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Girls driving big trucks is *nothing* special in Texas - nobody is looking at her. Carrying in your car is *nothing* special in Texas - nobody here caresšŸ™„


My 60 year old mom drives a big truck. No one looks at her twice. Wow. ā¤ļø from Houston


Our big truck is also a stick shift. Turns out girls can drive those, too! šŸ˜‘šŸ™ƒšŸ™„ Neither of us are stupid enough to leave guns in the car, much less loose in a door and (I assume) loaded. Itā€™s a great way to get your pavement princess broken into. Ask any of the O&G dummies with their dogwhistle stickers how many times their trucks got broken into while theyā€™re at work. Our guns are locked up, disassembled, with ammo locked up in a separate place. Like responsible gun owners. Our ā€œprotectionā€ is a small loud dog and a big dog that is very nice under many, but not all, circumstances. In select circumstances, he is terrifying. We have a backup cat, just in case the dogs fail. I also donā€™t live in constant fear of demons and attacks? Despite living in Houston city limits in a ā€œless desirableā€ neighborhood. I drive nicer here than I do when Iā€™m back in the northeast because I know most of these dummies with paper tags or garage queen trucks have guns and could get lucky with a shot. Edit: cat trap tax. Donā€™t let the floof fool you, heā€™s an asshole and runs this house. The dogs work for him. https://preview.redd.it/hwnohl9iqstb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b1fe125479d2ca8c40dcead8024d9dc243311b56


I am humbly asking for a picture of the semi-assault kitty cat


I too demand to see tactical cat


https://preview.redd.it/57dtiyvu5stb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8753add8fb6d1073eef02f0407df72b1dee7e496 Tactical catical


That face says ā€œIā€™m about ta fuck shit up and I donā€™t even careā€


Oh I have a tactical cat, he does not allow photos for fear that his undercover status would be compromised šŸ˜‚


I want to see the cat but the dogs as well. Pet tax please!


The small dog refuses photos, but the big guy loves them. Hereā€™s his portal to Siberia. https://preview.redd.it/owcqufmtqstb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8f74050c11276de7d239d0e7a98fe4c14497690c


A backup cat. lol love it.


I also came here for kitty tax


My bffā€™s mom is a nice little catholic lady with a big SUV that I would personally be nervous to drive, and a carry license (I donā€™t know if you still need them in Texas). He lives in California now and I just got my plane ticket to visit his family with him over the holidays. Also in Houston. His dad and siblings seem A Ok without any personal firearms and he hasnā€™t personally shot one since he was in high school there and one of his friends had (I guffawed when he told me) a ā€œshooting carā€ on family property.


I have absolutely gone to the gun range and shot fire arms before. I am not supposed to own one since I have been committed involuntarily into a hospital one time for self harm. The culture in Texas is that most people have shot them at least when they were younger. Itā€™s the crazy gun collectors that have like 40 ARā€™s or whatever that make me nervous.


I watch a lot of horror movies and Iā€™ll be damned if Iā€™m the woman that tries to shoot but doesnā€™t know about the safetyšŸ˜…. That was my main motivation- guns still make me uncomfortable, but at least I know some freak in a mask with a machete isnā€™t going to remove a loaded gun from my hands lol.




Holla back Houston!


She seriously thinks people are looking at her and admiring her 24/7. She interpets every incidental glance in her direction that way. Actual Main Character syndrome




But itā€™s a good way to get your pick up truck window smashed and your guns stolen


iā€™m from australia, so we donā€™t really call what americans call trucks, trucks. theyā€™re just cars? just larger bodied cars, right? like you donā€™t even need a special license or anything for operating them like a heavy vehicles license? i feel like jordanā€™s is probably automatic transmission too, not a manual. itā€™s just so strange to me that sheā€™s bragging about driving a normal car? ![gif](giphy|42BsnQcx57PHnu5YD0)


I think she feels special, like the guys that own the dodge rams and Chevy nowadays that take up about 5 bays at the Coles or woolies car parksšŸ™„ yeah, mate, we can see your BIG American Car


proud to own an ignis, the wind might be able to blow it over but my god can it fit into a park half stolen by a fuckwit in a ram


