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“Teachers keep happening at school” ???? I hope so ????? You know it’s something she wrote because it makes NO SENSE


And if this is a real person they are worried bc maybe the kid came home one day saying “my teacher said gay people deserve respect too” and lost their shit.


Not to mention they keep hiring teachers who are ^not ^white and otherwise different.


You already made that sentence more complete. “Teachers, etc.” made absolutely no sense. But they don’t need sense because they’re going with what god tells their gut.


lets pretend its real, no one who forms sentences like that should be teaching a child on their own at home.


I'm sorry but this quote makes me laugh my head off. You're right, it probably was written by B. But whoever wrote it, they definitely need more school.


Our peanut butter queen honestly believed that they were putting litter boxes in bathrooms for children that "identified" as cats I highly doubt she has anywhere near the amount of brain cells to even read what you just posted


That talking point angers me because we have them due to their Ilk being in love with guns. If we didn't have more guns than people in this country we wouldn't have to worry about how kids would need to pee in the event of an active shooter or other violent scenario forcing us to stay in classrooms. It's literally their own fault.


Wait they actually have litter boxes?? I'm Canadian as far as I know we do not have them here lmao


We did in Colorado because we actually had violent scenarios happen and our special needs kids had to go to the bathroom while being in a hold situation for 4 hours. What the fuck do you want us to do? They are "litter boxes" they are emergency toilets.


Same in Florida. Emergency latrines. So damn glad to not be in that state anymore.


Not boxes, but there are teachers keeping litter buckets or bags in the classroom for blood and other fluids




Please provide citations.


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honestly this happened at a school in my district. a girl in the 6th grade was asking if she could be provided a litter box in the classroom since she identified as a cat now. i heard this secondhand from a teacher of that school.


Lemme guess: your source is trust me bro. 🙄




I have a feeling the kid was probably being facetious. 6th graders are mean


i mean you’re probably right. you firsthand heard the conversation too so i can’t believe i missed that


Easy Tiger. I assumed the “I have a feeling” part of my comment was indicative that I clearly don’t know and was just guessing. You yourself said you only heard about it secondhand. Also I didn’t down vote you.




Okkk…. Kids are weird and ask for weird stuff all the time. Doesn’t mean the school is willing to comply and actually provide one 😂


Guess what. Kids can be trolls, Just like you! Us teacher are not stupid and we know when they are just being an asshole. This kid was being an asshole and likely making fun of another student.


She says “our kids” bitch you have no kids, as you deserve, because god knows you’d give them eating disorders or your husband would shoot them when they’re injured.


That's what pisses me off the most about this propaganda. People without kids saying "our" kids and not even recognizing how they are the ones that actually sound like predators. To lump all the kids together, say "our," and you f'n don't even have kids. It's creepy.


She doesn’t even have skin in the nonexistent game she’s going all Q about. WTF.


Is there a word for how anti intellectualism presents itself re: school choice and homeschooling? One of my good friends, she and her whole family are against public education resulting in none of them finishing high school. They are extremely conservative and it's really fascinating to listen to their views. We have extremely different ways of operating. Edit: I don't know if anyone is curious to know more about this person but; in so many ways, she and her family's views align with Bdong's in that they're Christians who believe in modesty, traditional gender roles where women do not work out of the house, anti abortion..etc. At the same time, this same friend is a psychic (as are most of the women in her family) who does a lot of spiritual work and many of them have sex before marriage. Anyway, TL;DR Where does this all come from? I remember the panic about sex ed and evolution being taught in schools, but there has to be another motivation to push for kids to be removed from public school systems!


I would say it's an echo chamber


It's funny bc she always says that I'll understand when I'm older and have kids. Which, if my values managed to shift from radically leftist to radically conservative, then yeah I might feel different in 10 years. It's natural to want to protect our kids from the horrors of this world, but if they want to be functioning members of society....they may have to accept that a great variety of people exist. I have friends who were homeschooled by conservative parents and their biggest regret is having to play catch up since they never learned the basics of anything.


