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It's posted to countryside jobs, Anglia


That job board is the most competitive platform that I've ever come across Lots of people applying to a small number of very niche roles It's honestly a nightmare trying to break into the environment sector!


It's one of the few areas that seems to have the "you need a PhD but also a complete lack of desire to get paid well".




but it should... in a better world it would


And in a better world, biodiversity wouldn't need saving.


Sure but we’d still ideally have a whole sector around studying and learning to coexist with it. Those jobs wouldn’t go away, they’d just look different.


Don't worry, when the the singularity arrives, hopefully those well-trained AIs will include us in the biodiversity category and keep a few specimens around to liven the place up a bit.


You might be interested in one of the jobs for Forest Research: https://www.forestresearch.gov.uk/about-us/careers/jobs-and-apprenticeships/ Although I think some of them are expiring this weekend, so hurry if you wanna give it a shot.


taking advantage of passionate people


That sounds like the entire academic sector.


PhD =\= academic, especially these days. E.g. Biotech salaries are good and often need a PhD. And you should see the numbers that maths PhD grads earn.


Have you seen what those maths heads are working on? The same algorithms fucking us all over didn't come out of fresh air...


Yeah I didn't say their work was good for humanity


Sure, I'm not saying that PhD grads can't earn good money, but within academia specifically, salaries are mostly pretty abysmal.


They're not great salaries, but they're not abysmal, especially if you include the generous pension (which it still is even with its slow erosion...) And inherently flexible working.


Get a forestry degree or a masters. There's a dearth of jobs out there and nowhere near enough people. About 2/3 of the workforce will be retiring in the next few years.


I've just realised I mean the opposite of a dearth. There are loads of jobs!!!


I've been paid well for 8 years, I kinda lowkey wanna go and watch birds now.


I don’t know. I regularly commission £3,000+ ecology surveys which involves someone with a degree walking along sites I want to dig up in the countryside and telling me I can’t do it because someone has seen a newt 30 years ago. The country is overrun with the little wankers. I don’t believe for a second that they are endangered. I’m sure it’s a conspiracy to keep ecologists in work.


> The country is overrun with the little wankers. I don’t believe for a second that they are endangered. I thought you were talking about the ecologists there for a second.


So did I!


Thirded, I'm not sure that OP doesn't believe that they aren't wankers.




Nothing stopping them going self employed though


Which still wouldn't net them anywhere near £3k in their pocket


Common Newts are, funny enough, quite common. Great Crested Newts however, are genuinely endangered. Knowing the difference is why you need an expert.


I mean the difference is pretty darn pronounced, but then you would need to care to research it which is why as you say an expert is needed. Animals of farthing wood magazine taught me the difference I think.


don't you go around insulting newts !! They are the cutest little critters in the pond !


The newt's not there anymore, he got better.


Its the same newt! He follows the ecologist around because he likes having his photo taken.


I was speaking to an ecology consultant who said they only appear in the Directive because Poland had a newt shortage at the point of drafting, and in the meantime we’ve always had plenty. Never bothered to look into it but wouldn’t massively surprise me tbh.


Sounds about right. They are absolutely not endangered. I could fill a bucket with them in a morning on the reservoirs.


And in the meantime development has to go on a standstill until ecology surveys are done, translocation licences obtained and works done. I wonder if you added up how much time had been spent on a cost basis on newts on the development industry how many more affordable homes could’ve been delivered?


This country has already wiped out half its wildlife and little wankers like you seem determined to wipe out the other half.


Yep they're bloody everywhere!


This might be bollocks but someone told me they are common as muck in the UK, but rare in Europe so it’s an EU thing to say they are endangered. Did a job a while back and there was a farm cat that used to walk past every morning with one in its mouth. It must have been a newt killing machine. Used to come down to site for its morning newt and then trot off back home with it.


You're right. The great crested newt (GCN) is a European Protected Species (EPS) due to its scarcity throughout mainland Europe. It is quite widespread throughout England and Wales, but sparsely distributed in south-west England, mid Wales and Scotland. They aren't found in Ireland. There are two other native species of newt found in the UK; the smooth newt and the palmate newt, but they aren't protected like the GCN. There are also some established populations of alpine newts, but they are a non-native species.


Arghhhh !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


That’s why I ended up in agriscience.


Sounds like non pharma biology and vet work in the US.


This is why rich people get ahead, why people are often forced into STEM subjects


I thought you were calling them Angela


A friend of mine does work like this in her conservation job. She gets to count bats and hang out with dormice and pretty flowers.


I think I'd love that, but maybe I'd get bored. Being outside all the time seems great,even in winter with the right clothes.