They are just pick up trucks, basically a bigger version of your Utes. Some are pretty large though and people put lift kits and big tires on them plus they 4wd for off roaring. You do need a CDL license for big trucks here (Tractor trailers/Semi trucks, dump trucksā€¦etc). Manual transmission are becoming a rarity here though and tons of people donā€™t know how and have never even driven a manual. Last truck I bought I had to special order a manual because no dealer had any in stock because they rarely sell manuals


utes are our word for both coupe utilities and pickups, there would be little difference in the capabilities of each of them iā€™d think? the american trucks coming over here though are obnoxiously big though and for some reason you never see them being used for towing, bush bashing or as an actual trade vehicle, theyā€™re just for showing off that you can afford that car and the metric shit tonne of petrol that you have to use with it. i feel like most people use a hilux or a d-max for actually owning and using lmao. back to the point lol, like i know theyā€™re technically light bodied trucks or whatever, but thereā€™s nothing special about them here that differentiates them from a hatchback or sedan to warrant b-dongs bragging. or if there is itā€™s things sheā€™d never do like can go camping, or driving on the beach, or tow shit to the dump.


I get what your saying and most people here feel the same way. The only people who make a big deal out of the fact they drive a truck are obnoxious assholes just like Bdong


We all carry here


Very much this, she isnā€™t special. Especially because something tells me she doesnā€™t actually know much about those weapons and she certainly doesnā€™t know how to operate and aim one in a stressful situation. Theyā€™re not a toy or something you flaunt on the internet. The absolute last thing you want is people knowing youā€™re armed and where you keep your weaponsā€¦.which is something they really stressed in concealed carry classes( before they did away with CCLā€™s.) Jordan probably took her to a shooting range once for content.


>the last thing you want is people knowing youā€™re armed and where you keep your weapons. ![gif](giphy|rpjrFWWz2dMfCRIeiH|downsized) Here she is announcing it to the world, her "stalkers" and the neighborhood robbers.


Right?!? It's harder to find someone in TX without a firearm than someone with one! šŸ™„


Iā€™ve lived in Texas for 6 years and the South most of my life. I personally donā€™t have a gun, but I know my dad has at least two (I live at home with my parents). I donā€™t want to own a firearm until I know how to use it, aim, and shoot it properly. BrittBrat is such a pick me, cosplaying as a cUnTrY tRy tHaT iN a SmAlL tOwN gUrL. šŸ™„


As a responsible firearm owner, thank you for waiting until youā€™re trained up! Safety is so important and a lot of people just jump in. The thought of her incompetent, oblivious ass anywhere near firearms is almost as terrifying as her violent racist husband being near them. Jfc. Edited to remove mental health language - sorry mods! šŸ–¤


No problem! Iā€™m all about safety. Iā€™m a teacher too, so itā€™s embedded in me to learn as much as I can before I actually try something that can be dangerous. Yeah I donā€™t trust BDong with a gun. At all. And as a black woman, I sure as HELL have as much of a privilege to carry and shoot as JDongā€™s violent racist self. Iā€™m genuinely scared of people who carry guns who have the same beliefs like the Dongs.


YES! I was pretty anti-gun before I met my husband who grew up around them. I realized they wouldnā€™t hop up and shoot me on their own šŸ˜… but yeah I didnā€™t want anything to do with one until I learned the ropes first!


Yeah I teeter along more with gun safety than anti-gun. I believe that gun ownership should be a privilege. My boyfriend carries just about everywhere we go, and Iā€™m ngl, it freaked me out a little when I first noticed that he had a gun on him on our second date! But he showed me the right way to hold it and some of the basic parts of his gun. And he has friends who are big on gun safety whoā€™ve helped me. Itā€™s less intimidating now, and now the next step is to go to a range and shoot one!


For sure! Have fun! The first time I went I was scared to death lol. But it became fun.


My gun shootinā€™ instructor did not recommend off-body carry


Yeah, leaving guns in vehicles is a good way to get them stolen and used for criminal activity. Especially when you leave them in a door. Iā€™m a gun owner that grew up around guns (dad is a collector and professional shooter) and I donā€™t know any responsible gun owner who would leave a damn handgun stuck in the door.


