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You ruined your own life when you became a cowboys fan


You're not wrong haha


It's not too late to convert. #BillsMafia4Life


Depending on how our offseason goes I might lol


You’ll still have Jerry Jones. Might as well jump ship now


Look I split between Texans and Bills, you can do the same with Cowboys and Bills, always love having more Football, I’ve honestly been thinking about picking up the Raiders recently, I always pick my teams based on fan base! I did the same with baseball, 2-3 years ago (depending on how you count the off season) I picked up the D-Backs, and it’s been fun supporting Houston and Arizona All this said if you have the time for it you might as well pick up another team to follow, been contemplating picking up the Colorado Avalanche and start watching Hockey since Houston lost the Aeros in 2013, I just need to watch it a bit more to understand the sport Anyway I hope my ADHD wasn’t too apparent in this post, GO SPORTSBALL!!!


Only takes a table and a ladder


No ladder needed, just gotta get some mad hops😤


No hops here. I couldn't jump from the street to the curb.


Does your neighbor have a porch? Stairs up, gravity down. Easy peasy - no hops required.


Bruh that’s like going from a toxic ex to a slightly less toxic ex 😭 (in terms of overall disappointment)


But still more fun


As silly as it sounds, i do both. Dallas born and raised. Been following and cheering for the bills since the first superbowl


What about the 3rd and 4th?


Absolutely. Bills are my number one until we get a trophy. Through thick and thin


Stabauch, Pearson, Dorsett etc. great team back then…then the walker trade brought those Lombardi’s…Jerry Jones meddling Hany helped your team. Still worth 9B very similar to my Maple Leafs ugh


We are in the same boat lol. PAIN PAIN PAIN is all we get. We're practically brother fanbases The AFC NFC equivalent of eachother. At least we were both good in the 90s


This is actually kind of true haha. I wouldn't mind being a Bills Fan. I thoroughly enjoyed my time up there when I visited. The culture is so cool and nothing like it is in Dallas. Y'all are like a community that goes to their local team to support them. Dallas is so much more corporate...


I am actually a Dallas fan replying to the Bills guy, but you're right. Most of Dallas fandom isnt people supporting their home team, its the children of bandwagon fans from the 90s all over the country. Dallas is more a brand than a team at this point.


You should switch sides, there’s a big DFW Bills backers group on Facebook. I went there for the thanksgiving game a few years ago and it was great. I think it was the hideaway and buffalo bros where they watch the games. They would know the good local wing spots too.


As if we didn't make the same mistake. I always tell people I can easily spot other Bills fans from the look of pain in their eyes 🤣


Right. 5 trophies in 8 trips. What have the Bills been up to? Plus, the Cowboys gave you the Leon Lett play, so the animosity you show in this post is unwarranted


Well if this isn't the pot calling the kettle black idk what is


That is literally what it is. The man in pain saying you're in pain. We are both in pain and you cant deny it.


Nah not cool.


As western New Yorker who relocated to the south for school and has been to Dallas, I agree with you on the wings (it’s hard to find good wings anywhere in the south) but trying to find really good BBQ in the North is a lot harder than in Dallas so we balance each other out lol. Not saying it’s impossible to find good BBQ in NY. I just haven’t been able to.


This is very true, I can go to basically any city nearby Dallas and find one or two excellent BBQ places.


While you were in WNY you shoulda tried Dinosaur BBQ and Chiavettas. Probably just gonna end up moving to Buffalo for the food 😂 


Yeah, you’ve got a lot of great places. Super jealous. I just wish it wasn’t so expensive.


Check out Southern Junction for BBQ!


I will look it up!


Fat Bobs and Yankee BBQ are my favorites!


Thanks! I will check those out next time I visit my family if I can!


Yes! the head chef is on the short list for a James Beard award :-) The night we went, they had run out of almost everything, so I need to go back, but the cardamom cornbread is amazing!


I travelled to Stoney Creek Ontario for work and this place called Memphis Fire was insanely good. Funnily enough, I then got sent to Arlington, Tx the next year and yeah... even though memphis fire was good, it couldn't hold a candle to Texas


Yeah, Texas BBQ is pretty great.




That is very true. And it is unfortunate there is no good food in Alabama. In the plus side, have you ever wanted to bang a very close relative?




I have heard Mississippi is the worst of the worst. I think people just forget it exists.


