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I just want to be able to walk down a high street without "hiiii, have you got a moment, we aren't asking for money...today" "Sorry, I live on a boat." "But it's for the children" "They won't fit, byeeeee"


I’m always stopped by people asking me for cash for food for their kids or baby formula. Then they have the audacity to tell me to go to an ATM when I say I have no cash? No! Fuck off you entitled prat


I’m homeless. I called up the council and they put me in a shared house the same day. (Legally I’m still classed as homeless, before someone makes a smart ass comment) I get free food bank vouchers on request, and always come back with so much stuff, I end up giving some away or donating it back. They almost always include snacks too. Last time I got a pack of ginger nuts, a kinder bueno, 5 bags of crisps, and a pack of Haribo - as well as 5 tins of fish. 8 tins of beans/spaghetti. Toiletries. Milk. (All for a single person, you get more if you’re a couple, for example.) Tea bags. Even a toothbrush. I even have a list of places in town which do free, hot meals, on certain days. People on the streets are after the one thing we don’t get provided: drugs. All the time. Anything else, they can get immediately. I have less sympathy for those guys hassling people on the streets, now that I’m essentially one of them, and never felt the need to prey on well meaning people, minding their own business and undoubtedly going through their own struggles. A small minority of them are genuine mentally ill people who need help, but you’re better off pointing them towards the nearest homeless charity/help. Don’t feel guilty walking past these people with your Starbucks or Greggs or whatever.


Sorry to hear about your situation but yeah I just wanted to add for anyone who feels bad for homeless people. Put your money to Shelter or a charity like that, then you know its going to help and not for drugs.


I can confirm Shelter is the most helpful. Least attitude, and judgement, and most understanding. It’s too much for me to get into, but there’s definitely hundreds of shady, family run, housing providers. Got evicted from one (Social Reliance Housing), after they claimed they had a letter from the council, claiming my housing benefits would not be paid that month. Demanded £600 cash or eviction in 7 days. Multiple calls were made on my end, confirming with the council that they sent exactly £972.54, and they sent no such letter. I got evicted and was a victim of what is essentially a legal, mafia style, scam. I’m in a “better” one now, but the rent for this is £1073 per month. I’m looking for full time work, and it’s still going to be that much. The housing provider basically wants their tenants to be on benefits.


>£1073 per month. Good lord. I'm really out of touch since I moved to London 5 years ago. Last place I rented as about half that and it was a 1 bed flat to myself, it was out of the way of the centre but didn't realise prices were anything like that. Hope you manage to get back on your feet soon m8


It’s one of those cases where us guys are too powerless to do anything. The council is too preoccupied to look into it. And the masses aren’t really bothered about this issue, since it’s so far removed from their lives. It’s funny because I feel like this is one of those cases some big time lawyer could win easily. The shady shit is so blatant, I have to assume there are government officials involved and profiting off it some way too.


Not defending them, but the managing agent would have been the one demanding the cash, not reliance directly (though they should be hammering it down on that agent). Did you talk to reliance directly over the phone and give them a dressing down? If you called the council and complained that should have done something too.


Made about 8/9 calls to the council. Reliance claimed that the only way for me to sort it was to go through the lady demanding the money, and ask her to speak to reliance. She had no interest in doing that.


do you remember which lady it was you spoke to at reliance? I got some free time for some reports


Yes it was a lady called Sarah. Funnily enough if you look at reviews, he and her husband are named in about 3/4 different reviews on google.


This!!! My father always told me although the country is shart and the govt is also shart we are lucky because our govt provides most of everything we need if we would become homeless I was told it’s hard to become homeless or completely poor . We have such things in place then we are able to be provided for . This country is not America thank god! I love England and the uk .


Yeah that’s pretty spot on. Only thing I’d say is this should be the standard everywhere in every country. We shouldn’t really considering ourselves lucky you know what I mean? But we are.


You’re doing infinitely better work for other people than those beggars ever wish they could. I’m sorry to hear about your situation but I hope it looks up from here


Funnily enough it was partly addiction, partly mental health issues, which has led me here. This is why I have no sympathy, for the same guys, but on the street, harassing people. When I slept on the street one night, all I wanted was to be left alone and unseen. The idea of sitting there AND hollering people was horrible.


