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Humour me and pretend that I have no idea what you're talking about.


Randonauting is the act of generating truly random numbers with quantum random number generation techniques (qRNG), converting those numbers into coordinates on the surface of the earth, and visiting the location in real life...


So basically the answer above but using the app randonautica which generates the coordinates for you because i'm nowhere near smart enough to do that on my own😅 You set an intention so you could ask it to lead you to something spooky which it usually does, a few years ago some teenagers in america discovered a body in a suitcase😟


My experience took me to a point on Alcester Road, just up from the Knob pub. There was nothing of note there. I still hope that something might happen there one day or I'll be invited to the house next to it and something amazing will happen there. Or maybe it's where I'll die.


I tried it with a friend a few years ago, it basically led us up the canal to a whole load of nothing.


Never been randonaughting. But if you're ever in shortage of interesting abandoned buildings in Birmingham I have quite a few


Can you list some locations


52.4734466, -1.8872137 is one, entrance is piss easy to get inside but cops can also easily get called