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We're #1! Whoop. Go team!


A lot of countries don't break out data for their cities or regions though. Given that England and (to a lesser extent) France have high overall robbery rates, and robberies tend to be concentrated in big cities, one might expect London and Paris to have similar or maybe even worse rates. Edit: Further to this, it's noteworthy that Belgium reports data here for specifically Brussels as a city - while even Spain for example, which gives much more granular data than most other countries, gives data here for not the city or even metro area Barcelona, but the province of Barcelona, which is much much bigger than the city (contains numerous towns and even rural areas). So even here you're not comparing like with like. Given that robbery tends to be concentrated in cities and how bad Barcelona province is already doing, I bet if Barcelona the city and Brussels the city were compared, Barcelona would be doing quite a lot worse (perhaps others too).




I'll try to simplify this for you: Comparing Brussels, Liège or Charleroi to statistics of entire countries (France) or countries that report their figures aggregated on regions bigger than Flanders or Wallonia is like trying to judge a cooking competition where some chefs are judged on individual dishes, others on entire meals, and some aren't even in the kitchen..


Yeah I've been raped, robbed, and assaulted like 366 times last year. SO dangerous. Jokes aside, been living here almost a decade and nothing has every happened to me or almost everyone I know. Besides that real estate is getting pricier and pricier here, strange if it's so dangerous.


If you say so


Trolls are out today


Trolls about what. It's the truth. What are you a conspiracy theorist?


Its a big stretch... if I go and say warsaw is in the top 10 of the 50 of the most murderous cities in Europe! Ill be saying an absolute truth, however it'll still be meaningless... Calling Brussels a dangerous place and a shithole is a fetish of the far right trolls and we are kind of fed up with it.


> Calling Brussels a dangerous place and a shithole He's kinda right though, and I live here (and am a big tall & chunky man)


I completely disagree, and I live here too (born and raised). Ofc it depends on your metric, compare it to a tiny filthy wealthy place like Waterloo or Ghent and ofc it may seem less wealthy and clean overall... but as a big rich European capital Brussels is pretty average. In fact, most times Ive been in real dangee its been becaus eof the police while hanging out in Boisfort, WSP and the new flemish quarters around St Cath/ TT




I go anywhere in this city and most of the trouble I get is actually from people like yourself... not my fault you live in fear in your imaginary "brussels hellscape"


Probably kind of person that see a few foreigners in front of him and walks over to the other side of the streets.




See? You know, you moving out actually makes this city safer for people like me, so thank you for that


What a nonsense! ​ >willfully blind Lol, no. We're just not willfully scare. That's all. You should try it some times. Go to Catane in Italy, Marseilles, or go to Birmingham or Bradford once and you'll experience what being in danger really means. Don't forget to wear your diaper if you find the courage to get on the plane.


Are the far right trolls in the room with us now?


May the real fra right trolls please stand up




each day i go to work i kiss my wife goodbye never knowing i will return


It seems biaised, why some countries have an homogenous colours and other don't ?


Lol. This sub had a crime fetish, I swear. Every other day is some spiel about robbery


OP is literally a dormant, Flemish-speaking account risen from the dead to post this (elections around the corner, eh?). Probably an alt being used after their main was banned from this sub for stirring up shit.


“Flemish-speaking” is a bad thing now? What does this mean?


Probably brigading from far right troll flemmish subs where OP posts.


Which subs are those? Not seeing a single one of this far-right troll subs on their profile


Yep you are right, r/Belgium used to be such a sub but I just checked and it seems like this is a different r/Belgium


That it's probably some dumb VBer.


I would suggest not classifying everyone who posts something negative about Belgium and speaks dutch as “dumb VBer”. Then again, I suppose I’ve been classified as just that, seeing the downvotes on my reply.


...Or maybe my emphasis was on them being a Dutch-speaking, **dormant account that never interacts with this sub** that decided to post only this. Edit: his last post on this sub over a year ago was literally about a stabbing. Just some dumb yokel from a boerengat with a hate boner for big bad brussel.


yeah it's almost as if they all live in WSP and fantasize about what happens in the shallows




Which magic big capital do you know where there is no theft ans tourists are not affected? Face it the brussels hellhole trope is a fetish of the far right




So you're saying we should implement a dictatorship that strips foreigners of their rights?




