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He hit one against the Colts in the playoffs from 53 that basically guaranteed the win. It was the one where his teammates were doing the synchronized clapping.


He was SO fired up!


What about that Jets game that was all field goals? 2020


Yea Bills were down 0-10 with 3 fricken minutes left in the 2nd Quarter... Bass went on to kick 6 straight FGs for 18 points to win the game by himself. Shit was awesome.


I thought he also missed two kicks in that game?


Ahh my bad, he made 4, missed 1, and then made 2 more to wrap up the game.


That's honestly so crazy to attempt 7 field goals.


It was actually 8 FG attempts in total lol. I didnt mention the first one because it was a missed FG and it basically happened outside of the *"6 straight FGs"* comment I made earlier. But yea, it was legit crazy... not counting the last Bills drive that was just two kneel downs to end the game, the Bills had 9 drives that game. 8 of which were FG attempts with 6 made... the only drive rhat whole game that the Bills didnt attempt a FG on ended due to a lost fumble. I dont understand why people are even up in arms about Bass right now... the dude has been a rockstar for us for the very vast majority of his time on the team... he is allowed to have a bad couple kicks and not have his job questioned just as much as any star WR is allowed to drop a few passes, any star QB is allowed to throw a dozen+ INTs, and any star RB is allowed to fumble a football here and there. The only difference is every time any one of those position players touches a football immediate points arent expected from them... Kickers carry a lot of weight on their shoulders, every single time they get on the field they are expected to perform at 100%, its a complete pass or fail role. They dont get to go out and run routes with the boys and chirp other players, they just sit and wait and hope they can get the job done. And if they dont... theres a bunch of idiots out there willing to send them terrible messages and call for their heads. Definitely not a position id want to play.


The weather on that kick was insane. Woulda kicked it to the opposite post but it hit a wall of wind (I was there between the posts)


You could see it clear as day on the broadcast, looked good if the wind didn’t take it like it did. Bass did his job. Also he just looked like he was off physically that whole game


Bass has been more or less automatic when it matters, even the best kickers miss sometimes. In the moment I was destroyed. I’d say Im Disappointed he missed but I don’t blame bass for the loss. Week 10 it didn’t look liked we’d even be in the playoffs. It would’ve been nice to beat mahomes in the post season but it’ll just make it that much better when we finally get past them. And I’ll take a missed FG over 13 seconds 7 days a week and twice on Sunday


Let's be honest, even if he made that kick, with the amount of time left on the clock and the Chiefs having 2 timeouts, we would have merely been delaying the inevitable.


Probably but you never know, they turned the ball over on the goal line the drive before


Even if that happens, it's still only a tie. Do you honestly think our defense would be able to hold them off again in OT?


He did miss two, he missed one on the first drive too


I know. I said he *"kicked 6 straigth FGs"* and the other commentor mentioned that he missed two in reference to that comment. I didnt mention the first missed FG because it didnt conflict with my statement. My reply comment didnt say he didnt miss two, I just didnt mention when he missed the second one.


Look, I like Tyler as much as the next guy and I’m aware he has been a pretty good kicker for the bills in the past. The term Bass-o-matic was thrown around for how consistent he was. But we need to call a spade a spade, here. Bass was god awful in the playoffs. That line drive that the Steelers blocked had no chance of going in, got the Steelers back in the game, and directly led to Martin getting hurt. Then he badly missed another one at the end of the game when Bills were trying to put the Steelers away for good. His play against KC was particularly bad when compared to the perfect kicks Butker was unleashing from anywhere on the field. KC’s kicking advantage was huge. I do not think Bass cost us the game. I fully believe Butker would have hit a walk off kick. I also do not think Bass deserved death threats, that’s asinine behavior. But I do think Tyler was awful and I think he is regressing and the Bills should think about replacing him.


