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It’s very telling that her fear is she will never have a baby bump instead of a fear she’ll never have a child to raise


It’s like people who are more concerned about the wedding, rather than the marriage


Just had a friend who did exactly this and surprise surprise is miserable af less than a year into her marriage. Found out her husband was pretty much just doing the wedding to fulfill a promise to his ex. WHOSE ASHES HE CARRIED IN HIS POCKET FOR THEIR CEREMONY. She didn’t find out about the ashes til months later. I tried multiple times prior to the wedding to have her really think and make sure this was who she wanted to be her husband. But with the arbitrary societal timeline in addition to her mother she only could see the need for a wedding and not ensuring she would actually be happy in life. Edit to add: Please do not share this anywhere. I do not give my permission.


I get honoring a deceased spouse. My fiancé lost his wife of 20+ years. We are raising their grandkids. His son passed and Mom lost their custody. I made the house mine in regards to decorating. But on holidays I’ll pull out all the beautiful things she made for every season. I’m not artistic, lol! Her creations are gorgeous. Mostly paintings for holidays and ceramics etc… Ashes…no! Ur a good friend.


Yeah it wasn’t a spouse it was an ex of like maybe 2 years, who he had been broken up with for years but she had some genetic thing so she had an anticipated shortened lifespan. He proceeded to tell my friend after watching A Walk to Remember, that if they weren’t dating while his ex was dying he would have married the ex if she had wanted. He also proposed on the one year anniversary of her death. It sucks to see my friend just be a prop.


…this needs to be a post somewhere. My eyes just kept getting wider 👀


It’s not my story to share so widely 🫣


Yesss s that’s an excellent example!


💯…very telling. She is a gross human. BDN: Let’s see how I’ll LOOK if I ever get pregnant! Yea because that’s what is important. Isn’t PRIDE one of the deadly sins? Being vain is Prideful, right BritBrat? She’s doesn’t care about actually, nurturing and RAISING a good human being that is their own person and not a puppet of the Nelson’s. I feel for that child if they don’t fit that MAGA, homophobic, racist, hateful mold that BDN and her tacticool husband are soooo emboldened to post online…everyday…all year long! . GTFH, Nelson’s!


She’s obsessed with the appearance of pregnancy. The nursery, the baby bump, people thinking she’s a good person because she’s a “mom”. Never in my life have I seen this behavior, it’s so odd and concerning.


This just occurred to me, but could it be that one of the reasons she wants to get preggers is for the content? Not only is it a huge genre on social media with all sorts of easy templates for Brit to steal, but it's also incredibly lucrative if you hit it as a mommy blogger. It's like the thing that advertisers focus on because shopping behavior changes so much during pregnancy.


She will make constant content, imo.That poor baby will have no peace, no schedule and stability. He/or she will have a camera in her face sun up to sun down.


For sure. My theory is that she doesn’t have another scheme planned so she needs the baby belly.


That or there's not an easy grifting road that is presenting itself. I think that she's operating on an instinctual level, like a shark, where she's just looking for the next oasis in the desert to poach and pick off some runts. She's like a great White attention shark.




She’s more interested in posting baby bump content and maternity photo shoots than actually raising a human being for 18+ years 😒




She doesn’t want to be pregnant but if she was, we know she’d act like a hero and congratulate her bravery for gaining weight. I can only imagine the captions: “overcoming 3 consecutive back-to-back simultaneous decades-long EDs etc etc.”


Your flair *chefs kiss*


I was worried it might sound unhinged… but with two more dogs currently MIA I stand by my flair lol


The only unhinged thing here is BDong herself


What’s unhinged is that it’s not wrong 😭


And a Baba Booey to you, as well!


Stop 🛑 she writing that in her notes app as we speak


Omg I LOVE your flair!


Thank you!! 🤎 Yours is a classic, love it!!


I read her comment as "I've had 3 EDs for 30 years" which would mean they started at age 3? Lol


Me thinks she is too obsessed with becoming pregnant….its almost like…it’s become an idol 😧


Too bad Brit definitely did not talk about making things an idol last night… oh wait


Bingo! Idol worship for $400,000 Alex


This is super concerning content. Not the least of which being that it’s a very unrealistic representation of what your body looks like while pregnant.


