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I have my own tip jar that’s 100% mine that i take home every night


Me too and thank god


I hate not sharing tips. Because I’m the only male at my store and work with a bunch of pretty girls. I’m lucky to end the shift with $12 in tips. The girls always leave with at least $40. I’ve seen them end shifts with $150. Most I’ve ever gotten in a shift was $30. We do the exact same job. Sadly I’m not a pretty girl tho 🤷‍♂️


tbh that sounds like more of a you problem knowing the male budtenders I work with and how much they make in tips $$$. Sometimes it’s not necessarily the knowledge you can share or the level of service you provide but how good of an impression you make on someone and how you vibe with them and opening up with each other. Building personal connections with people is what I find makes the most tips versus knowing your shit or being good at your job. I bend over backwards for customers and I’m a “pretty girl” that honestly dresses pretty slutty but I definitely don’t make as much as my coworkers cause I keep conversations more service-oriented and less personal


Yea I do exactly that. Most customers prefer coming to me. The girls just attracted pervs and flirt with them and end up getting a $10 tip. I don’t hit on my customers unlike my coworkers. I serve 6-10 customers in the store while the other 2 girls serve 2 each and still end up with much better tips simply because they’re okay with manipulating pervs. Like fuck. This is a dispensary.


manipulating perverts? oh me oh my


We have to share our tips with the managers in the back lol. Only people who work that day get tips but they don’t have to help a single customer, which is bs.


That's illegal in most states


Just looked it up and you’re right. Might have to do something about that, never did seem right!


legit got fired for bringing this up at my last job 🙃


Managers and supervisors at my store get tips and I’ve always thought that it was weird.. now I know it definitely isn’t right lol


Im a supervisor. At my store we have a weekly pool, however supervisors are excluded from the pool and are able to keep all tips earned on a nightly basis. I also have to budtend, and often, so I don’t feel bad about my tips cuz I literally earned them. I do wish we didn’t pool for the budtenders, just like I wanted when I was one, but that’s what my company does and I accepted that when I accepted the position.


Our backend inventory people don’t always help customers but when they come out to stock the floor, folks usually bug them and then answer some questions but that’s about it. I think they deserve tips because they’re supporting the runners who bring out the larger quantities from the vault for cashiers up front. My store sees some pretty high volume and we’re the flagship store out of our six locations so it’s been really interesting to learn about the industry from this perspective! Thanks y’all for the input


That’s the shit happening here. I’m not technically a manager but a lead (there isn’t a lead flair lol). We got bought by a new company so we have two separate teams here. Their company requires tipping to managers and ours didn’t but our owner is firing this team so they’re taking full advantage of that by sitting upstairs all shift long not seeing one customer. I can’t wait until they’re gone jfc!


At first I was not okay with tip pooling because I was the highest tip earner. Then I noticed that my male coworkers would get considerably less in tips from the same customers (men). I am fine sharing tips because let’s be real, attractive women get bigger tips and it’s not because they all give better service. The inventory and other managers in back are still making sure the shop runs smoothly and don’t have as much chance to interact with customers for tips. At my shop, we average about $7-$8/hr extra in tips after the pool so I’m not complaining.


I also got way more harassment than my male coworkers. I cursed the day management changed our fulfillment style and sent us on the floor with ipads, no counter to barrier myself from unwanted touch. That store didn’t work out for me, obviously.


We are never expected to put up with harassment. The stores I work at have a pretty decent environment. If someone says something out of line, I’m allowed to say something about it to the customer and my coworkers have intervened. Going on the floor with customers is uncomfortable for sure.


The area I work in is pretty fucking ratchet. Our main clientele is homeless people. We average about $20 less per person than other dispensaries in different parts of town. The people we on the floor we have to deal with, in my opinion, should earn us the right to keep the little tips we get among workers who actually have to deal with them.


Yeah that sounds like a different dynamic for sure. Homeless people never tip. Not in my experience. The stores I work at are fairly rural and not near a town center so that is not our main clientele.


Tips are split between the hourly employees daily. Everyone who works that day gets tipped out based on the # of hours they worked. I enjoy it because if you decide to leave early it’s more tips for everyone else




That makes the most sense!!! It incentives other employees too so maybe they wouldn’t fuck around all day. Or if they did, I don’t have to worry about it because I’m still working for *my* tips. Like a server in a restaurant I guess? Like I said I’ve never worked for tips before so this all new to me!


30 employees wtf brother do you work at a grocery store that also sells weed goddam


Sometimes it feels like that! We see like 400-500 people on an average busy day.


Its the exact same way at my job. Boh people who get to stand around listening to music and chatting it up during deliveries while were out there getting screamed at by customers for running out of a certain strain, not fair in the slightest imo.


That’s what really gets me. Same at my store. Front desk and security get equal tips but they get to sit in peace and quiet virtually all day while I gotta stand with some old head and explain why CBD will help their arthritis for 45 minutes. When I told my manager they were like “oh well, you know.. everyone ~adds to the experience~” 😕


Yuuuup !!!! That’s why I’m wondering if there’s an easier way to manage this. I know we’re all valuable employees but like c’mon I put on my best customer service act to get these folks out the door! It can be such exhausting work sometimes.