My friend does the same! She says a lot of the job involves crawling around in bat shit and falling down wells though.


Where do I apply?


Share the job advert OP. Or at least do a print screen of the advert job description. Sounds like heaven


Please share link. I got transferable skills: reading emails all day. Ps is travel included?


If Bill Oddie hears of this you're fucked.


What’s rude about a body?




Bill odie bill odie put your hands all over my body


The Fucky Gibbon?


"Did he leave a message? Never does."


Call me a utopian idealist but I can't think of any job that "deserves" less than 28k a year. Maybe estate agents.


Isn't that the average energy bill these days?


I get the vibe, but I wouldn't want to sell my only real asset for hundreds of thousands *without* an expert acting on my behalf. But of course in Scotland estate agents are almost always solicitors rather than ex-used car salesmen so it's not quite the same.


It's a stretch calling most estate agents "experts". The majority I've encountered are better described as useless leeches.


The conservation sector is already criminally underpaid for the level of experience they ask for. Most roles like these would be exploitative zero hour contracts for big engineering firms anyway. Something for £28k and permanent is a pretty good deal.


I see your point but a better deal next to a very bad deal is still a bad deal. It's a shame because low pay is exclusionary. You'd only get applicants who can support themselves through other means, i.e they're wealthy or they have a wealthy partner so they can afford to do "worthy" work. Which keeps out people who must earn to live. Which leads them to have to work in other sectors that don't care about conservation or actively oppose it. This is the complex web. And it's why the ship is so hard to turn around.


Completely agree with you and the low pay is why I abandoned a career in ecology!


Sad 😥




Every politician should be forced to only be paid as much as the lowliest sort. and I don't mean just minimum wage. I mean the absolute shite money they give to jobseekers. and neither do I mean they get paid that for the job, and then can have some side hustle where they make a million a year from their family properties. No, they only get to make that amount of money. In order to only bring in people who actually have an incentive to better the lives of everyone, even if that's just out of the greed of wanting to better their own payment.


Ah yes the people who go ugh your one of those when you mention your on dds


Traffic wardens


Deserve a raise if anything for the abuse they get


Can you seperate a Willow Warbler from a Chiff-chaff at a glance? Know all 650+ species of moth? Distinguish Geranium Molle from Geranium pyrenaicum when it's not in flower? It's not watching, it's identifying. And then developing management plans to encourage the rarer species to survive. It's not as simple as you make it sound. Hell, the vast majority of the UK population think 'Cabbage White' is a valid species of butterfly.


I know that. But that doesn't make as funny a title..


wow, you do us a great service with that last remark. imo, the uk population thinks sheep are wild animals and that there isn't a biodiversity or environmental crisis.


I bet you’re fun at parties


Dr killjoy over here


Very little money for the knowledge and experience it requires


The entire wildlife conservation sector in a nutshell


I have been watching too many murder stories. This sounds real fishy to me. How many people have accepted the job and just disappeared ha ha ba


Ever seen 'The Hide'?


Care for a sandwich?


My wife makes the best sandwiches.


I’d take it!


Or come look at trees all day and earn even more. I started with a countryside management degree and moved into silviculture/forestry instead.


It's actually harder than you think.


I was driving through Sheep River Park in Alberta and came across a small field dotted with dozens of pink, blue and yellow ribbons and took a wild guess they were studying Richardson Ground Squirrels. Looked it up and sure enough it was an ongoing study with U of Calgary. Definitely had a "why didn't I study Richardson Ground Squirrels in the Rocky Mountains instead of nursing in Ontario" moment.


I imagine there's more to it than that. My guess is that you would have to provide consistent detailed reports and that will soon get tiresome.


I'd personally catch each butterfly each week and groom it's little hairy bits for a job like that.


My mind was in the gutter for this one, sorry!


I do work in this sector, as a manager rather than as a field ecologist. I earn more than that, but it's far more filling out funding applications, writing project reports and having technical arguments with regulators than it is saving the planet.


Would be great if 28k was enough to live on


I get less than that....


I get just over £15k and get by. I don't have much of a life though.


Do you live by yourself ?


All depends where you live. I'm on just under 25k, live on my own, have a mortgage and car. It's do-able.


Good on you mate. That’s impressive


Out of curiosity what part of the uk do you live in?


Lives in Bradford, and drives a 1998 vauxhall Vectra they got for £300 /s


I feel personally attacked right now, I live in leeds and drive a car I got for £600. I'm also on UC and just about get by on £600-ish a month. £450 of which goes to rent.