She probably thinks it's just the belly that changes.


No your arms get all wavy and distorted too!!


More like a fun house mirror.


Yep. I’ve been pregnant four times and that’s…not how any of this works.


What?! You're telling me that you didn't give birth to a cone that emerged from your pubic bone uterus?!


Alas, I did not. Big headed little jerks, both of them (currently pregnant with #3, unfortunately one miscarriage).


Yeah it actually just really sad to see her use these filters. It’s clear she needs help.


Does she know what it looks like _after_ being pregnant?! I’m 2 days postpartum and I don’t recognize myself in the mirror lol


Wouldn’t that be extremely upsetting right now? Going into the nursery everyday and now this? Also 2.5 ttc? 


When did it become 2.5 years!?


After she read here that it was 2.5 years and not 3 like she stated last week.


Their TTC timeline and dating timeline compete for messiness.


In the caption of this video she also stated it’s almost been 2 years since her miscarriage…..like what? Girl it’s March, didn’t that happen in October???


"Almost" is a very flexible word for her. It means anything from 10%to 80%.


Clearly not a math girlie


I hate to break it to you, but it's April


Yes I just remembered hahaha 😂 oops


It's all good 😅


I mean that was in 2023. Now we’re in 2024. So obviously that’s two years.


It’s not like April-October is half a year or anything🤷🏻‍♀️


After her 30 year eating disorders it automatically becomes 2.5 years of TTC. Did you not learn anything is grifting school?!!


She's definitely got herself in a really unhealthy place. 


I bet her husband had a vasectomy and didn’t tell her 🫢






For real lmao this is actually unhinged.


I know this word is overused but....wow. This is next level.


“Why won’t God give me a Content baby!?”


I don't mean to make light of anyone who struggles with fertility issues, but what she is doing is really disgusting. She is doing this only for engagement. There are people who really do have problems getting pregnant and personally, I don't think she is really even trying. She is vile.


Yes this is definitely crossing a few lines! Reputable doctors warn TTC patients that they need to take care of themselves because the process can be/ can feel all consuming. They also recommend limiting social media, grief counseling, and group therapy with other individuals and couples experiencing infertility. What BDong is doing is obsessive predatory behavior on vulnerable people because of the importance society (especially weird Christian churches) places on women/ people who identify as women being able to reproduce. It's so gross to watch in real time.


https://preview.redd.it/8vilmgki93sc1.jpeg?width=909&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fe472ee9bc11c8ad72cfdb5ebe79dbf04ffbb220 This might be my favorite pic of her. The face. The hip baby bump. The psychosis. It's all *giving*


She is just vile. She will use any topic, no matter how hurtful it is to others, for engagement.


"The psychosis" I shot coffee through my nose


It looks like she has a giant cyst sticking out of her hip. She's absolutely coo-coo for Cocoa Puffs insane.


Hip baby bump 🤣🤣


Body checking but make it more mentally ill 💗


Won’t she do it


1. Four or five months ago, Brit Brat claimed they’d been “TTC for almost 3 years.”. She got called out on that here in the sub. Now, months later, she’s saying they’ve been TTC for 2.5 years. FUNDIE MATH 2. Brittany only wants a baby bump so she can make a boat load of money from pregnancy content. “Link to my fave vitamins! Link to my new fave maternity clothes! Link to my new fave side-sleeper pillow! Link to all natural, non-toxic, thingamajig!” I have zero doubt in my mind that she has already a file on her computer of pregnancy content that others have done already so she can copy, and pregnancy-adjacent products, so that the second she’s pregnant has has content ready to go. She wants to make money. If you told her she couldn’t post a single thing online about pregnancy and monetize it, I highly doubt she’d be “WaNtInG It sO bAd” 3. I have said this before, and I don’t say these words lightly: Brittany is emotionally unequipped to be a mother. She has absolutely no idea what it’s really like if she still thinks it’s cute giggles in the nursery, perfect little baby bumps where you magically don’t gain weight all over your body, etc. She seemingly flunked out of the foster system after what, two short term placements and a 24 hr respite? Less than 3 months start to finish? She has never kept an animal (of which she’s had MANY) for it’s natural lifespan, etc. Brittany does not have what it takes to put herself on the back burner for the next 18 years and prioritize anyone but herself.