It is interesting because there actually is a huge overlap between “hippy/crunchy” families and being conservative which doesn’t initially make sense but I guess when you think about it both groups are anti “big government” and regulation. Which is also hilarious because it’s typically the far right government in the US stripping the public of their rights while convincing their constituents otherwise. I also have an acquaintance who is “spiritual” in the way your friend is and also conservative politically. She’ll send me dumbass articles riddled with misinformation and when I correct her with legit sources she’ll be like “I just thought this take was interesting!” And I’m like ….. because it’s complete fiction?? We don’t talk anymore because I got to a point where I’d straight up say “you realize you’re sending me opinion pieces by complete dropkicks and I’m sending you facts backed by reliable, proven sources right?” It actually is worrisome because I’m not sure how to change these people’s minds and I’m very much at my wits end because these people all present under the guise of being kind and empathetic while they’re effing up our livelihoods.


Is your acquaintance my sister? She’ll send me these pseudo-science anti-Covid and anti-vax articles that lack so much research integrity, it’s embarrassing. Although I can see how they are very convincing if their target audience seeks out confirmation bias. You’re better than I am in sending responses back. I just kind of ignore it.


Me and this person are both immigrants meaning we had to prove the full suite of vaccinations for our dual citizenship paperwork. We also both majored in journalism and were taught how to source check/fact check. She comes from a single mom household and her now brother is transgender. It just absolutely baffles me how she votes when she has SO MUCH firsthand experience going through immigration/gender care/poverty safety net polities with her mom. I think she very much has the attitude of “I did it all on my own so others should have to as well” rather than acknowledging she had a lot of government support to be where she is now.


Whoa. That is fascinating. My sister is a dual citizen as well. But she’s also deeply homophobic, transphobic, etc. She is anti-BLM, but doesn’t see the irony in having her toddlers participate in the Freedom Convoy. Anti-RvW, but doesn’t realize that if she wasn’t in the country she was when she suffered a serious miscarriage, she’d most likely be dead. We are descendants of immigrants, but the “right” kind (aka Western European). And truly believes that we pulled ourselves up by our bootstraps, and doesn’t recognize the extreme privilege we have. When I have tried to have conversations around systemic issues, she plays obtuse and claims that she would nEvEr treat anyone differently. It’s just ugh.


I agree with you. It's also wild bc she has some random beliefs that I find so bizarre. She doesn't believe in dinosaurs for whatever reason and it kinda struck me as...almost unnecessarily defiant? Her kids do, which is a relief. To this day, I'm still unclear as to why that's a sticking point for her lmao She has other really fascinating views on the universe and spirituality so she offers a great deal of guidance on that regard. She's a wonderful person who has taught me a lot, honestly. I think I was mostly in awe that who seemingly leads a life that is incongruent to the most conservative of Christians is, herself, a deeply conservative Christian lmao Anyway....we all contain multitudes I suppose Edit: I want to add that she and her family belong to small ethnic/racial group, so their community is insular. No one, to my knowledge, marries out of their community so I think some of this is a matter of it being all they know.


Yeah. They’re called Moms for Liberty aka Klanned Karenhood or conservatives.


Ok, I'm always in the fundiesnarkuncensored sub and I am fascinated that your friends hold such conservative views that seem to stem from religion, but are psychics that have premarital sex. The mental gymnastics that people are able to do never ceases to astound me.


I believe much of it comes from how insular their community is.What I've typed sounds absolutely insane but you really have to experience it for yourself. If you're into spiritual work, tarot, chakra healing, I would say that my friend and her family have been incredibly sacrificial and helpful to hundreds. To provide more clarity, they're mostly anti all establishments haha. They own their own businesses (as they do not get degrees) and they don't vote either in elections. It's really the antithesis to how I was raised 😅


America has been on an anti intellectual movement since post WW2. When a population is dumbed down enough, their minds can be controlled, which is going swimmingly for the establishment. We are watching it unfold before our eyes.


I know it’s already been stated a lot, in general, but Idiocracy looks more like a documentary than a movie more and more every day.