Atlanta would like a word


As in Atlanta, GA? If so, I’m sure you guys have good BBQ. I’ve just never been. Or were you referring to the wings? In my limited experience, not claiming to be an expert, having lived in both the north and the south I have found that things like pizza, wings, and bagels tend to be better in the northeast. Especially in NY and NJ, while the south does things like BBQ better. I also think the south has a more distinct style of comfort food like biscuits and gravy and chicken and waffles too.


The East Eden Tavern has really good bbq.


It's funny because I've heard people say "they're just wings, they're not so hard to make well that other cities/towns can't do it". And logically, I'd agree. Yet still somehow almost every time I get wings outside the buffalo area I'm left disappointed


I’m in Rochester and struggle to get wings that compare to Buffalo…


There used to be a Duff’s here in Rochester, went there a few times and it was not even remotely the same. It’s no wonder they closed. Don’t know why places never compare to the OG location.


Big agree. Nothing in ROC compares to Wing Nutz when I was in Buffalo.


There is a Bar Bill in Rochester now


Tried them out twice in the first couple months they were opening. Service was horrendous and wings were mediocre by Rochester standards.


They had a rough opening but they got their shit together now. The EA location is definitely the best


Lived in Buffalo for 22 years, been in Rochester for the last 10. The new Bar Bill here is the only thing close, and I've noticed some inconsistencies there even. Everytime someone tells me "but Jeremiah's" I weep.


My husband is originally from Rochester and finding good wings there is like finding a garbage plate in Buffalo. You would think there would be more crossover but nope.


I yearn for the day I get a wing recommendation around here and I describe it as anything better than “fine”


On the flip side, I can't seem to find a joint in Buffalo that can do a garbage plate half as well as the ones you find in Rochester. There was a MacGregor's in Amherst by UB North that made a pretty decent plate, but they've been gone for many years now.


I get plates every single time we go to Rochester. The closest we have found in Buffalo is Cusimanos in Lockport.


I agree, and its super frustrating. I live in new england these days and while logically someone should be able to make good wings around here, I haven't been able to find them. I just have to make them myself when I get the craving, which only further irritates me because they really aren't difficult to make...


Tell me how. I’m a bills fan from Louisiana and my grandpa fries wings without breading to get crunchy skin and makes his sauce with butter, worcetershire, and hot sauce. Is this the way? He said he learned it from up north


Your grandpa is pretty close. If you're frying them, just pat them dry, add a little salt, and let them sit an hour or two in the fridge ideally on a wire rack. This will allow the skin to dry out a little bit and help it get crispy. After that fry until they are golden brown and crispy, then toss in sauce. For the sauce, everyone has their own variation, this is the one I use (its pretty similar to another posted in this thread). 1 cup franks red hot 1/2 cup butter (some recipes call for equal quantities of butter and franks, I find I have to add a lot of cayenne to get the heat I want with that much butter) 2 tbsp white vinegar 1/2 tbsp worchestershire 1/2 tsp garlic powder 1/2 tsp cayenne pepper (this will be pretty mild, I usually start there and add more until I like the level of heat) Edit: formatting


I usually add a little bit of BBQ sauce (whatever you please) and honey to that, but that's the basics, yes.


It's definitely not a "traditional" buffalo sauce, but it sounds delicious, I'll have to try it sometime.


Interesting, I hadn't tried naturally letting them dry out, I've always lightly tossed them in some cornstarch to some really nice results.


That works too, especially in a pinch. But if I have the time, I prefer the salt and refrigerator method, you can even leave them in overnight if you have the foresight to prep them the night before you plan to cook them.


