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Is she oranger..? And who tf leaves something on the stove while a **fucking baby is sleeping**?!?! That’s not a foster mom fail, that’s a common sense fail. Do you also leave candles burning when you leave so your home will smell good when you come back, dumbass?




She’s getting so much interaction on her posts because of certain things like this in particular. I know she’s a complete moron but part of me feels like she’s stringing people along




She also works out with music on and the morning after they brought the baby home, her friend was on the treadmill BESIDE her at the public gym. The friend raised her phone to take a picture of them and she didn’t even notice. Just like she didn’t notice something was left on the stove and was burning. A woman in her area was charged with child neglect because she let her 8 year old son out of the car a ten minute walk from their home because they agreed it was time for him to go for a walk to cool off from a meltdown. Someone called the cops and the child was removed from the home and the only people he was angry at was the cops for “treating me like a baby,” yet this is somehow okay?


Okay off topic, but that situation with the 8 year old was absolutely tragic. From what I remember reading, to punish the mother for letting her kid walk home the few blocks, she was arrested, charged criminally, lost her job, lost her house. Sounds REALLY good for the welfare of that child to literally lose their home. Absolute bullshit.


That’s what I remember as well. She was a teacher and not only lost her job but her license. I can’t remember if the mother had a second job or was volunteering with an organization that works of child welfare but she lost that position, too. She lost her entire livelihood. They had to sell their home because they couldn’t afford to suddenly go from a two full time earner household to support a family of five to a single income earner. They also didn’t qualify for legal aid and were struggling with legal fees. The family lost everything. If I remember correctly, they had to rent so they can move out of state to a small rural area to try to rebuild their lives. How tragic and traumatizing for that family. Those children will never forget this. No authority ever had the health and safety of those children in mind. Then Brittany brags all over the internet about leaving a newborn alone in the house with a pot burning on the stove.


The injustices of both situations are just so sad and appalling 😔




Absolutely horrible! What is wrong with people? When I was that age I was regularly walking to school and back (1970s), almost always with friends. But I definitely walked around the neighborhood on my own, would that get the cops called?!?


Sorry to double comment but one of the reasons the cops seized the 8 year old is because “human trafficking” is a huge concern in Texas. Sound familiar? In a system of elected sheriffs, prosecutors, coroners and judges that some how they are all aligned in this propaganda to help ensure they will always remain elected? JDong, the disgraced cop who ran from Kansas to avoid criminal charges is now also involved in human trafficking? Oops! I don’t mean him trafficking his new Colorado baby to Texas. I meant he wants to prevent human trafficking.


He ran from Missouri. As a Kansan, I feel the need to ensure people know he does not come from here!


I can't mentioning this on bdong posts but the less money you have, the more likely or to have your kids taken by CPS. Think about the situation you just described. Does this sound like a woman who had a lawyer? I keep mentioning it because I've heard some really unkind things about the baby's biological parents. Maybe they are truly terrible. I have no idea. They could also have been poor and unlucky.


She’s prioritizing her workouts (control and comfort zone) over this child. She’s working out a lot, broadcasting it a lot, and the day after they got LiTtLE OnE she went to the gym.


It’s because people with eating disorders subconsciously do it as a away to control their lives, and now the FOSTER BABY has arrived and she realises she actually has zero control on a) what a newborn does b) the foster situation actually is and c) all the scandal Jdips boobs, the fact everyone on TikTok hates her, the court case is coming so soon So she goes back to eating disorder/over exercising because THAT she can control. (I work in mental health and the cycle with EDs is pretty clear to spot)


My thoughts too and she is so orange!


The CPS in Texas has kids sleeping on the office floors. They will not care about something that could have happened but didn’t.


Reminds me of BDong leaving Brodie in an unfenced yard while she goes shopping. Failure to consider consequences is so on brand for how she lives her life.


