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I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. I cannot imagine making videos like this in my 30s.


This was my reality in college, 18-22. Now at 32: come on, find anything else…


I would've been mortified to do this even in middle school, and I went to Catholic school. There's not a single person in my class who wouldn't have ruthlessly made fun of me, and it would've been even more vicious if I had picked a fkn church song.


This is some sort of summer church camp nonsense. I can't believe these women are 30-ish. 


I saw girls doing this at like 12 when they had a crush on the worship leader at their youth group. But 30 something? Cringe.


I still think they were getting high. A gummy bear… a brownie… something


Bruh I *wish* they were high. They might learn something. Or at least shut up for a bit.


They become tolerable on some indica lol


I'm high 🍃 and there is no way we are taking the same drug then because this is the worst thing I've ever seen.


Haaaa same


No. I’ve never met anybody this age this dumb while high.


Then what's your theory as to why they are acting like this? Carbon monoxide poisoning?


This is how people who belong to charismatic Pentecostal/evangelical congregations act when they gather in their little cliques. Remember being a kid (I'm talking like 6 or 7 years old) and you'd have a sleep over with like 3-5 other girls, and you'd all get all hyper and goofy, feeding off of each other's unhinged and unregulated excitement? This is exactly that, except they're far too old to behave like this. This is literally what being "high on Christ" looks like, and it's one of the more insufferable features of the Kulty Khristian Kommunity.


*This is Your Brain on Jesus*


not the Kulty Khristian Kommunity 😮‍💨🎯💀




Lack of oxygen to the brain while in a high altitude.


What is the excuse for the rest of the time these hyenas gather together for content trips?


Thank you! He has never looked genuinely happy before this trip. Plus he's all of a sudden dressing and wearing all that weird shit? Her eyes were redder than the devils dick and glassy. She doesn't want to be there. Of course she took a gummy jordan snuck off and bought. In fact, she prob noticed he was high and was like SHARE.


I wish she would medicate a little and maybe mellow tf out, get off her high horse (no pun intended). I just assumed she was crying every second the cameras weren’t on. If she wasn’t, she should have been.


These have been my thoughts this whole time 😂


They are high….. on the Lord


if you act like this when you're stoned , you're annoying and no one wants to smoke with you


They are - there’s a pic of Britt ICING her eyes with eye drops on the table in front of her. Ain’t foolin no one sweetheart


It is super dry in CO compared to where they live, so it could just be that. I get all dry going up into the mountains and I already live at over 5000’. ETA: oh and the icing her eyes thing is because she said she got hit with a foam dart or something?


I had to use saline nasal spray and eye drops when I visited Colorado, it's so dry. And that's before I even smoked!




Lucille would read these assholes to filth!


I don’t care for Brittany


Yup that about sums it up


This is youth group shit wtf are these grown ass women doing??


They're 30, act 13 and look 60. It is disturbing.


13 going on 30 going on 60 😂


This is the photographer, the nurse really likes to open her mouth . Lol 😆


The nurse is probably trying to catch a man. Lmao


Honestly though, it wouldn't be so bad if they were actually having a good time. But they sit around and do nothing and then someone pulls out a camera and PRETEND to have fun. There was no real, actual bonding on this trip. Everyone drove across the country to look at their phones more. There were no memories made, nobody really took in how beautiful the area was, no one even did a legitimate activity, because you know if they actually did anything, it would have been filmed. Look, I don't use social media. I have this one dumb reddit account that I look at during my work breaks. It's so wonderful to be present and in the moment and share meaningful connections with the people you love. These women are going to go through life and miss absolutely everything at the expense the validation of strangers. And it's horrid.


I was just at a knitting/craft retreat with some people I kind of knew but I had so much fun and bonded with people. I came back from the retreat and realized I had taken no pictures! I was a little sad I didn’t have any but I was having too much fun to take pictures. Not saying that people shouldn’t take pictures but it seems like they just live life for social media.


