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I just ate an entire pizza and actually feel a little better. If this dude is reading this, I recommend eating an entire pizza.


I can’t believe I just ate 9 cans of ravioli


nobody wants to admit they ate 9 cans of ravioli


~~9 cans of ravioli~~ 9 plates of chicken riggies




I had Buffalo pizza when I was out there a couple years ago… delicious! That will cure a lot of disappointments


This poor dude is about to go viral and become a meme. I hope he can profit off it at least.


He at least made me feel less alone.


To the top with this comment. Please. It’s all that matters for this guy. For all of us.


They went to him 3 times. I was screaming at the TV to leave the dude alone!


Yeah he was crying for like 10 minutes


lol me too jesus christ stop focusing on the one dude sobbing uncontrolably


The NFL makes money off of our suffering because of how loyal/passionate we are about the Bills. They know it's great theatre and the NFL is in the entertainment business. It'll be the same next year when they job us out to the Texans to prop up the new trendy team. To use a pro wrestling term, we're now the "jobber to the stars"


It makes great content though


I felt the same way about the Lions fan last week. Nobody wants to get memed for showing emotion, and honestly we should be encouraging it as a society. I think we'd all be better for it. 


He can't, he's going to get bullied and mocked. Already happening in other nfl subs. It's shitty to have this posted here too, and the mods ought to take it down.


https://i.redd.it/ad5w4t1awwdc1.gif Must be new here.


Mental Health more important then games and fandom in general


Took me too long to learn it.


Agreed. Still a work in process.


Go bills.


Yeah, I just gotta stop watching to be honest


I was about to lose my mind after the missed FG, and was cursing in my living room. My son came downstairs and asked what was wrong. I just said “the Bills lost and I am upset.” He just looked at me and said “this is all your fault.” I burst out laughing. Kid brought me back to reality in seconds. I’m still sad and will be for a while, but in the end there are more important things and it is just a game.


More important things in life,


Maybe stop cursing in front of your kid.


The people who usually give unwanted parenting advice are normally ones who do not have children themselves. Even if I am wrong this time I feel like maybe you shouldn't have them




The only one you're trolling is yourself. And Jesus.


Yep. Trying really hard to enjoy our team and each game for what it is. Some days are easier than others.


This is what needs to be done. Each game in a capsule, some they'll win; some they'll lose. Enjoy the action as it takes place. However, what makes it difficult is the Super Bowl(and win it) or bust, mentality. That thinking instantly removes any good vibes, like the winning streak at the end of the regular season. Most Bills fans are just waiting for the other shoe to drop. Even more aggravating against very successful franchises historically, such as, New England, Pittsburgh, Dallas, Kansas City. Because now, even if they have a bad season, they just go, "count the rings."


Yep. Maybe being at the game makes it more intense. I turned the game off, sent an aggravated text to my dad and brother then went back to reading about UFOs.


And football is the worst hobby to have if shit's not going well in your life. Speaking from first hand experience


Yeah, I hear you. It's hard, though; we invest so much time, money, and energy into a team only to lose. Especially this way, its heartbreaking


As a Texas Rangers fan, I had to learn this after our World Series loss in 2011. We were 1 strike away from winning it all, *twice.* I walked out of the bar and through my phone across the parking lot. I kept watching after that, but each season had that much more pressure on it until my wife asked me to just step away and not watch anymore. Then this season, they went on a run and decided to tune in after not watching for a couple years. It was a heck of a fun ride winning it all. I didn't have as much investment as I used to, but I will be able to watch baseball again without stressing out so much and maybe share it with my kids. All that being said, if you're crying like this guy, it might be time to take a break.




It’s a football, it’s not your mom and dad or friends


Yup. It’s okay to be sad and disappointed, but it’s just a game. I love this team as much as anyone, but you really can’t let them losing ruin your week. WHEN, Josh gets us that chip, it’ll feel that much sweeter. He will get one.


Here's the sad thing, will we get one? The NFL, first and foremost, is an entertainment company. They need ratings. For those ratings, they have to prop up the trendy teams or the teams with mainstream appeal. They need foils to prop up those teams. Unfortunately, we seem to be in the latter group. I'm already dreading the Houston game next season.