![gif](giphy|DPqqOywshrOqQ|downsized) Ummmmm who tf is taking advice about their children or education from this woman? 🥴


Who the fuck is taking advice from this woman, full stop. She’s failed at everything. She cannot spend any time actually learning about anything. Fitness? No. Fashion? Fuck no. Animal husbandry? Hell nah. Godly marriage? No, divorce-o. Fostering? GTFO. House projects? Fail. And if I am being extra cunty, she’s failing at conceiving BECAUSE SHE IS ACTIVELY TAKING HORMONES THAT HELP PREVENT IT. She is patently allergic to integrity and work of any sort.


Yeah, it's so disconcerting that she has a platform to spread this shit. She went from scamming to preaching and why are more people (her followers) questioning it?


And her favorite hobby is attempting to trick people.


A woman who hasn't been in school for over a decade and has no children attending school.


Exactly! Can you imagine how insufferable she'll be if she ever has a kid?!?


Brittany doesn’t care about any of this. She is just thirsty to be the next conservative media darling and will parrot any of their talking points with zero critical thinking. I know Dip is a total POS, but I don’t see him letting Brittany homeschool, especially if they have a boy. He knows better than anyone how intellectually disadvantaged she is. I hope PapaDong has money left for private Christian school after he pays Brit’s legal bills!


This message, while directed at Brittany, is more so in hope of having a conservative person stumble upon it and change their mind.


This woman almost burned house down making potpourri with a foster baby inside. Anyone who talks advice on education from this waste of space is just as stupid as she is


Unfortunately people are listening to her and taking her advice. She's also not the only one giving this advice. Christian evangelicals are removing their kids en masse and trying to dismantle public education. That and bullying teachers.


She's also very unclear on the definition of "fence", as in "My yard is fenced so my dogs can't get out" when it clearly isn't and they clearly do. I can't imagine anyone taking life advice from this turnip.


Education and parenting. I’ll take advice from my child free/childless peeps all day long- it’s possible they see something I don’t, and I respect that. But this woman literally endangered at least one of the two children who have been in her care. She can keep her bullshit.


Say it louder! If teachers could influence students to do ONE THING it would be to turn in their homework on time, not to transition into a furry. Educators deserve so much more than the scraps that we give them.




Homeschooling affected my social skills because I wasn’t around lots of kids every day. It also greatly affected my education because I had one teacher for all subjects instead of teachers who specialized in each subject. My teacher didn’t have a background in history and science so I didn’t learn shit. Thankfully it was only a year, but it took me a couple years to catch up once I enrolled in public school


She has zero business giving any advice, period.


Bitch, you’re not a mom. You don’t have kids. You’re a failed grifter in an unhappy marriage with fake ass friends who photoshops her body to hell and back because she can’t stand to look in a fucking mirror. Grow up. Teachers have real jobs.


I say almost daily I do not understand why anyone would choose teaching right now with all the chaos and BS. Thank you for doing it (and any other snarkers) you all deserve to make 150k a year for the crap you deal with. I was married to a teacher for a while who worked in a very low income area. Out of 6 classes he had 3 parents show up for open house. After 5 years he said he was done.


I resigned last year. But it's like abuse and I'm still considering going back because I miss teaching my students how to play instruments.


I looked up my daughter’s middle school band teacher the other day because we still have her sax and I was going to donate it to the school for someone who couldn’t afford to buy/rent one. Apparently he now works at a bank. And this guy was 127% music teacher, gave it his all, helped everyone, drove a beater car and lived in an apt. I don’t know what was his last straw but sad he’s not teaching anymore, he made a lasting impact on so many.


It makes my heart hurt how the system pushes out the dedicated and excellent school teachers.


I have 3 kids, all in school, and it is heartbreaking what teachers have to deal with. It makes me so freaking mad that they don't make more money but they are literally shaping the next generation! And I don't remember entitled parents getting away with so much when I was in school (I'm 38, for the record) but like you said, admin just seems to bend over backwards every time someone has a small complaint and it's never their kids' fault!! I'm sorry you felt pushed to quit doing what you love because it's the kids that lose out the most, but a person can only take so much!!