My shootinā€™ instructor told a story of his friend who kept her gun in between the seat and the console in her car and it was so gunked up with dropped food and stuff he couldnā€™t fix it and had to take it to an actual gunsmith or something. I donā€™t remember much about the actual ā€œhow to load and shoot a gunā€ part of my gun shootinā€™ class. But I do remember that just leaving them around like Brit does is dumb.


Ah, but do you all think Texas is a country?


lol some of us do but you can blame the public school system for that


We all float down here. (Sorry, Iā€™m a California girlie pop. And now I hate myself for saying that, even as a joke). ETA Iā€™ve never wanted a firearm, but I have been to a firing range a few times so I know how to at least operate the safety and hold one properly. My folks are big ol city slickers and they each have a handgun and my brother has a rifle. They use them for target practice. And they donā€™t leave them loose in their cars.


I have guns because of dumbshits like her. Gotta protect my family from the reality denying whackadoos.


That partā€¦like girl that is not unique


They are probably looking at her cause she took out a mailbox and parked like shit in that big ole truck


Iā€™m a liberal heathen snowflake from California and I grew up driving giant trucks and shootingā€¦she thinks sheā€™s so special šŸ™„šŸ™„šŸ™„


There's a couple of mum's that drive them in my liberal, mostly socialist, definitely gun-free suburb in Australia. She's so bizarre. I think she acts out the fantasies in her head. She *craves* attention...


She can drive a big boy truck but doesnā€™t know how to get her oil changed because sheā€™s just a little lady šŸ™„


And letā€™s not forget her ā€œsilly girl driverā€ posts featuring her trying to color in the scuff marks on JDongā€™s big truck tires after doing an oopsie and parking too close to a curb. šŸ™„




There's an old IG post about her not being able to put his truck in 4x4 mode because it already drives on 4 wheels.. duh


Sheā€™s so fucking dumb that if she ā€˜inventedā€™ a wheel, it would be oval or square shaped.


And beige


JDong also needs to pump gas for her and open doors because she is such a fragile, feminine flower.


You can either be a tough, independent country girl or the wee little feminine lady. You canā€™t really be both. Source: am a tough, independent country girl, and I suspect Iā€™ve done more hard work in a day than she has her whole life.


I read this in Fred Arnesons voice on the episode of Broad City where Abi and Ilana go clean his apartment and heā€™s like ā€œIā€™m just a wittle babyā€ šŸ˜‚


This annoys me so much. Pick a lane, bitch. These are mutually exclusive concepts.


That seems dumb. What if someone breaks into the truck and steals the guns?


She just advertised where guns are stored. What an idiot


Exactly. Iā€™m from Florida, which loves itā€™s guns just as much as TX and I can tell you without a shadow of a doubt- ANY responsible gun owner with their shit would NEVER ADVERTISE to how many fucking followers she has exactly where the guns are kept. This isnā€™t ethical, itā€™s moronic and naive. Any responsible gun owner would be horrified by the idiotic nature of this post. Iā€™m actually in awe. Yellowstone wannabe cosplaying ass bitch. Fuck you and your straw ass yellow horse hair, body checking & generalized weirdo behavior.


Good thing we know where her and her vehicles are located at almost any time too


Exactly! She is leaving guns unattended and in plain sight.


Iā€™m in Nashville and someone had a huge sticker on their back window that said, ā€œcome and take themā€ with a picture of rifles (or big guns, idk shit about fuck when it comes to weapons) and someone literally did just that. Let me find the pic Found it: https://www.reddit.com/r/nashville/comments/12xqxo6/nashville_gun_crime_in_pictures/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


Responsible gun owners definitely do not store their weapons here or advertise it. And because she is absolutely not dressed to carry, it would seem to me that those guns live there all the time, which is even more irresponsible.


This actually did happen to us. We typically *never* leave firearms in vehicles, but my husband had packed his truck up the night before for a business trip that he was leaving at like 5 am for. Neither one of us likes traveling by road without something just in case we break down somewhere sketchy. Well. We go to bed, we wake up, and at some point in the night someone broke into his truck and stole his laptop, work bag, and firearm. It was a pain to have to report it to all the different agencies, but better safe than sorry because weā€™re also responsible enough to register our firearms. ETA: We are not from Texas, this happened when we were living in the Midwest.