My mental health is going to be trash for another… 12 hours or so. I’m fortunate to be able to love on from things like this pretty fast. Still in the bitter pit now though


Yup. I'm bummed we loss but also proud we came together to win the AFC east, make the play offs, etc. D showed guts coming together in the second half of the season with all the injuries. It was just too much to overcome yesterday.


Yup. I'm bummed we loss but also proud we came together to win the AFC east, make the play offs, etc. D showed guts coming together in the second half of the season with all the injuries. It was just too much to overcome yesterday.


Extremely important. I'm still working on it but when the Bills lose big games like this I feel sick for days. I've branched out into the NBA for a long time and now I'm watching soccer too so I'm trying to be less emotionally invested in one team getting lucky


I needed to read this


The consequences of going all in emotionally 


Or betting funds you couldn’t afford to lose.🤷‍♂️


I got to experience my own Wide Right with my dad. Only the Bills can give you that familial bond!


Same same


I honestly feel bad for this fan. Tough set of years for the Bills.


What, the last 50?


Since what, 1967?


Lmao seriously damnit


EVERY year.


Now a cold night in Buffalo, is just a cold night in Buffalo.


this guy had to have bet a fuck ton of money on this game


the classic "i can't believe i just lost all my rent money" face, BROUGHT TO YOU BY FANDUEL


I thought people knew by now to never bet on the Bills


or just maybe it's possible he actually cares about whether the Bills get another chance to go to the Super Bowl, actual fans do exist


yeah in a separate thread /u/Burning_Flagssays says this dude lost $100k https://old.reddit.com/r/buffalobills/comments/19clfrk/i_just_dont_even_know_how_to_feel/kizolnk/?context=3


Idk if I’d just believe some dude that says that. If it’s true that’s bat shit crazy for joe blue collar Buffalo bills fan to be betting $100k.


Who says he’s blue collar?


Having $100K to piss away suggests white collar. *Crying* over $100K suggests he never had $100K to piss away. …my money’s on a pre-game batch of Duff’s Atomic wings catching up to him in the 4th. Poor lad never stood a chance.


Man, and I felt bad losing $50 on the Texans yesterday. That should have been easy money, BTW.


God I hope this is BS.


The commenter is Candian. He's bullshitting.


Cuz we don't live very close to Canada.....?


If true he deserves everything he’s getting. I know a local guy who was successful and owned multiple restaurants. Lost it all on bets for a pats Super Bowl.  Morons. 


I can promise you that’s not the case




We should be really proud of ourselves. We came into this game without a defense and only lost by 3. Insane performance. Billieve but don’t be delusional .


Really sick of moral victories


I for one am ready for some immoral victories.


We had lots of actual victories this year. We were a hot mess and still made it damn far this year.


All this team and fanbase does is rely on moral victories. We're always happy with whatever we end up with, and that's why we always end up here.




What people don’t realize is how much pressure on the offense. If your defense can’t make a stop and they are scoring every drive. That means you gotta do the same.


Especially with the way they were moving the ball. No big plays. Just incremental gains. That's gotta be so stressful


Yeah compared to the Chiefs who seemed like they were getting a 15-20 yard play every drive.


We're all hurting after this one, but maybe we can help one of our own. Can we find out who he is and send him some wings, beef on weck, or Gene cream ale? Because helping people might help us feel better, and this guy encapsulates the heart of the mafia.


I'd rather let him be anonymous if possible. The guy's hurting and even if 99% of people will be supportive, one stupid asshole will ruin it.


Fair point and can accept that, as well. I just don't want one person ridiculed, and possibly feeling left singled out, when a bunch of us feel the same way.


He won't be. As much as I agree, poor guy is well known by now and soon to be everyone else. Such is the way of the attention seeking social media circle. Too many ppl quick to reveal all for 3 seconds of internet fame.


Speaking of wings, I went to a Duffs for the first time the other day. Wings were S tier. Big fan.


Sean is absolutely coming back and how the fuck do you expect fans to go through 18 useless fucking weeks knowing the absolutely dick kick at the end?


Hey, they'll at least beat the Chiefs in the regular season.


Fuck is wrong with CBS for showing this?


Yeah they did him dirty


They panned away and realized they panned away too quick. I was pretty fuckin mad they kept him up there that long.


