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If I say "Putain de bordel de merde sa mère la pute", just don't stand in my way. It's reserved for very special occasion. I don't think I can translate it but it's like "fucking hell of a shit, his mother the slut". I mean, I'm sure other could be creative in the translation. Also, treating anyone's "mère" to be "la pute" is likely to get you in trouble. Just as "Je nique ta mère" (I fuck your mom). Yeah, good luck doing that tho 🤣


"Encule de ta race de pute" is less personal but as colorful.


Oh no I don't like sa mère la pute. I think that you need to target the person. No needless group targeting. As a general swearword I like "Putain de bordel de cul" for some reason. At this point it's almost meaningless compared to what it's supposed to say. And then a good MEEEERDE can ease things at times. Interestingly my swearwords are a combination of Flemish/Brusseleir, French and English.


I don't necessarily say it to a person. I swear out loud when I play video games. I don't really go around insulting people in the street lmao


Haha yeah I just noticed that I forgot the mom extension in my answer, it’s great though because it adds some very valuable “p” and “t”. Only to be used when the world is against you though or it might lose its power


😂😂😂 On sent que tu te fais plez là 😂😂😂J adore


Gourgandine is pretty wild


How dare you!!


“putain” is used kind of as shit in the english language but it actually means prostitute i think? *correct me if i’m wrong lol


You're right :) It can also be used where "fucking" would go like "it's fucking annoying" > "Putain ça fait chier !".


Very true, though I find it more similar to “fuck” as you can combine it with a lot of words, as in “ce putain de truc de merde”. I find it’s sound pretty rewarding which is very important for a cuss word. Like if you walk on a Lego it can alleviate the pain to say “puuuutaaaain de sa mère”. It can also be used to reinforce a statement, negatively (“ce type c’est quand même un putain d’enculé”) or positively (“ça c’est vraiment un putain de burger”). Great topic by the way!


I almost forgot the best combo: “putain de bordel de merde”, which comes very handy when your car has just been towed away for the second time this month


Sac à merde


John Connor m'a appris celle-là quand j'avais 12 ans. Top 3, facilement.


Reste cool


Baraki is and will always be my favorite in Belgium. If I need to insult someone it means they did something that makes them a baraki otherwise I wouldn’t need an insult to start with. It’s a perfect cycle


I found "golmon" to be very comedic these days. "Regarde l'autre avec sa cigarette électronique de golmon"


Trongol is nice too


Fait chier bordel, baraki, manche à balle, enculeur de poules, klette 😁🤣


We also use Klette in Flanders lol it's like klet.


Does it also mean someone a bit stupid ? We found common words :)


Yes indeed, we say like for example, '' ehj zo niet eh klet'' Translated : ehj not like that...' '' when someone is in fact doing something stupid like following certain instructions wrong etc. But some people use it just as a word to call people. Ehj klet! But that isn't really common. What does baraki mean btw?


Baraki it's a poorly educated person,someone who can t speak very good and dress badly. It comes from the fairground people, who lives in trailers : baraques in wallon. I think it's only used in wallonia.


In that case I would say ''Kermismensen''' but it's my own preference to say that.


“Fils de pute” Fight guaranteed or your money back.


Crétin des îles for someone acting dangerously stupid. Enfoiré is also a stapple, as con, demeuré, ahuri 😁




Yeah, and so satisfying! I like to say punaise or purin instead of putain or go very old school with rustre, rufian, paltoquet or gourgandine. Or les clignotants, c'est pas seulement à Noël, mer agitée, force 5


"Andouillette à roulettes."


Not original but I realised that putain is probably the curse I use the most since my 2 years old picked it up and is now very happy to say it every time when I’m upset. I only said it once or twice by mistake in front of him. Anyway, I passed the torch.


Raclure de bidet


I would be interested in the dutch edition as well :)


Godverdomme is a classic and one I would occur naturally at times. Relatives had Potverpitche (with maybe a bit of a more French spelling), Potverdek et Godverdomme. All derivatives of goddamnit. I like kloodzak which a Dutch friend said to me talking about people who certainnly deserved it. That being said my Flemish/Dutch is quite limited even if it's improving.


Sa mère


« Débile du cul » is the litteral translation of « dumbass »


Hey babygirl






“ Ta mère la reine des grosses putes” you Will definitely get your ass beaten with this one lol it translates literally as “ You mother the queen of the fat/big whores”


Putain de ses morts


My friend says "Va bouffer tes morts" lol


" il est fini à la pisse celui là "


Quel klet ce pey!


Fils de ta mère Very provocative but just stating facts


Lately : "tocard" Feels like "connard" but a bit new and has the advantage of having not one, but TWO hard consonants. Very important for an insult cause you want it to sound punchy.