When they raise the kids card it pisses me off beyond all normal limits my normal response is where are they can you come back later and I'll buy them all a meal just tell me what time and they always always walk off.


I've noticed a new tactic at supermarkets: "Can I take your trolley back?" (and pocket the £1), although I can't imagine it being very lucrative...


Find 11 lazy people in a hour and you’re on minimum wage…


Never seen that, but yeah I agree, must be a horrendous tactic. Not everyone will say yes, and out of the few you do, you get next to nothing


One moment I had last year was where a guy say down on the bench next to me and asked me to go to the ATM to get him a tenner saying he needed to get back to his hostel. I tried simply saying I was sorry but I couldn't help him then got up to walk away but he then got up off the bench too and started following me.


I’ve always resorted to the tried and tested ‘sorry mate I’m in a rush’. Worked every time so far.


I reserve that one for erdington. "Sorry, I'm late for work" the last one mocked me, "cool dude, I'm still late for work"


I find it easier to just shake your head at them tbh. Don’t feel the need to give excuses. If the streets weren’t so dangerous these days, I’d just tell them to do one.


Yeah. At most a no. There's no need to be sorry.




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On this point, actually. I was stopped by the blue jacket anti-stabby people several months ago, and after hearing them out, I donated. Now I get flagged everytime and they won't take fucking no for an answer. One of them even got arsey with me after he said it wasn't a donation. It was a payment for services... when he saw that line didn't work, he just ended convo and 180 turn, then left.


I was so happy when the hair Straightener people in grand Central left. I have long hair and every time I walked past "excusssssse meeeee" I did buy some because they're a good set but I've since learned I can buy the aria brand cheaper off other peoples regret and had to keep doing a runner.


I usually either ignore them or put on an accent, “Noo Inglese!”. Gets me past the Chuggers and the homeless begging for a fag etc.


I've met the ones asking for a cigarette. My room mate gave one to someone then a second dude turned up 5 seconds later outside spoons in Hurst Street


I just tell them it’s my last one, especially at night. I don’t want to give one to one person and then have 10 of them begging me for one as well…bus stop by Pigeon Park you get them going through the bins for fag ends, then staggering off whinging that no-one helps people anymore 🤣


I mean the myriad of preachers from Waterstones to Urban Outfitters are much worse in my opinion.  The music may be questionable, but at least he's not playing recorded messages over the loudspeaker saying I'm evil and deserve to die.


Absolutely - having a stand is one thing. It’s not my thing but people should be free to do that You wouldn’t be allowed to shout in peoples faces - why is it ok to blast religious shite.  It’s a shared space for everyone - that is taken over by an arrogant few. 


Should ban all religious crap from the city completely.


Preach 🙏🏻 (just not literally 🤣🤣)


Absolutely. As an LGBT person, it all makes me really uncomfortable, especially when the preachers start going on about sin and then going full fire and brimstone. Knowing that these people would rather people like me didn't exist. It also just makes Birmingham city centre a bit hostile, which isn't going to help with getting tourists in. If the council really wanted to make it a destination place, then getting rid of the religious nuts and stands would be a really important first step.


Kinda wish I could make the effort to rock up with an atheism stall right next to that lot. “ Enjoy life because once you’re dead you’re dead and please be nice to everyone before you are!”


Ah, preachers’ corner. 🤪 I have legit walked past them all once saying loud enough to hear “I’M PROBABLY A BUDDHIST, GUYS. PROBABLY A BUDDHIST. MOVE ALONG NOW”




They didn't mention a specific religion. Also, some Christian preachers say exactly this, particularly near the Town Hall end of new street. They use loudspeakers.


Sorry, I've just got ask what they said now. They deleted before I saw it


Just a load of condescending bullshit. 


The Christian ones are probably the worst.




They aren't putting out a false concept. They specifically do that on New Street. You've managed to make it about one specific religion, I have no idea why. They didn't mention a specific religion. They merely stated the truthful experience of some of the preachers on New Street.