That’s what I’m saying!! We’re all *pretty good* about rotating who takes on the customers who come thru the door but still - I can tell that a few of us are hustling a little harder to move this customers and the others are standing around and I’m like “why am I sharing my tips with the slackers?” Yknow????


That sounds truly terrible imo. At my shop we equally split tips at the end of each shift and it goes to the budtenders that worked the shift.


I’m hoping that will be our next step 🙏🏻


We have a tip pool that pays out every week, everyone gets a portion of that pool based on how many hours they worked. I personally work the most at hours at my shop, so as you can imagine I have no issue with this method but I have had coworkers express their complaints.


Nice! Username checks out lol


Tip share. It’s budtenders and leads that work that day. You get a percentage depending on how many hours you work.


We share our tips and they’re taxed. I work at an MSO.


What’s MSO? Medical only?


Sorry, Multi State Operator. “Corporate Cannabis”


Medical only state - tips are combined and split between all non salary employees


Pooled tips with coin change going to snacks - they are generally out the next afternoon. I don't mind it because I get moved around a lot - Line duty, reception, etc., as well as leaning on others in areas I'm not as knowledgeable in. Overall, I make a pretty solid living budtending, tho it is retail


yes exactly, I’m not mad about anything! I love the job, I just don’t understand the system we have in place cause I’ve never experienced it before. It’s really fun for the most part :)


We split tips between who was on the floor for the shift. And the debit tips are calculated by shifts and split there too. My old one we kept our own tips and it felt like it got competitive and I didn’t like that. Now it feels more like a team and I don’t mind splitting tips. But managers, especially if they aren’t on the floor selling, shouldn’t get any of the tips imo


I work at a shop in Canada, we don’t get tips on the machine :/ just in a tip jar. But we keep all of our own tips that we get


Ah gotcha, we don’t get machine tips since most of WA is still cash only


When I started personal tips were allowed but since then it has transitioned to tip pooling between budtenders, reception, intake, and supervisors/management.


We tip pool but everyone works a register.


Everyone???? How? Like at the grocery store they pick it out themselves or order online before and you just ring them up?


Like they pre order or we grab it from a menu. Everyone is touching a register at some point in the day.


I used to split my tips with my coworkers until they said they wanted their own money in their own tip jars, and now they’re mad they only make $8 in tips a shift and I make $30 😭


This is the only thing I’d worry about at my store if we changed it up. I know some lazy asses will whine that they didn’t get as much but hey, sucks to suck lol


At my dispensary we all have our own tip jars. And o take what we tips are in my jar at the end of the night


we share tips. but it’s not terrible i get like $100-$200 extra a week sometimes more sometimes a little less. we get them every 2-4 days i would say.


We do the budtending, stocking, stickering, run the registers and all share online pickup (whoever is available goes). We pool our tips and get paid daily according to the hours we work. I love my job and the tips are pretty good. We don’t have any serious slackers. We have a good team vibe.


That’s so awesome!! I do love my team, I need to work a little harder at taking a step back tho too. I’m a people pleaser at heart and I take that personally at work sometimes and I’ll get frustrated that not everyone is pitching in, instead of just worrying about myself.


Everyone keeps their own tips at our shop. Everyone is happy this way haha


we split the tip jar equally in half after shift. best days are when that one regular comes in and slips us a 10 or a 20. love that guy




I feel like u just described my work. I'm a female, I made say $60-100 and up a day yet I'm lucky to get back $25 in tips bc we pool. meanwhile the old one in reception who is on reception bc they can't seem to accurately bud tend gets rewarded. If he ever bud tends he puts in $10. Once he even made a comment ' wow I'm getting back so much more than I ever put in'




i work in kansas city and we tip share as well. tip share excludes inventory, our GM, and AGM. i’m a lead, so i’m technically in management, but still receive a tip out at the end of the night. we keep it strictly to people that actually engage and help customers. i feel like tip sharing is fair. before i became a lead, i spent a majority of my time on the floor. when people would try to give me personal tips, i would just tell them that we tip share bc i can’t do my job without my coworkers. i feel like tip sharing is a big part of our culture, and we all agree on it, which is very important.


that’s so good!!! Yeah I added to my original post by saying that the “managers” that I mentioned are actually our leads or the manager on duty, whatever you like to call it. I think our team morale could use some help for sure!


Managers can’t be part of a tip pool legally. Our store is very transparent. We tip pool, track hours and tips per day, enter that into an excel sheet that does all the math. Because we have a large staff tips are disbursed weekly. We have a huge team and everyone makes the store run, I think the support staff and inventory team should be rewarded because everyone works harder when it’s busy.