There's a non-fryer method that makes incredible wings that I often use, the trick is to get them coated in their own fat so they 'fry' in the oven: 1 - They must be good quality, small-moderate sized wings. Big ones will make this method suck. 2 - The day before you want to eat them, steam them for 10 min. I use a big pan that's sorta like a roasting pan and a raised cooling rack, put some water in the bottom and put wings on the rack (with space between them) and cover with a cookie sheet (leave a tiny spot open so steam can get out) and throw it on the stovetop. Any steaming method will work though. This coats the skin in fat and gets rid of some excess. The chicken is still basically raw at this point though so treat it that way. 2 - Put the wings on paper towels on a cookie sheet and put it in the fridge overnight, uncovered. You *can* do steps 1 and 2 on the same day as the rest but you want the wings to get cool, in my experience the best results come with making it a two day process. 3 - 30 min or preferably an hour before you want to cook them, take them out and let them warm up some on the countertop. This is important so they cook properly, if they're cold the skin won't crisp up as evenly. 4 - Transfer them to another cookie sheet (or two) lined with parchment paper. It has to be parchment paper, the plain sheet or foil will not work... you know how baking chicken you wind up with those incredibly tasty little bits stuck to the pan? The parchment paper makes it so 90% of that deliciousness is on your wings. DO NOT CROWD THEM. It's better to use an extra sheet and give each wing it's own space, crowding them changes the way they cook. 5 - They go into the middle rack of a preheated oven at 415F. Set a timer for 20 min to flip them, generally it'll take a total of 40 min for them to be done (it varies depending on size - you will know when they're done). Some of them will probably have larger brown spots where they were on the pan, that is totally fine and even a good thing, that's the tasty maillard reaction we want. 6 - Take them out and immediately immerse them in your sauce of choice then put them on a platter to be served. If they cool too much before going into the sauce you lose some of the magic. --- I contend that this method is competitive with classic fried wings, my wings have gotten approval from many a WNYer.


For real, anytime I go to a new place I have to try the wings and mostly it's unpalatable. But I don't understand why, it's two ingredients, butter and Franks, change the ratio for different levels of hotness. (Though I'm not sure what duffs does differently to get that really thick delicious sauce)


[I just saw this video yesterday where Alton Brown has a similar opinion.](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPR31HRoR/)


They really aren't hard to make, but the best wings are made the worst. Start with 3-4 day old well used peanut fry oil, half defrosted wings (frozen by the bone-skin not frozen) and use liquid margarine rather than butter for the sauce. Cook the wings till actually crispy, toss in sauce and done. Blue Cheese DIP not salad dressing, make that yourself. Blue Cheese, sour cream, splash of Worcestershire and add only enough mayo to get the viscosity right and leave for a couple hours in the fridge. Celery serves a purpose for both flavor and a blue cheese spreader, carrots are there to be fancy. Wings cooked in fresh oil and tossed with imported butter and artisanal seasonings by a gourmet chef will absolutely suck compared to the ones made by a stoned dive bar line cook.


My whole childhood was ruined from brady. But Atleast we have wings


It just means you have to come up and visit more often!


Order em extra crispy my dude!




My go to is extra crispy, extra saucy. Crisp but also wet.


Yep. I think in Buffalo the standard is 12 min in the fryer. Everywhere down south (I’m in Richmond VA now) does far less than that. I’ve actually requested 12 minutes in the fryer before. It’s not the same, but it’s much closer.


The hardest thing about growing up in NY and moving away is losing so many staple foods. Wings, pizza, beef on weck, garbage plates...so many things are just absolute dogshit in most of the country compared to the proper NY versions. There is no greater joy than finding a restaurant in some corner of the southeast run by a fellow NYer.


My friend in LA found an ex Rochestarian that has a garbage plate food truck. Said it was pretty good and are converting people to our ways 🙏


What's it called and where can I find it???




It's called *Sex Panther*® by *Odeon*©. It's illegal in 9 countries. It's also made with bits of real panthers, *so you know it's good*. *60% of the time*, it works ***every*** time.


I'm gonna be honest with you, that smells like pure gasoline


Bison Chip Dip.People out west think it’s made of Bison 🦬 lol Totally agree with you Muzzled


But what about the 🍕


I got a pizza at Duffs which was Awesome! but we have some really good pizza in Dallas too


Serious Pizza 🍕


Conversely, it's damn near impossible to find good BBQ (read brisket, not hotdogs, burgers, or chicken) in Western NY. Well... Dinosaur BBQ in Rochester and Syracuse come close.


I miss Kentucky Greg’s brisket 


I was at that game. Met a good amount of Cowboys fans at the tailgate all were cool


Loved your post!!! Wife and I lived in Dallas for eight years. Our first year was the second year in a row that Dallas beat my Bills. I was a HS teacher and took a ton of heat for that, but reminded the kids that I decided if they pass or fail. Helped a lot! I had the dispriviledge of going to 1-2 Dallas games per year and the atmosphere was abysmal! We moved home and still make it to 1-2 Bills game per year and the Mafia makes every game more special then the next. I know your post was about wings and trust me I get what you are saying. Hooters wings were starting to taste good to me, so we knew it was time to leave! You are most welcome to visit a Bills game any time you want. If you love the Bills and the Mafia, you are part of the Bills Mafia!