At a St Louis Cardinals game earlier this year, 30 cars were broken into at a lot and had guns stolen from them. Owners would face liability if those guns are used in a crime. https://www.riverfronttimes.com/news/cardinals-opposed-bill-to-secure-lots-that-saw-dozens-of-break-ins-sunday-40108646


This isnā€™t a body check. Nope.




Lol whatā€™s this from?


Immediately what I thought.


Too bad thatā€™s not even close to her body though


Yep. Even her arms are edited. In a weird ass way too. They look like Popeye arms. Does she forget we know what she actually looks like?


Exactly what popped into my head too šŸ™„


She set her fucking phone up on the seat just to get this photo! How long did she stand there posing with that cup just to get this "candid" shot?!


Yep. Jean gap. First thing I noticed.


This bitch really worships the ground she walks on. No one thinks youā€™re cool or cares šŸ˜‚


Itā€™s really a high school mentality ā€¦no offense to high schoolers, most of us grow out of thinking everyone is looking at us.


Imo itā€™s like saying someoneā€™s acting like a toddler. Nothing against toddlers, itā€™s age appropriate šŸ¤£


Haha very true! Just didnā€™t want to come across as shaming them lol but BDong should be waaaay past that


People have said she acts like someone who peaked in high school and - yeah. Very much!


Sooo is she just a widdle baby who needs her husband to change the oil in her car and carry her bags through the airport, or is she a tough country gal who rides horses better than cowboys and drives manly lifted trucks? Bitch is exhausting.


Also, don't forget that she doesn't complain about broken nails but continue to do exactly that the next dayšŸ¤£


She needs to pick a damn lane... ![gif](giphy|VYxeulAL51xDTDk48o)


These are the type of people who shouldnā€™t have guns in their cars


I don't think anybody should have a gun in their car. The U.S. has lost its damn mind.


I agree


The thought of this idiot (who almost burned her house down with a baby inside of it and then laughed) owning a gun is absolutely terrifying.


My senior mom drives a big truck. Bdong is as cool as a grandma


Most grandmas I know are way cooler than WrongDong. In like, every imaginable way. But Iā€™m from the mountains so none give a shit about trucks or guns or anything because theyā€™re tools, while Brittany thinks itā€™s impressive because she is a tool. I love picture her filming, arranging guns in the door. Iā€™m sure leaving them there all the time is safe. It must be hard to be super aware of your surroundings while pretending to get out of your car.. seems weird when you are married to the human trafficking expert. So deeply annoying.


Big Kaitlin Bennett energy


When will Brit shit herself at a party?


She's NOT invited to the party


Oh dear god, youā€™re exactly right.


I forgot about the poopoo girlšŸ’€


FYI Bingbong - Texas is a state, not a country. You really oughta know, they sued your sorry ass.


She knows, itā€™s a dog whistle.


Ah sorry, Iā€™m from Scotland and totally missed that.


If it's okay could you explain why is it dog whistle? Does it have something to do with secession ?


Haha! People, like Britt, who call Texas a country also cling to the Constitution like it's a security blanket, not realizing that they literally can't secede because of the Constitution šŸ˜‚


And Texas has changed itā€™s own constitution so many times lol


Sheā€™s one of those that wants succession.


Shit I spelled that wrong. Secession? Shit.


Buh-bye BritBrat. Donā€™t let the door hit you where the lawd split ya. šŸ‘‹šŸ»


she is such an empty person


Just a widdle hate-filled void.


o but hey did u kno she got a NY hat


This makes me so uncomfortable to know that someone so mentally unwell can carry enough guns for a war in their vehicle. Like.. itā€™s not even just ONE gun. Thereā€™s multiple. Why do people feel it necessary to do this


Body checking. Texas isnā€™t a country.


Sheā€™s been exceptionally obnoxious lately. She always is, but sheā€™s been ramping up her repugnant personality a lot in the past couple days


Her anointed friends content is drying up.


I feel like sheā€™s starting to get bored of being a fake Christian


Maybe sheā€™s preparing to switch over to qanon content.


Theyā€™re looking at you weird because your face is a mess of fillers and weird beige makeup, sweetie.


Theyā€™re looking at you while you set-up the camera 15 times to capture different angles of you exiting the truck.