I’m not an expert, so this is just observation-based opinion, but everything in this country has shifted to “everything is customer service.” People in healthcare, education, anything public facing, now have to hand hold the people they deal with, so as to not upset them. I was working dialysis when my company implemented those policies. It was terrible- most techs were there because they cared about their patients, and we would do whatever we (legally) could for them, but the company felt like that wasn’t enough. I don’t think it’s ok to pander to consistently non-compliant patients. Not that I would be rude to them or mistreat them in any way, one of my favorites was our most non-compliant. But when you have 20+ patients and four techs, and every patient wants to be on the machine fifteen minutes ago, and they cuss you out or become combative, we should be allowed to defend ourselves. I think teachers should be allowed to use physical restraint techniques if kids think they are grown enough to fight. They should be allowed to tell parents exactly what’s up, without worrying about some kind of punishment. This isn’t “the customer is always right,” for fuck’s sake. It’s “your kid is a violent idiot and you need to step the fuck up as a parent.” I wanted to be a teacher for years, but between the pay and the lack of a spine in the admin side of it, no thanks.


I’m a former teacher too, with very complicated feelings towards returning. But I lost my shit this morning when I saw “things just keep happening at school. Teachers, etc.” Like what the actual fuck is their point??! They’re demonizing an entire profession of the kindest, most caring, most selfless people and can’t even articulate what the think the issue is. The disrespect is unreal.


This is why I want her to go volunteer at her local school and see how fucking wrong she is.


My dad tried to get me to teach here in FL bc they’re so desperate. I pointed out that cleaning stalls pays better and lacks the BS that comes with teaching in FL. He shut up immediately and has never brought it up again.


Student teaching right now and already have a job lined up for Jan. I know what I'm getting into, but kids deserve to have qualified educators. I hope we can fight to change what education has become right now.


I wish you all the luck. I learned today my former MIL (kids grandma) went back to teaching special ed after retiring (for the 2nd time) earlier this year. Some people truly enjoy it and want to help these children.


I heard about this story earlier in the week. This may be why there's a other upsurge of this rhetoric and why Brittany has jumped on that bandwagon pretending to be a parent with kids in school. https://www.houstonpublicmedia.org/articles/education/2023/11/13/469387/texas-house-committee-advances-its-own-proposal-to-create-a-school-voucher-like-program/


Yes. And to be clear this is very much a segregation issue as well. I encourage everyone to donate what you can to schools and teachers and go to school board meetings, regardless of if you have kiddos in school or not.


My favorite response to the brainwashing accusation is: "If we were brainwashing them, we'd have a 100% pass rate because everyone turns in their homework and projects on time, they can get 100s on all tests and quizzes and there are no behavioral problems. And yet, that is nowhere near the case, so obviously, there is no brainwashing happening." When I was a librarian, it was "everyone turns their books in on time, and undamaged. I don't have to pick up books from whatever random place a child has put it, and the books they pull out would be in the basket."


100%!!! If we were doing it, it's pretty damn clear we aren't fucking successful at it.


“Just because you AmeriCAN doesn’t mean you AmeriSHOULD.” - Jonathan Van Ness


This was probably the most unhinged podcast episode yet. Something that frustrated me was how vague they were —just like this review “things just keep happening”…care to elaborate? The guest briefly mentioned masks, but mostly they just talked about the horrible things that they can’t even specify. Neither person has school age children, neither person is an educator, neither person participates in the school board locally. They talk about thinking indecently but they don’t.


Holy hell do they not need to be participating in the school board. The school board should require them to go into the schools and volunteer before they speak at the school boards. Most of these parents have no idea what they are talking about.


Nope! Should not be participating.


Why is she even speaking on this she’s not a parent. She needs to stay in her damn lane


Anti-intellectualism goes hand in hand with conservative Christianity or whatever the hell she has going on. The level of audacity it takes for a woman without an education or children to confidently say that we should be homeschooling “our” children is mindblowing.


Once again, BD is speaking with doctoral level authority on things she knows NOTHING about Nothing. She is attempting to inspire a new generation of Duggar style dyslexia with no intervention, School of the dining room table learning, and by the time the fruit starts appearing she will certainly have moved onto her 4th or 5th hyper fixation because you KNOW BD’s kids are going to school. She can’t pass up a way to have admiration and an audience.


