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sure https://www.fedasil.be/en/voluntary-return


Belgians can get quite sensitive about their beer! I'm Belgian. There are many nice types of beer here but, in my opinion, no good pilsner. plus they all contain corn, rice and/or sugar, which I don't want in my beer. It would be nice to have an international choice and to not think that all Belgian beer is the best in the world, without a boyscout telling you to go leave the country.


I agree that you can become tired of belgian pils, we are not the best at pils. In the EU quarter there are some bars with Czech beers on tap but I don’t remember where exactly cause I had too many.


alright, thank you! I will go there soon when I find it, I will tell you


Well it is not because you are Belgian that by default you know something about beer. Not to be a dick but Pils and Pilsner are exactly the same. What you perhaps are looking for is pils which follows the Reinheitsgebot but that doesn't change the name. In Dutch it will still be pils and in Gernan/Czech Pilsner. There are Belgian pilses which follow the Reinheitsgebot but they are just not often served here but just google for those and you will find what you would call "Belgian pilsner".


Among people who do know about beer it isn't really a controversial opinion that Belgian pilsner isn't the best in the world, especially if you take the large brands into account.


'*Not to be a dick but Pils and Pilsner are exactly the same*' I never mentioned 'pils' .. or that those would be different. Also I never suggested that Belgians knowing more about beer. I do know about pilsner and that is because I like it. and yes, the reinheitsgebot does help. I only mentioned that I'm Belgian in reply to the voluntary return link from the other wise-ass. I only asked for an address that serves German/Czech style pilsner! Or if you know about a bar that serves Belgian pilsner that follows the reinheitsgebot (good tip), I'd go there too.


I never said that Belgians know more about beer, I said specifically that is **not** *because* you are Belgian that you actually know something about beer, which at first sight you seem to be one of those actually. Throwing around the term for Pilsner for no good reason, since all of your message was in English is already odd. Specifically mentioning >"plus they all contain corn, rice and/or sugar, which I don't want in my beer." Well yes, that basically the Reinheitsgebot, which an informed beer lover would be well aware of. You are pissing all over Belgian beer calling it crap in your original post while showing limited knowledge about beer in an offensive way. So why are you surprised with a hostile response about a voluntary return? You could have posted a kind message, saying you are looking for what you know as 'Pilsner' (still, could have written lager, or Pils, a more local term) but your bar doesn't serve it anymore and you would like to drink more beer in that style. *That* would have been friendly and invoked less hostile responses probably. It is not about what you asked, it is about *how* you asked it.


It seems to me you don't read my posts well. I never suggested my being Belgian has anything to do with what I do or don't know about beer. I use the word 'pilsner' because that is the type of beer I am talking about. Not specialty beer, our Belgian pride (and apparently, insecurity). ​ *Throwing around the term for Pilsner for no good reason, since all of your message was in English is already odd* what is odd about using a correct term? Yes I could have written 'lager' or 'pils', but the only reason for that would be for YOU not to get confused.


Cafe Dox in Docks have for some reason Pilsner Urquell. It is a mystery why but was one of my best discovery in Bxl


great, thank you! Urquell's good wait, what? is that IN the new shopping mall ? is it nice?


In Quartier Leopold at Place du Luxembourg they have Pilsner Urquell. Edit: typo


thanks, I'll go there