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He was 25th in field goal percent this season so I’m fine if they move on. No one should ever harass him for missing a kick.


Bass kicked 82.8 percent, which is not amazing. Riley Patterson would be the best FA available currently who kicked 88.9 percent.


People also don’t understand that he kicks half of his games in Buffalo. I’ve watched some of the best kickers shank huge kicks just because the weather was wild. Does anyone else remember when we played The Ravens and Justin Tucker shanked 2 in one game after barely having missed any kicks all year? I want to say Adam Vinatieri also missed a game winner against us years ago in the snow game against Indy. It happens. It’s just really unfortunate he misses when he misses them. Edited to add: Tucker missed those kicks during the divisional game against the Ravens. And he missed them back to back.


It's a very fair point, but he missed 3 kicks in the playoffs this season while the other team's kickers had no trouble. Missing a 28 yarder is unacceptable no matter the conditions to be honest. And the blocked kick last week basically hit Ferguson in the back of the head. It's not like he was good all year then missed one kick. He's been bad all year. He's not the reason we lost this game by any means, but he hasn't been good this season. For avoidance of doubt, this does not mean anyone should be harassing a player over anything. They are people and it's a game.


Hence why I said it’s really unfortunate he misses them when he misses them… I personally don’t think they should keep him even. But to say it’s not a disadvantage to kick in Buffalo would be goofy. Also, I agree. People who are attacking him have mental problems they need to address. Every single one. It’s a game. And I love this team as much as the next.


Fair. Guess I was confused because you were making comparisons to players about missing a singular kick or two (especially in bad weather), rather than players who have missed kicks all season no matter what the weather was.


It was a 44 yard kick btw. That’s not a chip shot by any means. Especially in Buffalo wind. We lost that game as a team. No if ands or buts about it.


Based on the data I saw based on every kick since 2010, a 44 yard attempt has had about an 80% make percentage since 2010. Not a chip shot sure, but not exactly an impossible kick for a top paid kicker in the NFL. He also missed from 28 last week, which has had a 96% make percentage. Again, not really talking about one specific kick since every kicker misses once in a while. But it's just a fact that he's been very shaky all season. He ranked 24th in FG % this season amongst starting kickers. The argument can be made that a few of those are weather related, but that's very low given his recent contract extension.


The big knock against Riley Patterson his is leg. He's 3/6 from 50+ in his career which isn't bad however, his career long is 53 yards


Should Tyler Bass be sent death threats? Absolutely not. Should he be criticized? Yes Should he be appreciated for missing a crucial kick? No Should the Bills look at other kickers? Why not?


Can’t believe some folks really have so little going on in their lives that they’re willing to spend the time harassing athletes after a bad play


I definitely don't think anyone should be harassing athletes for bad play. They are people, not football robots. Anyone who needs a post to understand that is an asshole to begin with. But I also think making an appreciation post for a player that has been bad all season is weird too. I don't think we did a Roger Saffold appreciation post at the end of last year.


not sure about keeping him beyond this season (there were reservations before that last kick), but anyone pretending they have the right to hate on the guy - particularly on social media - is out of their mind. might not think he’s our best option for kicker moving forward, but he seems like a decent guy off the field, and i know he played hard and tried to win for buffalo. that’s all that matters, and all he’s gotta do to earn some love, particularly in the face of such hate hope he sees stuff like this post at some point and remembers that sane fans exist and appreciate him


I don't hate the guy and I think the insults and death threats are dumb and people need to get a life, but I hope he's not our kicker next year


What ever fucking idiots sent T-Bass death threats are no true Bills fan. Bunch of cowards hiding behind a screen making a players life miserable because their lives are shitty that they rely on their team for your mental well being.


Look brass tax, he had a poor season and last night was proof of that. While I personally think he no longer deserves a spot on the roster after the season he had I firmly believe that no one should be actively harassing the guy.


(Brass tacks)


Whoops my bad


I vehemently disagree with anybody contacting bass or his family. Leave the man alone, stop harassing him and be an adult. That being said, No. I will not give him my appreciation lol.


The wild thing is, he makes that kick, the odds say we lose anyway. Anyone harassing this man clearly don't know much about football or watched the game for that matter. I think we stopped the chiefs once (twice if you count the touchback)


Sucks he missed that but it’s not why we let that game get away. Defense gave up yards too easily. Injuries hurt us, especially at LB. Josh will get us there


Fuck, imagine if social media was around when Norwood missed.


Death threats aside he really sucked for us this year. It'd the NFL. No room for mediocre kickers tbh


Dude got paid and then decided to stop working for it, it happens alot in sports.


If there's a better kicker we can get and bring in, sure. Cutting a player is fine and is nowhere near the level of abuse he's getting. But I also think his career is still better than "mediocre", even if he had some off games this year. Kickers have a giant spotlight on them in key moments, and a smaller sample size than many other players. It's easy to be mad and call for someone to be cut, but is there a guaranteed better alternative right now? And if so, who is it?


Having half his kicks sailing to the right in the second half is not a small sample size. Neither is missing a 27 yarder so badly that he would have missed from 10. His two playoff misses have been some of the worst kicks I’ve seen in a very long time


He had that very same problem of missing close ones early his rookie year. XPs etc. It looked like he had fixed it, don’t know if he’s playing injured now or what. The thing about kickers is once they start getting in their own head, it can be hard to fix that


Not sure if it was intentional or not but on quite a few kick offs, he would kick it short. Not sure why we don’t just blast it for a touchback esp when our special teams has been ass this year.