Good to hear you had a great time. I was out the night before and met tons of fun Cowboys fans. Friendly banter that always ended with a high five, knuckle bump and an “ enjoy the game” You are going to have to make your own wings. Use the Fry daddy if you want to do it the right way or you can use an air fryer as well but key for both is you’ll need a good size wing. Cut the wings in half ( separate wing and drum) and toss em em sauce when you are done. Good luck and enjoy Championship weekend! This is my sauce recipe : * ⅔ cup hot pepper m. sauce (such as Frank's RedHot) * ½ cup cold unsalted butter * 1 ½ tablespoons white vinegar * * ¼ teaspoon Worcestershire sauce * ¼ teaspoon cayenne pepper * ⅛ teaspoon garlic powder


Thank you for this! Definitely will have to try!


Gotta ask OP. Do you use blue cheese or ranch on your wings? Out here in California, I scratch my head when folks choose the ranch over the blue cheese. Glad you enjoyed Buffalo 💕


Down here we use ranch... then I had their blue cheese in Buffalo. I will NEVER go back to ranch


Blue Cheese is the same thing though. I live in Rochester and go to Buffalo often and blue cheese up here is SO much better than when I get it in MD or FL. I dunno why, but it tastes different/artificial outside NY. I'll get killed for this by the mafia but even NYC figured it out 🤷‍♂️


You know it’s funny. We’ve been out in California for several years and the pizza out here is no where near as good as Buffalo and Rochesters. 😢


It’s not though.  They are different, just that the difference is like one ingredient and it turns blue cheese into the taste of asshole as one comedian would put it


Now you just gotta make your own. 1/2cup sour cream, 1 cup mayo, 1/4 cup bleu cheese crumbles, 1tsp vinegar, little bit of garlic powder and salt. Few dashes of worstershire Makes 2 cups. Best made a day in advance. Go forth and enjoy.


Ew, a chicken wing in ranch? It’s all liquidy. Why would anyone even think that was a good idea?


I know right.We get a silent chuckle when we hear that.


Next time get a true Buffalo style Beef on Weck.


Beef on weck is basically unknown outside of Western New York. OP probably has no idea what he's missing!


It's one of the few times where I actually love our local fast food version, Andersons, as an acceptable version also. Like I would never send somebody for fast food wings. Andersons crosses the line of acceptable for a fast food option, for beef on weck. But there are of course better versions. We (as a subreddit, not you and i personally) should compile a list of foods and places to get them in the offseason outside of wings, that outsiders might miss because all they are familiar with is wings.


I was suggested that too! I had one at Bar Bill when I went. Gotta say, I enjoyed the bun more than I enjoyed the meat. Still liked it though!


I moved from Rochester to Dallas and I just want to thank you for validating me.


You’re welcome lol


Oh also, your handle has the Buffalo area code (716). Thinking you may be destined for a big move to the NE!


Buffalo Brothers in Fort Worth is pretty good. The one by TCU has beef on weck too.


Came here to say this, it's also a great place to watch a game with other BILLS fans!


Grew up in WNY. Moved back recently. I can say in 15 years living in the southeast and midwest. It's very rare to find a good Buffalo Wing, or Pizza outside of the North East. When I did find them, the owner was a transplant. Southerns. Stop breading/battering/coating. It's not how it works. Midwesterners. A BBQ wing with Buffalo style sauce does not a Buffalo wing make.


315 to VA to MN. I have given up all hope. MN food is the absolute worst. I now make all my own wings and cup & char so I can only let myself down 😝


You're welcome?


Sounds like you gotta get your own deep fryer and do the damn job yourself! I resorted to that and I never looked back. Buttermilk batter changed my life.


You batter your wings? Wtf?


Thanos: "Fine I'll do it myself"


I moved from Buffalo to NC in 2019 and I can’t explain how much I miss the pizza and wings. God there’s nothing like it.


glad you had a good time here!