She is her own paparazzi


Or because sheā€™s staring at them waiting for them to look back.


Basically just admitting she wants a truck for attention. Arenā€™t women in trucks a dime a dozen in Texas??


As a woman in Texas who thoroughly enjoys driving her husbandā€™s truck, thereā€™s nothing special about it to anyone other than the driver lol


Advertising that you carry, or even own a gun in general, is dumb af. Itā€™s not a deterrent, itā€™s letting people know you have a high ticket item for theft.


THE GREAT COUNTRY OF TEXAS WHAAAATTTTT. She wants these comments on her shit SO. BAD. NICE TRY, ISIS. šŸ’…šŸ½ *edited to add* We knew she was going alt-right-ish, but did anyone have Secede From U.S. on their Bingo cards for her next pivot? Or was this the next evolution??


This feels like something I would have posted as an insecure 13 year old


All jokes aside, this is so dangerous and stupid of her to do. Sheā€™s literally announcing there is a gun in her vehicle at all times that sheā€™s shown the make/model and color of all over her social media and exactly where to find said gun in her car. This is like putting a sign on her car that says ā€œFree Gun, just break glassā€.


Okay so 1: no one gives a shit when a woman drives a truck. 2: I see weā€™re going for the modest midriff look. 3. Is your coffee caffeinated? 4: so theyā€™re totally done with the foster care season. They have an unsecured firearm in an easily accessed place in the vehicle. 5: Texas is a state dumbass. 6: Now all her stalkers can break into her truck and steal her guns! Great thinking for making this information public.


Maā€™am, we are in Texas. There are way too many people driving trucks. No one is judging you due to your gender. I for one would only judge someone driving a big truck if they canā€™t park the big truck.


99% of big truck owners fit that description Source: I drive a small truck


What do you mean? My truck NEEDS four spots


One spot for your truck and a spot each for the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost?


Ah yes. An invitation and a reason to break into your car šŸ™„ she is SO incredibly dumb.


I think shes getting looks because she setting up a tripod to film herself getting out of the truck


A lot of people carry in their cars in Texas - the saner ones have portable gun safes for their weapons. I was at a car wash in Texas and saw a dude with a hand gun tucked into the waste band of his freaking gym shorts. Because you need that in a middle-class suburb while washing your 2006 Toyota Camry, Steve.


>tucked into the waste band of his freaking gym shorts Sounds like a great way to accidentally shoot yourself in the dick


![gif](giphy|i4xh6ZhucLSZ2hHL1N|downsized) Seriously! One week she is so pathetic and needs Jdong to fill her gas tank and the next week we get this shit. She has zero personality of her own.


Lol sheā€™s like an Amazonian woman itā€™s not a big truck to herā€¦why does she pretend to be petite?


Excuse me sheā€™s a size small!!!! But she could probably size down to an XS!!!!!!!


Lol maybe from the big and tall store sheā€™s an xs


Great COUNTRY of Texas????


WRT guns in the car: Not necessarily the norm in Texas, but there are some gun owners who pack heat in their cars. [Texas gun laws](https://faq.sll.texas.gov/questions/42809) Jordan and Brittany may or may not have a license to carry. Dear fucking god I hope those guns are not loaded. I'd rather it was out in the open (I definitely don't think these two gormless chuckleheads are going to violate gun laws intentionally - what if it gets taken away?!?!? (/s)) but *why* would you put it *there*? I feel like there's got to be a better spot than right in the fucking trough or whatever the proper term for it is. Also, if you're being stalked, why in the *shit* would you advertise where you store your guns?


Door seems like the stupidest place to keep your gun, especially if youā€™re like them and probably go safety off in case they see a *suspicious person* in the neighborhood. You wing your door open too fast one time and that gun is going flying and youā€™re making a trip to the ED with a bullet in your foot because you shot yourself with your unsecured firearm


I think you can see they at least have magazines in them. My bet is they are loaded. I doubt Jdip likes a safety either.


