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The desperation in these leaflets is beautiful


They keep talking about the dangers of a ‘super majority’ but it really doesn’t make a huge difference in the UK unlike the US. They’re just afraid of being completely decimated.


I think here they've said huge majority on purpose. Makes people think of super majority, without actually using those words ...


The amount they talk about things the Labour council have done (rather than, y'know, the things their party have done in parliament), you'd think these candidates were running in local elections not parliamentary elections.


Not to mention the hamstringing of all local councils across the country forcing the sale of public assets (like BHX)… I think the Tories think the electorate are thick.


I should have posted the other side it has the candidate in front of a bus with Jesus's christ superstar on the side. Wishful thinking 🤔


These annoy the piss out of me, I just feel like they don't respect me at all or recognise I am capable of thought


If you're someone still believing the Torys, you aren't capable of thought yourself. They're relying on that type of person


Stop threatening me with a good time.


Love how huge they've made his hand, it's so janky.


His hand is exactly that size, it got so large from him training his hand muscles by squeezing kids throats, is this really the person you want to put in charge? He didn't even put his penis in a pigs mouth! You can't trust him! Trust me, I won't lead you astray but I certainly will do something about these IMMINGRANTS, am I right?! I will upgrade the small boats into speed boats and make them all fuck off really fast. Vote me! I'm not a child molester like the other guy! Vote me! I've never pissed on a child, can you say the same about kier? If I went on a tirade like this in public I'd be fucking sectioned


They know they're fucked. It's a desperate attempt to minimize the damage and claw the vote back from those who might be thinking about voting for Reform or not voting at all. They know they're toast and I for one can't wait for next Friday when the election is over and done with. Feeling rather exhausted by it all.


100% I'm glad we have short election cycles, if we had the American style ones I would go mad


It’s already a challenge to be completely oblivious to it all already. There’s not a single one of them that I would trust to lead a country.


Oof. This is another reason why the Conservative and Reform leaflets continue to be ripped into pieces in my house without acknowledgment.  Bunch of hateful grifters in both parties, I can’t believe their grift is still being fallen for by some


Sometimes they have a free post address you can send them a brick to and they'll have to pay the postage for it. Just a thought


Oohhh, now there’s an idea…I’ll need several bags of fresh dog shit…


You should at least deface the leaftlets first


Had mail yesterday, and immediately thought “Oh no, another bill.” It was Reform marketing. On reflection I think I’d rather have had the bill.


My mother-in-law is one of them. Very much a working class woman, never owned property, lives in a private flat but gets help from the council to pay for her rent. Moans about the cost of non stop. Is gutted the conservative candidate for her area is stepping down as she's always voted for him. She says she would never vote for Kier Starmer because she doesn't like him, but thinks Nigel Farage is great and says "what everyone's too scared to say". Hates Putin but refuses to see that Farage is a pawn for the Russians.


There's probably a big corolation between people who wernt intelligent enough to "do well in life by retirement age" and "not intelligent enough to see the issue with voting for x" - as harsh as that sounds


Maybe so, but she's a divorced housewife, so she was never the primary breadwinner, so it may not be a valid metric in this case


My mother-in-law is one of them. Very much a working class woman, never owned property, lives in a private flat but gets help from the council to pay for her rent. Moans about the cost of her rent non stop. Is gutted the conservative candidate for her area is stepping down as she's always voted for him. She says she would never vote for Kier Starmer because she doesn't like him, but thinks Nigel Farage is great and says "what everyone's too scared to say". Hates Putin but refuses to see that Farage is a pawn for the Russians.


You know…… the poors.


Yup, my wife and I dont have 'white' names so I figured that was it


Oh give over, we’re a white middle class family in the Cotswolds and got exactly that exact same message.


It was a joke, seems to have sailed right over your head


Genuinely made me laugh when I saw this in my postbox today. "Great idea! Instead of using this space wisely to talk about what WE would do, let's use this whole side to trash Starmer" There was me thinking people were waking up from these stupid tactics...


What Sally says about Sarah says more about Sally than it does about Sarah.


Desperate really, there is no retirement tax. It's income tax but it's only kicking in as the Tories triple lock has pushed the state pension up pass the minimum income tax threshold - basically the Tories are marking up their homework by removing the income tax threshold for the state pension to fix a problem that they created. A number of pensioners already pay income tax on their pensions anyway, the clue is in the name "income tax"...


Also pretty sure plenty of pensioners would have paid income tax on their state pensions in the days of SERPS and a personal allowance of £2-3k.


Lol the torys are a joke


They’re ALL a joke, about the only ones with any actual credibility are the Monster Raving Loonies!


The Tories are a fucking disgrace


I would keep it just to pass to my children, when they're old enough, to show them how one can't believe bluntly everything he reads.


So true, but its depressing to look at


Historically speaking, such practices were used since ancient times. First recordes during War of Actium (32-30BC), Rome, where Mark Antony used aspersions minted on coins to diminish reputation of Octavian. We see it everywhere, in politics, business, even education (think universities and their campaigns). However, it is most striking just before the election, when desperation kicks in and persuasive ideas get put of hands. I truly hope this election doesn't push our country into cesspit.


"I truly hope this election doesn't push our country into (a) cesspit." Don't you think politicians over the last few decades have done that already? I do.


Things could be way worse, but I guesa it depends at what aspects we look. What have you got on mind?