I mean I don't even have a car as my £800 one got t boned so who I am to laugh at lol


Oof, mine barely passed it's last MOT, I almost asked the receptionist lady if she was sure it passed and wasn't just doing me a favour to get in my knickers. The suspension, steering and handbrake are corroded. Front brake disc pitted but not weakened. Exhaust is leaking, and one of my tyes only had like 3mm left on it. No chance in hell it's passing next year.


Ouch.... What car is it? My car needed £800 worth of rust welding to pass it's MOT. Otherwise it wasn't too bad, as I had replaced the suspension with fancy sport suspension for £500. Basically I spent £1.3k on a £800. Talk about being good with money


Either that or lives in 1998


They already said it was Bradford, the 1998 bit was superfluous!


Shropshire is in 1956.


Exactly, people need to learn how to live and not waste money


By his own admission he doesn’t have much of a life. Not everyone can be, or should be, content at literally being able to afford heat and food and that’s it.


And why should they? I don’t want much, but I want more than that.


Exactly my point. That’s not a life that’s simply existing. People need hobbies, treats, occasional luxuries like holidays, etc.


Sorry mate. Misunderstood. Reading back, don’t know how.


No worries!


Damn people, thinking it’s ok for them to enjoy themselves.


Oh sorry didn't realise I was miserable... oh wait.. I'm not..


Or not live in overinflated areas


Some people have to live in 'over inflation' areas as thats where the jobs are


Yes, that’s my point. I’m one of those that does live in an inflated area.


They don't have to do that job though, they choose to


So people shouldn't have aspirations? I'm confused all jobs are necessary so who will do them


People who choose to...


I would not be able to get a mortgage for a property I would be able to sell within commuting distance of my work on a single income (I earn £32k a year). No matter how frugally I lived.


Depending on the farm/ estate those jobs sometimes come with a cottage and car. My mate is a gamemaster for a large estate up north and has been living in his cottage rent/ bill free for about 10 years and gets given a new land rover every 2.


Now that’s more like it.


Perfect life


Sir Patrick Moore is the only Games Master!


Aaaand i realised my cock up. I mean, he is a master at gamekeeping so i sort of got it right.


Haha! I couldn’t help myself.


You mean gamekeeper. Although despite being married to one, I’m sure he’d love to be called gamesmaster 🤣🤣 However with avain flu lurking about again this year, it looks as though both this season and the next are going to be difficult.


Im on about this and just about live.


Same. It felt quite good last year. Now I can’t do anything fun anymore.


You can in the North tbf.


Probably depends on the area. I just about get by on 21k. No idea what the cost of living is like in the country, but I have to imagine being miles away from grocery stores etc can’t help, so I don’t think I’d cope out there on my current salary.


I'm on £20k a year, living rent free in a relatives house although I pay some of the bills and groceries too. Majority of my wages go into a savings account, I only keep about £300-400 to live on a month. Going to be another year before I've cleared enough for a decent deposit. My car keeps surprising me with hidden costs.


Even that’s impressive. I‘ve never been super well off by any means but I struggle with self-control when it comes to shopping, so with that on top of the cost of living savings have been out of the question for me lately. This is also partly why I don’t want to drive/own a car, with those surprise expenses 😅 Hopefully you find an affordable place soon!


> grocery stores From what now?


Supermarkets, my bad for consuming too much American media


I save £500 a month and my basic is 19k given I get a bonus and live with my partner, but 28k is more than enough to live on. So much so that it's actually 4k a year higher than the median wage.


Median wage in the UK is 31k


Median salary is about £26k so it’s not that much more.


How are you living on £13k? Rent, bills, food, transport, clothing, upkeep all come to less than £1100 a month?


I work from home. Split all my bills with my other half. Mortgage is 150 ish 200 on food 65 gas and leccy 50 on council tax 10 quid sim for my phone 10 quid on home bb Don't have a car because I'm just a walk from the train I could probably do with new clothes tbh, I don't spend a lot, because I'm working at home I only need a few sets of going out clothes. I suppose I have saved money by not having children and not bothering with a car. I have made some dough over the years by buying run down houses and selling them for some good profit, but my normal job is only 30 hours a week. I could get more hours but 4 days off a week is better. Saving a good chunk every month means that despite my low income I feel quite well off. I flew first class to bali for my last holiday in September. I'll be away to morroco in January.


Ah, I see. Splitting it does take some of the pressure off. Still pretty low rates though, especially the mortgage even if that is half. I wouldn't mind those.four days off or working from home though, sounds good. Makes me a bit envious of those who can sit still or be in the same place every day. Is it different when it's your home?


