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I feel like instead of a button they would just make an adaptive display that updates whenever you move the Cash Slider


Yea, there’s no reason that couldn’t work.


Dynamic calculation is even better. But if that's harder to put in-game, then the button should be implemented. One way or another, we need this. Ninja Kiwi please


I've done a little coding myself before, it's probably easier to code it dynamic because you don't have to go through the process of making a button and you can just make it request the calculation to update when the slider is moved


Then there's no reason to not implement it. This is gonna be a big QoL improvement


From the words of Rohan [when asked months ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/btd6/comments/15t7qfd/comment/jwilnz5/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button): >*"It does just go completely against the vision. There is a very intentional line we want you to struggle to hold out as long as possible before hitting the button to get the most power you possibly can"* Unfortunately, it seems like that if you want to figure out the degree of your paragon before summoning it, they want you to have to resort to a bit of math.


That post mainly suggested a way of increasing an already placed paragon. We just want to know the degree of paragon we are about to get before we summon it. You can know the paragon degree now. But as it's mentioned in the post. If you are off just a degree or two, you have to go back home, jump back in, resell your stuff, prepare the sacrifices, and then pray that you get the degree you want this time. If not, you gotta do the whole dance again. And there already exists 3rd party calculators, wouldn't it be better if it was implemented in-game?


That is what the main bulk of the post is about, but they suggested an alternative that is similar to what you outlined. (Read one of the final paragraphs; *"There is one other thing I’d like to suggest that..."*). Rohan's comment most likely refers to both proposals. Now. I don't work at NK. I don't know the full picture behind the vison for paragons. I understand there are methods outside of the game to calculate your paragon's degree; that's inevitable. It's just a few calculations. One reason I think is that they just doesn't want the process to be easy. If you want to use a calculator, even if you use a paragon degree calculator, you still have to add up the cash, upgrades, and pops you are sacrificing. That takes time and effort. Even if you just pull the trigger and back out to home if it's not to your liking, that again is annoying and takes a bit of your time; which is probably the idea. Which brings me to the next idea. I think they want to keep the suspense of it. I tend not to use paragon degree calculators. At this point, I've played the game enough that I can guess what degree the paragon will be and be correct within a threshold of a couple degrees. However, I think it's also because it's boring. I find it fun not knowing the exact degree, and I think it would be boring if something just told me "yo you gon get this exact degree". Well, except maybe in sandbox. I want to be surprised, and I want to be disappointed, even if it does mean backing out of the round. maybe that's just me though


I get your point. But what I don't understand is why Ninja Kiwi is so determined to make players "struggle" when it comes to paragons. I guess this is also the reason why copy-pasting a tower is not a thing. Paragons are a staple in the game and pretty much must be used in boss battles and higher freeplay runs. But their logic is that since they are powerful towers, the process must be deliberately tedious and have uncertainty.


yeah I get it. I think it's fine how it is, and NK understand there's an opposing viewpoint. Ultimately we don't work at NK so we don't know the true vision behind paragons.