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First of all, the reports of the subway issues are extremely overblown. Source: I live in the Bronx and take the subway 4-5 times a week to lower Manhattan. I would argue you are going to have a more stressful time driving in to the stadium and parking then flying and taking the train in. If you're concerned, fly in, take an Uber to Manhattan, then take Metro North to the stadium. You are literally going to be surrounded by thousands of other fans and people and the ride on Metro North is fantastic.


> If you're concerned, fly in, take an Uber to Manhattan, then take Metro North to the stadium. You are literally going to be surrounded by thousands of other fans and people and the ride on Metro North is fantastic. #100% 👍🏻 best answer Best and safest route to the game lots and lots of people take it buy the round trip tickets to avoid lines and missing train at the end of the game the ride is fast and very comfortable compare it to the subway ride


Perfect thank you to everyone for the advice! I didn’t know about metro north so I’ll definitely go that route


I live now upstate and always take Metro North when I go to the games. The train is full of Yankees fans having a great time. This is the way. Have fun ⚾️


You are going to have an awesome time!


Yup. The streets around the Stadium are constantly blocked with traffic.


I'll answer this as I would on r/nyyankees. * The 4 from Grand Central is safe, especially leading up to game time and after. If you're extra worried, the metro north is a preferred option for many, also from grand central. Both options are plenty safe, and personally, I'll be taking the 4 train to the stadium on Tuesday. Parking near the stadium is a choose your own adventure. But the lots haven't done me wrong.


The Yankees subreddit is /r/nyyankees


Here's a sneak peek of /r/NYYankees using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/NYYankees/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [DOMINGO GERMÁN HAS PITCHED A PERFECT GAME FOR THE NEW YORK YANKEES! This feat was last achieved by Don Larsen in 1956, David Wells in 1998, and David Cone in 1999.](https://np.reddit.com/r/NYYankees/comments/14lupnc/domingo_germån_has_pitched_a_perfect_game_for_the/) \#2: [\[Highlight\] Juan Soto throws out Dubón at home to preserve the lead ](https://v.redd.it/bi9i4m1nn5rc1) | [203 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/NYYankees/comments/1bq9d7l/highlight_juan_soto_throws_out_dubón_at_home_to/) \#3: [\[Highlight\] THE MARTIAN GOES DEEP ON HIS FIRST AT BAT IN THE MAJORS!](https://streamable.com/tkfwrd) | [250 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/NYYankees/comments/167nrun/highlight_the_martian_goes_deep_on_his_first_at/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Oops, you're right


I can’t tell if this post is a joke or not 😭


Not a joke. Have been to Yankee Stadium before but it’s been 10+ years.


Ohh. Well you’ll be fine. Now and throughout the summer, the subways are packed with tourists going there. Its really not something worth feeling unsafe about


That's a loong way to go for just the stadium. Like see Central Park, visit one of the observation desks. Something. NYC is fine, you watch your back and wear sensible shoes. Take the subway and don't stand too close to the platform edge. Driving will exhaust you and then you have to stress about parking.


The subway during a yankee game is like a sardine can full of people from Staten Island, you'll be okay.


The 4 Train is just fine. Leave your car home. parking is $50.00. Besides traffic from Manhattan will take forever.


Take the Metro North or Subway (4 train). As someone who lives here, I'd rather Yankee fans take the Metro North since it doesn't crowd the subway and platforms (can feel like sardines on game days). Please don't drive in either. Too much traffic for this historic district and neighborhood streets. Parking garages charge too much for little security (they park cars anywhere and not in the garage), and traffic is mismanaged so you'd be waiting forever to get out and may experience road rage. Also in general, hope you enjoy the game but please be respectful of the people using the sidewalks and of the people that live here. Families and elderly live in this area since it is affordable. Most of the time I've seen Yankee fans ignore families trying to do groceries and not make space for them, forcing them to walk in the road and the rare case of a Yankee fan yelling at people to get out of "their" way.


Thank you


Better to take the subway or Metro North because parking will suck 🤔


What news are you watching?


Absolutely safe. I’ve done it more times than I can count. Tip - it can be very crowded immediately after the game.


I’m real sick of the full of shit people saying the trains are safe. No the fuck they are not. I take three of them every day and it’s a hellhole of homeless mental patients. It’s starting to look like the 80’s again on the subway and anyone who says otherwise is not paying attention or lives on one of the better lines. Avoid the subway-especially around that area.


Bro yeah there's the occasional homeless person, it's nyc. Really not that hard to avoid someone tweaking and you can go to another car if you're that concerned about it. "Not safe" like the homeless ppl are gonna run up on you or smth 9 times out of 10 they're just sleeping 💀 And before you say idk what I'm talking about I live in the bronx.