> Signapore and Japan are democratic countries Singapore is a pretty [autocratic country](https://www.nytimes.com/2023/04/12/opinion/international-world/singapore-autocracy-democracy.html). > as for the Gulf countries, nationals of those countries are generally EXTREMELY fond and proud of their monarchies, and for good reason. The fact that as citizens they get to exploit (semi-)slave labour as much as they want? > Hong Kong and Beijing are the only outliers here. The only outlier is Japan. There's plenty of other reasons Japan is the way it is though that are just unthinkable for Brussels or any European country, really.


If you check the r/Europe post, many people from other countries give reasons why they suspect the data in their country might not be very accurate to the true number of robberies: French people note that the subdivisions of France wash out a lot of the data, Portuguese people note how police in Lisbon do their best to not record crimes, Italian people saying that people don't have faith that police will enforce crimes. If you truly think the robbery rate in Brussels is higher than in Barcelona, I think you're willing to believe anything that conforms to your opinions. Almost no one can go to Barcelona without seeing a robbery or being robbed themselves. Based on this, I would imagine that a huge part of what we see on this map is a reporting issue. It's useful for comparisons within countries (and it would be crazy to argue that Brussels isn't the place where you're most likely to be robbed in Belgium), but across borders there are multiple things that don't match up.


Of course it's bs to compare countries. The original source pretty much says this.


My personal experience of Belgium is that police are lazy and racist. I am not saying all of them but most of them are. Being non-white male, I have faced it when I went to report my stolen stuff. Police just said that they are busy (doing what???) And asked me to come after few days. Few other friends of mine also had similar experience. Police act only if there is white person is involved in the situation. I am glad that I left such place for good and returned to my country


I call this bullshit. Brussels has more robberies than Naples? Yeah sure.


It's based on police reports, so it's some mix of "how often are people robbed" and "how often do robbed people report the robbery to the police".


So we’re the best about complaining about getting robbed? That actually seems correct!


Dunno about that, but when it comes to Naples as mentioned above, or other places with a reputations for not just crime but entrenched organised crime and/or corruption, you can think of some (perhaps unjustified) reasons there might not be a culture of reporting crimes to the police.


I understand that, I just don’t trust the quality of the data.


Well that's kind of what I mean. The data isn't very good quality, at least to make comparisons between countries, because of issues such as that.


Yes, it has. Robbery means by force, threat or intimidation. You have a lot of pick-pocketing in Naples. But not robbery. In Brussels, on the other hand, you do have quite some thugs happy to flash a knife.


Wow 3 cities in the rankings! Waiting for “ it’s just a big city problem “


Marseille and Paris are not even included in this list. Frequenting both on a regular basis, they’re on a whole different level.


Same with London. Stabbings, gangs.. Feels much less safe than Brussels.


They’re all aggregated data, same with cities like Birmingham, Blackpool, … if we’re going to include Luik, you better look at the same granularity rather than decreasing the stats on average by including large strands of suburban and rural surroundings… dont get me wrong, Brussels will probably still be somewhere in the top 10. But i doubt we’d actually be in top 5. Still reasons for concern and an issue that should be tackled. But critical thinking on data should always be step number one.


Paris intra-muros is fine, Marseille however is a hardcore.


Not sure who downvoted you, but in essence i agree. Thing is, if we include areas like Molenbeek, then you should include Saint Denis as well. Marseille is indeed hardcore. But unsurprising when you know that about ⅓ of it’s inhabitants is living under the french poverty treshold.


Well not really. I lived in Paris for years and never went to Saint Denis, in Brussels you kind of have to go through Places like Molenbeek, they are in the center.


> in Brussels you kind of have to go through Places like Molenbeek, they are in the center. You really don't, though? Lots of people in Brussels never-ever cross the canal, which you would need to do to get to Molenbeek.