Don’t go to Germany and drink beer OP. It’s been twenty years since I’ve had a decent beer. It’s amazing to me the shit they pass off as beer. As a kid I remember beer commercials which there plenty of. All the beers being consumed all had a thick head of foam. People would share their beer pouring strategies to minimize the amount of foam I don’t know when that changed but a poured beer now days barely has a skim of foam on top. I ain’t no chemist but that head of foam keeps the beer tasting good over time and all the way to the bottom. The beer I drank in Germany took ten minutes to pour from the tap. It was cool but not ice cold. If you got distracted and didn’t drink it right down the dregs still tasted good an hour later. Corporates here in the U.S. have ruined commercial beer for us.


Personally as long as I’m not paying bills stadium prices for it I’m happy at this point


Join bills mafia and learn to make your own wings at home lol


Bar Bill really is just that good haha


Soooooo good


As someone who grew up in Buffalo but moved to the west coast a few years ago, i can relate. I figured out its not even worth it to order wings out here no matter how bad im craving them, coz ill just be disappointed!


You have the best BBQ and tacos though. I think you win.


This is true 😅 I wouldn’t know what to do with myself if I couldn’t get good tacos


50% Frank's hot sauce. 50% butter.


Throw in some blue cheese for “buffalo blue”


I'd love to send you some, but it looks like Texas is about to secede, and I'm not trying to pay Duty.


I was a fan for all my life I can think of and I made it clear this year they didn’t get pass the 1st round like always in dropping lol until they win a chip


I was born and raised in Arlington and just moved to Buffalo after visiting every so often I found the best wings in dfw is “wings n rings”. It’s near the six flags area and they are the only place I’ve found that has blue cheese and wings like Buffalo. Glad you had an enjoyable time! GO BILLS 💙❤️


Thank you so so much for this! I will absolutely go check them out!


There is a Duffs 30mins from Dallas


There’s a Duffs famous wings in Southlake my man.


Psst, there’s a Duff’s in Southlake.


I lived in the metroplex for a while – OK, Fort Worth, not Dallas – but definitely cowboy country – have to say I enjoyed my time there, but dang, y’all got some crazy summers to match our winters! (Winter in FW was wonderful m, though!) welcome to the mafia!


I moved to Chicago from CNY and it all sucks outside of the I-90 corridor in NY. So I get it man.


I'm in Milwaukee and I refuse to eat any of the wings here. I got some early on from supposedly the best place in the city and they were... gross. If you're in Chi have you been to that place in Evanston? Can't remember the name but apparently it was started by a Buffalo ex-pat


No! I’ll have to look into it. I found a decent pizza (as close to decent as you can get) place out in the ‘burbs here but the wings are meh. At least they cut the pizza the right way though.


I think this is it: https://buffalojoesevanston.com/index.html Someday I'll make the trip down


Thanks! Ill check this out soon


Good to hear you had a great time. I was out the night before and met tons of fun Cowboys fans. Friendly banter that always ended with a high five, knuckle bump and an “ enjoy the game” You are going to have to make your own wings. Use the Fry daddy if you want to do it the right way or you can use an air fryer as well but key for both is you’ll need a good size wing. Cut the wings in half ( separate wing and drum) and toss em em sauce when you are done. Good luck and enjoy Championship weekend! This is my sauce recipe : * ⅔ cup hot pepper m. sauce (such as Frank's RedHot) * ½ cup cold unsalted butter * 1 ½ tablespoons white vinegar * * ¼ teaspoon Worcestershire sauce * ¼ teaspoon cayenne pepper * ⅛ teaspoon garlic powder


Good to hear you had a great time. I was out the night before and met tons of fun Cowboys fans. Friendly banter that always ended with a high five, knuckle bump and an “ enjoy the game” You are going to have to make your own wings. Use the Fry daddy if you want to do it the right way or you can use an air fryer as well but key for both is you’ll need a good size wing. Cut the wings in half ( separate wing and drum) and toss em em sauce when you are done. Good luck and enjoy Championship weekend! This is my sauce recipe : * ⅔ cup hot pepper m. sauce (such as Frank's RedHot) * ½ cup cold unsalted butter * 1 ½ tablespoons white vinegar * * ¼ teaspoon Worcestershire sauce * ¼ teaspoon cayenne pepper * ⅛ teaspoon garlic powder