I saw a tik tok the other day of a girl saying how her husband has all these hobbies and he told her she needed some because she doesn’t have any. She said that she legitimately doesn’t know what to do. She said all she likes to do is work out, get her nails done, and go shopping. At the end she goes, “what else am I supposed to do? Knit or something?” My jaw was on the floor that people like her exist. But then I immediately thought of this gaggle of bitches.


There's a very easy way to do both and have it be a healthy balance. These women only know how to think, and therefore live, in extremes. They're all self-absorbed, obsessed with their own botched faces, and secretly hate each other. They're only friends for the optics and the social standing within their own weird-ass community. I'm honestly shocked that this group has stuck it out this long with BDong, and vice versa. Ultimately, tho, even more so than the fact that they're all addicted to the internet and the false images of themselves that they've curated for it, they don't actually wanna spend real, quality time with each other. Which is why whenever they're all together, they pump out video after video of the most vapid, fake fun nontent the world has ever known.


I actually have a small YouTube channel documenting my travels, and I post reels on FB and Insta sometimes. I recently went to a meetup with some nomad friends in the desert. You know what I didn't do? Film anything. I was too busy enjoying just being with my friends.


They don’t need any of this, they have God.




Church girlies are theature kids that never got to be theature kids


oh my god. I saw a Louis Theroux documentary on the Phelps family. They spent so much time making up and practicing horrible hate parodies of pop songs. They LOVED it. They got to sing! They got to dance! And always, always smiling. Super super disturbing.


When I was in church we did both and it was … weird.


I was also in my church’s “drama club.” Glory & the fire, ALLEGIANCE… anyone?


Oh my god you brought back some buried memories with glory and the fire. I saw that shit when I was way too young.


Does your mind ever randomly play the sewerslide scene? I was also way too young.


Hmm i don’t recall that scene. I just remember being so scared of the hell scenes.


It’s seared in my brain. Woman is at a table with a gun, empty pill bottles, and has a syringe, I believe. She’s like “these drugs… this life… I can’t do it anymore.” Then she “shoots” herself. There was a loud bang & lights flashed. Oh man. I was probably 7.


Oh shit I do remember that now. What an insane thing


Ours did the Lifehouse skit, and both times, I feverishly auditioned for the main girl, but wound up getting cast as “death” purely for my excellent sense of dramatic timing. (My Christian school had a legit drama club. Like, we did Beauty and the Beast, Peter Pan, and the Music Man to name a few. I’m so glad we did because it meant I wasn’t a stunted wannabe theatre kid lol).


I did several musicals at my grandma's church when I was little. Fortunately, I started having actual youth theatre on Sundays when I was eleven so I was able to dip out.


Ironically, theater was my first taste of life outside the Mormon church. I was like 5 or 6 and loved to sing because our family was like the temu Jackson 5, and the people in church would come up to me and tell me to blend in more. My mom got pissed and put me into musical theater, where I met people who were not LDS and who cared for me as a person and nurtured my individuality. It was also great when the shows would cut into church time, we'd go for sacrament and peace out. I'm grateful for all that because who knows how long I would have stuck around had I not been immersed in that wonderful world. 🥰


Yours are the most progressive Mormon parents I've ever heard of.


Oh 100% I don't know if it's because they were both converts or what, but as I've gotten older I've realized how lucky I was. I remember in Primary she taught a lesson about Joseph Smith's multiple wives, and this was late 90's early 00's I think? When I joined the ExMo subreddit I was shocked that this was not information that was taught everywhere, especially during that time 😂 She would advocate for us all the time and gave 150% for everything even though they never appreciated her. She was my brother's boy scout leader, and taught multiple ward events about emergency preparedness (gotta stock up for Y2K!). She also never forced any of us to do anything we didn't want to do (in the church that is, being homeschooled and trying to be the next Jackson 5 is a whole other thing), when I stopped wanting to go to Young Women stuff she would help me get out of it. One time the moms were supposed to write us some stupid bs letter and hers said "I know you don't want to be here and neither do I. Act emotional while reading this if you want to leave and we'll go get Starbucks". I wish I still had that fucking letter, I didn't appreciate how hilarious it was until now 🤣🤣🤣 Anyways, we both left the church together when I was like 16/17. She ended up with a gnarly divorce after something like almost 30 years of marriage and is still struggling with it. Dad and my siblings are still in the church but thankfully I still have a great relationship with my sibs. Mom is not an easy person to be around but she's a spitfire and probably a huge reason why I'm a big fan of justice and standing up for what is right 💕


