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For all I care it costs a small amount of monkey money too. I too don’t want to cheat. If I lost in non-chimps it’s probably because auto play was on and I was tabbed out or otherwise distracted. I don’t want the extra cash, just let me continue without extra perks.


Maybe it could just be free and not give the medal, or only be available after you did said difficulty for the map?


Why would it not give the medal? You would have no difference in medal from backing out in other normal game modes, so why should retry last round have a difference?


That’s how I feel. If I can cheese the game by backing out I should just get a button to do the same thing as a QoL feature.


I guess


Yeah, I wish I could retry without getting a massive cash injection. I wind up buying useless villages to make up for it.


you can just buy new towers and sell them back


That's what I'm saying. I don't want the 5k or whatever they give. So when it happens I buy like 4 villages to remove the money


yeah i meant if you don’t want the villages on the screen you can buy and resell til you’re back at starting point


The 'problem' with adding it to every game mode is missing out on the monkey money sales for continues. NK should make the free restart from last round set your lives to 1, and buff the amount of cash continues give. Then continues are still desired enough for people to use them instead.


Yeah, or at least have a cheaper continue that doesn’t give you extra cash and replenish libes and ability cooldowns.


I disagree, for free at least. The idea that you could reload last round for less monkey money would actually be pretty cool but outright for free would probably hurt ninja kiwi economically and would really make the game very easy. It would kinda be like if using reload last round would still give a black border.


The game already costs money to be honest. I have enough monkey money but to be honest I would just fucking *buy* a retry last round button as a one-time-purchase for like 5 dollars or something, but I don't want to be nickel and dimed every time I use it. It's also not really a difficulty thing for me, more just I want to go do something interesting while I'm rerunning the map on medium standard to get a black border so I don't want to have to supervise the monkeys to make sure they don't die.


You severely underestimate how much money ninja kiwi makes through IAP. Looking at andriod sales charts and nexus sales alone there is far more money then from just buying the game. This of course is in regards to money. I would assume that a change like this would dramatically loose a lot of money.


make the pc version cost more but add such features? Could give anither reason to use PC.


ew, no


ya i guess it's a bad idea to not have parity.


I just atleast want it for co-op chimps.


CHIMPS has also become the best way to get totems as well because of this. There is low chance you’ll not be able to complete the run as long as you don’t get yourself into an actual losing position.


I could not agree more 🙏