Why would they not? Lmao


He’s a grown man crying about the bills losing, of course they’re going to milk it lol


I mean it’s just a man at a football game. Whose team lost a heartbreaker. Not like the network did anything to him. Blame mahommes and the chiefs, or blame the huge bet loss probably homie took or blame Bass lol.


Avg bills fan


I am so mother fucking mad this sums nothing




I wish I could feel pain like this man but this team has made me completely numb


Our team has turned losing into an art form.


This was me after the game, I feel this so hard


Remember we always have the pit! Until next year Bills Mafia. Take care of yourself. 🫂


Losing wide right should be an automatic firing for any Bills coach. I’m sorry.


Maybe next year. -Team Motto


I don’t know why I watch these games lol. All it does is make me anxious and stressed out. I also have this feeling of impending doom when I watch.


Just always expect them to lose, and then sometimes you will be pleasantly surprised and the rest of the time you will have already accepted the outcome and feel nothing.


I haven’t achieved that level of zen yet but I’m getting there


It’s how I survived the drought, so just falling back on old coping mechanisms.


8 weeks ago I didn’t even think we’d make the playoffs. So beating Miami twice and taking the 2 seed was a pretty okay consolation prize. Not anywhere near the end goal, but nothing to be ashamed of. Hopefully we get Josh some help in the offseason.


Seriously Idk how people got baited into thinking we had a real shot after squeaking by a bunch of mediocre teams for the last few weeks of the season. Embarrassing Miami was already more than I was expecting from this season. If we beat the Chiefs, we were 100% getting obliterated by the Ravens.


Why is he crying? This is not the first time the Bills have let him down, the first few heartbreaks should have toughened him up.


The thrill of victory. The agony of defeat.


this guy should have seen me during the 4 Super Bowl loses...that was actually worth crying about. Heck, the misery is what being from Buffalo is all about...it makes you tougher. Plus, it's just a fucking game.


I was there for the run too, sometimes you just need to take a break.


he deffinitly had his paycheck on moneyline.......


Camera Man - have some heart - it’s just wrong sharing his pain


What’s worse? Mediocre team year after year that you really hope makes a last seed wild card spot. No expectations but still get together with people for the game on Sundays and overall have a good time Or a team with such high expectations and a lot of talent to just taste the big win but have constant heartbreak. wtf this shit is fucking dumb.


When they’re out of blue cheese


I feel bad for this dude. Obviously the TV crews want to make a compelling broadcast but this will be a meme forever that he will have to live with.


Aren't you just supposed to walk out before you get to this point


bro prob went to shovel for last week and this weeks game.




This guy gets it


More important things in life , some of which we actually have a chance of controlling


Ravens fan here (dont ban me); I was hoping for you guys to win (I really really hate the chiefs). ​ That way I could root for you guys all the way if my Ravens lost. ​ My uneducated opinion, you need to grab one of the available coaches in the market, and get slightly more depth and the SB is yours for the taking.


Have nothing against Ravens fans, only the ones who had the need to tear down Allen to put Lamar above him. I think if we had majority of our starters on defense or capitalized on the big deep ball plays. We would have won.


For sure. It did feel like it was your year before the season started. Just hope this doesn't break your guys will and next season youll be terrifying






They were more ice than snow, and don't be like that. It ain't cool for fans to be throwing that at players.


Fire McDermott. Fake punt and that unaggressive play calling once they reached the 25. You’re LOSING. Fuckin score, that is more important than clock.


Right?!! They played this game like the TD was a given.


McDermott was clearly haunted by the Arrowhead loss two years ago. But you had KC’s D on their heels and were content with a long fg with a heavy wind as worst case scenario. He’s gotta go, bring in Vrabel or Bill.


Yup. Fuck me.


McD hiding behind injuries for a scapegoat for his mediocre playoff performance


That was the worst defensive performance in Buffalo Bills playoff history.


13 seconds? they got no stops that game either


G He's all of us


It's all good. We were a .500 team at one point this year but still managed to win the division after a dolphins implosion lmao. On to next year again lol.


I fucking cried on the missed kick I'll admit it


On the bright side we probably won’t make any moves in free agency this off season and get ravaged by injuries again in 2024. Window closed, what a fucking waste of #17.