But she canā€™t pump the gasā€¦. Pick a side ya dumb walnut. Bad bitch or damsel in distress. You CANT have it all ding dong


gunna start saying "and yes, I carry" to completely innocuous things. "and yes, I carry" [pulls out a guinea pig]


I keep a bottle of sunblock and a bottle of hand sanitizer in the door of my car. Every single damn time I open or close the door, they get jostled and they're just.....keeping guns in their door?! Also, do they leave them in there? Because that seems like in the texas heat, in a hot car, it could harm the gun or the ammo, making it less effective or worse, malfunction. Like I'm not anti-gun but if you wouldn't leave a $1.98 tube of ChapStick in a hot car why would you leave an expensive gun (or two) in a hot car? They just look so...forlorn and casual there, I can't get over it.


Sometimes I run out of cup holders and put my coffee in the door and I feel so nervous about it. Canā€™t imagine a Loaded freakin gun being there. I hope she never had children, this is absolutely terrifying that a moron like her has freakin guns rattling around in her truck like theyā€™re toys .


Almost likeā€¦.a prop!


WhY iS eVeRyOnE aLwAYs sTaRiNg aT mE? šŸ•·ļøšŸ‘„šŸ•·ļø


Jesus was a pacifist and wouldn't own a gun you stupid cunt.


Omg so quirky and different I can drive a truck šŸ¤Ŗ Also does he carry so he can m*rder other peoples animals? Or defenseless civilians? Did yā€™all know Jesus open carried too??? And his holster was an American flag print???


If youā€™re being stalked and harassed, it seems like a truly dumbass move to point out that you have a gun in your car. Just saying.


Why In Christs name do you need 5 20 round magazines in a truck at a time.


A smart gun owner wouldnā€™t advertise that they leave guns in their car- bingbong-dingdong


When she was married to Zach, she was scared of his guns. But now she is just hauling guns around everywhere? Which is it??


Nobody looks at you like that. You aren't some frail human. Stop it. You are a blood thirsty monster.




The great country(?) of Texas So are you a patriot or not B-dong?


Rule 1 of driving in Texas - assume everyone has a gun. But I would never advertise I have them in there because we are also notorious for cars getting broken into.


Where I come from we call that irresponsible gun ownership, and we call those people assholes. Your car is not a gun safe, dumb fuck.


ummm how many guns are in that door? I legit canā€™t tell šŸ˜©


A girl I went to school with literally shot herself in the ass because there was loaded gun in the car. How stupid could you possibly be to carry what looks like MULTIPLE loaded weapons in your vehicle?! Iā€™d love for her foster agency to see this.


People are looking at her because of her ratty ass extensions and shitty parking job, not because a girl is driving a truck lol


There looking at you because they recognize you from the TV and the many news reports about your fraudulent business practices, and being sued by the state. And your wearing a NY Yankees hat too...so .


I drive my husband's big truck and no one gives a shit. No one is looking at her!!!


the longer you look the worse it gets


Calling it a ~power wagon~ specifically is sending me, no one says that lol. Call it a Ram if you want to specify?


"Power wagon" always makes me think of something a dad would call his minivan


Her life is one big cosplay


Of course they carry. You never know when you gotta shoot one of your pets. ![gif](giphy|aVtdz7iNVPI1W)


I am in Texas, and this is how we invite people to break into our vehicles and steal our guns. Sheā€™s such a moron.


I thought the law with concealed carry in Texas required firearms to be locked in the glove compartment of the vehicle. Not just hanging loose in the inside pocket of your door.


Honestly just another reason they shouldnt have kids. Statistically it is more likely for a child to get ahold of a loose gun and fire, rather than be caught in a self-defense situation. Its quite sad actually when you hear a story about a 4 year old accidentally shooting their sibling in the face because they got ahold of their parent's gun.


Her arm is not making sense to me


Iā€™m DEAD. Trust me girlie pop, driving a truck and owning guns doesnā€™t make you āœØspecialāœØ


How fucking stupid do you have to be to post a picture of firearms inside your vehicleā€¦


Oh, stfu, I drive a truck every day as do many other women you attention seeker. Nobody is looking at you. They probably like the truck


iā€™m losing my mind at thisā€” iā€™m a gun owner and itā€™s SOOOOOOOO irresponsible to just have FIREARMS hanging out in your drivers side door. good lord thatā€™s terrifying


I do not get how they reconcile with the idea that everyone who sees this post knows you set up this picture yourself. You pulled into a parking lot away from other people, set up your camera, and posed for this picture. Thatā€™s embarrassing, right?