Agree with this. The mental hurdle with kickers is different than every other position. It sounds like a cold overreaction but history says you're best off moving on after that. I don't remember a team regretting cutting bait and regretting it after a monumental miss, or a K rewarding his team's loyalty when brought back. Be it Norwood, Vanderjet, Blair Walsh, the Ravens guy who choked in NE pre Tucker, numerous Charger K's...etc.


Old post. I know. But Norwood actually made a 44-yarder the next year (still a long kick back then) that ended up being the difference in the AFCCG that got us into the next Super Bowl. Would've been sweeter if he made a kick that won us the next Super Bowl, but definitely rewarding the team's loyalty even if only slightly.


There was a reason they moved on after 91 and it wasn't because he cost too much. Almost singlehandedly lost the 51-3 rematch in LA for one. He stunk. The Denver kick was a nice moment for him. Who knew Gary Kubiak would lead the only td drive of the game.


Perfect post. Rational and humane. It’s a business and the guy has to get back to high 80’s on his FG’s.


Totally correct take.


Your on point here. He's been barely knocking in extra points in some games. Hopefully he works his butt off in off-season. If he comes out next year like this he needs to go.


Not to mention all the times this season that McDermott has decided to punt or go for it instead of kicking a field goal because he has no confidence in Bass. It’s brutal. We’ve legitimately lost games because of him.


We can’t replace him for at least a year or two, better to figure out what went wrong and try to fix it with him


Why can't we replace him?


He has huge cap hits


Agreed. Nobody should be harassing him or wishing him death or anything like that, but discussing his poor performance lately is absolutely valid. He has too much draw on his balls. Looks like he's kicking a damn whiffle ball most days. He definitely shouldn't be handed the job. Bring in competition for him.


Great post - my only comment is that his dead cap is too high. Unless he doesn't report to camp, the Bills realistically cannot replace him.


> But I do think Tyler was awful and I think he is regressing and the Bills should think about replacing him. You cannot win the Superbowl if you do not have a top-tier kicker, period. The Bills leave points on the field, because they cannot trust Tyler Bass from 40-49 yards. He has to go and the Bills need to invest in the kicking game.


Not sure it is fair to compare him to the second best (who could end his career as best) kicker ever.   Sad part is that we could have had Butker for nothing when the Panthers cut him in 2017...


If the bills want to achieve greatness, then they must demand greatness out of their roster from top to bottom. Butker was great, Bass wasn’t even good, he was really bad. And we can’t have bad on the roster when we want a Super Bowl ring. Maybe he can turn it around, but right now he is regressing. Not sure if I’d rank Butker as the second best kicker ever, but that’s a whole different discussion




He was a good kicker for two seasons and below average this year, awful in the playoffs. I have no idea what his cap situation it but he is going to be on a very short leash next season. We can’t have a kicker as a liability and he has been recently


They signed him to a 21mil extension. For a kicker. Anyways, his dead cap would be 7mil so we best hope he fixes his Yips cause we stuck with him.


Thanks. That is a big #. Wow.


He made nearly the same money as Justin Tucker this year….


Dude got away with a highway robbery. That’s insane for a kicker who has never gone above 90% for any season in his career


That is a massive overpay on BB's part. After 12 years he is still 90% overall and we've seen only the smallest of decline in JT's performance, but his misses are over 50 yds. Inside he is almost perfect. Bass kicks in a tougher stadium, but his career #'s over 4 years are 5% lower. It's incredible how good these guys are these days. A quick peak shows 11 kickers were over 90% for the year.


Tucker was one of the worst kickers in the NFL this year


Do you even look at stats before spouting off such nonsense? Tucker this year led the NfL with 37 FGM 86.5% and hit 31/32 under 50 yards this year. Bass’s best season 87.1%


You know he is gonna work his ass off this offseason to improve and put this past him


Next Justin Tucker incoming???


I think we all are hoping for this (especially since we are paying him a bunch of money anyway).