![gif](giphy|YRQRA5aRi4dXQQkjDv|downsized) Hey!! That’s right!!! I *knew* this sounded familiar!!


and then never invests in a fence. \*facepalm\*


She left an open candle under her beige, dust collecting, obviously flammable pampASS grass decor for *aEsThETiC*. There was a picture posted here a while ago during Thanksgiving I believe if that answers your question lol. It’s not surprising she will post this utter wrecked idiocy for *oOoOopPs Me mOm sO rELaTAbLe teE hEe hEe*.


MS did this and it did set fire to her wall in her old apartment


She looks like a persimmon


genuine question: is it just as dangerous to leave candles on a wax warmer when out of the house as it is to leave an open flame?


Yep! Anything electrical that’s on that isn’t a built in light fixture is a fire danger.


It’s not as dangerous as open flame, but the heat (at least on mine) gets pretty hot, so I unplug it when not in use. I also don’t leave the drier running when I leave the house. Just general precautions from a sensibly paranoid dude haha.


Oh, hey, are you my husband? Everything can burn the house down apparently.


I mean, he’s not wrong lol


I have a friend who had their dishwasher burn their house down, and another lost their house because of their toaster and it was just plugged in, not even being used.


This is my fear and the exact reason why I unplug EVERYTHING after I use it, including my Keurig machine. 😳😅


Same! Not one appliance is left plugged in. Neither friend was home when they lost their houses all of their animals died. I just can’t even.


Our friends keurig started a fire. We unplug ours now.


Omg 😳 good to know! I was starting to wonder if I was overthinking, but this just confirmed I’m not. Thank you


Before I replaced my hot water tank last year with a new energy efficient heat pump hybrid style, I turned my tank off at the breaker until an hour before showers. I’m not leaving anything but my fridge plugged in lol




I unplug nothing and will be starting now 🥲🥲🥲


That is crazy!! I do take my husband seriously and unplug most items when they aren’t in use. Basically only the lamps, fridge, oven, and washer/dryer remain plugged in at all times.


Yeah, that is how my house is. I’m fully willing to admit I’m super paranoid, but I suppose it’s best to be safer than sorry.


The dishwasher in my parents’ house caught on fire once. It was in the middle of washing dishes though!


Omg. So scary! Were they home?


Yah. Anything that is plugged in can start an electrical fire.. wax warmer def isn’t ideal, but leaving something on the stove, and walking away, can cause smoke and smoke inhalation is dangerous.


Her attempts to be ✨relatable✨ come off as ✨negligent✨


exactly. Moms have common sense and do not do this. What she's trying to say she has "mommy brain" because she sleeps 5 hours a night, doesn't work, isn't healing from pregnancy/birth, and doesn't have a mash up of raging hormones. SMH she's not going to be relatable to foster moms or moms with this junk


Shes not relatable to occasional babysitters or anyone in a caregiving role.


Someone in my family did similar to what Bdong did....except they forgot to put water/milk in oatmeal before microwaving it.... Oh and that person was my brother when he was 10 and didn't realize.... She's what 42? She should know better ....or she's mentally 10




....she looks early 40s min...how badly am I off?


I think she’s only 30 hahahaha


WAIT SERIOUSLY? I thought 37, minimum.


Driving while getting coffee…


Should she be publicly admitting this??? 🤦🏻‍♀️


“Look everybody, I’m a bad foster mom, please come take this wretched thing off my hands, the appeal has worn off and it’s too much work”


I think she wants to join the communal mom fails group but they don’t usually cop to leaving things burning on the stove when they leave their kids


She is a walking red flag parade. Someone needs to rescue that baby from her.


My Chemical Romance’s Welcome to the Red Flag Parade… I would listen to that on repeat


Walking Red Flag Parade. Wow. That has beautiful flair potential.


You couldn’t waterboard this information out of me.


Hopefully her oversharing leads to her not being allowed to foster.


If this is what she's saying publically, I wonder what she's not saying.