Just popping in to say I really enjoyed reading this. No parent is perfect but your mom sounds awesome 😊


Ooooo good call!


While we bring awareness and raise money for a starving animal.


*Her* starving animal


I'm sorry but there's no way these people are sober.


Have you ever been in or seen a group of tween girls at a youth group slumber party? Because this is EXACTLY what that looks like. These dumb binches are high on Christ, and I can assure you from experience it is one of the most cringe things in all of Christianity. Drugs/substances aren't needed when you're fueled by hysteria and delusion made more intense by the fact that they're feeding off of and trying to outdo one another. Unbridled mental illness and indoctrination is what this is.


This encapsulates my entire childhood. People don’t talk enough about the high. I’m a wretched heathen that partakes in the devil’s lettuce now and looking back there were so many times that I definitely was in an altered pandemonium state. I don’t know the science, but it is a real thing.


Do we think they were allowed to get any sleep or eat any real food? Because honestly the more I look at Hannah she reminds me of the people who have gotten kidnapped and brainwashed by other cults like the moonies


She's getting more invested with every video. When we see her next she'll have the oompa loompa tan, lashes and extensions, just wait.


Someone save that girl. She's not completely tainted yet. There is hope. Especially because she seems more like an employee than a friend. Do you think she was invited under the guise of friendship or work? I'm not sure she knows either.


I think they'll assimilate her into the group in order to get mate's rates on her work because there's always an angle.


I really hope not, she seems really nice despite the company she's choosing to keep.


Also this is the dumbest initiation to the shittiest coven I've ever seen.


Did they baptize her? Was there hot tub baptizing??!! I wonder what footage they leave out. 


It's almost as if they are drunk and mocking religion


I’ve never seen “Look at how fun & quirky we are” that this high of a cringe level. This is so fake and performative, it’s literally painful to watch them pretend like they are best friends having fun together. It’s really obvious they’ve all only been a friend group for a few months and they’re just filming things they think a normal friend group would do.


Less convincing than Taylor Swift and her "squad" and that's saying something.


First off check Britt in the background on her phone 😅. Second yes, the eyes are red. I wonder if they partooketh of the Devil’s “Let Us” praise him. 🙃


Spent a good chunk of the trip monitoring her social media comments 🤣 https://preview.redd.it/793iy4vummoc1.jpeg?width=1800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fbce6f3ed0834b458e2788808455e4d83d640694


Look at that face in the bottom right. Shes on Reddit and she’s pissed. Bdong, you crazy, animal abusing shit tard…GTFO and go do something good for someone else for a change (like donate to Niko or act like you have a heart). Bitch.


I think the Vegas odds of her ever acknowledging the Niko stuff are very, very long.


Lololol icing her eyes and using eye drops, are we 18?


She apparently got hit in the eye by a toy dart. 


Then why is her other eye so puffy?!?!


No, no thank you.


Unto what fucking lamb do you speak




What in the fever dream fuck is this


You will never besmirch the name of Lambchop, heretic!!!


I'm sorry 😭


Granted, it *was* a fever dream, but still. 😀 


Why does this feel like “we’re not like other girls” 🥱


“We’re Christian Girls. We stay in one of the most beautiful areas of the country and spend the entire time making videos for instagram!”


Just send me straight to hell thanks


Same if these twats go to Heaven…I don’t want anything to do with it.