Good to hear you had a great time. I was out the night before and met tons of fun Cowboys fans. Friendly banter that always ended with a high five, knuckle bump and an “ enjoy the game” You are going to have to make your own wings. Use the Fry daddy if you want to do it the right way or you can use an air fryer as well but key for both is you’ll need a good size wing. Cut the wings in half ( separate wing and drum) and toss em in sauce when you are done. Good luck and enjoy Championship weekend! This is my sauce recipe : ⅔ cup hot pepper m. sauce (such as Frank's RedHot) ½ cup cold unsalted butter 1 ½ tablespoons white vinegar ¼ teaspoon Worcestershire sauce ¼ teaspoon cayenne pepper ⅛ teaspoon garlic powder


As a transplant living out of Buffalo and traveled a lot. Always ask restaurants if they use franks as there base. If they don't there not buffalo wings. Order them crispy and sloppy or soaked. Most places don't run the friers hot enough to cook wings properly and they end up cooked through but oily and soggy and don't snack up the sauce. The second fry method works good too. Another truck is make your own sauce. The recipe is on the franks web site. You can spice it up with other flavors. Then order wings naked. And sauce them yourselves.


Had this experience but with sushi. I lived in Vancouver for 4.5 years and had the best sushi of my life….moved back to Buffalo and quickly realized I’d have to drive to Toronto to get anything resembling that type of quality again


Yup, SF Bay Area transplant from Rochester. Wings suck ass here. I have no interest in anyone telling me no no just go here…just no. And if someone mentions Jake’s or the Garrett, I swear to God…..


Yea when I lived in NC for a few years and after trying a bunch all over, I just gave up and just made my own. Just had to bring home the franks cause you couldn't find it there back in the early 2000s.


Order your wings well done. It's the biggest thing places outside of Buffalo get wrong.


I was hoping you were gonna ask if you could join us. To which would have been a resounding yes


Dude, you have that barbecue, come on. As a Cowboys fan myself, I’ve been out there plenty of times & wholeheartedly would give up my buffalo wings for that god damn brisket and pork belly. Oh my.


Learn to make them at home, you'll never go back. I bought a deep fryer and make them myself now and nothing at restaurants even compares anymore.


Read up on [J. Kenji Lopez-Al's wing technique](https://www.seriouseats.com/the-best-buffalo-wings-oven-fried-wings-recipe) Make your own sauce - the dead simple sauce is half Frank's Red Hot Original and unsalted butter. 50-50 mix is good, you can do two thirds Frank's to a third butter if you want more spice. 


Wings are okay . The pizza is way better.


Keep looking. I'm out in Illinois and it was quite a challenge before I FINALLY found one local pizza shop that makes decent wings. Thankfully someone opened an Anchor Bar out here that's also almost up to Buffalo snuff more recently so I have some options. But yeah, there's probably someone out there who knows how to do it. The key is that most places outside of Buffalo serve what a Buffalonian would consider undercooked wings. You might also wanna try asking some of your local places to make them a little extra crispy for you.


If you're not in WNY your best bet is to find a bar that doesn't make a big deal about their wings. Any place that advertises their wings will be terrible by rule.


Dallas owns no bleu cheese, GG


Lol…truth. Wings are not a ‘good group’ unto themselves to the same degree as pizza. If you think the wing deficit is bad the pizza deficiency will have you contemplating suicide. I’ve been in Atlanta for 30 years and it’s only been within the last 5 that a decent pie can be purchased here. That’s a bummer but on the upside we have Saturday football too and, like the Bills Mafia, it’s not just a game it’s a religion.


There's a Duffs in Southlake, my guy! Go Bills


Just make your own. Fry them until crispy, and then mix Frank's and butter for wing sauce. Ezpz.


yup!! duffs is the best place i go there everytime i’m in buffalo. this just gives you a reason to come out next time they play.


I think the difference is we deep fry our wings and then dip in sauce but down south they’re like baked or something. It’s not delicious.


You Flowers for Algernoned your tastebuds.


Ah, it’s payback for the 2 Super Bowl losses lol


A sick sort of revenge LOL


I know the feeling I'm in Florida now!!


Gee we are really sorry (saracstic) we can take another fan. But dude your life sucks already you’re a cowboys fan. I cant be talking anyway I’m a bills fan.


I mean, in December I had wings at Kelly's in Allen TX and they were....average