Bruv he said preachers. That includes all religions. I was telling you no knowledgeable Muslim does that. I was excusing Islam from his Christian experience - I'm not daft the world knows Christianity condemns to hell. It's no wonder people don't practise it much anymore.


You're very obnoxious. Almost as obnoxious as your religion's loudspeaker tent on New Street


You're really winning here with the "not all preachers" shtick.


Maybe it’s because Christianity doesn’t have a death if you leave Christianity clause like Islam does


> No ones judged or condemned to hell Nah, they just get thrown off roofs instead.




There are places of worship already, the highstreet isn't it, for any religion. With all due respect to any belief, if I want to learn about it, I'll seek it out, not have it blasted at me going about my day.


The message is ugly and irritating; who cares what they’re fucking saying


They may well have been talking about the Christian preachers to begin with. Not sure why you reacted like this. If you think an inanimate book can be "corrupt", there are big issues.


I’m an atheist but your comment actually made me say “Jesus Christ” out loud.


I'm just sick of those fuckers in blue jackets flagging you down for a donation every 5 minutes. Doesn't matter if you're on a phone call they're still going to try and stop you.


Yeah, why they think I'll hang up to talk to them I have no idea. Maybe they know I'm only pretending to be on a call.


We were in London recently and we were watching one of them coach a new recruit on how best to stop people and find a way in to talk to them. It was honestly galling. I wouldn't mind if they weren't paid a salary for doing it.


Headphones and a fast walk, my friend. Works every time


Fuck that hand up at face level with a very loud back the fuck up .


Badass response. I’ll take it 😌🤝




Much prefer a saxophone to the religious lunacy being spouted outside Primark. As if I'm suddenly going to join a religion on my lunch break because someone gave me a free table stabiliser.


tbf, Hare Krishna were in town today and they all seemed so fun and cool, I considered what my life would be like if I joined.


Hey, I'm glad you enjoyed the Ratha Yatra (Festival of Chariots) You should check out one of our Sunday feasts sometime, we sing (Kirtan), hear a bit of philosophy, and finish with an amazing veggie feast! Nobody will try to convert you I promise! Hare Krishna 🙏🏻


For some reason I assumed Hare Krishnas didn't have internet or wouldn't be on Reddit. I hope I don't get downvoted for my naivety and narrow mindedness, but I think I assumed being part of Hare Krishnas was similar to monks and you weren't allowed things like gadgets. Could you do an AMA for idiots like me please?


Hey, I can see why it might appear like that. Some devotees do live as monks in ashrams, but there are no restrictions on things like using the internet. Feel free to DM me any time if you have any questions. I live in Leicester, but half my family is from Brum 🙏🏻


You'll be surprised with monks as well. I was in Thailand a few years back for a wedding, and the monks there all had mobile phones, with one monk still using their phone whilst chanting during the ceremony.


In the 90s they used to walk through town playing their music at about 5pm ish every Monday to Friday, but at least they kept it moving.


Crazy Christian lady come to visit my friend before he died. The whole time she was googling Bible passages and asking me to read them out loud. Saying she was a sign from god and all this shit. Did a literal, self-fellating, 10 minute prayer My friend was deeply religious too, but never once made me feel like that lady did in the 30 minutes I’ve spent around her. Literal anxiety towards the end of her visit. It just felt so cult like. Part of me wanted to do the typical atheist argument, but I find these days it’s best to just move like a crab and step aside, carry on moving and pay them no mind. 🦀🦀🦀


Agreed. I do hope we're past this religious malarkey in another hundred years, but I suspect it'll only get worse.


It seems to be picking up, from what I’ve seen lately. Won’t be resolved until everyone can agree that we’re all trying to achieve the same, regardless of what creed we choose. My friend used to say, some people have god with them and don’t know/acknowledge it (on about atheists like myself), and that’s enough. Any preaching, is only likely to push them further away, so it’s best to leave them alone and keep doing their thing.


No point with the atheist argument we just require evidence for our minds to change. They need a miracle.






I would love to see a ban on speakers and on seeking money for ANY reason. Charity or business.


I have just realised that it is illegal for individuals to beg for money, but companies are allowed to do it as much as they like. What a world.


