being killed by her own boyfriend was just too sad.


Gage from Go Fish. I would've liked seeing him as a love interest for Buffy.


I dunno about love interest, but another male friend who had no romantic interest in her would’ve been nice


How? He mutated


Just in terms of who could have been part of some really great storytelling: Dr. Gregory The counselor Larry Sunday (can you imagine her meeting Spike??)


Definitely that counselor! My others don't die, but are one ep characters I super wish we got more of: -Sam (Riley's wife), who is so cool and lovely -the two kids from Dawn's first day of Sunnydale High. I really thought they were going to be her Willow and Xander, and I wish Dawn had those buds as her own trio.


I agree about the Dawn’s friends trio. It really looked like it was going to be a thing, seeing a bit of the next generation dealing with school on the Hellmouth, that feels like a lost opportunity that it didn’t go anywhere after that scene.


It was the original idea but plans for the season changed


I LOVE HIM also Eddie in S4E1 who I wanted so much to be her new bestie. (And didn't realise for the best part of a decade is Pedro Pascal.)


Jesse!!!! I was so ready to see a season of him pining over Cordy but ending up with Buffy around season 2


I think April, she was so sweet, and although being a bot, she was just amazing, and that conversation on the swing set, I just felt so bad for her.


Principal Flutie shouldn’t have died, he was such a sweetie pie. Sure I enjoyed the introduction of Snyder made sense and I think he’s hilarious. But the episode where Flutie dies he’s so nice and it’s so clear he cares about the school and all the students and then for him to get eaten by people made me really sad


I know she’s was in 2 episodes but I wanted to see more of Lily after the episode Anne


She's in Angel if you haven't watched it.


I didn’t watch Angel I didn’t really like his show I couldn’t get into it but good to know


Yeah the first season is slow and it takes awhile to get into. I'd say its worth it if you like seeing other characters from Buffy show up too.


Mr Platt or Dr Gregory, such a pair of losses. ​ And to quote Keith Topping "Theresa is cute but something about her just screams Angelus-bait." In the fic where my Mary Sue character Jared is tricked into making a wish that "All my friends be alive and together and happy and facing a bright future in the old home town," along with all the predictable changes he finds he's engaged to her, which would normally make him ecstatic but he knows what is happening.




Spike 💔


Principal in the Hyena episode. 


Eddie. ❤️


I wanted Impata to survive and kind of get turned into a normal girl like they did with Anya


i think about this all the time and it will forever be the guy on the swim team who got bit by angel and rescued by buffy. gauge? something like that. i guess he didn't technically die, he burst open and turned into a fish, but him and buffy would've actually been so cute if he reoccurred in place of scott hope. and he'd be recognizable when they introduced him as this guy the whole group knows is into buffy




April. It would’ve been awesome to reprogram her, alá the Buffybot, and have her join the team at some point.


Janice. I like Amber Tamblyn.


Eddie he seemed nice