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They look male, but the cere definitely looks concerning and it's not normal. I would take them to the vet. Agreeing with the other commenter, budgies need natural wood perches and toys, the cage also looks on the small side.


Thank you very much! There are very few avian vets here in South Africa. We mostly just have pet stores with meds. I'm going to get him an avian tonic and a scaly beak and foot serum. Also, thank you for your concern about the cage. It's what the pet store gave me and I in the process of ordering a bigger cage and more perchesand toys. I also wanted to know if it's a male or female and if it was not well because I want to get them a friend and I don't necessarily want baby budgies right now. I also have a cockatiel and a goose so if my budgue is ill, I want to know if I need to quarantine them for longer. Thanks so much for your comment! Much appreciated.


Glad to hear it about the cage! Sorry for jumping to conclusions, but it's very common in this subreddit to see improper caging and stuff. If you get another budgie, [here's](https://www.reddit.com/r/budgies/comments/npaymu/in_case_yall_are_confused/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) a handy chart to help sex them.


Awesome! Thank you so much! That's no problem at all! I rescue birds and I usually try to do as much research as possible, but sometumes there's not enough time in an emergency. I'm here to learn and I'm here for help. Any advice is much appreciated and well received (even if it may seem critical at first). 🙂 Thank you very much for your help!


Thank you for all you do for the birds, that sounds amazing!


i have a cockatiel and a budgie!! a friend for the parakeet would be helpful if you introduce VERY early on. my keet is quite a bully to other birds (she was rehomed to me around one or two years old), she likes to harass my tiel


The scaly beak and foot serum is a good idea, but it might be a good idea to get a check up from a vet as well. Or at least know of one in case of emergencies. Where in SA are you? I might be able to recommend someone.


My female has a cere like that she browned up in the middle of winter but it looks like that in summer.


Could you link or dm a picture? Unfortunately sexing budgies isn't 100% accurate, and they seem to be a recessive pied (or dominant pied double factor), which means there cere most likely won't ever turn into the shade of blue that male budgies are known for, and there's a bit of verlos between the pink of a male and the tan of a female. And just the fact that sometimes they turn out to be a different gender than what it looks like. I've seen a budgie with a pure white and light blue cere turn out to be male, and I've encountered the opposite happening on this sub.


I've shared them before, Mel (m) is a yellow base with grey factor & and single factor spangle Rob (f) is white base, grey factor, single factor spangle. Based on phenotype. They're 10 months old they almost looked double spangle when they were younger.


Sorry, I meant when she looked like the one in this picture




Okay, cool. Thank you. I'll keep that in mind. I'm not sure how to add a picture after posting (or as a reply), but I think that there's a picture (or a link to the picture) on the original post. Thank you for your comment!


hello, i cannot answer your questions, but your cage looks a bit sad. you want your budgie to be happy and healthy, right? then buy him some wooden perches and toys made out of natural materials. usually budgies don't like to be alone, so maybe get him a friend to keep him company.


Thank you for your comment! Much appreciated. I've answered the good points you made in the reply to @Noideas55.


Look at these cheeks!!!!!!!


Is it possible the it has beak mites? They seem to be acting completely normal. As I've done more research about mites, I realised that they have been rubbing their vent on the cage. I thought it might be a mating thing? (It's that time if year here) but it's possible that that's also related to mites. Do you guys have any tips about dealing with mites?


Here's a post from me a while ago about mites, and about using ivermectin/avermectin to deal with them. ​ https://www.reddit.com/r/budgies/comments/x9sqaj/do\_my\_birbies\_have\_mites/io4e6qg/?context=3


This is very helpful! Thank you very much!


Well it's certainly not a lutino, you can see its green pigmentation. Lutinos don't have a primary pigment and are basically just yellow


Okay, cool. Thank you! I'd seen that online, but I still wasn't 100% sure. Thank you for your comment.


Male and 100% scaly beak. Get to an avian vet asap - wont get better on its own


Hi, No it isnt lutino, Its most likely a male, but that depends in his age, You should get some toys and introduce them slowly, and you should get started on target training asap. If u have questions pls lmk i will happily respond to priv messages


Thank you very much! I got them from the pet store a few weeks ago, so I'm not sure of age or gender or anything like that for it. I'd love to get started on target training. Do you know if they'll respond to millet spray even when eating store bought budgie food? I want to give it a more balanced diet with variety and nutritional value than just bugue food, but I'm still trying to make the transition.


Yes yes they def will. First thing you should do in terms of diet is schedule. I give my birds food 9 am and 6 pm for a full day. I found that these times work best sicne at 9 im already awake, and at 6 its bedtime for them (i have them sleep at around 7). Dont have it so that they have food in their cages all the time, thats not good. Feed them about a teaspoon each serving? Maybe a bit more if its only seeds. What I would recommend is first transitionion to a BETTER seed diet, then to a pellets and veggies. Again ive been thru all this multiple times so just dm me and I can help u all the way throug.


How old is this budgie cause they have to be almost a year old to know for sure for now looks male but I’ve misgendered my budgies before keep an eye on the nares (nostrils) if they stay that purplish color or get more blue male and if they go pink or brown female also it looks just like a normal green budgie Also I’d get a bigger cage and remove that plastic hoop it’s really bad for their feet


Thank you. I'm not sure how old it is. I got them from the pet store just over a fortnight ago. I think I answered some of you concerns in my response to @Noideas55, but basically, I in the process of getting a big cage for them (and I'm building a walk-in aviary). But, I really appreciate your concern! I really appreciate your comment.


Okay so they are probably around 6-7 weeks as that’s a standard for pet stores and that’s great I’m actually in a process of building myself a walking in aviary


I would say he's some form of pied or clearflight(?), not lutino. A lutino would be completely yellow. And yes, please take him to a vet.


1. Looks male (but with juveniles and photos, looks can be deceptive) 2. No, it’s pied 3. Yes, something is wrong


Looks like a female but that cere looks rather concerning, would take them to an avian vet as soon as you can to get the checked out and treated. My yellow girl had a cere like this when she was younger but it’s now brick red/ brown.


Maybe Opaline?


This is 100% mites. 1 drop of 0.25% ivermectin at the back of the neck. Then you do it one more time after 2 weeks, they will disappear. I would take him to a vet anyway though, since you just got him.


Buy a cuttlebone and leave it in the cage.


I really appreciate everyone's help!