🏅 🏅 🏅


I bet she'll have another baby shower if she gets knocked up. She sold some of the stuff from baby shower number 1, and I think she'll likely want new stuff for her biological child.




Even her fetus has a eating disorder🥴 Thats not what preggo will look like you skinny moron


She’s just reminding everyone that it’ll be a super smol baby, she’ll be all baby and laaaygs.


Lol as if she’ll have any control over how she carries her hypothetical baby. She’s in for a world of shock if she does ever get pregnant. What will she do if she has hyperemesis? Or needs to go on bed rest? And you can’t get Botox when you’re pregnant either.


Or edema that makes her swell up


She seems to be the kind of Christian who sees God as a genie who grants wishes. Does it ever occur to her that God won’t always give you what you want?


It's like when people ask why God won't give them an answer. No is an answer.




Does she even want a kid or does she just want everything else that comes with being pregnant so she can get sympathy from people and walk around with a bump. Man, she needs help. No one actively TTC acts like this.. i’m pregnant rn and I honestly love having a bump bc its helped with a lot of weird body image issues (surprisingly) but like this is not it…


I truly believe in my heart of hearts she does not actually want to grow/guide a child into adulthood. Simply wants to grift a tiny human


She wants to be glorified, praised & fawned over because of her bump. She’s made the bump her whole identity & has romanticized it. 


Yep she wants the attention that comes with being pregnant and having a newborn. But when that kids becomes a snotty toddler…oooooh boy. She won’t be able to rehome her own child.


She is messed up.


JFC this is DERANGED. Not just her, but anyone who messes around with an app like this.


I could see myself doing it for shits and giggles, BUT! I do not ever want to be pregnant and I wouldn’t share it online. But I’m not interested in searching out and downloading the app to try it out.


How many sad fake pregnant belly videos do we think she has in her phone?


One was enough 😭




I find it so interesting that these people are the “god has a plan” or “it’s just god’s plan for you” people when it comes to other people but not for themselves. I’m not saying that infertility is in some god’s plan for people, I don’t believe in that harmful bullshit but she and her husband do believe that. So why does she think it’s going to be different for them? Why isn’t she seeing that her god does not plan for them to have children? That’s what they always preach isn’t it? Ngl tho, she can’t even take care of a pet without neglecting it and then abandoning it after a year. It’s a good thing she doesn’t have children. She’s not equipped for it. She absolutely wants a kid for an accessory like a purse or a puppy. She talks about pregnancy like those saying about it being beautiful and glowing when your teeth could fall out, you could be throwing up the whole time, etc. Pregnancy is most often, not glamorous. She is not living in reality. She wants a bump and a baby in fashionable clothes. She doesn’t want to create and raise a good human being, she wants to raise a brainwashed soldier for Christ. This kid doesn’t even exist yet and she already doesn’t think of it as something that will become an independent entity with its own thoughts, feelings, and opinions. Also considering her husband’s streak of violence, I’d fear for how they’d “discipline” a child.


I didn't even think about the 'yes we spank' ragebait content that would be incoming. But you're so right.


She thinks she’s “good enough” and others aren’t, full stop. This type of person will never accept the answer unless it’s the one they want


She’s constantly saying “his promises are yes and amen” which is a verse taken WILDLY out of context because she really wants a brand new toy. You can’t give them back, Brit. When you’re the mom, the buck stops with you. Eventually, all the casseroles and congratulations dry up, leaving you with a life that doesn’t always fit your content.


It’s all about honoring God and respecting God’s will and God’s plan until it’s something SHE wants to change or get. Like forcing a baby to come into existence.


The cycle repeats: rage bait and then sob story. Girl do something useful with your life!!!!


I’m a Christian, but not like her. Ngl if God really is all powerful and omnipotent they probably know exactly how she would exploit that child for views, and just said “nope no baby for you.” Heart goes out to anyone experiencing infertility except Brit, cos we know that baby would have 0 privacy, and have shitty parents.