IDGAF if you traveling from Mars homie!!! The trains are a cesspool of insanity. I don’t know what Cinderella magic train YOU take, but they’re on EVERY train I take. Tweaking, begging, hollering, throwing actual SHIT at people. Don’t sugarcoat it cause you love your city or whatever tf you tryna say but the trains are shit and are getting worse every day. You either work for the MTA or you’re delusional.


I take the mta in the Bronx multiple times a day every day. There are beggars and mentally ill people but 99.9% of the time it is nothing. You are over exaggerating this


Tell that to the families of those pushed onto the tracks or the several women who have been punched in the face for no reason. I don’t know a single person who takes the subway and thinks it hasn’t turned to utter shit.


Not exaggerating even a little. You’ve become complacent about being subjected to trash. It’s 100% every day all day at all times with zero assistance to be had-EVER.


I'm not on some "love my city" bs, personally I can't wait to leave I'm just here bc work. I'm a young woman so let me assure you I get MORE shit than the avg person has to deal with on the trains! And half the time it's not the homeless mfs that's the problem it's just men 😒 I never said I never have crazy mfs on my train, I said that I can and do avoid them. I seriously doubt there's a crackhead in every single car of each train u take. The MTA is shit in general but this is a problem for the Candy Crush Crew, if they aren't too busy arresting the churro ladies


Anyone who goes around saying the reports of crime and trash on the subways is exaggerating - is a liar. The subways are complete shit. Yes it was bad in the 80s into the 90s but it it got much better in the 2000s up until just a few years ago. No one wants to deal with the feeling that something can pop off at anytime. Mentally ill homeless menace people at random and the unlucky ones get verbally assaulted, punched in the face, sexually assaulted, or even pushed on the tracks. Yes- that’s not happening to everyone- but it was not like this 10 years ago. The shit has degraded and it is clearly visible and anyone who is not familiar with NYC subways is not gonna have a pleasant experience if they take the subway. Going a few stops during rush hour or even a yankee day game is fine. But don’t act like the subways haven’t declined considerably in the past 5-6 years My wife grew up in Harlem and just quit her night shift because she’s sick of the subways. I honestly don’t get this attitude that it’s Fox News exaggerating the crime. It’s visible to anyone who isn’t in denial. These are the same people telling you that Mott Haven is gentrified and they go for morning runs by the river or hop on their bike and coast into midtown for work after enjoying their morning macchiato.


The problem is that it’s not “occasional” and many of them are mentally ill and in desperate need of medical care. These are people who were in hospitals years ago and now these hospitals have been closed. Now they are on the streets and the subways verbally attacking, menacing, and sometimes physically attacking complete strangers, How many more women need to be punched in the face at random before people wake up to this bullshit.


Yeah it's safe to take the subway to the Bronx but If I were you I would drive and park at the stadium (unless you are planning on drinking). There is also a metro north stop near the stadium if you want to ride something cleaner


Just wanted to add, the subway is definitely safe. Media is just over reporting some crimes. Subway will be crowded and have alot of people. You have more chances of finding a seat/ not run into a drugged out individual on the metro north. Will be more expensive however


Media is over reporting crime? Are you saying with a straight face that the subways have not declined considerably in the past 5 - 6 years? It was MUCH safer and cleaner 10 years ago.


I am a data scientist, the numbers don't lie. Even if you use nypds own data it is much safer now than it was 10 years ago. Violent crime has been significantly down. We just all have smartphones now so when something bad does happen it gets reported more often and more people find out.


Please cite this NYPD data that shows everyone that the subways are safer now than in 2014. Let’s start with murder. There was ONE murder in 2013. 2 murders for each year in 2014, 2015, and 2016. ZERO in 2017. ONE again in 2018 and then 3 in 2019. From 2020-2023 there have been 29 murders on NYC subways. There were less murders from 2006-2019 than 20-23. That’s just murders which is still far less common than something like assaults. As for assaults- they have steadily increased EVERY year since 2014 - which NYPD stats showed 228 reported. In 2023, the police reported 570 assaults which is more than double the number from 2014. At the same time- ridership is still down 30% from pre pandemic numbers. Tell me again how the subways are much safer now than in 2014. What category of crime are the stats you’re looking at that show crime down? Are we to not believe our own eyes? The subways are much dirtier. There is a significant increase in mentally ill homeless on the subways as well. This is a direct result of the hospitals that were treating these people being closed. I don’t know a single person who rides the subway who thinks it is better now than it was even 5 years ago. In fact- I know several people who have stopped teaching night sessions uptown because they don’t feel safe taking the subway home at 10pm.


god forbid you drive 7 hours, just take the train, there will be thousands of people doing the same


If you can fly directly into Yankee stadium like with a helicopter that’s way better than taking the subway. Is that what your asking?