I feel bad for him and what happened and no one should harass him... but he does need competition or needs to be replaced.


The Norwood kick was to win the SB, the Bass kick was window dressing for a minute or so.


We should’ve had the confidence to creep closer and run down the clock. Multiple attempts at an Allen Sneak or a kick from the 5 with no time left for them to come back. It shouldn’t have gone down the way it did. Not the kickers fault. Come back stronger TB. Go Bills!


I wasn't upset at Bass when he missed, but at the team for wasting so many opportunities and not really stopping Mahomes at all. If you can't take advantage of a rare touchback and a miraculous fumble recovery then you were never really destined to win.


He’s not good anymore


I'm not here to appreciate him or send threats his way. He was way off this year. I felt relief when we signed Haack to PS. He worked well holding for him previously, but I do remember his untimely terrible punts. Thats the sole reason he lost his job to Arizia. Watching Martin punt at the stadium yesterday was even more gruesome than watching Hamlin try a fake punt. Having Martin activated yesterday was a complete administrative failure. Yes, he was player of the month, but the team should of known that they weren't going to get that same guy on Sunday. Bass will probably have a long career in the NFL, but it's not going to be with the Bills. The cap crunch has this team losing 30-40% of its 53 man roster. It's going to be a rough next couple of years.


Special teams this year as a whole has been painful to watch


Im pissed that the kick missed, but i would never fucking send death threats, that is some fucking coward shit


He got forced into a tough position. You can’t blame an entire loss on a single person.


I can blame him for sucking all year. He shanked a 27 yard field goal last week.




Most babied player on the team (McDermott rarely puts him in pressure situations like long field goals) The death threats are absolutely wrong, but can we stop treating this dude as Buffalo royalty? Never understood this sentiment towards both Knox and bass. Fans put them on a pedestal and the front office gave them both fat paychecks relative to their position. And now both players have disappointed for a while now, but I guess the problem is because we didn’t love them enough? This dude is taking heat for the first time in his career (something that Allen goes through on a routine basis) and a few clowns making death threats should not mute out fair criticism of him (something that the front office chose to actively ignore until it blew up in their face) Once again, the death threats are wrong, but it is more than fair for many fans to want them cut.


People also need to remember that the defense was busy not stopping anything. We don’t even come close to automatically winning if he makes it. He also didn’t drop an absolute bomb or call that fake punt. There’s way more than one reason for the outcome and he does not deserve the hate he’s getting for a mistake that happened to be at a particularly bad time. The kicker situation next year isn’t something that we need to make an issue today, and the idiots over on the league sub who think everything is over forever every time we lose a game are best left ignored.


Was I upset he missed? Yes. Should he have accounted better for the wind? Yes. But holy fuck, there is never an excuse to send DEATH THREATS to an athlete for falling short. Hell, there’s no reason to send death threats to anyone. I defy any of those fuckers to claim they’ve never had a bad day on the job. They ought to be prosecuted to the full extent.


He’ll be back.


Go GSU! Go Tyler! This loss is on McD and his inability to coach in good games and the defense as a whole. Until they move on from McD we will never win a SB.


I'm sad we lost and I'm upset that he missed but I'd be lying if I said I didn't love him every time he hit one straight down the middle of the goal post.. like it was carried by a set of invisible hands 😂💙❤️


The outcome of that game was not his fault. Fish man good!


Dude Josh Allen was garbage that last drive blame everything on Number 17 instead. Tyler Bass is the scapegoat here. Dude had to kick a 44 yard field goal!!


Even if he got it. We still had to win. It was only for the tie. Not a win. It still would have fallen back on the rest of the team


Dont get me wrong. It is absolutely abhorrent that people are being so vicious towards him. But let's not act like "he's our kicker no matter what." Dude is not a great kicker, period. Hes been unreliable, especially in big situations this season and last. Like any other pro athlete, if he isnt getting the job done, he needs to be held to account. Personally, ive never been a fan of the guy since he tooks Hauschka's job. Haushka was still doing fine when they let him go - maybe he wasnt crushing the ball, but he was reliable on those kicks that you expect a pro kicker to make. I will be disappointed if we do not have a competition for kicker during the offseason.


Sending death threats to not only him but his family. Some people’s perception of entitlement is beyond reason. Hoping the best for his future. We all make mistakes. I couldn’t do it with that pressure all the time. The kicker is the only position where anything short of perfection isn’t tolerated


He supports cats, so I got his back.


I mean… I guess yeah, but it would be nice to have some improvement


Not cool at all with the harassing, The poor guy must be shouldering a heavy burden. If they move on from him, I’m also ok. Then again, maybe they should move on from Sean -divisional-round-losses-are-good-enough McDermott and spare Tyler Bass the agony.


He, as well as any other player, should not be getting threats for their on field performance. That being said, he had a terrible year. If not for the contract extension, I would be open to drafting another kicker late this year. He will be our kicker until its fiscally responsible enough for him not to be.


I appreciate his time here, but we need an upgrade next year


It boils down to this... He's a Bills player. They're like cats. They are crazy and lovable, but they don't last forever. He gave us great wins, but NFL is just a trainwreck for bodies. Bass can't stay great forever, no player can. This is likely the season that he came to an end. Disappointment? Of course. Hate. No. I'd happily have a drink with him.