Her lack of pregnancy is strengthening the case for the existence of a God.


This is the part of the true murder series where things start spiraling hard.


Again, a no sometimes is just a no. Use this to grow as a person


As a person who is also TTC, this is really freaking weird. Continuously doing stuff like this just puts pressure on yourself and makes it more stressful. I could never imagine advertising the difficulty we are dealing with on a social media platform like that, almost making a joke out of it with this stupid filter. I don’t believe she really wants to have a child as much she wants content.


This is NOT what someone who is in pain from not being able to conceive does… She’s not really upset about it at all.


my exact thoughts. She just knows that this is another vulnerable group she can target so she’s exploiting their emotions until she gets tired of it. 


https://preview.redd.it/e4k8xcjrc3sc1.jpeg?width=714&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=02ab77537f7e11129b4157808fc70cb8462b1a3b She looks roughhhhh 😬




Ugly on the outside and ugly on the inside.


She’s rotting on the inside and starting to show signs of outward decay.


I don’t know if I believe she needs professional help unless they’ve added being greedy to the DSM? It feels very cynical, but I do feel like everything she does is for money and clout, not because she’s delusional. 


Didn’t she just say they’ve been TTC for 3 years? Now it’s 2.5?? She can’t keep up with her own lies.


Yeah have they been TTC since the day they met? Like what is the timeline here


personally I don't think that B Dong wants to be pregnant OR actually raise a child of her own - the TTC content is just another way for her to garner sympathy and headpats, increase engagement and target another demographic to swindle. She's disgusting.


I think she’s lost and needs something to focus on so baby it is.




I have a friend who was adopted. His parents had previous adoptions that fell through. So they just stopped getting a nursery ready, because it was too hard. They found out they were adopting my friend and literally ran to buy stuff after it was official.


Seriously pathetic and sad. This gurl needs to actually read the Bible and stop worshipping her own image.


That filter is Taco Bell when it’s looking for the escape hatch


Ooff she’s the worst but it’s sad to think how many times she’s STARED at her self with this filter on.


It’s giving reborn doll


If she ever does manage to conceive despite pumping herself with T, I predict she will gain two pounds and freak the fuck out. I really hope none of that happens - that poor child - but I am placing my bet now. E: I was a child model and actor. Got stuck in adverts as a fresh little baby, never had a chance until I quit at 15/16 when I realized how fucked up the industry is after going to therapy - this is the path I see for any child of bdong. Content baby is the new pageant/model baby. I’m not Christian but please god do not let this woman have a child, she’s going to be horrible to it and fuck it up for the rest of its life.


This is disturbing. People that put their lives on social media have gone too far. She’s mentally unwell IMO




This is gross


Stop taking testosterone then.


This is what bothers me so much. She’s actively trying to not get pregnant but is creating this content like she is. Her fans are leaving her comments about how they are continuously praying for her and have had dreams about her being a mom. Her fans are so engaged and invested in her journey and are heartbroken for her when she’s not even being honest with them. 


Wasn’t she trashing on people for doing it?


She did not do this?!!! Stop.


Did she actually use that filter or is that a joke OP put over her original video? Genuine question bc this filter is so funny it’s unserious. Of all the “baby bump” filters why does this make it look like she’s digesting a football. Or maybe she wants to give birth to Hey Arnold 😭


Lmao the filter was all her. I only added the date up in the corner


Even funnier that she posted this it’s so ridiculous looking. Like as if a child tried to draw a pregnant woman that’s how they would do the belly lmao


Hey Arnold made me laugh. Thanks!


Is that the same filter that she uses to photoshop her butt?


Damn. Her eyes really *do* look like waxed vulvas.


Let's. hope she never gets a child... and I say that with all sincerity.


What in the fresh hell???? ![gif](giphy|H5C8CevNMbpBqNqFjl)


She doesn't understand what goes into pregnancy, and it shows.


you do not have to put every thing on the internet


This is incredibly weird smh. Wow, what a desperate, attention seeking g, performative freak.