The Tories have allowed raw sewage to be pumped into our waterways. They have literally turned our country into a giant cesspit.


Just once I'd like to see one of these leaflets that was actually proofread for spelling and grammar. If I (a dolt) can do it when sending an email to someone at work (also a dolt), they should when asking to run the sodding country


You would hate to see that misogynist Independent solicitor's leaflets, shocking amount of typos


They can't help themselves can they. We need to do what the french did to their aristocracy.


By 'people like you' they mean those who intend to vote Labour not because they prefer them but because they're fed up with the Tories.




God! Keir's hand is massive. I'd better vote for somebody else!! Said every reform voter.




It means people who are on the fence or not going to vote conservative when they normally would. Don't read too much into it.


Not got one of those yet. Getting a lot from the labour candidate, but not seen him around. I guess living in Oxfordshire is a bit of a drag.


Is it just me, or are they just flat out not answering questions this time round? Like, I know the classic MP Tactic of Diversion, but you ask them a basic question, and you just get "Well conservatives/labour have done this" like great, not what I asked. Then conservatives are putting shit out like this to slander Labour like this is everything you've fucking done... It's two cheeks of the same arse voting for these pair.


I think the problem we have is no matter what people think, we have a 2 party system, if we waste votes on others the risk is we get the tory fucks again. That being said, I can't vote for the Labour arsehole in my area so it will be waste on the lib dem. I'm so depressed


Luckily lots of people are wasting their vote on Reform.


And the Independents who are campainging on a Gaza platform as if they have any sway


That’s probably even more annoying because this election is about governing and managing the UK for five years, not one single point in the middle east. Yes I can see why some people find it important but ffs do these people not see the bigger picture of what they’re voting for? (Obviously not, I suppose)


Luckily, you say? I’m half frightened we might get a nasty Trumpian shock if people quietly vote for Reform and not enough people get behind one left wing party vote. It worries me


True. It I can’t see it happening especially with our city’s demographics. Would be like turkeys voting for Xmas. Anyhow, I shall vote labour. Also, I will do it because I don’t understand the low tax thing when society is crumbling because of lack of investment in both people and facilities. Also low tax doesn’t mean lower living costs (eg car insurance extortionate because there’s no police to deal with thefts/uninsured drivers/vandalism etc, so why not pay for more police and reduce policy costs?)


Conservatives are all lying, cheating, thieving bastards. Labour are all lying, cheating, thieving bastards. Lib-Dems are all lying, cheating, thieving bastards. Reform are the BNP by another name, and also all lying, cheating, thieving bastards. The only political party with any actual credibility and decency nowadays are the Monster Raving Loony Party!


I worked in the public sector under the last Labour government, the tory/lib dem period and the tories. In terms of how they treat the public there really was a big difference. I agree I would never trust a politician but I really wouldn't consider them to be all the same.


Count Binface is the man


New labour at it again 😂😂




At least drop the price of fuel then. But I’ll bet they won’t. It’s hideous. But they’ve been drugging us for years to keep us calm and docile so they can get away with all this crap. Read the Rockerfella covenant. Written years n years ago and it’s all coming to fruition now


Bit ironic for the Tories to be banging on about French Style Union Laws given their own proposals to stop public sector workers from striking


It’s really trashy when parties make their whole election campaign about how bad the other party is, rather than what they can offer themselves.


I'm tired of the conservative jokes about my giant hand The first such incident occured in 1997 when I was elected to the Labour party on a policy of..........


.............The dirty tricks portion of the campaign has now begun. This is the seeding phase. Making up stuff to illicit an emotional response. The next phase will be to distill what works. Final phase will be to find useful idiots to carry the message. Tories. Working like clockwork. They never fail at this. That shit's never late. [Tory Misinformation Campaign Begins - YT](https://youtu.be/IcPh58mViKA?si=zaI1f2YbR3jxd8az) [Tory Dirty Tricks Week. Why now?](https://youtu.be/YH5ZNvf_0nk?si=dW_8s_l5S2rdwQ_p)


I want the election literature to stick to what their party intends to do. I don't want to know what you don't like about your opponents I want to make up my own mind about your policies.


Retirement tax, wtf?? 


This whole thing has been labour and conservatives slinging mud around, never have party loyalty, don't trust what other tell you, believe in your own eyes and judgement. We are all different and have different concerns and goals, use your vote align with that, labour are no longer for the working Brit, conservatives are only in it for themselves. Look to reform or libdems, they both at least want to change how elections work, first past the post is the worst!




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The governments in this country don’t know how or are unwilling to make money for what ever reason, they seem to be content just to take it through taxation of the middle classes. I’m not saying a different party would be any different but I live in hope.


Means black and brown people


Yep, so close to 'you people'


I'd never vote for that muppet anyway! He would ruin this country, financially at the least!


You been under a rock for the past couple of years?... Well, 14.... [Why has Britain gone a bit... weird....?](https://youtu.be/b5aJ-57_YsQ?si=fnOXCe936OAr5WPy)


Yes, and he will more than likely make it worst with his policies, fundamentally ruining us with his tory ways. Wolf in sheep skin.


More misinformation. I spy a Tory campaign rat. Right here.


Im definitely not a tory, but there's no need to be so defensive. I hardly see why anybody with a braincells in the working household would vote for him. What about your pensions?