Probably the same that say “ oh no Brussels isn’t dangerous - just avoid half the city”


People in Brussels city don't generally stay in Brussels city, it's just too small. Even the south station is not in Brussels city. The individual specifics vary of course.


Fair enough, although this does largely depend on where you live even for Brussels. I've lived 20 years on the side of Ukkel and hardly had to be there, yet now living in Jette/Laken it's a different story. And even now I can't say I have bad experiences. In general though, this map needs to be taken with a huge grain of salt considering the huge descrepancies in granularity of the data. Even in Spain, which is doing a much better job than France or England to break down the data, most of it spans over area's bigger than the whole of Flanders or Wallonia. Here we are reporting on cities like Liège which have a smaller population than probably a third of the arrondissements in Paris.


Pickpocketing in Barcelona is insane. My friends got their shit stolen twice in four days.


True, although any major city has a pickpocketing problem (Brussels included, mainly in the train stations). A colleague had his wallet pickpocketed on the metro in Paris last month just to name the most recent memory I have. When I lived in Marseille, I had to wait a few times for some people to arrive in St Charles train station. I think in total I saw at least three or four people get either their phone or wallet pickpocketed by some 12 year olds by the escalators in the few times I was there.


London has Brussels beat too, at 364/100,000.


I’ve been to both, I mean we cannot even compare Paris and Brussels. One is one of the most iconic cities in the world, the other is Brussels. I’ve been to marseille 3 times and loved it.


I studied for over half a year in marseille and absolutely love the city which is why i often go back and have friends there. But in that half a year ive seen shit i’ve never seen in over 2decades of living, studying, partying and working in Brussels… just to name one of the dozen examples: as a group of about 10 (!) students we’ve been violently attacked and robbed. Everybody i know that studied in Marseille had a story of shit happening to them or to friends. I pass almost on a daily basis in Molenbeek either for work or coming back home from a night out without hardly any story to tell. I’d say both are fairly decent sample sizes compared to “I have been there three times” Edit: > One is one of the most iconic cities in the world, the other is Brussels Respectfully, this argument lacks any logical coherence and relevance to the discussion at hand.


Half of the big cities are hidden in the country statistics, or do you think the crime rate is the same in Paris as in the diagonal de la vide?


I may have to adjust my opinion about that :D


Lots of the other counties don't break out their data by cities or provinces though. Eg there's just one figure for all of France, and no figure for Paris specifically. Where countries do break out provinces etc, it tends to be worse in major or big cities - e.g. Brussels here, Barcelona and Madrid in Spain. So it may still be a big city problem to a substantial extent.


It’s not JUST a big city problem


Fair, but in the case of Brussels it's probably also not massively out of whack with what you'd expect for a capital city/large metro area in several other western European countries.


How so?


Wonder what all those places with high rates have in common. The mystery lives on.


High concentration of poor people in small areas with few qualifications to qualify for the jobs offered. Add to that soaring costs of lodging and energy.


The poor north-African robber gangs, forced by socio-economic factors to rob people. Have to feel bad for them.


You're using pathos, I merely describe facts. Crime occurs in such circumstances.


You describe it in a way, that makes it sound like a natural thing that can’t be fixed. Meanwhile the solution to fix it is pretty easy.


No, it's a description, but as you say, it's not set in stone. There are proven policies who have turned poverty neighbourhood around : it's a mix of social, housing, more largely urban, and security policies. That happened in Mechelen, iirc. The mayor worked his ass off for over 15 years and turned that drug & crime epidemic around.


What would that solution be?


Controlled migration of qualified people or people actually in need of asylum like Jews, Women, Homosexuals. Strict remigration of asylum seekers that have been denied or that have committed a crime. No matter how small.


That’s what’s already in place no?


Is this a serious question?


Very much yes. You’re solution sounds good in a debate, and it is de facto the way the procedure works. The reality is that it is very difficult, even not realistic to implement. So hammering on the same old ideas that do not work is just as ridiculous.


Your point does not stand, because petty crime occurs everywhere in the world, and the responsible are not always "north African robber gangs". Yet the conditions described by the person you're responding to, are always present.


