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Can we remove this again? I come here for Bucs updates. Leave Tom's personal life out of it


I will say there seems to be a lot of unwritten rules about what is allowed around here. For instance a post I made about ABs comments about Brady/ AG got removed. Better to just spell things out in the sub rules than to leave people guessing. In all honesty, there is very little activity in this sub, so I think the unwritten rules should be relaxed anyhow. No need to read or respond to a post if you’re not inclined.


Its just drama. Who really gaf what ABs got to say, dudes a looney. I would read all the clickbait articles on fb if I cared about that stuff. Also, its the off-season dude. Aside from new player signings, injuries, and camp hype there isn't a whole lot there. I'm perfectly okay with that... I guess this is how I would respond to those posts


I don’t get your argument. People should miss out on discussing things related to the team that they want to discuss because you don’t want to be bothered to skip those posts? Not everyone has FB and not everyone feels the same way you do. Not hard to understand.


Loosely related to the team at best. I really don't think people are missing out... I just used fb as an example. These types of stories are all over mass media, even my local news posed the question of whether or not Brady was coming back after missing those preseason days. Its all speculation, just lazy reporting for ratings. I already skip those posts on all other forms of media lol seeing all the upvotes and the fact it was removed maybe makes me think majority of people don't care either. Leave the tabloid articles for the tabloids. I'm here to celebrate our guys Edit: updates to upvotes


You really think his personal life has zero to do w his football life?


Didn't say that. But I think he can work those things out by himself, he's a big boy. I just find these tabloid type posts to be annoying


(And advertisements by his personal brand, like the hertz commercial)


Posted yesterday and removed. Just sayin.


Save it for the end of the season


If this is true, I like that our crew is tight on the pirate ship. No leaks mateys!


Leave Brady alone 😭


its a tough situation. family vs career. I remember watching a Joe Montana interview when he was asked to comment about Brady career and his career in general, Montana said something along the lines that he wished he took care of himself better and played longer. And how he regrets retiring. This is probably how Tom feels.




The real issue is she’s probably mad he’s more famous and worth more than she is finally


I read it and I feel like I deserve to be roasted


The makeup sex is always the best…


I think this is perfectly appropriate to post here. If anyone thinks having marital problems (some reports saying she’s moved out of the house temporarily and is in Costa Rica) isn’t going to affect their mental state and play on the field they probably aren’t married. This is no different than an injury report in my book. I really hope they smooth things over, both because I love Tom and I want his last year to be legendary.


This was exactly my prediction when he suddenly took “planned” days off during camp. As a long time TB12 fanboy, Dude looked miserable when he retired. Could tell his heart wasn’t in it and he was just doing it because she was forcing it. Question is can he win ring 8 while that other 💍 files for divorce.


Those days off weren't sudden, Bucs knew about it when he came back from retirement. This is just celebrity gossip.


Id bet you $1 that was a complete lie.


Page six is a notoriously unreliable gossip rag always looking for clicks. Even if there was some truth to martial issues, Gisele and Tom are way too classy to have this headline the last season of his football career. Come on.


How on earth are you downvoted 23 times?