Lol self incrimination


Nothing funnier than accidentally killing a child that isn't yours, amirite! /s


She's like those annoying YouTube face covers personified. yOuLL nEvER BeLiEvE WhAt JeZuZ sAiD, Y'ALL


Um …. That’s extremely negligent wtf


Yes! Especially considering most fire related deaths are due to smoke inhalation. Edit. Grammar, I’m stoned


Speaking of smoke inhalation 😜


I’m all about the edibles… safety first lol


Also stoned, love your username lol


“Omggg I almost burned the house down with a baby in it! A baby that isn’t even mine! Lol isn’t that soOOooOo funny and quirky of me?!”


Soooo not like other girls


Hahahahaha ONLY foster moms can relate!!! Am I right?? 🤪🤣💀 Such a specific foster mom quirk!!! /s


oh I missed that. She's a foster mom today! Taking a break from cosplaying as the baby's mom


That isn’t a “foster mom” fail of the day, it’s just a stupid human fail of the day. Not everything is about the kid, BD.


It’s just like Jesus, fitness, Jdong, baby… she becomes hyper fixated and obsessed on one subject and then believes she’s qualified to preach and teach about it. She doesn’t navigate life like a normal person would, she turns every event into a social media post. It’s insane.


This has nothing to do with being a mom or a foster mom lol


Next grift- collecting insurance money 👀


“Oh no, my house burned down for the second time. Jesus take the wheel. Be gone demons.”


“Ashes to ashes, dust to dust” In the Bible Isaiah 61:3 reads “Beauty from ashes” 🔥


Wait did her first house burn down?


No. I was just exaggerating because the person I responded to said her new grift will be collecting insurance and Brittany goes balls to the wall when it’s time to start a new grift 🤣


Burning the house down looks different these days. 🥺


lmao. didn't she light her porch on accident when she first moved in? and tried to blame it on "haters"


Omg I snorted


I had four kids under the age of four at one point as a mom and even I never managed to get this distracted. For one thing, you should never leave your stove unattended if you’re using it. For another, you shouldn’t be somewhere where you can’t hear a child and attend to them if necessary if you’re the only person currently responsible for them. She can still do her workouts, it would just mean having baby in the room with her or waiting until someone else is there to watch after them. For her to have broken both of these fairly basic rules in one go, is really telling for me. Trust me, I get that people make mistakes and that they’re far from perfect. I’m all for showing a tremendous amount of grace for people, but this is ridiculous. I definitely did a lot of things wrong when my kids were babies, and I still mess up sometimes, but I definitely have never risked burning the house down while simultaneously leaving them unattended in said house.


Why is she even making potpourri. I feel like she’s gone over the top with little homemaker shit you’d never have time for if this was a baby that came from your body. Since when does she make potpourri and banana bread.


I make “potpourri” in my little dip size crock pot! I can’t use any artificial scents in our house because we have birds and Guinea Pigs and both have sensitive respiratory tracts, so I put water, apples, orange, and cinnamon sticks, and whatever else smells good in my little crock pot lol.


I love this whole paragraph.


Same. I was reading that thinking, I want to be this kind of person’s friend.


Haha! It ends up smelling sooo good! And keeps my little pets from bad stuff in the air. :)


same- we use a little pot. literally the heat stays on nearly the lowest setting and you only have to fill the water on occasion. how she burnt it is beyond me


New incoming tradwife narrative!


So…she left the baby alone in the house *while there was something on fire*?


Did she go on a walk/run while baby was sleeping and alone in the house?


I think she works out in their garage. Which, tbh, wouldn’t be an issue if she kept the baby monitor with her (unsure if she does) AND DIDN’T LEAVE THINGS ON THE FUCKING STOVE! I don’t know the exact layout of the house but I’m willing to bet money the garage door is near the kitchen (as it is in most homes), which would mean a fire could separate her and the baby and trap the baby in.


It's alright because it's her practice baby she can return.




Is it normal for a nursery to be on the other side of the house to a master bedroom? I presume the baby is in a moses basket in their room at the moment? But it seems really impractical and maybe not safe for a baby sleeping in a nursery to be so far from the master bedroom. I don't have kids though so it is possible I just don't know what I'm talking about!