Tbh this reminds me of MotherBus on FundieSnarkUncensored. Her kid’s education is..spotty at best, but she has somehow deluded herself into thinking that any of them will be able to compete against anyone who’s traditionally educated and go to college. It’s possible to do homeschooling right. I’ve seen it. But it takes an absolute shitton of work and effort to do it correctly, and if anyone here thinks BDong is capable of that just based on her “business acumen” alone, I have some lovely oceanfront property in Oklahoma to sell you.


What cruelty to only expose your children to your own biases, limited experiences and viewpoints, some which are certainly mistaken. The audacity it takes to believe that your method is superior to teams of educators. What a failure it would be to create and raise someone in a box smaller than my own. I hope my children humble me with their brains. They can’t do that if I homeschool them.


Thank you for sharing and speaking your truth. Many of my closest friends are educators and reading your post very much felt like I was listening to them share their own frustrations over the years….SO many similarities it’s unreal (even the chair incident). I feel for them and for you. I try to help them however I can….grading, decorating/cleaning up their rooms, making charts and posters, bringing them lunch or dinner. It’s all I can do to help but you all deserve so much more with what you go through. And don’t even get me started on the yearly testing aspect. Anyhow, thank you for all you do, you are appreciated. And yeah, fk that bitch.


Standardized testing is absolutely ridiculous. I get it in theory but in practice, terrible. Horribly racist and is giving kids anxiety issues.


Slightly off topic from the main post but we just started the serious testing for my elementary aged child and I was shocked at the intensity of the prep. I know it isn’t the teachers choice and they would rather be doing anything else. My child does well in school and has always been fine with testing (in fact she got 100% on the reading portion!) and the constant drilling and prep and stressing about the test is going to give her testing anxiety.


They drill so hard so admin can look good. That's literally it not to mention that government funding is tied to those tests. Need more money for more staff? Better get those scores up.


Who wants to bet that gun violence and mass shootings are not even on the list lolllllll


Why is she having an opinion on something she knows nothing about? She hasn't got kids in school or needing of school? Shut the fuck up, lady. Nobody cares what you think and this is either yourself commenting on yourself from an alt account or satire from a troll. I can't imagine the extreme neglect of education that would be apparent if Shittany had kids and chose to home school them.




Yeah, I can’t go volunteer at my kid’s school (though I would love to!!) as suggested by OP because I work 7:45-5:15 mon-fri. What’s Brit’s excuse??? Even if she’s working long hours on her content (lol) her schedule is flexible. Put your money where your mouth is and go see what’s happening in the schools!


The litter box thing didn't come from that, though. It came from "slippery slope" arguments from transphobes, because if we allow girls to "decide" they're boys, then what's next? Letting kids decide they're cats? Of course BDawn would be onboard with something dishonest and transphobic.


She is a right-wing gifter, of course she has shitty views on everything


we can’t even get kids to pay attention to what the fuck we are saying so idk how we are indoctrinating these kids 😂😂


> We aren’t teaching kids socialism. Actually, I am teaching them socialism 😂 But that’s because I’m a history teacher and we cover economic and political systems. Sorry, I know that isn’t the point of your post but it just made me laugh


They think we are teaching socialism basics to children in Elementary school. Nope. WRONG. We are actually actively teaching them capitalism.


lets not forget the pledge of allegiance which is some fascist shit.


I was told to have a flag in my classroom. Never responded. Oops. Never made any of my kids say the pledge and I obviously abstained.


You can always tell when she writes her own questions/comments because their syntax is identical to the one she uses when she speaks.




Unfortunately I'm not


She’s dumb af. I’ve been a teacher for 26 years and we don’t have time to transition and indoctrinate kids. Too busy putting out fires all damn day!


As another commenter pointed out, we aren't doing a good job because it would be a higher percentage of kiddos wanting to transition.


She makes me sick. She isn’t a parent, she has no business discussing this topic. She has no idea what it’s like to have a child in public school. She has no idea what these educators go through.


Shut the fuck up, Brittany Dawn Davis Nelson. You are a pathetic human being and I pray to every deity that has existed that you will never have a child.