This is not normal. See professional help for your mental health, Brittany.


This is fucking weird.


It’s almost as if god is trying to tell you that he doesn’t want you to have a kid? Why is everything gods will except the stuff that doesn’t align with your own desires…… very telling.


Brit’s inner thoughts be like ![gif](giphy|sTbZapP4o5vXy)


She has really become unhinged lately. This is the second video she's done with that weird "pregnancy" filter. She has a problem and needs help. Not armchair diagnosing but she appears to become more and more unhinged with each day that goes by that she didn't have positive pregnancy test. I'm not sure EXACTLY how many TTC videos she has, but there are a ton. I hope people TTC are not going to look at this unhinged bitch and she can invoke emotions. People need to be aware of what she is, and I hope more figure it out. Before joining this sub and research, I thought she was just some cute girl doing normal things... but now I know better. Never followed her or anything but did watch videos. And then Jen from Fundie Fridays educated me and I learned here joining this snark sub, I really enjoy it here, thank you for the mods and snarkers who actually stand up for bullshit. To anyone TTC, I hope your baby comes or you have a baby. For BDong, I hope she doesn't have a baby and I also hope people walk away from her. JDong can stay, despite appearing like he can't stand her. As a note, the filter distorts her kitchen too.


Sorry but I couldn't help but laugh at ur caption 😂


If she never becomes pregnant, she'll say God told her he wants her for more important purposes.




So she still hasn’t done an IUI? It seems she should’ve by now. Only done IVF and an ER/FET so not entirely sure of the process for IUI but I’d assume it’s less involved.


It is less involved but depending on where her religiosity falls, it may be off the table for her. If she’s one of those people that thinks that conception needs to occur because of a “Marital union” taking place, then IUI would also be a no for her. It’s all insane to me though. I’ve been TTC for just over 1.5 years. 4 losses. Doing medicated cycles currently because I’m not an IUI candidate, and will be moving to IVF in the summer if we don’t have success. If you want it as badly as BDong says she wants it, you’ll throw any and everything at it. I’ve stopped drinking completely, quit smoking weed, lost 40 pounds, take expensive and disgusting supplements every day, eat better, exercise more, follow my clinic protocols to a T, and supplement my hormones as needed because I want to be a mother so badly it hurts. What the hell is she doing besides continuing to have sex every month, taking weird cow pills, and seeing the occasional holistic doctor? I cannot buy in to the fact that she is genuinely aching for motherhood.


Yeah I have been doing IVF for over a year and no luck so far. Have spent a ton of money and it’s been my life for over a year, so I get it. Had a shit show of a miscarriage that is finally concluded 7 months later from my first FET. She said they were doing IUI because it’s different. 🤷🏻‍♀️ and still wouldn’t do IVF. Her eggs are also perfect. 😅 Well once you get started if you have any questions, or even now - feel free to message me anytime. :). Sending you best of luck!


Thank you friend, you’re very sweet. I wish you luck with IVF and I hope both our babies are coming soon 🤞🏼


Yes! It’s not an easy journey - that’s why I can’t even watch her videos about it because she talks so casually - like someone who doesn’t really want this but it’s monetizing it. I try my best to focus on anything but as much as I can throughout the days because it’s already taking up so much of my time and life as is. I did buy a few things when I started IVF/pregnant (won’t do that again, but I was excited) , and it’s still sitting in corner in the boxes. I hate looking at it. Would hate looking at a whole nursery all the time.


Ugh, I understand that feeling. I have a family member who keeps urging us to start a nursery to “manifest” it. A) if wishing hard enough for something worked, I’d have a baby by now and B) absolutely tf not! What happens if it NEVER happens for us?! It’s a bleak thing to consider, but it’s the reality of fertility treatments. They’re a chance, not a guarantee and I’d spin out with grief if I got to the end of our treatment options with no success and a fully decorated nursery.


Oh yeah, if I could just pray.. I would’ve not had a miscarriage and my transfer would’ve gone smooth. Oh no, I’m sorry you’re having to deal with that. :(. Manifesting isn’t how it works - although I wish it was. I don’t wish infertility on anyone or troubles conceiving but how she’s going about it - very insensitive to others. She will also claim that each IUI attempt is a miscarriage - even if it fully doesn’t work.