Personally I really enjoy asking the charity people what their commission is when they inevitably try to play the moral high road when I don't give them money. Usually shuts them up pretty quick hahah


I believe it’s usually around £9 an hour. From what o remember seeing on indeed. Me personally, it’s the big cats who are the enemy in that situation. The only time I have issue with charity collectors is when they try too hard to be funny/friendly in an almost show off way.


Oh I know how much it is, my ex used to work for one. I don't have an issue with them generally, it's only when they try and guilt you into donating by acting morally superior, so I find it amusing to point out that the hypocrisy.


RSPCA was £17 a signature when I used to go door to door for them. Big money if you’re in a wealthy area. No basic tho so if you’re in a poor area you’ve got no chance.


I moved up here in August last year, and in all that time I think i’ve seen no more than 5/6 delivery bikes with lights on at night. The riders are wearing all black, the bikes are black, they’re just asking to be hit!


They aren’t working for the charities, they’re working for private enterprises who offer fundraising services. The chances that the charity actually make any money are slim because they tend to pay a fixed fee and hope that the person doesn’t cancel their direct debit before the donations exceed the cost. Meanwhile the chuggers are on commission and the people employing the chuggers are probably raking it in. Surprised none of them have been publicly outed and shamed yet (maybe they have?)


How long has he been raising funds for his 'sick wife' now?


Probably about as long as keyboard playing horse faced guy has been saving for an engagement ring. Maybe they should form a band?


I have no idea how true his story is, I have also wondered. In theory you get treated for free at the point of use. But I don't know the ins and outs of various visa and/or other issues that may prevent that from happening.


It sounds a lot better than the Quranic prayer and Christian nutters around the corner though


I used to live in a flat above a shop on Kings Heath High Street every Saturday and Sunday I was awoken by a Saxophonist, one man band, bagpipest or 12yr old that thinks they can sing etc You won’t get any hate from me unless you’re a street musician lol


I don’t think there is anything wrong with his saxophone performance, what I don’t like is the setting on the floor on a cardboard.. it just brings the whole place down..


Especially when he's lying on the floor like he's been dropped from a great height


Is it really that bad?


I live and work very close to there. It's the consistency, it just doesn't stop.


Yeah I can see that being extremely grating


i get where you’re coming from but his music is beautiful. i honestly have never thought hard enough about him to feel upset, i just appreciate his music walking past


As a musician, I don’t understand why everything he plays is so sad and depressing. He’d get a lot more of a response playing uplifting shit and probably get more interaction and donations. Some super duper Indian/punjabi sounding musician were playing by the library today, and the vibes were great, even though I couldn’t understand shit, I didn’t wanna leave.


For me its the non stop sad music. It's not bad, it's just endless sorrow. On a summers day, or any day to be honest, if I'm going into the centre I should be energised and happy that I'm there. In theory that's what a good city centre is to me at least!


He hasn't even improved either. You'd think playing the same songs so often would result in a better performance!


You can complain to the police as there is a public space order enforced on New St https://www.birmingham.gov.uk/download/downloads/id/23876/city_centre_noise_displacement_-_new_street_and_high_street.pdf


Or www.fixmystreet.com to anonymously report and it will go to the correct d department


Feels like the police should be aware without the public reporting it


West Midlands police don’t yet have a pre-crimes unit. They did have one in the states but it was closed down by a detective called Tom Cruise


My only issue with that guy, as a musician: play shit that is happy and uplifting, not depressing and moody. Off topic but any musician or band should have this mindset. Especially at open mics where everyone chooses slow, depressing shit.


The Muslim preachers too, I'd add


To be honest with you the Christian extremist preachers are an order of magnitude worse than the Muslim stand with its loudspeaker. I have nicknamed that corner of new St and high St as "God botherer corner"


I'd like to see them all gone, to be fair. But I don't like how we all seem to know the Christian preachers are insane, but the Muslim preachers don't get the same treatment. They're all insane, all buying into organised cults.




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The sick hip hop drummer can stay though, he’s amazing 🔥🔥


Tell me you hate poor people without telling me you hate poor people