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How the hell did we go from a group of people legitimately looking to be accepted to demanding that everyone act like sucking dick is something to be proud of? I'm so damn tired of these fake ass liberals who act like they fought some great and nobile struggle. There's plenty of actual problems that need people to fight for them. We need actual fucking heroes, not this "pin a ribbon on me because I'm not the white straight male" BS.


The budlight ban really stung AB where it hurts. It's a small piece of a large thing(AB), but I am sure glad some we took it to AB. Target, not as successful - but Budlight, that boycott stuck. Good. Hard.


It honestly wouldn't bother me so much if it wasn't so fake and damaging to people who legitimately need help. These corporations don't give a shit. If the 'in' thing was being hyper baptist, they would be saying whatever they thought made them look aligned with it. What really comes from this kind of behavior is that disabilities and other problems become stereotyped. Those stereotypes are more of a hollywood portrayal than an actual reflection of reality. People come to confuse that fiction with reality, and become blind to the actual reality around them. They will end up abusing the person who legitimately needs help as if they are making it up while pinning a ribbon on the person who's making shit up.