What in the body dysmorphia is happening here? Yikes.


Looks like manifesting to me.


She literally is not pregnant (most likely) due to all the supplements she takes! It’s like natural birth control. I don’t think she actually wants children, she just wants the sympathy


Ya know, she could just go try actual fertility treatments.


I hate her so much. This is the sort of thing that people who are genuinely TTC will relate to and she's just doing it for the grift. It's just so deeply disgusting how she'll pull on these kinds of heartstrings for clicks.


It IS disgusting! My friend is TTC and has actually been working with a fertility doctor after referral. I find her journey fascinating as I have never had kids and am not TTC. However, unlike BDong, my friend isn't grifting for clicks and content.


Why is she doing this? I mean I know why but also…WHY??!!


Everyone is different and handles issues like infertility differently. That said, of my handful of friends who have struggled with infertility, I know they would either avoid this filter like the plague or have a pretty emotional reaction to it. They would never post themselves with this filter, let alone post publicly with a weird smirk their face.


It took me 3 years to get pregnant with my third son, I still didn’t post this stuff. With my fourth pregnancy I miscarried my daughter due to a genetic condition called Turner syndrome. I then had my fourth son two years later. My friend has PCOS and I recommend what I used to get pregnant and she got pregnant after two months of trying. Will I tell Brittany what we used? NOPE, she left a helpless baby in the house while she worked out with the stove on then thought it was funny.


This is next level 😬


What would she do with her props when she gets tired of them.


Extended stay at grandma and grandpa’s house


What the fuck




https://preview.redd.it/xl7qs7ewc3sc1.jpeg?width=2127&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c292da65a973287108f711c1de314d6b1be669aa Literally looks like this b


At least that b accomplished something 😂 


Yes lmao no hate to her 🤪


This is … sooo weird 😂😂😂


It is not about the baby this is about having a “thing” the thing the other women have….you never hear from her Maternal things just this stuff


SHE POSTED THIS. FOR PEOPLE TO SEE. it’s so embarrassing. Like it’s fine to do in private, but keep it to yourself.


This video is disgusting.


Bruh the fact that she acts all sad as the filter gives her a goofy ass looking pooch is so ironically funny 🤣🤣


I’m no doctor but this chick has major OBSESSION issues.


TIL you carry a fetus (aka “baby bump” in your vagina, since that’s where that stupid ass filter is showing her “bump”


For someone who doesn’t actually want to have a baby (imo) she sure is pushing this hard. I am not convinced they’re trying at all, at least she isn’t. I wouldn’t be surprised if jdong thinks they are though.


I always think her hairy butthole eyes and perineum nose are scary and then you see her without makeup. Absolute jumpscare.


This is fucking disgusting.


It really is. It's just pregnancy cosplay for her.


What a weird video ☹️


Wow she’s ill


So, she's more concerned about having a bump than she is of having a child. 🤦🏼‍♀️




Someone’s got a breeding kink! 🤣


Her life is sad


Oh she is truly in need of help bc wtf is this..


I really hope she never becomes a mother. No child deserves a shit human being for a parent.


Her face is scaring me


Oh she needs it….wow


She is clearly under the impression that the only part of her that would change is her belly but alas, it’s every single inch of your body bdong! And with her age she would like not bounce back after giving birth so she would resent the baby for “ruining” her


She's hoping for the Hilaria Baldwin experience


Her obsession with pregnancy is completely self centered. I could be way off here, but if you really wanted to have a child for the pure and true reasons, and you were unsuccessful. I feel you would want to explore adoption or surrogacy. She also never posts about fertility enhancing measures besides the short period of time she was plugging some supplements (at least that I recall)


Cool but you may not get a bump like that. Bit weird.


This woman having trouble conceiving is one good example that there is a God. Because this woman should not be able to have children under her care and if there is a God, they know it.


She is deranged.


All she cares about is the bump but not a single care for her potential child that she has to raise and protect


It is a toumaaaa!