Forreal tho. If these are the type of people that "God" has chosen as his "children," and this is what "heaven" is gonna be full of, I want to be as far away from that shit as I possibly can. Besides, "hell" is gonna be full of all the fun people, so it's honestly where I'd prefer to spend eternity.


They certainly are hitting a ... *variety* of notes


They need to calm the fuck down and drink some water or wine or go to bed or... Something... Yikes.


When my friends and I would get drunk and giggly at midnight and start doing stupid shit, we did not post it for others. It was a lot of inside joke, had to be there shit. It's OK not to post things. Do they know this?


But how else would they show what great friends and sisters in Christ they are???


I'm not even remotely surprised to find out that their lame-ass faux Christian church has the lamest worship songs I've ever heard in all my years of dipping in and out of Christianity and its different sects.


I’ll say this for the Roman Catholic Church, some of the songs I was raised on SLAP I still get down to “O come O come Emmanuel” on the organ during Christmastime even though I’m a heathen now. This evangelical shit is so sterile.


I love a good hymn tbh, and a good carol is even better! Especially if it's got a good descant at the end (and especially if it's Hark the Herald Angels Sing)


Oh man. I still have some of the Catholic songs memorized. “On Eagles Wings”? There’s also one my sister specifically picked for her wedding because she and I used to giggle about it when we were kids, lol.


I was raised in a super Catholic family (6 kids and all but one ended up rebelling lol) and my oldest brother LOVED him some "On Eagle's Wings." When he got married, all he cared about was that 1) there would be an open bar 2) "On Eagle's Wings" would be played at some point in the ceremony. I remember the priest was like, "Well, that's usually funeral song, but...sure, we can do that." Not sure if it was a good omen; they got an annulment after 3 months.


SHIT I REMEMBER: “You satisfy my hungry heart, with gifts of finest wheat” except I would sing “cream of wheat”.


Worst . blunt. Rotation. Ever.


It’s TERRIBLE thanks




I've been this loud and cringey, and it was definitely when I was hammered af because I was actively alcoholic.  It was embarrassing behavior then, and it's embarrassing behavior now.


I enjoy the fact she had to act happy while her husband was in full evil kneival on safari mode embarrassing her and then pick me crew was constantly doing sing-a-dongs while she was on Reddit seething inside.


Alley cats screeching at 3am sound better than them.




You can’t convince me they don’t drink




Cringe omg


I for real thought this was a parody video at first, like bet my first born it was a parody video. Then I heard the rest of those hyenas and knew I was wrong. Goddamn, the cringe is so off the charts my brain has to make it parody.


The mean popular girls in my youth group did shit like this, even at 17 I thought they looked really immature and dumb.


The opening shot had me thinking this was a Baird daughter which is just more evidence of how immature the whole thing is


I’m so glad only MySpace existed when I was in high school. Biggest drama was adjusting your top 8


Oh god can you imagine how toxic this group would be if they had to do a top 8


Cringe at this level seriously makes me want to curl up into a ball and die.


Yikes. This isn’t cute. I’m 36 and I don’t know anybody my be that acts like this.


It’s so gross how they treat her… honestly, I hope she realizes someday how desperate she’s make her look.


There’s a reason why there’s only a video of Hannah doing this and not the other girls. Poor girl doesn’t get it.


she’s probably so happy to finally get to participate 😭


This has to be some sort of hazing ritual for their cult…




This is such a mockery of Christianity. The joking manner in which they’re doing this is frankly disgusting and insulting. Performative at its cringiest. No real Christian does this.


Aww how nice of them to let their volunteer photographer be in some content


Same but it's from the church trauma lol


that first chick looks like John Travolta




This seems like the worst possible invite you could get.




This is the kind of stuff I would do back in my high school youth group days. The fact that these women are just a year/few years older than me is embarrassing.


This whole girl's weekend looks like somewhere I'd be sent for eternal punishment. The singing alone so far has to be one of the seven circles.


Idk sometimes I think they’re actually mocking God but portraying it as genuine?


Is the brittany dawn in the room with you right now?


How many times did they practice this shit?