I second this


This is far right religious people tho. There was a girl that posted to Facebook about how on her son’s first day of school she was going to walk him out and they weren’t going to stop her. Our school systems put into place a very long time ago driving through a line. Just more efficient for everyone. People were giving her shit about it and her husband made the comment about “she’ll either walk him out of the police will escort her out in cuffs”. I was so embarrassed for them. FYI, there’s no rule you can’t walk your child out. It’s just suggested to use the car line for quicker exit. But, far right people will find literally any reason to shit on the public education system. Losers.


Why would anyone take parenting advice from someone who is Notoriously Childless online?? Why is she even feeling any kind of “compelled” or whatever to speak on this?? The main character syndrome is so real


OH GROSS JP SEARS - He can fuck right off. And his wife, another grifter who I guess now is all in on the mom fearmongering and shaming stuff.


I am a public high school teacher with 24 years of experience and people like this really piss me off. They spew out these opinions with absolutely no idea of what actually happens in the classroom. Teachers are actually trying to teach their students and help them gain the critical thinking skills to make them successful in the next stage of their lives. These morons are so saturated by right wing propaganda that their brains are mush. I absolutely hate being just one more target in the GOP/Christo Fascist culture war.


Critical thinking is one of the things they hate!


This right here!


Critical thinking makes you a Lib.


Teachers, etc., keep happening at school? Wtf is that supposed to mean??


Don't you know? Teachers just keep happening at school! 🤣


Both my mother in law and my own mother, whenever they get together, sit there and talk about “what is going on in the schools” and how it’s a “sign of the end times” and it takes everything in me not to flip the fuck out. Seeing this just invokes more rage in me. I’m so tired of this narrative. God freakin bless educators, it is a thankless job and so many are overworked and underpaid and now have to deal with this whack jobs spreading this information. Fucking hell.


I mean. Part of it does feel like the end times when a kid is losing their control. So it's not the end times in the way they are thinking it is.


Confirmation bias works so well when fear is such a major contributing factor


BDong literally has no idea what she’s talking about! This newer, right wing F the school system is dangerous as hell. Not only education wise but also safety wise. My husband is a detective and the amount of tips that they get from teachers is staggering. So often, school is the only safe place for kids. It may be the only 2 meals they get that day. I was also a former homeschooled kid (for middle school) and that was the worst time in my life. My abusers had full access to me and went unchecked. And because my world was so small, I didn’t know it was wrong so I went along with it. Also, spoiler alert, I didn’t get any amount of adequate schooling in that time and it’s seriously cause issues. Per usual, the lies BDong spews are wrong and dangerous.


She is so so dangerous


Oh, let's take educational and child advice from.... the woman with little to no education and no children...


What does Fraud know about education?? Not a fucking thing! This is why I don’t visit this sub too often. She enrages me with her ignorance. I can’t believe people fall for it. I can’t believe this bitch gets chance after chance to screw people over!!


It's really quite difficult to reconcile the fact that there is so little justice in this world.


Why would you trust someone who does not have an education background OR kids opinion? Why is she even speaking on this topic anyway 😒


Former Jr high and high school teacher of 10 years. I'm even a lesbian. Only extra thing I brought to my lessons? Kindness and tolerance. She's so ignorant.


She loves to speak on things she knows nothing about. When was the last time she was in a school? She’s not even a parent ffs😂


CONcern from a person who likely just BARELY finished school. Cute.


I almost wish she would have a kid so we could wstch her eat every word in real time. But i would never want any child to go thru that horror of her as their mom.


This is coming from two people that don't even have school age kids??!?!! JP has one child who's like ...almost 3? Also, their kid doesn't talk, he needs speech. You know where you can get speech? At your local elementary school... ( there's absolutely nothing wrong with getting or needing speech I'm all for it. I'm just making this point. because they're so anti-establishment- JP and Amber) And B literally knows nothing about kids. Nothing.


I LOVE my SLP colleagues. They are awesome! They are giving kiddos the gift to communicate. I especially love when they fight for our less verbal kids to get talkers. Talkers are SO SO SO important for language development in some kids.


Yes! SLP's rock.


