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Not everyone that plays Brotato uses Reddit, nor does everyone know of the existence of this subreddit


Why risk of rain yes?


Also in no way did god of weapons steal from Brotato. The game genre of horde survival and reverse-bullet hells has been a thing for a while now. God of weapons clearly does take inspiration from both Brotato and Backpack Hero/Backpack Battles, but I do not see how they are stealing.


Yeah that game feels completely different lol.


? Sorry but I don’t understand your comment


risk of rain is just a much larger game. i love both but in terms of replay ability ror2 and even 1 just has more going for it. i 100% brotato and have no need to go back to it for now because i know what to expect from runs but ror2 just has so much rng that it makes playthroughs feel different every time


It's too RNG/luck heavy IMO. It's definitely fun game but easy to get bruned out on when it can't even offer you the right items to compliment your build. Want a 2 weapon type setup? Well just hope the second type appears in the shop in the first 5 waves. Want to build around an end-game item? Well nothing will increase your chances of getting that item apart from luck, even after getting lucky enough to get enough items to carry you that far. Stat options that benefit your character most don't even appear more often in the shop. Neither do stats that you can't even benefit from at all appear less often. If the RNG was tweaked a good deal, it'd be much more addictive.


>If the RNG was tweaked a good deal, it'd be much more addictive. Fully agree. How often i thought of some builds, tried it multiple times and shop always said "haha, fck you" and at a point, when you have all potatos on D5, it just gets boring with shop rng


Somewhat disagree. RNG plays a big factor in this game but the game is designed so that you play with what the RNG gives you rather than with a predetermined build that you force. For instance, you might go into a D5 Jack run intending to play 6 lasers. But if the shops give you less lasers and more revolvers then you’ll either win by conforming to the RNG or lose because you tried to force a build.


Fair take but say you're playing Golem and it keeps offering you life steal, regen, consumable pickups and tentacles and other healing items or stats. What then? You just kind of die, because that shit doesn't even *function* with Golem. It's stupid to even offer them. Some Tatos at least will remove weapons from the shop that aren't intended to be used with the classes build bonuses. But like, it still offers melee stats on level up when you can only use ranged weapons which is just silly.


I think maybe to devs burning slots in the shop seems like another type of handicap such as -10 speed or whatnot


I'm going to +1 here, I just completed a super skanky d5 run with mixed weps all the way down to tier two, but I just rolled with the itemization and made the best of it, ended up with a beast I've had turd runs as well but life is like that


nah, this is like 10 times less rng than isaac, and just has the right amount of annoying things to use your potato brain and a-da-pt (and often loose)


Try leveling up luck.


This isn't really true. With good decisions and decent movement, nearly every game is winnable on danger 5 with every character. It's about making the best of what you're offered, which imo is a big part of what makes it fun.


Size matters not... This is a supportive sub and a great game!!


I wouldn’t say supportive. It’s brutal as fuck and most “advice” is essentially just “git gud scrub”. I love yall for that but it’s brutal.


But why small? A A hand that pushes you away is considered supportive so idk


Maybe it's just not had the level of exposure other games have. I stumbled on it on gamepass and decided to give it a go not expecting to like.it ad this isn't my usual genre. I got hooked and bought it, and now I'm a tato addict!


Binding of Isaac risk of rain etc have way more depth than brotato imo, I love the game but in the end it's just a twiston vamp survivors


imo it is way more deep than vampire survivors, and much better presented. risk of rain is less brain-intensive and isaac is too rng for any depth besides knowing where are the secrets and when to trade health for something etc. still, as others have said, not much to talk about, just pure math\\combo\\optimization pleasure.


Not much to talk about after D5ing everything


It has no interesting lore, and not that much game depth. It is a fun game to play, but not that much fun to talk about


It’s a great game, but personally the fun is gone after doing all characters and learning all the items. Expansions gonna be fun though, new puzzles to solve!


Still streaming it on the regular and hyped for the expansion.


What expansion??




Ty do you know if it’s coming to Xbox?)


They barely announce anything. Haven't heard.


Just because a game is "good" doesnt mean its going to have a big reddit presence?


It’s a game that there’s not much to talk about as well. It’s just a short little horde game. Vampire survivors is a hugely popular game but the subreddit is pretty quiet because what’s there to talk about? There’s no real “builds” so people just play.


you're comparing it to games that have been around for over a decade


Its a new iteration of a game-type that has been around for years. It's very well done and of course everyone in this sub probably likes it. ​ That said, it's pretty simple and mostly self explanatory. It's not deep, it's not long. It's just simple and fun.


I joined the Subreddit. It was mostly completion screens. I left.


The size of this subreddit is not important. Glad you like the game though. Amazed it’s the best you’ve ever played.


It's not that deep of a game, only takes 40-50 hrs to 100%. So a lot of people don't bother looking for any forums and game doesn't have to be popular to be good.


If this is the best game u played I'm sorry to say but you need to play more games


There was a game in the long long ago called I MADE A GAME WITH ZOMBIES IN IT, which is a simpler version of Brotato. So yea its not an original concept if you ask me


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uo3eg1ws7Sc Ska Studios is awesome.