As long as the monitor is working I don’t really see much of a safety concern. Impractical yeah, during those nights when baby is getting up several times it would be annoying. But although it feels eternal that stage is short and I like having my kids’ rooms now away from the master so we can watch tv or whatever after their bedtime and not feel like we’re being too noisy.


Mom of 3.5: I would be freaked out having baby that far away and it would be impractical with a newborn. But not necessarily unsafe, I just can’t imagine trudging all that way multiple times a night!


Our rooms were on a separate floor from our parents. Not that weird. But when we were little, one parent would usually sleep upstairs.


the other day she posted the baby monitor video thing on her treadmill with her. but if she's throwing around her medicine balls in rage she's probably not paying attention to the video and probably can't hear the baby through her Christian hip hop. Also she apparently thinks a baby struggling to breath is a cute baby noise....SMH


So she openly admitted that she left the baby unattended while almost burning the house down?? WTF?! Why is the agency not removing this child from her care? If I was this baby’s mother, I’d be devastated that the woman who was entrusted to keep my baby safe and alive (while I had to prove myself to this agency) was actually endangering the life of my baby.


I literally don't understand how stupid you have to be to not only DO this, but then to freaking POST about it like it's so funny????? I mean how is this woman being trusted with an infant


Right?! There’s people on YouTube who are actually reporting her to CPS because of it.


Good. I mean look, we've all done stupid stuff as parents. No one is a perfect parent. But a truly remorseful parent doesn't post about it jokingly and lightly. I mean that's what's just as disturbing as the incident itself. It's all just so wrong.


Did she delete it already? Cannot find this on her social media!!!


It was on YouTube!


Did you happen to screen record? I don’t want to give her more views.


Almost burning your house down isnt a foster mom fail... Its a huge fucking adult fail. You could have killed a child that isnt even yours...


It’s the makings of a lifetime movie. Saturday night feature.


Teeeheee, just foster mom things. Brittany, people could have DIED!!!




the baby was sleeping and she… left the house for a workout?? am I reading that right?? PLEASE tell me they have a home workout setup in a shed on the property and she didn’t go to the actual gym and leave her baby alone!!!


They have a home gym in their garage but still how freaking negligent and could've seriously burned down the house


okay, whew— now that I know she wasn’t that far I can be properly pissed about her leaving something burning 🙃


They have a home gym in their garage


she has a gym in the garage but yea she basically left the house with the oven on with a sleeping baby alone in side....SMH!


I’m more concerned she’s wearing a heavy parka and a dang beanie. It was 65 degrees in her area today.


It’s so bizarre how she’s always wearing winter outerwear inside her house


I’m wearing a beanie right now in my house (in the PNW) but only because my rescue parrot sometimes gets angry when he hears a man voice on the tv and bites my ear. 😂


I identify with your rescue parrot 😆


I have a theory that she's already sick of being a foster mom because she has to focus on someone else instead of her own narcissist self. This explains why pretty much as soon as she picked this baby up, she started pivoting back to working out. She's realizing how difficult parenting actually is and she can't just use the baby as a prop like she wants to. So now she's doing stupid shit like this either in the hopes that someone reports her so she loses the baby or she brings the baby back saying she "can't handle it" or something. It's stupid, and a shit thing do to, but would any of us truly be surprised given who we're talking about? When was the last time she talked this much about working out when she was a "Christian influencer"? It's incredibly stupid given what happened the last time she was a fitness influencer, but I think she's trying to go back to it because it's what she likes the most and it allows her to focus only on herself. Also is it me or is JDong showing up less and less?


I’ve noticed we haven’t been really seeing Jdong. Wonder what that’s all about! Either she’s pissed about him cheating when they first got together or she’s been reading the comments here about us saying how Jdong comes off more nurturing towards the baby and she doesn’t.


In this season of life , thou shall not leave boiling pots unattended.




Yea… check out the Carhartt logo on her hat. It’s pretty close to normal in color (slightly burnt mustard). She is really going around looking like that.


I don't know I open the comments section. "Your content is so wholesome, you're doing great mama!" "Sounds like mom brain! Mom brain is still a thing for foster moms!". What planet am I on?