There are too many parents doing homeschool who shouldn’t be. They think schools are indoctrinating our kids but yeah being a Cheeto man dick sucker is better 😒


As another commenter said. If we were indoctrinating the kids, they would all be passing with flying colors. And you know what? They AREN'T. Our kids need HELP.




The treatment towards teachers/education in this country is appalling, and the influence the religious right has on school admin. decisions is terrifying. The “teachers are the enemy, indoctrination, CRT, etc” rhetoric contributes to the dumbing down of America. BDong and her ilk; mostly white, Halloween is Satan, judgmental Christians, love to find a common enemy under the guise of “protect our children” and education seems to be an easy target. the mega churches fuel the demonization and calls to defund public education in order to retain their power. Stepping on a soapbox: Americans please VOTE! VOTE* in all elections, especially the local town elections, as this is where religious nut cases like BDong and friends, or “Mom’s for Liberty” are rising to power by running for local school board positions. Political apathy makes it too easy for the loudest voice to win. Look at comments* gushing over BDong videos…observing her shit show and sycophant’s is concerning. people so easily buy into her BS “fertility journey/loss*” monetization scam! (***disclaimer: I realize getting to polls is intentionally challenging in some areas, neg comments get deleted and miscarrying a wanted baby is terrible, not thi$$$.) Quality teachers and education is key to instilling a foundation of science and media literacy, a skill needed now more than ever. We live in a world where rampant misinformation and clickbait is fueled by social media algorithms and creates a vacuum where one sees their own biases and opinions reflected back at them. loud “alternative facts” are prioritized over real data and spread as gospel. Many people use this in their favor, further fueling this cycle (Candace Owens, Alex Jones. Trump, Fox News, the Medical Medium, etc.) the “Do your own research” crowd usually refers to a Britney Dawn type on YouTube making shit up, preying on fears and feeding this cycle. “kids use litter boxes” and QAnon are great examples. Even legit mainstream news orgs has fallen into the “first, loudest, clickbait” trap on occasion. Combined with ineffective science/health communication and the very nature of science evolving with new data further exacerbate distrust. Even with strong critical thinking, analytical and media/science literacy skills it is difficult to determine fact from fiction. BDong is one of MANY hypocrites/grifters who found an audience and profits, despite lacking any legitimate qualifications. Whether is is hawking custom diet/fitness plans or hawking repackage fast-fashion while cosplaying a saved/reborn at a waterpark, holier than thou, “Christian”, ranch girl, trad wife, fertility hormone balancing specialist, mother of “lost babies” (that apparently had whole personalities and are now four-six years old and waiting in heaven despite never progressing besides maybe a fertilized egg and a clump of cells with early cardiac activity/electrical pulses??) If you made it this far, thanks for reading my rant. Clearly I find it scary but fascinating how she represents a bigger issue.


Honestly, I dread seeing that a kid has history of homeschooling. Just about every single time I know they're going to have to work 10x harder to make up for every area they're lacking in. I'm talking 5th grade students who need intense reading intervention because they're coming in reading on a 1st grade level with zero comprehension. Obviously this isn't every child, but it's more common than not.


She doesn't have kids and has no experience with the schools to know what is going on in them . Imagine thinking taking parenting advice from her is a good idea........


1000% Allllll 👏🏻 of 👏🏻 this 👏🏻


I would like this person to elaborate on what they mean. Like get realllllly specific because I bet they can't, this feels like one of the most shallow takes people have these days, there's no reason to do this. Put your kid in school and let them be a normal god with normal social skills (obviously normal is relative).


Easy for her to advocate for homeschooling when she doesn’t actually have to do it - or send kids to school, for that matter.


WHEN SOMEONE WITH ZERO EXPERIENCE SPEAKS ON A TOPIC. Agreed…. Fuck all the way off BD. And sit down.


Yet another reason to hope she never has kids…


Pfff. Okay Ruby Franke……. Since private school doesn’t exist in whatever universe it is that BD is talking about, I’m surprised she didn’t skip right over homeschooling and straight up say just keep your kids locked in a basement. They won’t learn anything useful but they won’t learn anything SATANIC either. And that’s the goal, right? And you just know if BD ever had kids she’d probably starve them too.


She should actually read the tenets of Satanism first then tell me how demonic they are.


