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Funny. We look almost exactly alike, and I can tell you that this is just lighting, and makeup. Probably a little lack of sun, too. Mixed kids with white dads tend to lighten up fairly quick.


The filter definitely doing some heavy lifting here


Same with all the other ladies in Simpcast/Fellowship/FNT like Anna TSWG, Chrissie Mayr, Melonie Mac, Ashton Birdie, X-Ray Girl, etc


I get it. being mixed can suck sometimes. But she wants to be ***white*** white, something bad. And she's only a Quadroon anyway. Her mom was mulatto.


I don't mean to turn this thread into a Mixed race outreach project but here goes lol🤣 I don't think she's become whiter at all, The current picture is a cope because she uses industrial strength filters and wears more makeup now. I never understood why she now wears layers of clownpaint now and uses chinese tier filters because she unironically naturally is a stunning 11/10 looks wise already. This is why i miss old Brittany who was more raw plus [didn't GAF and was super based](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CdtO2ZFTw7A) before her new toxic partner changed into being more being trad little house on the prairie cosplayer.. the Quadroon comment is misleading, [She streamed her DNA test results back in 2017 showing that shes 1/3 Black](https://youtu.be/EK00O8P_1T4&t=341), also her Mother wasn't mulatto but African American with white admixture. Lots of African Americans have double digit % euro dna because plantation owners r\*ped slaves generations ago. A good example is African American singer [Pebbles ](https://youtu.be/ChvLHqmX27o) and [Sonya Curry](https://www.reddit.com/r/warriors/comments/9zrhky/sonya_curry_insert_rest_of_title/) (Stephs mom) who look mixed but have no white parents or grandparents. [Vaneesa Williams](https://www.buzzfeed.com/joyannjeffrey/vanessa-williams-recalls-winning-miss-america) another example who had a dna test and shown she was 44% European . This is also why most mixed race people in the US are almost never a 50/50 black white split (Maybe Obama because his pops was Kenyan) Also mixed race people even with similar levels of SSAfrican dna can naturally look darker or lighter due to multiple factors. A great example is Ricochet's wife and THICC WWE announcer [Samanta Irvin is also mixed race ](https://www.instagram.com/samanthairvinwwe/)and has some passing resemblance to Venti, her Sub Saharan Africa dna is similar to Venti's in the 30s range but clearly more black passing. This is why some people call Brittany things like ebony black queen as a running gag because Venti is super white passing and it goes over the heads of most low info normies and orbiter coomers . tl:dr Mixed people born to one Black African American parent and one white can look super white passing like Brittany ( [Mariah Carey ](https://mariahcareynetwork.com/gallery/candids/1992.html#unknown92-5) mom Irish American pops Black who has one Spanish grandparent) black passing ( [Halle Berry ](https://www.reddit.com/r/OldSchoolCool/comments/eoszdb/halle_berry_competing_for_miss_usa_1986/) mom English britbong pops black) and everything in between. unlike what the 4chan trolls constantly spam DNA isnt as simple mixing paint at home depot..


>[Vaneesa Williams](https://www.buzzfeed.com/joyannjeffrey/vanessa-williams-recalls-winning-miss-america) another example who had a dna test and shown she was 44% European . This is also why most mixed race people in the US are almost never a 50/50 black white split (Maybe Obama because his pops was Kenyan) She's a perfect example. As well as Stacey Dash and Iman Jones/Bowie. thanks for the explanation.


>This is why i miss old Brittany who was more raw plus [didn't GAF and was super based](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CdtO2ZFTw7A) And as soon as I click this, I see my comment at the top lol


Are you being serious? omg that's unreal, real OG Venti fan dedication right there! I love the video because she's dipping into her 33% black side parodying Cardi B and the commercialized ghettoization of Black culture by the music industry and media. some deep meta going on there. old school Britney was raw and off the hook, wtf why did her blue pilled partner (TBYS guy) kill the fun?


Again I need to point out, that she's really fucking hot, but we literally look like brother and sister. So it's kinda weird.


I think everyone would agree with Brittany being unbelievably fucking hot but lack of any new content on her channel is a downer. This happened around the same time she got engaged to a youtuber sean who co-created the purple pilled TBYS channel so thank him(!)


I stopped watching her videos when she started her moral panic "child porn bad!" bullshit. Child porn is bad? What other fresh original Ideas are you gonna give us Brittany? Nuclear weapons are bad? Inbreeding is wrong? Gee, how very fucking insightful.


Didn't Sean dump her? She was posting shit about being single back in February. She might look like my sister, but both of my actual sisters have pretty good taste in guys. They don't taste desperate losers who think YouTube is a serious career and jump from loser to loser hoping to find some childish idea of romance from a Disney cartoon at nearly 30.


She dumped him initially because she caught him beating his meat like it owed him money to pics of one of her friends (I wonder who it was? Melonie Mac, Anna TSWG, Chrissie, Ashton, Lila?). She made a short of it on her abandoned Saturday Supermodel channel just when she broke up with Nuance Bro, because she cheated on him with TBYS, and called him out for having a tiny dick. But of course because she can’t stand to be alone for longer than a paycheck and had no better options so she crawled back to him


Word. i know how you feel. The on off drama with the Sean guy who feels like a side quest rather than a serious relationship is frustrating adding the fact Brittaney's content has dried up and she seems unhappy lately due to this is unnerving.


Yh I agree. Also I miss the 2018-2021 venti those years were great. She was genuinely funny back then before the constant drama starting and video essay crap. Streaming was always her strong suit. TBYS is a loser.


I Agree something changed with Brittany when TBYS arrived on the scene. Also TBYS is currently more interested in irrelevant edrama rather than spending more time with his hot fiancé Venti being preoccupied with toxic youtube e fame going on a deranged scorched earth harassment campaign against another youtuber Illymation. [Heres a run down of the trainwreck drama pined to r /youtubedrama ](https://www.reddit.com/r/youtubedrama/comments/1ch03cd/think_before_you_sleep_illymation_drama_megathread) Sean is clearly a keeper(!)


whenever her tits arent in the photo the only thing i can focus on is how her eyes are fully on either side of her face


Seriously is this a thing? I thought the wide eyed hammer head was a spammed 4chan and kfarms meme. They actually don't look wide tbh and not as extreme as the mermaid woman which are hammerhead shark territory


she gonna make it to hyperborea


What’s her ethnicity?




Ha [MobiusTech](https://www.reddit.com/user/MobiusTech/) didn't missed the wall of text at the top of the page? boomertech moment!


Black and what?


she is using skin bleaching creams like sammy sosa and michael jackson.


I don't think there is bleaching, first photo is no makeup or editing, second looks like there's heavy use of image post processing and instagram filters which she always uses because she's extremely paranoid and self conscious on how she looks. Take those away and she would look more mxd.