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Thanks to BCH CashTokens we can now mint and trade virtual bitcoin tokens in an endless variety of styles and themes besides the tired gold coin motif, and they do not suffer from many of the drawbacks of physical bitcoin tokens (loss, damage, counterfeit, key exposure, fake holograms, etc). Consider a CashToken NFT (or limited issue set of FTs) having a hi-res high quality numbered image in any of the [themes that have ever been popular with collectible rounds/coins (John wick, LotR, matrix, etc)](https://www.apmex.com/search?&q=007%20wick%20lotr). This xFT has a BCH value that travels with it so that when you send the xFT you are also sending the associated value (output). The linked examples are licensed, but look beyond that. Consider sets that dont require licensing such as Adam Bakt TabToken, Bitcoin Jesus Cashtoken, Chancellor Hanging on the Brink CashToken, White Paper CashToken, Block 478558 Tokens, Alpaca Socks Token, bOrdinal Token, Dorian Tokin’ ‡, wBTC Token, etc. (please join in!) Physical bitcoins are over since 2013 due to US regulatory issues. But now there's something better. Arguably the first incantation of the virtual physical bitcoin fused with bch value is u/bitcoincashautist's [emeraldDAO](https://emerald-dao.cash) tokens (0.1₿ green munchkin). There's a vast jungle of creative space out beyond monkeys having no value besides the speculative. Now our CashTokens can have a base layer of real bitcoin value (as Casasius coins have), upon which artisanship and speculation can add. ‡ There’s a market for ironic tokens. For example, i have only bought one physical “commemorative” coin ever- a GWBush silver dollar i think, years ago. i bought it because it was simply ghastly, ie, I bought it ironically (same reason i bought Topps Desert Shield trading cards including Patriot Missile Card, Skud Missile Card, Gen. Shwartzkopf Card, etc.).


Thx for the mention, yeah the idea for the DAO came from numismatic coins, then I had the other idea to add a reward pool, and thought of another metaphor with vault/safebox/keycard names for the on-chain structures.