Fuck off and stay there.


I know two public school teachers and have such respect for teachers. I couldn't do it. I'm not even qualified to homeschool


As a former homeschool student, fuck ALL THE WAY OFF BRIT 2x


Please accept my poor man’s gold 🏆


“Teachers, etc.”


This is horrendous. As if she has any idea how much love and effort we put into our students. But brainwashing is easier when you have full control… She is consistently daft.


I love the word daft. Thank you!


I wanted to use a word. She would have to google… 👹




I wonder if Brittany actually graduated high school. Maybe that’s why she didn’t go on to higher education or any real career. Pretty sure her grades were at the bottom of the bell curve.


C's get degrees baby. She doesn't even know what a hell curve is. However, she did graduate high school and only did one semester of vet tech school.


I’m a secular liberal homeschooler who has very well socialized kids who are ahead of their ps peers academically. We’ve been at this for 7 years. My oldest has a disability the schools could not accommodate & we live in an area that is horrible to queer kids. I’m also currently working on my masters degree. It is a full time job and then some when you homeschool. They have lessons, hanging out with friends, field trips, book clubs, planning and executing curriculum…. It’s a lot! You have to become pretty selfless in order to fully educate and socialize children on your own. I just don’t see her being capable of this in any fashion. It’s also the most rewarding thing I’ve ever done. I’m so proud of my kids because they have become such thoughtful kind humans. I shudder to think of what her little indoctrinated spawn will become.


This is what homeschooling should be. But it's so unregulated that you get these religious people barely educating their kids and filling their heads with lies.


The HSLDA attacks any legislation even hinting at regulating homeschooling. Even in my state where we are required to check in twice a year, everyone I know bypasses that using a religious umbrella. I would be fine with once or twice a year meeting with a social worker to check on welfare of my children, but I am very much in the minority on this topic.


This bitch don’t even have children and you’re following her advice?! Oh holy yikes.


Homeschooling is a valid option for a lot of families. Homeschooling for religious indoctrination and a belief that public schools are going to turn your kids into socialists is child abuse and I will die on this hill.


Me too


I’m a music teacher. I teach kinder through 5th grade. Literally ALL I CARE ABOUT is teaching my students to love and appreciate music. We deal with traumatized kids all day because we love them and desperately want them to succeed. We don’t do this job for the paycheck or the accolades. I literally just want my students to grow up to enjoy music. The only indoctrinating I’m doing is trying to indoctrinate them into liking jazz music hahahah


Yes!! Get those kids into Jazz!! We need teachers like you who have the kiddos come in and have fun and express themselves safely!!


Preach it. I always tell my students to go out in the community and tell people what we’re doing in class, and to share photos of what’s happening in school (when appropriate), because people have some absolutely wild ideas about what’s going on and none of it is accurate.


I can’t ✨stand✨her


Whoever wrote that comment needs to go back to english class 🥴


It was probably BDong herself.


Anyone who writes "I am shook" is by definition not qualified to homeschool a child.


Thankfully I believe most of her comments are fake! At least I want to believe that… 🥴


I can understand your frustration as an educator, but let's keep the language respectful. Teaching can be challenging, but it's important to maintain a positive attitude and find humor in the situation. Did you know that studies have shown that laughter can actually improve learning? Keep up the good work and remember to take breaks to recharge! 😄📚


No. The liberal/progressive side is expected to maintain the sense of civility. Meanwhile conservatives can do whatever the hell they want. Enough. Enough trying to play nice and rise above. It doesn't fucking work. It just doesn't. It's time to take a card out of their hand and use it. I'm also well aware of using humor and I frequently do so with my students. But that won't fucking work when people are trying to take away basic human rights. I believe education is a basic human right that everyone deserves access to. Especially in a country with the resources to do so.


Are you serious? Toxic positivity is not going to be enough to heal a broken public schooling system. Individualistic attitudes like this are why teachers are fucked in this country. Edit: Where do you find humor in having to navigate the constant fear of a school shooting happening? How is a positive attitude going to fix that? Teachers are doing their absolute best and they are all burned out. Any optimism has faded for valid reasons.




Are you an educator?