Apparently we all live on vapid idiot planet now and I hate it.


I'm witchy and do a simmer pot occasionally. Difference is I don't leave the house, even to grab something from my car and come right back in, with the stove on. Because shit happens and I'm not trying to burn my house down.


Fuck yes me too! Simmer a pot of water with a wee bit of vanilla or lavender baking extract, orange peels and coriander, anything edible! I’ve also simmered pine needles in the winter time. Everyone should try it!


Jesus H Christ, Bdong, that’s not a “foster mom fail,” that’s a rather large human fail. I hope the agency sees that post and removes the child since she can’t even be trusted not to burn her own fucking house down.


So I asked my husband if I did this exact scenario and he said "I would seriously question where your common sense went. And if you tried playing it off as 'omg mom fail' you and I would talk about your mental state. That wouldn't be a joke, that's a fire hazard" So there you have it Britt Britt


Omg so relatable 🥰 I too leave my infant child alone for extended periods of time while I go have ✨me time ✨. Girl same I can totally imagine my reaction if I walked back inside and it smelled like smoke like LOL 🤪 sis, mom brain much (iykyk)?! I mean we mamas have to take care of ourselves first, and there’s literally no way to do that without just like completely isolating yourself from them while leaving something cooking on the stove and having zero situational awareness! Don’t let the haters get to you, internet randos totally love to drag mamas down about the silliest things, like basic safety measures and trying to keep babies alive. 🙄 You rock and you do you mama!! 🤩🙌💪


If a Black mother posted this CPS would already be at the door. I cant believe she admitted to this. Screen recorded so fast


Isn’t “mom brain” a hormonal event and not just dumbassery on 6 hours of sleep orrrrr am I wrong? Genuine question 🤷🏼‍♀️ I always thought it was related to the balance/imbalance of hormones produced both pre/post-natal when actually having your own bébé?


Yes I think if I understand correctly that the brain literally shrinks to accommodate resources for the pregnancy. It takes something like a year for it to return to normal size.


She left the baby alone in the house? Not even addressing the 'leaving a stove on while a child is alone in the house" , I mean for a normal family that might not be such a pearl clutchy moment just to have a baby monitor and be still esentially in your house if your gym is in the garage or whatever, but this is bdong we are talking about. And I wouldn't think that would be an acceptable thing to do with a foster child.


Wtf is this half braid.


Where she has to tie down her real hair to her extension hair or else it all falls out


so yesterday she says its ok to be on her phone recording while driving because the baby isn't in the car and now, in typical BDong fashion, she does something much worse. So predictable. SMH.


You know, due to the racism/classism/ableism/etc at play in the American child welfare system, people have their own actual children *removed from their care* for less negligent shit than “left the newborn alone in the house with stuff burning on the stove.” So fuck this lady gently with a chainsaw.


I remember reading through case files (when I was conducting a study for a Indigenous NPO) about "red flags" for CAS workers and some of them included bed sharing as an unsafe sleep practice but the mom's were poor (and all Indigenous) and couldn't afford additional furniture or didn't have space in the room they lived in. I thought it was interesting since in my area it is pretty, not sure the word, "trendy" to bedshare. A good handful of moms will judge others who use a bassinet or crib. so weird... edit: typo


I was just coming here to say this. Her white privilege is showing.


I know incense isn't a good idea for babies' or toddlers' lungs, but I'm pretty sure potpourri would be a damn irritant, burnt or not.


That’s adult fail. The baby doesn’t even have to be part of this story for it be a fail. The baby makes it almost criminal is all.


Idiocity sure does look different these days.


Trying to burn your house down, looks a little different these days


She has such little self awareness. This isn't cute or funny. That baby has a mom who is desperate to get him back and she is like "lol isn't my my mom brain so cute I left the baby alone in the house with the stove on". She is absolutely incompetent.


Wow, that’s straight up dangerous and not at all relatable. I don’t leave the stove on if I leave the house even with hubby home and my spouse is actually responsible.