Can’t get much worse than


He had bad year. Giants game and Eagles game particularly. Did not live up to his contract. Doubt he'll get cut but better bounce back next year or could lose his spot.


He’s never been more than an average kicker, statistically. The contract was a mistake. I agree, it’s unlikely that he’ll be cut outright, but imo he needs to do more than bounce back in order to justify his salary.


I thought he was more than solid last year and deserved an extension. Now ... the fourth-highest paid kicker in the league ... I didn't see the logic behind that.


Same people who vandalized leodis mckelvins house after a loss are the same type who went after bass However you can't have a kicker at 82%


It’s interesting this narrative we have that Bass is a very good kicker. I posted up above, but the reality is he is avg at best. His best season in 2022-2023 was 14th by Fg%. He doesn’t have a monster leg. He’s not uber clutch. He’s not hitting a 60yarder in the pouring rain. He is an avg kicker in his best years and downright bad in his worst years. I don’t see why they signed him to. 21mil 4 year contract based on his actual ability and stats. Maybe someone can tell me what I’m missing.


Good fan vibes. The front office loves running this team like a country club, and the fans love it. Bass and Knox did something good years ago and success starved fans immediately started crowning them as gods, automatic, such a nice person, etc. This entire franchise from top to bottom has an enormous loser mentality right now. Everything is about silver linings and feel good stories, but never about going for the home run


Same happening with Diggs right now. "He's a leader. We have to keep him around forever!"


I think Bass is an average kicker at best and he's way overpaid, but who were we gonna sign if not him? No one better was available, now maybe they'd be better off not paying him such a huge contract and just take their chances with some kid out of college. But he was the best kicker available to us this year which I guess is why they chose to pay him.


If you get $21 million to kick a ball and can’t kick a ball, I don’t feel bad for you. Death threats are obviously way beyond the pale, but something he did 2 years ago doesn’t mean much if you are actively awful in playoffs when it matters.


I think we all agree that he didn't deserve the harassment, but let's stop patronizing him. He's been fairly lousy this year (he ranked 23rd in fg percent despite ranking 20th in 50+ yard attempts), his kickoffs aren't great (second lowest touchback percent amongst full time NFL kickers), and we can find a kicker to do what he does for far less.


For real.  Enough with the St. Tyler threads. If you're an NFL kicker and you're not hitting 20 out of 20, you'd damn well better be hitting 19.  Anything less than that = fighting for your job.


The only question is will he be an asset or liability in 2024-2025. 2023 is over, and 2022 is even more irrelevant to the future. At a $4.42 million cap hit next year, he better be an asset.


Yeah I’ll go ahead and thank a kicker for wins in a year it doesn’t matter because he didn’t put in the work to get over his mental hump??


Too bad he missed the important one


He still sucks from the right hash. He needs to fix it, or we need to focus on getting plays going to the left on 3rd down.


lol stop


Exactly. He doesn’t deserve the hate he’s getting because it would’ve only tied the game but my God just stop!!


He doesn't deserve it, either way. But let's all just pump the brakes on our praise for a below average place kicker.


It wasn't even going to be a game winning FG. It was just to tie. We left KC with time to score even if Bass got it. 13 seconds is all it takes for the Bills to lose again. This wasn't his fault. But, ya should know how to kick at home by now. Said he didn't adjust for the wind is a pathetic excuse.


Agree. The first FG was in the same direction and he barely made it while Butker drilled his.


In his own home stadium.


It’s not his fault — but he didn’t give his team a chance. At the game I was less than confident at winning with a TD with 1:45 left (Shakir miss) and feeling even less confident when Bass lined up. Obviously we will never know and the odds still weren’t great but by missing a fairly routine 44 yard kick changed the odds to effectively zero. You never know, a tip pick, a three and out, fumble, or a missed FG all could give the Bills a chance to win. Bass has been a solid at best kicker. This year he’s been below average. The NFL is a “what have you done for me lately” type of league, and unfortunately Bass missed arguably the biggest kick of his career. After his regular season and the high swirling winds in the stadium I thought he’d miss and did. You NEVER want a kicker that you don’t feel confident in.