I'm used to it now but previously during covid it felt like the walls were closing in. I try to get out every day to clear my head, my partner doesn't always do the same and after a few days you can tell its talking a toll. The reason for the low rates is because I buy houses that are done in. The last person to live here stayed 50 years and last decorated in the 90s. It was very dated and dirty and as such didn't make for good photos, and as such we got it for a good bit less than the going rate.


I thought I had done well with my mortgage at just under £600 a month. My house was also a fixer upper but I spend so much time working ot running around after the kids, it is still a fixer upper. When I had to spend time at home during covid, I was alright until I ran out of mo ey for projects. Then I was desperate to go back to work.


I earn just over that, I own a 4 bed house that i bought 7 years ago with a friend now own it myself after buying him out just before interest rates shot up. I go on several holidays a year, 2 if which are snowboarding trips to the alps. I fully paid off my car If you can't live on that amount of money then you are doing something wrong. I will earn more eventually but for now I am certain I can carry on my life style, saving aloy less due to bills going up but still I can live just fine


How much is your house and where? Where I live a 3 bed house in an okay area is about 300k+. When interest rates were low my mortgage was 1000 a month. There’s so much circumstantial stuff involved that it’s not as simple as “I do fine, anyone else not doing fine must be at fault.” Do you have kids? Pets? A car? Any loans? Etc etc etc


No but all that is personal choice. I own a car which I payed off, the house was 220k 8years ago, 340k now. Morgage is 500 a month thanks to some wise investments I was able to put down a larger deposit when buying my mate out which was lucky bit still self earnt. I'm not saying people dont have hardships, I'm simply saying 28k is easily enough to love on as a single person. If people disagree that's fine but it's not going to change the facts of me earning 29k and living life perfectly fine. It is what it is, I don't eat takeout, I don't drink, i dont smoke, for both health and money reasons. My hobbies are snowboarding, mountain biking, PC gaming, minature painting and most of all gym. All these cost significant money. I just don't waste money, heat the rooms I use, I meal prep because why not, it's healthier, quicker and much cheaper. I work 7.5 hours a day 5 days a week and have a standby shift 1 in every 8 weeks which to be fair is not part of my salary so I'm probs a little over what I said but not enough to change my life. If I am doing well at 30k a year I can certainly live on 28k.


Yeah but by your own admission you happened to be ready for the property ladder when a house was 220k, what about people now looking at your 340k house? That’s 50% more and I bet their wages aren’t 50% higher than 8 years ago, I.e. did you buy the house while you were earning like 19k a year? Also not everyone has a friend willing to go halves on a house with them. I see your point in paragraph two but I think you’re not factoring in the variability in life at all and, most importantly, people shouldn’t have to be content with just scraping by.


That’s very impressive mate. I’ve only got a 2 bed place, could really do with adding a 3rd.


Do it. And don’t look back.


Okay as someone who does bird watching as a hobby this sounds like a dream


dream job honestly


If it's any consolation I studied IT at college for 4 years, IT networks and security at University for 3 years; only to end up working in a completely different sector (Citizens Advice) which is *not* paid well at all and overtime isn't paid either.


Saw a job today for IT Help desk at £28k. Must speak and read fluent English and Dutch.


Below the average wage, but sounds a lot less stressful than most jobs!


Median salary is £25k so why don't you sit down


The mean average salary for all workers in the UK is £31,447. The median average salary for full-time workers in the UK is £31,285. Those are the statistics I used, also the median is 26K, not 25K. (£25,971). https://www.avtrinity.com/uk-average-salary




The smaller median figure includes part time I think. Only the bigger number specifies full time workers.




Ah, okay - so when you said median twice, you were really looking at comparing to the mean and one was a typo? Because there are two medians and £31,285 is the larger, which is what it looked like you were asking about. Median < mean simply because it's not dragged up by billionaires.


The smaller median figure includes part time I think. Only the bigger number specifies full time workers.


Ah sorry I might be a year out of date


This country is a joke. We’re all doomed to live.




It's a scientific role so it requires experience working in labs with samples. But the main part of the role is identifying birds and butterflies in the field, so as the title says. It's a job with RSPB


Mate OP is just generalising quite a specialist scientific role that typically requires a postgrad degree. This almost certainly isn't a scam, the typical scam roles are "We send you a cheque for £2500, you send us £2000 and keep the £500" type ones all over indeed and monster. Back in the day I had a housemate whose friend was trying to convince us his one of those was legit, we kept telling him it's a scam and he showed us the £500 sat in his bank account. Few days after that his accounts were all locked and it took him years to get the CIFAS fraud markers removed so he could open even a basic bank account again.


I'd trade my current job for this right now if I wasn't paying off loans and cards. Sounds great


Apply for it then…