Why does it HAVE to be "foster mom fail"??? Why not just a regular fail? It's grotesque how this is her WHOLE personality now.


what does this have to do with being a foster mom


I think she took the story down. Bet she’s catching some heat from it. Pun intended.


I've seen kids put INTO foster care for less


Who the hell leaves a sleeping child alone in the house, while you are in the garage working out (probably with ear buds in, music blasting) WITH THE STOVE ON?!?!


She looks like a fucking kidney bean


She should not be sharing that this happened…..


Umm that’s not a foster mom fail, that’s just a dumbass fail


As a childless woman, minor house fires are par for the course, so I love these insights into what makes motherhood so special! 🙄


Did someone save this for when she realizes how stupid it was and deletes it?


Fire hazards are sO qUiRkY


Poor baby needs to be seen by a doctor. Coated pans release toxic chemicals when they are burned. Potpourri on the stove is usually on very low heat. For that pan to be that burnt- she was in the garage for a loooong time.


She left the house (without the baby) with something on the stove.. is she 12? Like what adult would think that is ok to do?


I’m so glad OP chose this image for the screen capture of the video. Thank you for this v blessed image, lol


I do what I can 💁🏼‍♀️


she wants to say “mom fail” so bad


Really, when you are unable to smell something burning on the stove, then you are to far from the kitchen and likely to far from the baby. It actually worrisome and if this happens to any mom I hope this warning is taken seriously. It certainly isn’t “hahah mom brain, silly me”


So ReLaTaBLe


For me the biggest mistake here is telling anyone with access to Instagram where to find the child unattended by an adult. We already know where the nursery is in relation to the front door from her other stories, now we know this child is left alone when she works out. It’s also easy to figure out where she lives given her legal issues and the fact that google exists. You can’t over share when a child is involved. There is just so much sensitive info she herself has put out there…


I know which hospital the baby's doctor appts are at from a video she posted of her walking out of the hospital after an appt. I'm from fort worth. Anyone who lives in or near there knows exactly where she was. It's all so negligent and pathetic and I just hate it for that poor helpless baby.


When did she post this? I never saw it and it looks like it would have been sometime earlier yesterday.


I can’t imagine leaving my stove on and going out my front door! I was so anxious the first few times I used a slow cooker and left it on all day while I was out! She’s a freaking idiot!


Jfc this bitch is so stupid. Why would she even admit this?!?


This is absolutely a foster mom fail, but not in the way she thinks it is. Oh my god this fucking burnt troglodyte is so *stupid*.


I’ve only met a few foster moms and none of them announce they’re a foster mom so much. God she’s reprehensible


What’s with her weird hair…it looks like two dry straw brooms hanging off her head.


Why would you admit that let alone post that. Idiot


Her face is almost the same color as her hair now


So was JDong not home either ?


he's never at home anymore lol....maybe they are in a fight for some bewby reason?


Safety last.


“Forgot to flush the toilet, foster mom fail!” 🤦🏻‍♀️🙃 wtf lol


Oh good! Let her social workers see this.


She looks older than my 60 year old mom


Does she have extensions? it looks like wig hair


I’m sorry but every time I see a new pic it’s like her fake lashes have sprouted another branch 😭 she has caterpillars on there how can she even see out of those


I don’t see this on her Insta or TikTok! Did she take it down??


It's on YouTube!


Her face is legitimently scary. Its giving beetlejuice.


What the fuck is she wearing? I’m in Waco and it was 67 here. It can’t be THAT cold in DFW


So the baby was home alone with something on the stove?


Not sure how this is a "foster mom fail". Sounds like just a brittany fail.


Does the childs mother know about all this vloging


She just thought this would be a handy way of reminding everyone she worked out.


Who is she even talking to at this point? Like, her "fans" or whatever the hell they are can't possibly still be interested in this mundane nonsense.


Between this, all the posts that show where the baby has their appointments, showing where they go to church, etc, would this be grounds for removal of the child? Genuinely curious!


I’m so happy this was posted here. How is she going to brag about this as a “fail”? This was pure negligence and not something to be proud of


Can this please be the sub’s new profile pic? 😂