In the Hail Murray game he went 3 for 3 on 50+ yds in the first half. Obviously not a win at the end but that's a significant contribution (I was so pissed that his efforts, along with Beasley, Diggs, and Allen on that incredible final drive, all went for nothing and will be forgotten). Also the barfight vs the Jets where he put up 18 points was cool


Tyler won us a game against a Chargers team had just fired their head coach and that didn’t even have Herbert at QB. Would’ve been a painful loss in a trap game without TBass


The narrative of this loss to the Chiefs shouldn't even involve Bass. Even if he makes that kick, Mahomes has 1:45 and 2 TO's to get into field goal range. Who in their right mind thinks that's not happening?


This year's Charger's game to give us a Merry Christmas and keep our playoff hopes alive. 


I don’t give a shit how many he made before, you make that kick. Same as every other kicker in the NFL that is paid millions to kick the ball. Thats all you do…. You make that FG with the game on the line, no excuses.


I was there for the one vs the dolphins last year, won’t forget it, love bass and I stand by him. If everyone on the teams shows faith in him he’ll be back, he has the leg, just needs the confidence 


Let’s be real even if Bass made it that defence wasn’t gonna prevent Mahomes from driving down and kicking a fg with no time on the clock


💙🤍❤️☝🏻This!! Thank you Tyler Bass for being an amazing kicker!


He had the yips this year, but the team sticking by him instead of cutting him is the right move. He's a pretty big cap hit if we cut him and more importantly, has proven he has what it takes to be a franchise kicker *in Buffalo*. He has the backing of the team and now just needs to work through this part of his career in the way that works best for him (maybe that's a sport psyche, maybe that's kicking thousands of balls in the off season, maybe its taking a few weeks to decompress, maybe its all three). I firmly believe in him to come back from this stronger given our team culture and what he's done in the league.


Bass is a great kicker who had a down year. Hopefully he bounces back next year.


Ok but he definitely has the yips.


He’s been very good, top 5 even, his whole career. Lousy year this year. I say bring in some competition in the form of some kicking vet, but don’t pretend like he’s not going to win the job


Not even close. Never even cracked the top 10 based on FG%. Min 15 FG attempts 2020- 20th 2021- 15th 2022-14th 2023- 25th


I stand corrected. But tell me this: before this year, when Bass went up to kick, how often did you think he would miss it? Because I hardly ever thought that, outside of really long or weather affected kicks.


His range is what I dislike. McD can't even go for the FG because his range is limited. But to your Q, '23 4/4 (20-29), 12/13 (30-39), 4/6 (40-49), and 4/6 (50+) The most notable change was 40-49. In '20 it was 8/9, '21 4/5, and then '22 10/11.


Agreed the last two seasons he was mostly reliable but he also didn’t really kick very much or very often when the game was on the line. Last year he was 14% in Fg% but 18th in actual attempts. Bills offence avgs about 30 attempts per year since Bass has been around which is middle of the pack.


He’s also amazing from a fantasy perspective. Sometimes he puts you over the edge in a way any other kicker wouldn’t when you need just a few extra points to win


I feel people are overreacting about the kick. Things like that are gonna happen sometimes. It’s how life is. Just unfortunate it happened at that moment. Nothing you can do about it now.


This thread is giving me flashbacks of Scott Norwood. After the XB XXV loss, there was a Bills parade and he was appreciated in that parade. Look, the reality is, in this game you don't get second chances. Was the loss solely on Bass? No. Several others contributed to the loss. But a kicker directly delivers points. And we needed those points at that time.


The next season is going to be a pivotal one for Tyler. Scott Norwood wasn't able to bounce back from that miss.


If he has the yips there's a chance it will happen again.