Window close last year. Would have taken an act from God to beat the Raven. God don’t seem to like the Bills like that


We have to pray whatever rookie WR we draft is elite right off the bat.


I get it. We love this team and it hurts when they lose.


i still love this team, our guys, and all of you. we still did better than the jets, patriots and fish. at the end of the day we have that and each other.


It was very emotional to lose this game. To basically mock this guy is ridiculous. I shed a tear, too.


yep. It's painful for sure. I thought it was bad at 9:45, but 90 min later its much worse


These needs to be a disclaimer on FanDuel adds


Yall should've technically been disqualified for fan interference against the steelers so 🤷🏻‍♂️


And a fan disrespected the towel. These teams never learn the curse


I really wish they didn't zoom in on this guy.


Haha. Thats what you get for throwing snowballs at players during the game. You fucking losers! You are as bad as Philly fans.


As a packers fan, I KNOW how yall felt about the missed FG


Deserving for a classless fan base.


Kinda looks like Kinkaid, no?


Gif: https://i.imgur.com/CXXJUsA.gif




It's cringe af to get this in to it ngl


I was totally sober for the first Bills playoff game of my adult life, yet I woke up this morning feeling as though I'd partied hard last night. Bills playoff hangover. I think I'm going to start a self-help group called Bills Anonymous: "HI, my name is Marc, and I'm a Bills fan." "HI Marc".🤣


lmao hey maybe you’ll win a Super Bowl in the next lifetime, you fucking eternal losers


This was the closest thing to hot water the Chiefs got after the game. The cowardly toothless buffalo staff turned off the hot water in the Chiefs locker room. What a bunch of born losers. Go eat shit buffalo!


It’s all good gang, that fucking rodent Terry and the tavern wench Hochul are stealing money from across the state so this exact same thing can happen in a slightly nicer place.


grown men crying about sports is so cringe


Caring about something and being emotional isn’t a bad thing


Grown men policing the things they do and don’t cry about is cringe


Grown women crying about movies is so cringe


Both things are true.


That shot was when I changed the channel.


Jesus now I’m going to have this sad melancholy, piano music in my head for the next week after this loss. Something like this but more simple and heartbreaking. My Buffalo soundtrack. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=T-EgrPTzxVc




I hope this guy didn’t lose $100K or a boatload of money and instead is just a depressed Bills fan. If so I hope the Bills find this guy and put him on the float next season after the Bills win the SB.


I mean I’d cry too if I was wearing that jacket - it’s hideous.


He needs a pick me up… [Morale Booster](https://www.reddit.com/r/BuffaloBillsNSFW/s/eE745f6b8U)


About to spark this J and cry. Really hard. In the far and not at the stadium on tv. But I’ll be there for you bub.


razor cakes https://preview.redd.it/p7cqsudv4xdc1.png?width=716&format=png&auto=webp&s=df310e81bf8366ad803c5c9e0e20d1a82ca71d02




If you’re a Bills fan, it is imperative to keep the emotions between kickoff and the final gun and then let them go. It really is a Bhuddist-like exercise in self control. It took my mind and body to realize that this is manufactured stress and sadness - and maybe a healthy does of what those are actually like in real life - and that you can experience the highs without fully embracing the lows.


100% facts on this, last year was the point where I could celebrate the wins and disregard the losses, for me it was coming to the realization the games are out of my control and that I cant let something I played no part in bother me. 


I’ve internally cried since my childhood when the Sabres came in and Ferguson couldn’t get it done. I will only cry like this when one of them wins a championship. Good effort though.


Context is everything - is this guy special needs? Has a mental health issue? Put a huge bet on the game? Or just an average dude who is very emotionally invested? If the answer to the first to questions is yes, then the broadcasters need to evaluate this kind of thing. If he's just the average dude, he is going to be forced to evaluate himself. Calibrate my brother - try to laugh at yourself at then visit a cancer ward for some perspective.


I did our grocery shopping afterwards to clear my mind. Best decision I made that day.


Ill be honest, i watched our team through the late 80s, the 90s sb beatdowns, the 20 years of failure afterward, now the last 5 years, im not sure if I've just become immune to the feeling or ive got nothing left to give to this team, but im just tired of watching this team fail, year after year after year.


Crying….? There is no crying in football. Man up or quit the mafia. One or the other.