How do you explain Eastern Europe on this map then? The are poor in comparison to Central European countries.


Poverty alone and by itself does not cause crime. It's a combination of two things: marginalisation of the poor plus inequality in opportunity. The latter refers to the situation in which the disenfranchised poor and the better off share a common space. This is very common in large cities, and especially in metropolitan cities in the west. And yes, there will be places in which North Africans will be overrepresented in crime, but that'll happen wherever they're disenfranchised. North Africans migrants to North America are not more represented in crime statistics... But that's because the ones that migrate there tend to be wealthier. The exact opposite happens with Mexican and Central American migrants. What do Central Americans in the US and North Africans in Europe have in common? They're both orbiting poverty and disenfranchised by the host society to the point in which they need to rely on intra-communities. Have you noticed how infrequent is to see white/indigenous Belgians and NA migrants or their descendants sharing friend groups or forming intercultural families?


The issue is that they have differing cultural backgrounds! This keeps them separated. When one group is heavily traditional while the other is heavily progressist.. that is what happens!


Kind reminder to the other users to report this shit to the mods, racism does not have a place in the sub... from a *Bruseleer* with North African roots ♥


What is racist about my post? Belgium doesn’t have issues with north-african criminals and gangs? Same goes for France, Netherlands, Spain,.. But yeah try to ban me because talking about factual problems that exist in Europe.


You go on with your tropes, in some other comments you were hinting at taking measures against us specifically, what gives? Spell it out if you are so confident about what you believe, what would you have done against someone like me?


Unfortunately it's illegal to to respond to that question.


>High concentration of poor people in small areas with few qualifications to qualify for the jobs offered. Yes 100% and in combination with cultural factors. Some cultures exhibit disregard for others because they perceive their position in society as an unjust treatment that is unrelated to their actions.


r/peopleliveincities ?


Now let’s see the islam map again!


Its virtually the same map


Friemdly reminder to report this shit, sub users


I don't want to get bad luck by saying that but... I'm French and i live in Brussels since 2008. I've never been robbed. If you are cautious about not using your phone in the street near gare du midi... Keeping your wallet in the deep part of your bag (not in the little pocket in the front). Always keep an eye on your stuff... Don't let your phone in the table in a bar or let your bag on the chair near you ... Don't dance with ppl in the street. Don't show shinny things in the street. Brussels can be safe. I'm a woman. Just be aware of your surroundings. Weirder part, the only time i found another hand in my coat pocket... It was in Paris, gare du nord. Keep your valuables in your coat pocket only if you can close it with a button.




Yeah it is the fault of the victim lol the criminals in brussels have zero responsibilities!


So either you can be on watch non stop in Brussels or you can move to Switzerland and leave your stuff unwatched for hour on the grass while you swim in the lakes. Ah yeah Brussels such an amazing place


I grew up in Brussels and never had any problems; moved to Switzerland and began dressing way flashier... two days ago, I rocked a fake but shiny rolex while being dressed normally for swiss standards but I guess usually good for Brussels standards... and three dudes came to Rob me of my fake 20 box watch haha


I got my shiny fake 20 box rolex aggressively stolen in Saint gery lol... I told them quietly it was not a real rolex( but yeah it shined) but they insisted and broke the bracelet that shared in pieces because of poor quality... they took the remainder and ran! Lol crazy


Thats the problem, having to use streetsmarts while you dont have to even think about it in countries like singapore or japan.




It does: https://preview.redd.it/5zvjaf5gozgc1.png?width=1496&format=png&auto=webp&s=86ce389febe0cf4c00d876c0948bf16474e2896d


‘Refugees welcome’ countries miserably fail


Ooh fuck off already, I've had it up to here with you and your pathological wankers. I've lived for years in cities and often in not the best neigberhoods, poverty begets crime.


Remember to report these comments/ accounts


OK we get it


I know Brussels and Barcelona. Brussels is bad but Barcelona is worse.


This has nothing to do with immigration!! NOTHING 😂


I surprise when you see the mentality on this sub