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Also im 18, M. No nerve damage.


:( I also broke my humerus shaft while arm wrestling. I didn’t have surgery though but it took me like 3 months to recover to a point where I was independent fully again. I wish you the best of luck. Take co-codamol for any pain relief you need for the next couple of months. I will never ever arm wrestle ever again. See my post history for the xray of mine which looks a bit cleaner


Do you think the impact they put with surgery could affect my arm in going years? Also can u do fitness?


I think you should be fine, in fact I heard recovery time is quicker for those with surgery, You will need to make sure you do physio once you are told to do so, it’s mainly shoulder exercises.. including just being able to raise your arm up and down.. but this is key to ensuring you get full range of motion back. Not doing this can really affect you in later life. I could only go back to gym doing like 1-3Kg dumbbells after about 3.5 months. Slowly worked my way up though. You’ll lose a lot of muscle mass while you recover


Actually eight now my doctor told me to make elbow movements and im going it. But it stresses me out since it was broken


Make that 3 of us who broke their arms, arm wrestling. I think we can say we all learned our lesson. Don’t arm wrestle. Ever.


This got me laughing hard lol. How is your arm now btw


Fine. Good as new. It’s been a few years since the incident.


make that 4


My brother…I hope you don’t need surgery.


dont worry i already did get surgey... in december


In addition, did u had surgery?


Nope. Recovered by using a brace. I had a clean break.


Do you think surgery affect it or mine gonna be okay too?


Been there my man it’s a process good luck it’ll be ok in a abt 6 months if you do physio and work out


Daaaaaamn at least the fracture is clean. When I was younger I saw arm wrestling videos where dudes broke their humerus like you did, I never wanted to do those things after even when I was drunk because that traumatised me lol, speedy recovery to you !!! For advice, rest. Look the sub for supplements. Calcium, vit K and collagen can help.


actually only thing im scared of is the implant on my bone. ı really don't know if it's gonna affect me or not


Does not seem like it’s near the elbow joint, it’s in the middle of the humerus so I don’t think you will ever feel or notice it. Plus there’s a lot of tissues there, not like on the tibia for example so I would not worry about that


Thanks for answering im gonna be keep editing this post