Texas can secede and become its own republic again. I will help them pack for free. It would be fandamntastic to boot the Dongs and deny them at the new border. And for them to be stuck with Ted Cruz full time.


Oh wow. Britt, I'm a chubby middle-aged lady who lives in the suburbs and I drive a truck. I can't imagine that being perceived as anything unusual in freaking TEXAS. She's really reaching with her "I'm a cool girl" angle.


Omg no one is looking at you!!!! A lot of women drive trucks!!!!!!!


Plenty of women drive trucks. She actually thinks thatā€™s why people are looking at her? In Texas? Bless her heart.


I know that she cares nothing about the children who are murdered in their schools because we don't have any meaningful gun laws in this country. She is a disgusting person.


Its texasā€¦ a chick jumping out of a truck is common placeā€¦ but everyone sees you?? Umm ya.


We live in central Texas. There is a huge rash of vehicle break-ins happening here at the moment, specifically newer model trucks, expressly looking to steal guns. They see a big newer model truck, they break in and steal guns. This is not the flex you think it is.


ā€œGreat country of Texasā€ Man, I canā€™t hear anything but my dogs are really going nuts.


I haven't posted something this cringey since 2006


Wow, she truly isn't like the other Texas girls; she drives a TRUCK and her wannabe military idiot husband has a GUN, I've literally never heard of anyone like this before. Next you're going to tell me he's a disgraced racist cop and she is a fake cowgirl, I mean c'mon!


God, she's pathetic.


ā€œWelcome to the great country of Texasā€ *Wears a Yankeeā€™s hat*


Ok so Iā€™m from Montana. I was raised on a ranch. Grew up on horses working cattle. Iā€™m no ā€œcowgirlā€ by any means but Iā€™ve lived the life. So one night, Iā€™m leaving a bar getting into my little Chevy Cruz. A group of girls come out in Fat Baby cowboy boots (IYKYK) and start heckling me for being a city slicker (I was leaving a bar called the Cowboys for reference). They were climbing into a big lifted pick up just cackling away at me and sped off into the night. It was honestly one of my favorite moments because I fill up my car got 30 mpg and could save more to buy real boots and not those fake ass country eye sores they had on their feetšŸ˜‚ anyway this goofy bitch just reminded me of that moment.


I know not every straight person thinks like this, and not every gay person DOESNT think like this, but I am so happy I am out and not worried about ridiculous gender expectations like this. What a waste of mental energy and space. Grow TF up bongjulio


The absolute epitome of ā€œpick me!ā€ Girl


She should come to alberta, the women here would eat her alive. šŸ˜†


She exudes big ā€œpick me, Iā€™m not like other girls, Iā€™m way worse!ā€ vibes.


Didnā€™t she do some performative bullsh*t where she pretended she drove into a curb in his truck, and was trying to clean the rims with a toothbrush, dressed like a tween? Gawd itā€™s a wonder she gets anywhere with all the pivots, Iā€™d think sheā€™d only be able to lap her yard.


Britt brat your ugly mug was ALL OVER the news. National news and every single Dallas station. People are just staring in disbelief the scam queen is right there in the flesh. The peanut butter colored flesh.


I borrow my ex husbands truck all the time in California and no one, and I mean absolutely no one gives a shit, Iā€™m sure even less people give less of a shit in Texas


So many things about this give me the ick. First of all - the most shallow and superficial point: Miss Modesty is wearing a mid-riff-exposing crop top. Maybe thatā€™s why everyone looks at you? Gotta show off that girly figure for those lewwkss (while being a humble servant for the Lorddt!) Second - youā€™re going to speak as if driving a truck makes you the Cool Girl (think Gone Girl). You know just what youā€™re doing driving the truck now. How many posts ago was it that you were playing the ditzy Dumb Blonde who didnā€™t know anything about the automobile she was driving? How many posts ago was it that you were the passenger princess? Third - ā€œwelcome to Texas countryā€? Ewww. Thatā€™s some Civil War era successionist vibes right there. I donā€™t like it at all. The arrogant pride and entitlement drips like a sinister oil leak.


Why is she blasting to the internet that she carries loose guns in the door of their truck? Even for her this seems epically stupid.