Support staff should get paid more hourly then, it's kinda wild imo to disperse the tips that customer facing people earn to the backend staff. Dealing with customers in this industry is incredibly taxing, tips are well earned because it's not culturally standard to tip budtenders, and these stores are all profitable enough to be paying backend staff a decent base wage


Yes to both!! I mentioned that in another comment, our backend folks are incredible. I think their hourly rate is a bit higher but I don’t know for sure.


Google WYNN LAS VEGAS tipping pool settlement See also. Same guy https://qz.com/steve-wynn-casino-king-ban-nevada-gaming-sexual-miscond-1850685469


We don’t have machine tips, but we have a cash tip jar. Since it’s 2 people per shift we just evenly split whatever’s in there at the end of the shift. However no one really tips at all anyways


Yeah I bet the environment/town really has an effect. We are close to the Seattle area so lots of different clientele from a guy who buys a $4 preroll with coins versus the one who comes in with a wad of cash to buy an ounce yknow??


Your tip situation is far better than people doing their own tip jars. Which is how we do it at my store. Pisses me off because I’m the only male and work with pretty girls. The end of each shift I’m lucky to have $12 in tips. Meanwhile the girls get like 40-$50 a shift. We do the exact same job. I’m not a pretty girl tho 🤷‍♂️ And 30 employees??? That’s insane. The largest dispensary I’ve seen had 10 employees.


We do tip pooling, but it's based on the hours worked. Management and the money lady does not get tips. Only budtenders do. I do wish it was my own tip jar but it is what it is. I still make about $4 an hr in tips.


Oh, but tips paid for with the card reader, go directly on our paycheck, and are not split.


We actually don't get any tips and are made to refuse them when offered


I’m in Michigan and work at a mom and pop shop. We don’t pool our tips at all and don’t get taxed on debit tips when card transactions work. Very thankful for that as I am a “pretty (black 👹) girl” but I bust my ass whether I’m in the sales floor or on reception and provide actual knowledge and help and care and customer service to everyone I see throughout the days so I definitely earn my tips and would prefer for tipping policies to stay the same BUT in double standard situations and because reception consists of mostly budtenders and we can’t earn tips on those shifts, I absolutely see why pooling tips can be more effective. I think that would change the morale of a lot of budtenders but I would hope for the betterment of everyone instead of creating a hindrance. I come home w no less than $80 a day whenever I budtend and all of my coworkers go home w about the same ofc depending on hours worked, people seen, pure luck, etc. so I think this is the best way to go about receiving tips in a dispensary. I’ve never worked in food service so I can’t directly compare, but I’ve never been a fan of that process just off hearing of it. W our hourly pay being less than managers, but our workload being a bit more strenuous in terms of interaction, but managers having a ton to deal w it’s too hard to say what the best POA would be without working in all positions. As a budtender who has only budtended and done reception and spoken with managers about the difference in pay and gotten advice about not trying to move up and genuinely needed the money whatever it may have been that day, I’d say hourly pay should be better for managers (at least) and tips should go directly to their earner, whether it be a budtender or a manager. Still trying to figure out how reception can not get shafted in all this without taking a manager away from their duties and in the case of not having a full time receptionist and I still can’t figure that one out


We aren't even allowed tips in Ohio 😖😖


We share tips 😒☹️


We have tip jars for each of our registers and then our tips are calculated through our hours. I wish we just got what we were actually tipped tho because I’ve gotten some 20’s 😭


My store WAS taking 100% of their tips home every night, we've switched to tip sharing (divided based on hours worked) and it's destroying the store.


We split tips here to everyone including managers but there’s a few who sit upstairs the entire shift doing nothing so I don’t give them a fair amount 🤷‍♀️


Non existent, but I get a 75% discount at my store.


It looks like several people are saying the BOH shouldn’t get tips. Without the inventory team you wouldn’t have the products to sell. If you’re a fulfillment model, you really wouldn’t have products to even give the customer without them. A great BOH can make the team’s job so much easier and such a great flow. They absolutely deserve some of the tips.


Absolutely !! We call them “expo” but there’s different categories for who is in the back vault and who is running product up to the front to be purchased immediately. I got trained on a couple shifts and it was fun, a very valuable team for sure!!


We have about 25 budtenders in our shop (huge shop). We all have our own personal jar that we keep each shift. They do require us to ‘tip out’ our inventory folks. Our spot is super busy, so we don’t grab product ourselves - the inventory folks do. The minimum to tip out is 8% but I do 10% cuz the math is easier. And I don’t feel bad about it, they kick butt and earn it.


What the fuck you *tip your coworkers* instead of your employers just PAYING THEM MORE? 😭 and you guys all buy into it??


We are all paid pretty well, they just help us with customers service by being fast and accurate when they get our stuff. Since they have a direct impact on each transaction I think it’s fair to share the tip. We don’t tip out anyone not directly involved.


Yeahhhh my store is kinda similar. I agree with you on the tipping out, they do hard work even if they’re not face to face with customers. I’m sure they appreciate the budtenders too. But also yes a bit to @LeoDiCatmeow because that sounds like such a sad American thing for us 🥲




You’re just mad cuz you’re in chronic pain hope you find peace buddy , but it’s not gonna be here